Adopted and Filed

Written examination—exemption, 2.6

Untitled document

ARC 2709C


Adopted and Filed

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code sections 544B.10 and 546.10(8), the Landscape Architectural Examining Board hereby amends Chapter 2, "Examinations and Licensing," Iowa Administrative Code.

The amendment to rule 193D—2.6(544B,17A), which pertains to exemptions from the written examination, adds a third alternative to provide licensure for landscape architects who were licensed in another jurisdiction prior to the requirement of passing a state or national examination, which is referred to as "grandparenting," if they meet the requirements listed in new subrule 2.6(3).

Notice of Intended Action was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin as ARC 2475C on March 30, 2016. A public hearing was held on April 19, 2016. No one attended the public hearing, and no comments were received during the comment period. The adopted amendment is identical to that published under Notice.

This amendment is subject to waiver or variance pursuant to 193—Chapter 5.

This amendment was approved by the Board on June 21, 2016.

After analysis and review of this rule making, the Professional Licensing and Regulation Bureau determined that there will be no impact on jobs and no fiscal impact to the state. While the Bureau does not anticipate an impact, if there is one, the impact would lean in favor of increased employment because the amendment provides a licensure avenue that is not currently provided.

This amendment is intended to implement Iowa Code section 544B.10.

This amendment will become effective October 19, 2016.

The following amendment is adopted.

Amend rule 193D—2.6(544B,17A) as follows:

193D—2.6(544B,17A) Exemption from written examination. The board may exempt from written examination an applicant who meets one of the following criteria:

1. 2.6(1) The applicant holds a current CLARB certificate; or

2. 2.6(2) The applicant holds a license to practice landscape architecture issued upon written examination by another jurisdiction, and has submitted a certificate from the jurisdiction of original licensure verifying that the applicant passed the examination in that jurisdiction.; or

2.6(3) The applicant:

a. Holds an active license to practice landscape architecture issued by another jurisdiction whose current licensure requirements, including the examination requirements, are substantially equivalent to or exceed those required for licensure as a landscape architect in Iowa, and during the time period in which the applicant was issued an initial license in the other jurisdiction, that jurisdiction did not require a written examination for initial applicants, but did require board review and approval of education and experience designed to demonstrate competence to practice;

b. Was grandparented in under the laws of the other jurisdiction, before written examinations for initial licensure were mandated by the other jurisdiction; and

c. Submits a certificate from the jurisdiction of original licensure verifying that the applicant was licensed during the period in which there was no written examination and submits proof of license in good standing.

[Filed 8/18/16, effective 10/19/16]

[Published 9/14/16]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 9/14/16.

Landscape Architectural Examining Board

This Organization is a part of the Professional Licensing and Regulation Bureau

Official Document

  • Written examination—exemption, 2.6
  • Published on 9/14/2016
  • Adopted and Filed

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