Notice of Intended Action

Renewable chemical production tax credit program, 42.56, 52.49

Untitled document

ARC 2865C


Notice of Intended Action

Twenty-five interested persons, a governmental subdivision, an agency or association of 25 or more persons may demand an oral presentation hereon as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.4(1)"b."

Notice is also given to the public that the Administrative Rules Review Committee may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this proposed action under section 17A.8(6) at a regular or special meeting where the public or interested persons may be heard.

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code sections 422.68 and 15.321, the Department of Revenue hereby gives Notice of Intended Action to amend Chapter 42, "Adjustments to Computed Tax and Tax Credits," and Chapter 52, "Filing Returns, Payment of Tax, Penalty and Interest, and Tax Credits," Iowa Administrative Code.

The proposed amendments are necessary to implement the Renewable Chemical Production Tax Credit Program that resulted from 2016 Iowa Acts, Senate File 2300, division II. The rules describe the Department of Revenue's role in the program. Items 1 and 2 are largely the same; the distinction is that Item 1 sets forth the rule for individual income tax while Item 2 sets forth the rule for corporation income tax. The program is administered in coordination with the Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority's proposed rules on the program may be found in the Economic Development Authority's Notice of Intended Action published herein as ARC 2867C.

Interested persons may make written comments on the proposed amendments on or before January 10, 2017. Written comments on the proposed amendments should be directed by mail to Alana Stamas, Policy Section, Policy and Communications Division, Department of Revenue, Hoover State Office Building, P.O. Box 10457, Des Moines, Iowa 50306-0457; or by e-mail to Persons who wish to convey their views orally should contact the Policy Section, Policy and Communications Division, Department of Revenue by telephone at (515)725-2265 or at the Department of Revenue offices on the fourth floor of the Hoover State Office Building.

Requests for a public hearing must be made no later than January 10, 2017.

These amendments do not have a fiscal impact.

Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of these rules would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to rule 701—7.28(17A).

These amendments have no known impact on jobs.

These amendments are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 15 and 422.

The following amendments are proposed.

Item 1. Adopt the following new rule 701—42.56(15,422):

701—42.56(15,422) Renewable chemical production tax credit program. An eligible business that has received a renewable chemical production tax credit certificate from the economic development authority may claim a tax credit against individual income tax. The credit is equal to the product of five cents multiplied by the number of pounds of renewable chemicals produced in Iowa from biomass feedstock by the eligible business during a given production year, subject to the limitations described in Iowa Code sections 15.315 through 15.322, 261—Chapter 81, and this rule. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules on eligibility for the credit may be found in 261—Chapter 81.

42.56(1) Application and agreement for the credit. To be eligible for the tax credit, the eligible business must apply to and enter into an agreement with the economic development authority. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules on the application and agreement process may be found in 261—Chapter 81.

42.56(2) Computation of the amount of credit and certificate issuance. Upon establishing that all requirements of the program and the agreement have been fulfilled and verifying the taxpayer's eligibility for the tax credit, the economic development authority calculates the credit. Then the economic development authority issues the related tax credit certificate to the eligible business stating the amount of the renewable chemical production tax credit that the eligible business may claim. A tax credit certificate shall not be issued by the economic development authority prior to July 1, 2018. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules on credit certificate issuance may be found in 261—Chapter 81.

42.56(3) Claiming the tax credit.

a. Claiming the credit, generally. To claim the credit, a taxpayer must include one or more tax credit certificates with the taxpayer's tax return for the tax year during which the eligible business was issued the tax credit certificate or certificates. If the taxpayer claiming the credit has already filed a return for the tax year for which the credit certificate was issued, the taxpayer may claim the credit on an amended return. The taxpayer must file the amended return within the statute of limitations applicable to such amended return. No tax credit may be claimed under this program by a taxpayer prior to September 1, 2018.

b. Claiming the credit of a pass-through entity. To claim the credit of an eligible business that is a pass-through entity, an individual taxpayer must claim the credit on the tax return for the tax year during which the eligible business received the tax credit certificate. Such tax year may be either the tax year of the eligible business or of the individual.

Example: A partnership has a fiscal year of September 2017 through August 2018. The partnership receives a renewable chemical production tax credit certificate under this program in July 2018, which is during the partnership's 2017 tax year. A partner in the partnership files individual returns on a calendar year basis, which means that the credit was issued in the partner's 2018 tax year. That partner may file an amended 2017 tax return to claim the credit based on the partnership's tax year, or that partner may claim the credit on the partner's 2018 tax return based on the partner's own tax year.

c. Information required. The tax credit certificate shall include the taxpayer's name, address, tax identification number, the amount of the credit, the name of the eligible business, and any other information required by the department of revenue.

d. Allocation to the individual owners of the entity or beneficiaries of an estate or trust. An individual may claim the credit of a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, cooperative organized under Iowa Code chapter 501 and filing as a partnership for tax purposes, estate, or trust electing to have income taxed directly to the individual. The amount claimed by the individual shall be based on the pro rata share of the individual's earnings from the partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, cooperative, estate, or trust.

e. Refundability. Any credit in excess of the tax liability is refundable. In lieu of claiming a refund, the taxpayer may elect to have the overpayment shown on the taxpayer's final, completed return credited to the tax liability for the following tax year.

f. Transferability. Tax credit certificates shall not be transferred to any other person.

g. Rescission and recapture. The tax credit certificate, unless rescinded by the economic development authority, shall be accepted by the department of revenue, subject to any conditions or restrictions placed upon the face of the tax credit certificate by the economic development authority and subject to the limitations of the program. Should the economic development authority reduce, terminate, or rescind any tax credits issued under the program, the eligible business may be subject to the repayment or recapture of any credits already claimed. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules related to the program may be found in 261—Chapter 81. The repayment of tax credits or recapture by the department of revenue shall be accomplished in the same manner as provided in Iowa Code section 15.330(2).

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 422.

Item 2. Adopt the following new rule 701—52.49(15,422):

701—52.49(15,422) Renewable chemical production tax credit program. An eligible business that has received a renewable chemical production tax credit certificate from the economic development authority may claim a tax credit against corporation income tax. The credit is equal to the product of five cents multiplied by the number of pounds of renewable chemicals produced in Iowa from biomass feedstock by the eligible business during a given production year, subject to the limitations described in Iowa Code sections 15.315 through 15.322, 261—Chapter 81, and this rule. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules on eligibility for the credit may be found in 261—Chapter 81.

52.49(1) Application and agreement for the credit. To be eligible for the tax credit, the eligible business must apply to and enter into an agreement with the economic development authority. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules on the application and agreement process may be found in 261—Chapter 81.

52.49(2) Computation of the amount of credit and certificate issuance. Upon establishing that all requirements of the program and the agreement have been fulfilled and verifying the taxpayer's eligibility for the tax credit, the economic development authority calculates the credit. Then the economic development authority issues the related tax credit certificate to the eligible business stating the amount of the renewable chemical production tax credit that the eligible business may claim. A tax credit certificate shall not be issued by the economic development authority prior to July 1, 2018. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules on credit certificate issuance may be found in 261—Chapter 81.

52.49(3) Claiming the tax credit.

a. Claiming the credit, generally. To claim the credit, a taxpayer must include one or more tax credit certificates with the taxpayer's tax return for the tax year during which the eligible business was issued the tax credit certificate or certificates. If the taxpayer claiming the credit has already filed a return for the tax year for which the credit certificate was issued, the taxpayer may claim the credit on an amended return. The taxpayer must file the amended return within the statute of limitations applicable to such amended return. No tax credit may be claimed under this program by a taxpayer prior to September 1, 2018.

b. Claiming the credit of a pass-through entity. To claim the credit of an eligible business that is a pass-through entity, an individual taxpayer must claim the credit on the tax return for the tax year during which the eligible business received the tax credit certificate. Such tax year may be either the tax year of the eligible business or of the individual.

Example: A partnership has a fiscal year of September 2017 through August 2018. The partnership receives a renewable chemical production tax credit certificate under this program in July 2018, which is during the partnership's 2017 tax year. A partner in the partnership files individual returns on a calendar year basis, which means that the credit was issued in the partner's 2018 tax year. That partner may file an amended 2017 tax return to claim the credit based on the partnership's tax year, or that partner may claim the credit on the partner's 2018 tax return based on the partner's own tax year.

c. Information required. The tax credit certificate shall include the taxpayer's name, address, tax identification number, the amount of the credit, the name of the eligible business, and any other information required by the department of revenue.

d. Allocation to the individual owners of the entity or beneficiaries of an estate or trust. An individual may claim the credit of a partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, cooperative organized under Iowa Code chapter 501 and filing as a partnership for tax purposes, estate, or trust electing to have income taxed directly to the individual. The amount claimed by the individual shall be based on the pro rata share of the individual's earnings from the partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, cooperative, estate, or trust.

e. Refundability. Any credit in excess of the tax liability is refundable. In lieu of claiming a refund, the taxpayer may elect to have the overpayment shown on the taxpayer's final, completed return credited to the tax liability for the following tax year.

f. Transferability. Tax credit certificates shall not be transferred to any other person.

g. Rescission and recapture. The tax credit certificate, unless rescinded by the economic development authority, shall be accepted by the department of revenue, subject to any conditions or restrictions placed upon the face of the tax credit certificate by the economic development authority and subject to the limitations of the program. Should the economic development authority reduce, terminate, or rescind any tax credits issued under the program, the eligible business may be subject to the repayment or recapture of any credits already claimed. When adopted, the economic development authority's rules related to the program may be found in 261—Chapter 81. The repayment of tax credits or recapture by the department of revenue shall be accomplished in the same manner as provided in Iowa Code section 15.330(2).

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 422.

Revenue Department

Closed For Comments

This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 1/10/2017.

Official Document

  • Renewable chemical production tax credit program, 42.56, 52.49
  • Published on 12/21/2016
  • 526 Views , 0 Comments
  • Notice of Intended Action

The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.

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View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 12/21/2016.

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Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 701-42.56 Rule 701-52.49

Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 15.315 through 15.322 Iowa Code 15.330(2) Iowa Code 422 Iowa Code 501
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