Adopted and Filed

RefugeeRISE Americorps program, ch 12

Untitled document

ARC 2715C


Adopted and Filed

Pursuant to the authority of 2016 Iowa Acts, House File 2460, section 91(1b), Iowa Code chapter 15H and section 17A.3, the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service hereby adopts new Chapter 12, "RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps," Iowa Administrative Code.

Chapter 12 establishes a Refugee Rebuild, Integrate, Serve, Empower (RefugeeRISE) AmeriCorps program to increase community integration and engagement for diverse refugee communities in rural and urban areas across the state. The chapter will support AmeriCorps program member recruitment and training to improve the economic well-being and health of economically disadvantaged refugees in local communities across Iowa.

Notice of Intended Action was published in the July 6, 2016, Iowa Administrative Bulletin as ARC 2613C. No public comment was received on these rules. The only change to the rules as published under Notice of Intended Action was an Iowa Code reference correction in rules 817—12.1(15H) and 817—12.7(15H).

These rules were adopted by the Commission on August 16, 2016.

These rules are not subject to waiver.

After analysis and review, the fiscal impact of these rules is $300,000 of state funding appropriated to the Department of Human Services and transferred to the Economic Development Authority for the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service.

The analysis of impact on jobs indicates that these rules will create approximately 22 positions.

These rules are intended to implement 2016 Iowa Acts, House File 2460, sections 90 and 91.

These rules shall become effective on October 19, 2016.

The following amendment is adopted.

Adopt the following new 817—Chapter 12:



817—12.1(15H) Purpose and description of the program. The purpose of the RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps program is to provide RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps members with training and support to increase community integration and engagement for diverse refugee communities. Awarded on a competitive basis, RefugeeRISE grants will give support to AmeriCorps programs in Iowa utilizing AmeriCorps funds awarded by the commission, other funds received in the community programs account established pursuant to Iowa Code section 15H.5, or both.

817—12.2(15H) Applications. Appropriate forms and applications for grants and eligibility preapproval are available from the commission at

817—12.3(15H) Program eligibility criteria. The commission and department of human services will establish criteria consistent with state-level needs and federal program requirements. Any program deemed eligible for inclusion as a RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps program must meet the standards outlined by the commission and the department in the application instructions. Refugee-focused AmeriCorps programs that applied for AmeriCorps funding for program year 2016-2017 will be considered conditionally eligible for fiscal year 2017 in order to provide adequate time for criteria to be established. In subsequent years, all applicants that wish to be considered as RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps programs shall be considered as part of the AmeriCorps grant process.

817—12.4(15H) Grant criteria. Beginning with the 2017-2018 program year applications, the commission will establish grant criteria and funding priorities consistent with federal regulations and with commission and department of human services goals. Applicants will be considered either in conjunction with the AmeriCorps grant process or, in certain cases, through special competitions outlined and announced by the commission. At a minimum, grant criteria will include the following:

1.Goals and objectives of the project;

2.Qualifications of the applicant to manage funds;

3.For new and recompeting applicants, letters of local support verifying coordination and community cooperation;

4.Total project budget;

5.For previous grantees, evidence of ability to submit timely and accurate reports;

6.Description and time line of planned activities;

7.Description of the applicant organization, including staffing pattern;

8.Documentation of the applicant's ability to provide the required local match; and

9.Program performance and evaluation results and outcomes.

817—12.5(15H) Application process for new grants.

12.5(1) Request for applications. The commission shall issue a request for applications containing program criteria and application forms for the applicable fiscal year.

12.5(2) Application time frame. The applicant shall submit the completed application to the commission according to the time line identified in the request for applications.

12.5(3) Application review process. Applications submitted will be reviewed by a grant review committee, which is composed of members of the commission, individuals with expertise in youth programming, and citizens of Iowa. Using the criteria in rule 817—12.4(15H), the committee will review the applications to determine the appropriateness and the merit of the project.

12.5(4) Notification. Applicants whose projects have been selected for funding shall be notified by the commission.

817—12.6(15H) Administration of grants.

12.6(1) Contracts. The commission shall prepare contractual agreements for the grants.

a. The contract shall be executed by the executive director of the commission and the duly authorized official of the project.

b. The contract shall include due dates and the process for the submission of progress reports and financial reports.

12.6(2) Reporting. All grant recipients shall submit progress reports and financial reports to the commission.

12.6(3) Availability of funds. A separate request for applications will only be issued when there are available funds for this program. To the extent allowable by federal regulations, RefugeeRISE AmeriCorps will always be an acceptable program model for annual AmeriCorps grants and will be listed in the annual AmeriCorps program request for applications.

817—12.7(15H) Reversion of funds. Grant funds not expended by the project closeout date shall revert to the commission and the community programs account established pursuant to Iowa Code section 15H.5.

These rules are intended to implement 2016 Iowa Acts, House File 2460, sections 90 and 91.

[Filed 8/24/16, effective 10/19/16]

[Published 9/14/16]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 9/14/16.

Volunteer Service, Iowa Commission on

Official Document

  • RefugeeRISE Americorps program, ch 12
  • Published on 9/14/2016
  • Adopted and Filed

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Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 817-12.1 Rule 817-12.2 Rule 817-12.3 Rule 817-12.4 Rule 817-12.5 Rule 817-12.6 Rule 817-12.7
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