Adopted and Filed

Update of state library address, 2.3(1)

Untitled document

ARC 2623C


Adopted and Filed

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code section 256.52, the Commission of Libraries hereby amends Chapter 2, "Public Records and Fair Information Practices," Iowa Administrative Code.

The purpose of this amendment is to update the address of the State Library.

Notice of Intended Action was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin as ARC 2511C on April 27, 2016. No public comments were received on this rule making. This amendment is identical to that published under Notice of Intended Action.

This amendment is subject to waiver pursuant to 286—Chapter 10.

After analysis and review of this rule making, there is no anticipated impact on jobs.

This amendment is intended to implement Iowa Code section 256.51.

This amendment will become effective August 24, 2016.

The following amendment is adopted.

Amend subrule 2.3(1) as follows:

2.3(1)Location of record. In lieu of the words "(insert agency head)", insert "state librarian". Also in lieu of the words "(insert agency name and address)", insert "State Librarian, State Library of Iowa, 1112 East 12th Street and Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50319".

[Filed 6/23/16, effective 8/24/16]

[Published 7/20/16]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 7/20/16.

Libraries and Information Services Division

This Organization is a part of the Education Department

Official Document

  • Update of state library address, 2.3(1)
  • Published on 7/20/2016
  • Adopted and Filed

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Rule 286-2.3(1)


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Location of record
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