Adopted and Filed

Contribution rates; protected occupations; service purchases; benefits, including death and disability; overpayments; reporting; domestic relations orders; records, amendments to chs 4, 8, 9, 11 to 14, 16, 17

Untitled document

ARC 1887C


Adopted and Filed

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code sections 97B.4 and 97B.15, the Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System (IPERS) hereby amends Chapter 4, "Employers," Chapter 8, "Service Purchases," Chapter 9, "Refunds," Chapter 11, "Application for, Modification of, and Termination of Benefits," Chapter 12, "Calculation of Monthly Retirement Benefits," Chapter 13, "Disability for Regular and Special Service Members," Chapter 14, "Death Benefits and Beneficiaries," Chapter 16, "Domestic Relations Orders and Other Assignments," and Chapter 17, "Public Records and Fair Information Practices," Iowa Administrative Code.

These amendments:

Implement contribution rates for regular and special service members beginning July 1, 2015;

Add two new protection occupation class groups, pursuant to legislation in 2014;

Change the time of service purchases made by members to at the time of retirement only, effective January 1, 2016;

Clarify requirements for submission of a completed retirement or disability retirement application by a member with regard to termination dates provided by the employer and acceptable proof of date of birth;

Conform rules for recovery of overpayments and for interest charged in the case of fraud to the business rules and procedures currently in place;

Clarify vesting requirements and that level payment options are not available to members applying for disability benefits;

Update rules to conform to the language of controlling statutes;

Remove language regarding same gender spouse or former spouse, same sex spouse or former spouse, or Administrable Domestic Relations Order, or ADRO, in definitions and related provisions;

Conform IPERS' reporting requirements to IRS reporting requirements for distributions to nonspouse successor alternate payees;

Update rules to better clarify the intent, make the rules consistent, or correct outdated references;

Update several rules regarding IPERS' administration of Domestic Relations Orders; and

Update the definition of "record" to be consistent with business rules and procedures.

Notice of Intended Action was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on December 24, 2014, as ARC 1800C. A public hearing was held on January 13, 2015, at 9 IPERS, 7401 Register Drive, Des Moines, Iowa, in Conference Room G. No one attended the public hearing, and no written comments were received. One technical correction has been made since publication of the Notice of Intended Action. The word "subrule" has been changed to "rule" in the last paragraph of rule 495—14.1(97B) in Item 36.

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.

These amendments are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 97B.4 and 97B.15.

These amendments will become effective March 25, 2015.

The following amendments are adopted.

Item 1. Amend paragraph 4.6(1)"b" as follows:

b. Effective July 1, 2012, and every year thereafter, the contribution rates for regular members shall be publicly declared by IPERS staff no later than the preceding December as determined by the annual valuation of the preceding fiscal year. The public declaration of contribution rates will be followed by rule making that will include a notice and comment period and that will become effective July 1 of the next fiscal year. Contribution rates for regular members are as follows.


July 1, 2012


July 1, 2013


July 1, 2014


July 1, 2015

Combined rate















Item 2. Amend subrule 4.6(2) as follows:

4.6(2) Contribution rates for sheriffs and deputy sheriffs are as follows.

Effective July 1, 2010

Effective July 1, 2011

Effective July 1, 2012

Effective July 1, 2013

Effective July 1, 2014

Effective July 1, 2015

Combined rate





















Item 3. Amend subrule 4.6(3) as follows:

4.6(3) Contribution rates for protection occupations are as follows.

Effective July 1, 2010

Effective July 1, 2011

Effective July 1, 2012

Effective July 1, 2013

Effective July 1, 2014

Effective July 1, 2015

Combined rate





















Item 4. Adopt the following new paragraph 4.6(4)"n":

n. Effective July 1, 2014, an employee of the insurance division of the department of commerce who as a condition of employment is required to be certified by the Iowa law enforcement academy and who is required to perform the duties of a peace officer as provided in Iowa Code section 507E.8.

Item 5. Adopt the following new paragraph 4.6(4)"o":

o. Effective July 1, 2014, an employee of a judicial district department of correctional services whose condition of employment requires the employee to be certified by the Iowa law enforcement academy and who is required to perform the duties of a parole officer as provided in Iowa Code section 906.2.

Item 6. Adopt the following new paragraph 8.1(2)"g":

g. Effective January 1, 2016, for new service purchase applications and updated cost requests received, the following procedures and calculations shall apply:

(1)Service purchase estimate prior to retirement. Members who are vested by service may request a service purchase estimate by completing and submitting a service purchase application. Once the application is submitted, IPERS shall complete a cost estimate. This calculation is an estimate only and is not considered binding. The cost estimate shall be calculated as follows:

1.IPERS will calculate the cost by capturing the baseline benefit attributes at the member's anticipated retirement date without any service purchase quarterly credits including: average salary, years of service, the Option 2 benefit amount, current member investment amount and the calculated present-day reserve value. The present-day reserve value is a lump sum value calculated with actuarial tables provided by the system's actuary which represents the lump sum value sufficient to pay the monthly benefits over the member's expected life span.

2.With each potential purchasable quarterly service credit, IPERS will recalculate the Option 2 benefit amount. A new present-day reserve value will also be calculated. The cost of each quarterly service credit will be the difference between the new reserve amount and the previous one.

(2)Final service purchase cost quote at retirement. On or before the date that a member's first benefit payment is issued, a member who is vested by service may request a final service purchase cost quote by completing and submitting an application for retirement/disability benefit indicating the member's desire to receive a final service purchase cost quote. Once submitted, IPERS shall generate a final service purchase cost quote once all of the member's wages are submitted to IPERS, which may be after the member's first month of entitlement. The final cost quote shall be calculated as follows:

1.IPERS will calculate the cost by capturing the baseline benefit attributes at the member's first month of entitlement without any service purchase quarterly credits including: average salary, years of service, the Option 2 benefit amount, current member investment amount and the calculated present-day reserve value. The present-day reserve value is a lump sum value calculated with actuarial tables provided by the system's actuary which represents the lump sum value sufficient to pay the monthly benefits over the member's expected life span. With each potential purchasable service credit, IPERS will recalculate the Option 2 benefit amount. A new present-day reserve value will also be calculated. The cost of each purchasable quarter of service credit will be the difference between the new reserve amount and the previous one.

2.The retired member will have six months from the date in which IPERS generates the final service purchase cost quote to purchase additional service.

3.If the retired member purchases service within the six-month deadline, the increase in the retirement benefit shall be made effective with the month of the service purchase payment.

4.Retired members who do not indicate their desire for a final service purchase cost quote on or before the date their first payment is issued or do not complete the purchase within the six-month deadline indicated on the final service purchase cost quote shall not be eligible to purchase additional credit.

(3)Cost adjustments due to changes in the original retirement benefit. If an error in the service purchase cost is discovered or a retired member's account is adjusted in any manner after a purchase is made, IPERS may rescind the service purchase, make adjustments to the service purchase cost, or adjust the retirement allowance to ensure the member paid the actuarial cost of buying additional service. In the event that a retired member overpays due to an adjustment, IPERS will issue a refund to the retired member directly or to the rollover institution.

Item 7. Amend subrule 8.1(3) as follows:

8.1(3) IPERS buy-back. Effective July 1, 1996, only vested or retired members may buy back previously refunded IPERS credit. For the period beginning July 1, 1996, and ending June 30, 1999, an eligible member is required to make membership contributions equal to the accumulated contributions received by the member for the period of service being purchased plus accumulated interest and interest dividends. Effective July 1, 1999, an eligible member must pay the actuarial cost of a buy-back, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions and cost methods used in preparing IPERS' annual actuarial valuation, except that: (1) the retirement assumption shall be changed to 100 percent at the member's earliest unreduced retirement age; and (2) if gender-distinct mortality assumptions are used in the annual actuarial valuation, the system shall use blended mortality assumptions reasonably representative of the system's experience. The actuarial cost of a service purchase shall be the difference between (1) the actuarial accrued liability for the member using the foregoing assumptions and current service credits, and (2) the actuarial accrued liability for the member using the foregoing assumptions, current service credits, and all quarters of service credit available for purchase. If IPERS changes the service purchase mortality assumptions, all outstanding service purchase quotes shall be binding for the remainder of the periods for which the cost quotes were issued. A cost quote for a service purchase shall expire six months after the date printed on the cost quote letter. After that time, a new cost quote must be obtained for any quarters not previously purchased.

Effective July 1, 1996, buy-backs may be made in increments of one or more calendar quarters. Prior to July 1, 1996, the member was required to repurchase the entire period of service and repay the total amount received plus accumulated interest and interest dividends.

A member who is vested solely by having attained the age of 55 must have at least one calendar quarter of wages on file with IPERS before completing a buy-back.

For persons who submitted requests for buy-back cost quotes on or before January 14, 2004, IPERS shall restore the wage records of a member who makes a buy-back based on those quotes and utilize those wage records in subsequent benefit calculations for that member.

For persons who submit requests for buy-back cost quotes and make purchases based on those quotes after January 14, 2004, IPERS shall not restore the wage records for the purchased quarters. After January 14, 2004, such buy-backs shall be treated like all other service purchases and IPERS will only restore service credit.

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 8. Adopt the following new paragraph 8.1(5)"e":

e. Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 9. Adopt the following new paragraph 8.1(6)"e":

e. Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay 40 percent and the Iowa legislature shall pay 60 percent of the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 10. Adopt the following new paragraph 8.1(7)"e":

e. Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 11. Amend subrule 8.1(8) as follows:

8.1(8) Leaves of absence. Service credit for leaves of absence that begin on or after July 1, 1998, may be purchased. A member must be vested or retired and must have one calendar year of wages on file in order to make such a purchase.

For a leave of absence beginning on or after July 1, 1998, and purchased before July 1, 1999, the service purchase cost shall be equal to the employer and employee contributions and interest payable for the employee's most recent year of covered wages, adjusted by the inflation factor used in paragraph 8.1(2)"c." For a leave of absence beginning on or after July 1, 1998, and purchased on or after July 1, 1999, the service purchase cost shall be the actuarial cost, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost of a service purchase under this subrule, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions and cost methods as those in paragraph 8.1(2)"f."

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 12. Amend subrule 8.1(9) as follows:

8.1(9) Service credit for elective coverage positions—coverage not elected. Service credit for periods of time prior to January 1, 1999, when the member was employed in a position for which coverage could have been elected, but was not, may be purchased. The cost of such service purchases shall be calculated in the same manner as provided for buy-ins under paragraph 8.1(2)"f." In addition, a member must be vested or retired, and must have one calendar year of wages on file in order to make such a purchase.

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 13. Amend subrule 8.1(10) as follows:

8.1(10) Service credit for noncovered public employment in Iowa. A vested or retired member who has one or more years of service credit and who was previously employed in public employment for which optional coverage was not available, such as substitute teaching or other temporary employment, may purchase service credit for such employment subject to the requirements of Iowa Code section 97B.80C. Service credit may not be purchased under this subrule for periods in which the individual was performing services as an independent contractor. The contributions required under this subrule shall be in an amount equal to the actuarial cost of the service purchase as determined under paragraph 8.1(2)"f."

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 14. Amend rule 495—8.4(97B) as follows:

495—8.4(97B) Required quarters of wages on file.

8.4(1) If a member is attempting to purchase service credit under this chapter, and any particular rule under this chapter requires that the member must have four calendar quarters of wages on file as a precondition to making the purchase, and the member's regular job duties are performed in fewer than four calendar quarters each year, the four-calendar-quarter requirement shall be reduced to the number of calendar quarters regularly worked by the member.

8.4(2) Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service.

Item 15. Amend paragraph 8.5(1)"a" as follows:

a. Active and inactive members. For active and inactive members, a service purchase cost quote must include the following information: member's date of birth, the applicable occupation class code, total years of current unused IPERS service credit, highest calendar year of covered wages on file, member's current investment, and the total number of quarters available to purchase on this cost quote.

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 16. Amend paragraph 8.5(1)"b" as follows:

b. Retired members. For retired members, a service purchase cost quote must include the following information: member's date of birth, the applicable occupation class code, average of the highest three calendar years of covered wages, the option the member selected at retirement, the total number of quarters available to purchase on this cost quote, and a calculation of the member's new benefit amount if the member actually purchases all of the quarters in this service purchase cost quote.

If the member retired under Option 4 or 6, IPERS must be provided with either the date of death or the date of birth, as applicable, for the contingent annuitant, and the percent selected by the member for continuation of benefits to the contingent annuitant upon the member's death. If the member retired under Option 6, IPERS shall calculate how the member's benefits will change under Option 2 upon the contingent annuitant's death. In preparing cost quotes for retired members who selected Option 4 or 6, IPERS shall use for beneficiary mortality assumption the reverse of the assumption used for benefit mortality.

If the member retired under Option 5, a service purchase cost quote shall also include information on how many months are remaining on the guaranteed ten-year payout.

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

Item 17. Amend paragraph 8.5(1)"c" as follows:

c. Reemployment. If the member is retired and subsequently reemployed in IPERS covered employment and then requests a service purchase cost quote, IPERS shall apply the service to be purchased to the member's original annuity. IPERS shall use the same information as described in paragraphs "a" and "b" of this subrule, and IPERS shall appropriately calculate the service purchase cost quote.

Effective January 1, 2016, retired and subsequently reemployed members are no longer eligible.

Item 18. Amend subrule 8.5(2) as follows:

8.5(2) Additional service purchase procedures.

a. Service purchase cost quotes for members currently in special service positions shall be prepared as special service credit.

b. Service purchase cost quotes for a member with a combination of currently unused regular service credit and special service credit shall be prepared reflecting purchase as regular service credit and alternatively as special service credit, regardless of the member's current occupation classification code. The member may choose whether to purchase the service as regular service credit or as special service credit, but not as a combination of both.

c. b.Members covered under another retirement plan. Members who wish to buy service credit for all employment that is covered by another retirement plan qualified under IRC Section 401 (or would qualify if submitted to the IRS under IRC Section 401), IRC Section 403 or 457 and similar plans and retirement pay from the United States government for active duty in the armed forces (except retirement pay for nonregular service pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Sections 12731-12739) must waive their right to benefits based on the service credit that is being purchased under IPERS. If a waiver is not obtained, however, service purchases for such employment may still be made, but shall be limited to 20 quarters.

d. c.Members retired under IPERS' disability formula. A retired member receiving IPERS benefits as a result of a disability shall receive a service purchase cost quote which reflects no penalty for early age reduction.

e. d.Effective January 1, 2007, IPERS may, notwithstanding certain provisions of Iowa Code section 97B.82 adopted in order to comply with prior rollover provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, utilize forms and procedures permitting direct rollover service purchases to include after-tax amounts as provided under the applicable rollover provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as amended subsequent to the enactment of Iowa Code section 97B.82.

Item 19. Amend subrule 8.5(4) as follows:

8.5(4) "Buy up" of service credit through service purchase. Effective July 1, 2008, IPERS members may be allowed to "buy up" service credit. The term "buy up" means to convert regular service credit to special service credit by payment of the actuarial cost. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions and cost methods as those in paragraph 8.1(2)"f," except as modified according to the actuary's recommendations.

Effective January 1, 2016, the member must be vested by service and must pay the actuarial cost of a service purchase, as certified by IPERS. In calculating the actuarial cost, IPERS shall apply the same actuarial assumptions, procedures and cost methods as those described in paragraph 8.1(2)"g."

a. Active, retired and inactive members. A Effective January 1, 2016, a member must have at least one quarter of available or retired special service wages on file and must be vested by years of service at the time of the buy-up. A service purchase cost quote must include the following information:

Active and Inactive Members

Retired Members

Member ID or social security account number



Date of birth



Occupation code


At retirement


Highest year of calendar wage

Average of the highest three calendar years of wages used at retirement

Years of service – regular



Years of service – sheriffs/deputies



Years of service – protection occupation



Number of quarters available to buy up



Type of conversion – sheriffs/deputies or protection occupation



Investment (employee's contributions and interest)


At retirement

b. No change.

c. Wage adjustment after a buy-up.

(1)If an employer submits wage adjustments on service credit that has been purchased through a buy-up, the member's cost quote will not be affected by a wage adjustment that alters the reported wages on file, so long as reported wages for the buy-up quarters are not reduced below $1.

(2) If an employer wage adjustment completely removes a member's service credit in a buy-up quarter, IPERS shall correct the service credit, and perform the necessary recalculations, and contact the member, if necessary, for any contribution and benefit payment adjustments.

d. No change.

Item 20. Adopt the following new rule 495—8.6(97B):

495—8.6(97B) Adjustments. If an error in the service purchase cost is discovered or a member's account is adjusted in any manner after a purchase is made, IPERS may rescind the service purchase, make adjustments to the service purchase cost, or adjust the retirement allowance to ensure the active or retired member is paying the actuarial cost of buying additional service.

Item 21. Amend 495—Chapter 8, implementation sentence, as follows:

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 97B.1A, 97B.1A(13), 97B.1A(20), 97B.43, 97B.73B, 97B.80, 97B.80C, and 97B.82.

Item 22. Amend subrule 9.4(2) as follows:

9.4(2) The last date the member is considered an employee and the date of the last paycheck from which IPERS contributions will be deducted must be certified by the employer on the refund application unless the member has not been paid covered wages for at least one year or the employer has provided the termination date and date of the last paycheck on the monthly wage reports. Terminated employees must keep IPERS advised in writing of any change in address so that refunds and tax documents may be delivered.

Item 23. Amend paragraph 11.1(1)"c" as follows:

c. If the member has been terminated less than one year, or is applying for disability benefits, the employer certification page must be completed by the employer unless the employer has provided the termination date and date of the last paycheck on the monthly wage reports.

Item 24. Amend subrule 11.1(2) as follows:

11.1(2) Proof required in connection with application. Proof of date of birth to be submitted with an application for benefits shall be in the form of a birth certificate or, a U.S. passport, an infant baptismal certificate, a state identification card that is issued in compliance with the REAL ID Act of 2005, or a driver's license that is issued in compliance with the REAL ID Act of 2005. If these records do not exist, the applicant shall submit two other documents or records which will verify the day, month and year of birth. A photographic identification record may be accepted even if now expired unless the passage of time has made it impossible to determine if the photographic identification record is that of the applicant. The following records or documents are among those deemed acceptable to IPERS as proof of date of birth:

a. United States census record;

b. Military record or identification card;

c. Naturalization record;

d. A marriage license showing age of applicant in years, months and days on date of issuance;

e. A life insurance policy;

f. Records in a school's administrative office;

g. An official form document from the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, such as the a "green card," containing such information;

h. Driver's license or Iowa nondriver identification card;

i. Adoption papers;

j. A family Bible record. A photostatic copy photocopy will be accepted with a notarized certification by a notary that the record appears to be genuine; or

k. Any other document or record ten or more years old, or certification from the custodian of such records which verifies the day, month, and year of birth.

If the member, the member's representative, or the member's beneficiary is unable or unwilling to provide proof of birth, or in the case of death, proof of death, IPERS may rely on such resources as it has available, including but not limited to records from the Social Security Administration, Iowa division of records and statistics, IPERS' own internal records, or reports derived from other public records, and other departmental or governmental records to which IPERS may have access.

IPERS is required to begin making payments to a member or beneficiary who has reached the required beginning date specified by Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9). In order to begin making such payments and to protect IPERS' status as a plan qualified under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a), IPERS may rely on its internal records with regard to date of birth, if the member or beneficiary is unable or unwilling to provide the proofs required by this subrule within 30 days after written notification of IPERS' intent to begin mandatory payments.

Item 25. Amend paragraph 11.2(4)"e" as follows:

e. If an IPERS member has a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) or an administrable domestic relations order (ADRO) on file when a mandatory distribution is required, and the QDRO or ADRO requires the member to choose a specific retirement option, IPERS shall pay benefits under the option required by the order.

Item 26. Amend paragraph 11.7(5)"b" as follows:

b. Overpayments as the result of fraud in violation of Iowa Code section 97B.40 or 715A.8. If the overpayment of benefits, other than an overpayment that results from a violation described in subrule 11.7(4), was the result of wrongdoing, negligence, misrepresentation, or omission of the recipient, the recipient is liable to pay interest charges at the rate of 5 7.5 percent on the outstanding balance, beginning on the date of the overpayment(s).

Item 27. Amend subrule 12.1(1) as follows:

12.1(1) Formula benefit versus money purchase benefit. If a member is vested by complete years of service credit in IPERS, a monthly payment allowance will be paid in accordance with the formulas set forth in Iowa Code sections 97B.49A through 97B.49I, the applicable paragraphs of this chapter, and the option the member elects pursuant to Iowa Code section 97B.51(1). IPERS shall determine on the applicable forms which designated fractions of a member's monthly retirement allowance payable to contingent annuitants shall be provided as options under Iowa Code section 97B.51(1). Any option elected by a member under Iowa Code section 97B.51(1) must comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code that apply to governmental pension plans, including but not limited to Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9). If a member does not have four complete years of service credit is not vested by years of service credit in IPERS, the benefit receivable will be computed on a money purchase basis, with reference to annuity tables used by IPERS in accordance with the member's age and option choice.

Item 28. Amend paragraph 12.7(3)"b" as follows:

b. For IPERS Options 4 and 5, IPERS shall assume that the contingent annuitant's or beneficiary's monthly payments and death benefits, if any, prior to the date the member attains, or would have attained, age 62 shall be based on the amount that was payable to the member for periods before the member attains, or would have attained, age 62. Beginning with the month after the month that the member attains, or would have attained, age 62, a contingent annuitant's or beneficiary's monthly payments and death benefits, except death benefits under IPERS Options 1 and 2, shall be based on the reduced amount that would have been payable to the member in the month after the month that the member attained age 62.

Item 29. Amend paragraph 12.7(5)"a" as follows:

a. Those who retire under Iowa Code section 97B.49D, 97B.50(2), or 97B.50A.

Item 30. Amend subparagraph 12.8(2)"c"(1) as follows:

(1)If the overpayment can be repaid by deducting up to 30 percent of each net monthly payment in three installments or less, IPERS shall adjust the member's monthly benefit accordingly. If the adjustment cannot be repaid in three payments, a repayment agreement must be signed by the member and IPERS IPERS will reduce the member's gross monthly benefit by 30 percent until the overpayment is repaid. If the 30 percent reduction will not recover the overpayment by the end of the current calendar year, IPERS will calculate the monthly reduction amount so that the overpayment will be recovered within the current calendar year. Other monthly reduction amounts may be made by an agreement in writing between the member and IPERS; or

Item 31. Amend subparagraph 12.8(2)"c"(2) as follows:

(2)A member may elect to make repayments of the overpayment amounts out of pocket in lieu of having the member's monthly benefit reduced. An out-of-pocket repayment may be made in one check or in installments. However, an election to make repayment in installments must be accompanied by a repayment agreement signed by the member and IPERS agreed to in writing between the member and IPERS.

Item 32. Amend subrule 12.8(3), introductory paragraph, as follows:

12.8(3) A member who is reemployed in covered employment after retirement may, after again retiring from employment, request a recomputation of benefits. The member's retirement benefit shall be increased if possible by the addition of a second annuity, which is based on years of reemployment service, reemployment covered wages and the benefit formula in place at the time of the recomputation. A maximum of 30 years of service is creditable to an individual retired member. If a member's combined years of service exceed 30, a member's initial annuity may be reduced by a fraction of the years in excess of 30 divided by 30. The second retirement benefit will be treated as a separate annuity by IPERS. Any contributions that cannot be used in the recomputation of benefits shall be refunded to the employee and the employer.

Item 33. Amend paragraph 12.8(4)"e" as follows:

e. If a member previously elected IPERS Option 1, is eligible for an increase in the Option 1 monthly benefits, and elects to receive the increase in the member's monthly benefits, the member's Option 1 death benefit shall also be increased if the investment is at least $1,000. The maximum amount of the increase shall be equal to the member's investment (reemployment contributions and interest). In determining the increase in Option 1 death benefits, IPERS shall round up to the nearest $1,000. For example, if a member's investment for a period of reemployment is $2,900, the maximum death benefit attributable to the reemployment shall be $3,000 ($2,900 rounded up to the nearest $1,000). In the example above, the member may choose a death benefit increase of $1,000, or $2,000, or $3,000, but must choose at least the $1,000 increase. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the member's investment for the period of reemployment is less than $1,000, the benefit formula for a member who originally elected new IPERS Option 1 shall be calculated under IPERS Option 3. If a member previously elected IPERS Option 1, is eligible for an increase in the Option 1 monthly benefits, and elects to receive the increase in the member's monthly benefits, the member's Option 1 death benefit shall also be increased if the investment is at least $1,000. The amount of the increase shall be at least the same percentage of the maximum death benefit permitted with respect to the reemployment as the percentage of the maximum death benefit elected at the member's original retirement. In determining the increase in Option 1 death benefits, IPERS shall round up to the nearest $1,000. For example, if a member's investment for a period of reemployment is $1,900 and the member elected at the member's original retirement to receive 50 percent of the Option 1 maximum death benefit, the death benefit attributable to the reemployment shall be $1,000 (50 percent times $1,900, rounded up to the nearest $1,000). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the member's investment for the period of reemployment is less than $1,000, the benefit formula for a member who originally elected new IPERS Option 1 shall be calculated under IPERS Option 3.

Item 34. Amend subparagraph 13.1(1)"d"(1) as follows:

(1)For a member retiring due to a disability under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2), on or after January July 1, 2009, the member shall provide IPERS with proof of continuing eligibility for federal social security disability benefits or railroad retirement disability benefits by June 30 of each calendar year, in order to continue qualification for IPERS disability benefits.

Item 35. Amend subrule 13.1(4) as follows:

13.1(4) If a member whose IPERS disability benefits were suspended because of the member's return to covered employment provides proof acceptable to IPERS that the member remains eligible for federal social security disability benefits or railroad retirement disability benefits, IPERS shall reinstate the member's disability benefits, subject to the member's continued compliance with paragraph 13.1(1)"e d."

Item 36. Amend rule 495—14.1(97B) as follows:

495—14.1(97B) Internal Revenue Code limitations. The death benefits payable under Iowa Code sections 97B.51 and 97B.52 shall not exceed the maximum amount possible under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9).

To ensure that the limit is not exceeded, a member's combined lump sum death benefit under Iowa Code sections 97B.52(1) and 97B.52(2) shall not exceed 100 times the Option 2 amount that would have been payable to the member at the member's earliest normal retirement age. If a beneficiary of a special service member is eligible for an in-the-line-of-duty death benefit, any reduction required under this rule shall be taken first from a death benefit payable under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1). The "100 times" limit shall apply to active and inactive members. The death benefits payable under this chapter for a period of reemployment for a retired reemployed member who dies during the period of reemployment shall also be subject to the limits described in this rule.

The maximum claims period for IPERS lump sum death benefits shall not exceed the period required under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9), which may be less than five years for a member who dies after the member's required beginning date, unless the beneficiary is a spouse. The claims period for all cases in which the member's death occurs during the same calendar year in which a claim must be filed under this rule shall end April 1 of the year following the year of the member's death.

A member's beneficiary or heir may file a claim for previously forfeited death benefits. Interest, if any, for periods prior to the date of the claim will only be credited through the quarter that the death benefit was required to be forfeited by law. Interest for periods following the quarter of forfeiture will accrue beginning with the quarter that the claim for reinstatement is received by IPERS. For death benefits required to be forfeited in order to satisfy Section 401(a)(9) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, in no event will the forfeiture date precede January 1, 1988. IPERS shall not be liable for any excise taxes imposed by the Internal Revenue Service on reinstated death benefits.

Effective January 14, 2004, all claims for a previously forfeited death benefit shall be processed under the procedure set forth at rule 495—14.13(97B).

The system recognizes the validity of same gender marriages consummated executed in Iowa on or after April 27, 2009, if the domestic relations order or other assignment otherwise meets the system's minimum requirements for such orders; the system shall modify the tax treatment of distributions under such orders as required by the federal laws governing such distributions. IPERS shall adopt such rules and procedures as are deemed necessary to fully implement the provisions of this rule. The Iowa Supreme Court decision recognizing same gender marriages in Iowa specifically states that this recognition does not extend to same gender marriages of other states. The following special rules apply to same gender marriages in Iowa. IPERS shall administer marital property and support orders of same gender spouses married in Iowa on or after April 27, 2009, if the orders otherwise meet the system's minimum requirements for such orders. The system recognizes the validity of same gender marriages based on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in United States v.Windsor, 133 S.Ct.2675 (2013) and the direction of Rev.Rul.2013-17 and IRS Notice 2014-19. IPERS shall recognize the federal tax treatment of distributions as required by the sources listed in this paragraph.

Item 37. Amend subrule 14.3(1) as follows:

14.3(1) Designation of beneficiaries. To designate a beneficiary, the member must complete an IPERS designation of beneficiary form, which must be filed with IPERS. The designation of a beneficiary by a retiring member on the application for monthly benefits revokes all prior designation of beneficiary forms. IPERS may consider as valid a designation of beneficiary form filed with the member's employer prior to the death of the member, even if that form was not forwarded to IPERS prior to the member's death. If a retired member is reemployed in covered employment, the most recently filed beneficiary form shall govern the payment of all death benefits for all periods of employment. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, a reemployed IPERS Option 4 or 6 retired member may name someone other than the member's contingent annuitant as beneficiary, but only for lump sum death benefits accrued during the period of reemployment and only if the contingent annuitant has died or has been divorced from the member before or during the period of reemployment unless a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) directs otherwise. If a reemployed IPERS Option 4 or 6 retired member dies without filing a new beneficiary form, the death benefits accrued for the period of reemployment shall be paid to the member's contingent annuitant, unless the contingent annuitant has died or been divorced from the member. If the contingent annuitant has been divorced from the member, any portion of the lump sum death benefits awarded in a QDRO shall be paid to the contingent annuitant as alternate payee, and the remainder of the lump sum death benefits shall be paid to the member's estate or, if applicable, to the member's heirs if no estate is probated.

Item 38. Amend rule 495—14.4(97B) as follows:

495—14.4(97B) Applications for death benefits. Before death benefit payments can be made, application in writing must be submitted to IPERS with a copy of the member's death certificate, together with information establishing the claimant's right to payment. A named beneficiary must complete an IPERS application for death benefits based on the deceased member's account. If the claimant's claim is based on dissolution of marriage that revoked the IPERS beneficiary designation, the claim must be processed pursuant to rule 495—14.16 14.17(97B).

Item 39. Amend subrule 16.2(1), definition of "Benefits," as follows:

"Benefits" means, for purposes of this rule and depending on the context, a refund, monthly allowance (including monthly allowance paid as an actuarial equivalent (AE)), or death benefit payable with respect to a member covered under IPERS. "Benefits" does not include dividends payable under Iowa Code section 97B.49 or other cost-of-living increases unless specifically provided for in a QDRO or an ADRO.

Item 40. Amend subparagraph 16.2(2)"c"(5) as follows:

(5)Name a successor alternate payee to receive the amounts that would have been payable to the member's spouse or former spouse alternate payee under the order, if the former spouse alternate payee dies before the member. A successor alternate payee may be an individual(s) or a trustee, so long as the relationship of the trustee is clearly defined in the order stating that payment to the trustee is to be made in the case when any of the named successor alternate payees in the order is a minor or is legally incompetent. Once a successor alternate payee reaches the age of majority, IPERS will make payment, not to the trustee, but to the successor alternate payee directly. The designation of a successor alternate payee in an order shall be void and be given no effect if IPERS does not receive confirmation of the successor's name, social security number, and last-known mailing address on IPERS' Confidential Information form. A QDRO that lists a series of default successor alternate payees by class or permits a successor alternate payee to designate additional successor alternate payees is not permitted and will be rejected. Once a QDRO is accepted by IPERS for administration, in order to change the designation of successor alternate payees, an amended order is required.

Item 41. Amend paragraph 16.2(3)"m" as follows:

m. If an order that is determined to be a QDRO divides a member's account using a service factor formula and the member's IPERS benefits are based on a number of quarters less than the member's total covered quarters, notwithstanding any terms of the order to the contrary, IPERS shall limit the number of quarters used in the numerator and the denominator of the service fraction to the number of quarters actually used in the calculation of IPERS benefits, not to exceed 120 quarters for special service members and 140 quarters for regular and hybrid members. IPERS will not accept or administer a service factor formula fraction in excess of 1.

Item 42. Amend paragraph 16.2(3)"p" as follows:

p. If a retired member has filed for and is receiving monthly pension benefits, or wishes to file an application for retirement or a refund and has a qualified domestic relations order pending on the member's account, the parties (the member and the alternate payee or their counsel of record) may execute a waiver of the 30-day appeal period following review and qualification of the retired member's domestic relations order, using a form approved by the system.

Item 43. Amend rule 495—17.1(17A,22), definition of "Record," as follows:

"Record" means all or part of a "public record" as defined in Iowa Code section 22.1 or 97B.17 which is owned by or in the physical possession of the agency. IPERS also defines a record as information stored or preserved regardless of physical form. Record content, not record form, determines whether or not information constitutes a record. Any information documenting official final business, whether recorded on paper, reproduced on microfilm, entered in an electronic database, documented photographically, recorded in video or audio media, or documented using any other medium, constitutes a record. A record that is not confidential or otherwise exempt by federal or state law is termed an open record.

[Filed 1/28/15, effective 3/25/15]

[Published 2/18/15]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 2/18/15.

Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System

Providing retirement security to Iowans who dedicate their careers to public service.

Official Document

  • Contribution rates; protected occupations; service purchases; benefits, including death and disability; overpayments; reporting; domestic relations orders; records, amendments to chs 4, 8, 9, 11 to 14, 16, 17
  • Published on 2/18/2015
  • Adopted and Filed

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