Adopted and Filed

Request for voter registration list—definition of “political purpose,” 3.2

Untitled document

ARC 2521C


Adopted and Filed

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code sections 48A.39 and 17A.3, the Secretary of State hereby amends Chapter 3, "Lists of Registered Voters," Iowa Administrative Code.

This amendment is intended to define the term "political purpose" under Iowa Code section 48A.39. This definition clarifies a wide range of legitimate uses, including those typically undertaken by political parties, academic institutions, and media organizations.

This amendment was published under Notice of Intended Action in the November 25, 2015, Iowa Administrative Bulletin as ARC 2261C. The adopted amendment is identical to that published under Notice of Intended Action.

This amendment was adopted by the Voter Registration Commission on April 5, 2016.

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.

This amendment is intended to implement Iowa Code section 48A.19.

This amendment will become effective June 15, 2016.

The following amendment is adopted.

Amend rule 821—3.2(48A) as follows:

821—3.2(48A) Request for list.

3.2(1) Requests. A request for a list of registered voters may be made in writing on a Specifications for Voter List form submitted to either a county commissioner or the state registrar. A commissioner or the registrar may accept a request for a list made via telephone provided the commissioner or registrar is confident that both the requester and the commissioner or registrar clearly understand the specifics of the request and provided the requester agrees that the voter registration information will only be used for the purposes set forth in Iowa Code section 48A.39. If a request is unclear or ambiguous, the commissioner or registrar may require that the request be submitted in writing.

3.2(2) Definition. The term "political purpose" means research, advocacy, or education relating to the election, administration, or governance of public policies or officials.

[Filed 4/11/16, effective 6/15/16]

[Published 5/11/16]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 5/11/16.

Voter Registration Commission

Official Document

  • Request for voter registration list—definition of “political purpose,” 3.2
  • Published on 5/11/2016
  • Adopted and Filed

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