Adopted and Filed

Speech pathologists and audiologists—licensure, continuing education, discipline, amendments to chs 300, 303, 304

Untitled document

ARC 3591C


Adopted and Filed

Rule making related to practice of speech pathology and audiology

The Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology hereby amends Chapter 300, "Licensure of Speech Pathologists and Audiologists," Chapter 303, "Continuing Education for Speech Pathologists and Audiologists," and Chapter 304, "Discipline for Speech Pathologists and Audiologists," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rule Making

This rule making is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 147.76.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 147 and sections 154F.3 and 272C.2.

Purpose and Summary

This rule making updates the rules for consistency with terminology used in the Iowa Code, including technical updates throughout all three chapters. The application process is streamlined to require the same documents from all applicants, and a sentence was added to clarify the title approved for use by assistants.

These amendments are intended to provide regulatory clarity to licensees by removing terms that identify specific organizations that offer continuing education and by identifying categories of organizations that may offer continuing education. These amendments reduce the need for the Board to update the rules when new organizations are established or existing organizations experience a name change. The amendments also limit to 16 hours the number of continuing education hours a presenter may earn biannually toward the 30 hours of required continuing education.

Public Comment and Changes to Rule Making

Notice of Intended Action for this rule making was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on October 25, 2017, as ARC 3410C. A public hearing was held on November 15, 2017, at 1:30 the Fifth Floor Board Conference Room 526, Lucas State Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa. No one attended the public hearing. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rule Making

This rule making was adopted by the Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology on December 15, 2017.

Fiscal Impact

This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rule making will become effective on February 21, 2018.

The following rule-making actions are adopted:

Item 1. Amend rule 645—300.1(147) as follows:

645—300.1(147) Definitions. For purposes of these rules, the following definitions shall apply:

"Active license" means a license that is current and has not expired.

"ASHA" means the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.

"Assistant" means a an unlicensed person who works under the supervision of an Iowa-licensed speech pathologist or audiologist, does not meet the requirements to be licensed as a speech pathologist or audiologist, and meets the minimum requirements set forth in these rules.

"Audiologist" means a person who engages in the application of principles, methods and procedures for measurement, testing, evaluation, prediction, consultation, counseling, instruction, habilitation, rehabilitation, or remediation related to hearing and disorders of hearing and associated communication disorders for the purpose of nonmedically evaluating, identifying, preventing, ameliorating, modifying, or remediating such disorders and conditions in individuals or groups of individuals, including the determination and use of appropriate amplification.

"Board" means the board of speech pathology and audiology.

"Full-time" means a minimum of 30 hours per week.

"Grace period" means the 30-day period following expiration of a license when the license is still considered to be active. In order to renew a license during the grace period, a licensee is required to pay a late fee.

"Inactive license" means a license that has expired because it was not renewed by the end of the grace period. The category of "inactive license" may included include licenses formerly known as lapsed, inactive, delinquent, closed, or retired.

"Licensee" means any person licensed to practice as a speech pathologist or audiologist in the state of Iowa.

"License expiration date" means December 31 of odd-numbered years.

"Licensure by endorsement" means the issuance of an Iowa license to practice speech pathology or audiology to an applicant who is or has been licensed in another state.

"On site" means:

1.To be continuously on site and present in the department or facility where services are being provided;

2.To be immediately available to assist the person being supervised in the services being performed; and

3.To provide continued direction of appropriate aspects of each treatment session in which a component of treatment is delegated.

"Reactivate" or "reactivation" means the process as outlined in rule 645—300.17(17A,147,272C) by which an inactive license is restored to active status.

"Reciprocal license" means the issuance of an Iowa license to practice speech pathology or audiology to an applicant who is currently licensed in another state which has a mutual agreement with the Iowa board of speech pathology and audiology to license persons that have the same or similar qualifications to those required in Iowa.

"Reinstatement" means the process as outlined in 645—11.31(272C) by which a licensee who has had a license suspended or revoked or who has voluntarily surrendered a license may apply to have the license reinstated, with or without conditions. Once the license is reinstated, the licensee may apply for active status.

"Speech pathologist" means a person who engages in the application of principles, methods, and procedures for the measurement, testing, evaluation, prediction, consultation, counseling, instruction, habilitation, rehabilitation, or remediation related to the development and disorders of speech, fluency, voice, or language for the purpose of nonmedically evaluating, preventing, ameliorating, modifying, or remediating such disorders and conditions in individuals or groups of individuals.

Item 2. Amend subrule 300.3(1) as follows:

300.3(1) The applicant shall complete a board-approved application packet. Application forms may be obtained from the board's Web site ( website ( or directly from the board office. All applications shall be sent to Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Professional Licensure Division, Fifth Floor, Lucas State Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0075.

Item 3. Amend subrule 300.3(4) as follows:

300.3(4) The application shall include:

a. An official copy of a current American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) ASHA certificate of clinical competence; or

b. Submission of the following:

(1)Official copies of academic transcripts sent directly from the school to the board showing proof of possession of a master's degree in speech pathology or a master's or doctoral degree in audiology or the equivalent of one of these degrees and official verification of completion of not less than 400 hours of supervised clinical training;

(2)Verification of nine months of full-time clinical experience, or equivalent, completed after the master's degree, under the supervision of a licensed speech pathologist or audiologist or as a part of the doctoral degree; and

(3)Results of the Praxis Examination.

Item 4. Amend subrule 300.4(2) as follows:

300.4(2) Foreign-trained speech pathologists and audiologists shall:

a. Provide an equivalency evaluation of their educational credentials by one of the following: International Educational Education Research Foundations Foundation, Inc., Credentials Evaluation Service, P.O. Box 3665, Culver City, CA 90231-3665, telephone (310)258-9451, Web site website or E-mail at; International Credentialing Associates, Inc., 7245 Bryan Dairy Road, Bryan Dairy Business Park II, Largo 10801 Starkey Road, Suite 104 #108, Seminole, FL 33777, telephone (727)549-8555 or website The professional curriculum must be equivalent to that stated in these rules. A candidate shall bear the expense of the curriculum evaluation.

b. Provide a notarized copy of the certificate or diploma awarded to the applicant from a speech pathology or audiology program in the country in which the applicant was educated.

c. b.Receive a final determination from the board regarding the application for licensure.

Item 5. Amend rule 645—300.6(147), introductory paragraph, as follows:

645—300.6(147) Temporary clinical license. A temporary clinical license for the purpose of obtaining clinical experience as a prerequisite for licensure is valid for one year and may be renewed at the discretion of the board. The license shall be designated "temporary clinical license in speech pathology" or "temporary clinical license in audiology."

Item 6. Amend rule 645—300.8(147), introductory paragraph, as follows:

645—300.8(147) Use of assistants. A licensee shall, in the delivery of professional services, utilize assistants only to the extent provided in these rules. Such assistants shall use the title provided by these rules.

Item 7. Amend rule 645—300.9(147) as follows:

645—300.9(147) Licensure by endorsement. An applicant who has been a licensed speech pathologist or audiologist under the laws of another jurisdiction shall file an application for licensure by endorsement with the board office. The board may receive by endorsement any applicant from the District of Columbia or another state, territory, province or foreign country who:

1.Submits to the board a completed application;

2.Pays the licensure fee;

3.Shows evidence of licensure requirements that are similar to those required in Iowa;

3. 4.Shows evidence of a current ASHA certificate or at least nine months of full-time clinical experience or its equivalent;

4. 5.Shows evidence that the Praxis Examination scores have been sent directly from the examination service to the board;

5. 6.Provides official copies of the academic transcripts; and

6. 7.Provides verification of license(s) from every jurisdiction in which the applicant has been licensed, sent directly from the jurisdiction(s) to the board office. Web-based verification may be substituted for verification direct from the jurisdiction's board office if the verification provides:

Licensee's name;

Date of initial licensure;

Current licensure status; and

Any disciplinary action taken against the license.

Item 8. Amend subrule 300.11(3) as follows:

300.11(3) A licensee seeking renewal shall:

a. Meet the continuing education requirements of rule 645—303.2(147) and the mandatory reporting requirements of subrule 300.11(4). A licensee whose license was reactivated during the current renewal compliance period may use continuing education credit earned during the compliance period for the first renewal following reactivation; and

b. Submit the completed renewal application and renewal fee before the license expiration date.

c. An individual who was issued a license within six months of the license renewal date will not be required to renew the license until the subsequent renewal two years later.

Item 9. Amend subrule 300.11(4) as follows:

300.11(4) Mandatory reporter training requirements.

a. A licensee who, in the scope of professional practice or in the licensee's employment responsibilities, examines, attends, counsels or treats children in Iowa shall indicate on the renewal application completion of two hours of training in child abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years or condition(s) for waiver of this requirements as identified in paragraph "e.""f."

b. A licensee who, in the course of employment, examines, attends, counsels or treats adults in Iowa shall indicate on the renewal application completion of two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years or condition(s) for waiver of this requirement as identified in paragraph "e.""f."

c. A licensee who, in the scope of professional practice or in the course of employment, examines, attends, counsels or treats both adults and children in Iowa shall indicate on the renewal application completion of training in abuse identification and reporting for dependent adults and children in the previous five years or condition(s) for waiver of this requirement as identified in paragraph "e.""f."

d.Training may be completed through separate courses as identified in paragraphs "a" and "b" or in one combined two-hour course that includes curricula for identifying and reporting child abuse and dependent adult abuse. The course shall be a curriculum approved by the Iowa department of public health abuse education review panel.

d. e.The licensee shall maintain written documentation for five years after mandatory training as identified in paragraphs "a" to "c," including program date(s), content, duration, and proof of participation.

e. f.The requirement for mandatory training for identifying and reporting child and dependent adult abuse shall be suspended if the board determines that suspension is in the public interest or that a person at the time of license renewal:

(1)Is engaged in active duty in the military service of this state or the United States.

(2)Holds a current waiver by the board based on evidence of significant hardship in complying with training requirements, including an exemption of continuing education requirements or extension of time in which to fulfill requirements due to a physical or mental disability or illness as identified in 645—Chapter 303.

f. g.The board may select licensees for audit of compliance with the requirements in paragraphs "a" to "e.""f."

Item 10. Amend subrule 300.11(7) as follows:

300.11(7) Late renewal. The license shall become late when the license has not been renewed by the expiration date on the wallet card. The licensee shall be assessed a late fee as specified in 645—subrule 305.1(3) 5.20(3). To renew a late license, the licensee shall complete the renewal requirements and submit the late fee within the grace period.

Item 11. Amend subrule 300.17(2) as follows:

300.17(2) Pay the reactivation fee that is due as specified in 645— Chapter 305 subrule 5.20(4).

Item 12. Amend rule 645—300.18(17A,147,272C) as follows:

645—300.18(17A,147,272C) License reinstatement. A licensee whose license has been revoked, suspended, or voluntarily surrendered must apply for and receive reinstatement of the license in accordance with 645—11.31(272C) and must apply for and be granted reactivation of the license in accordance with 645—300.17(17A,147,272C) prior to practicing speech pathology and audiology in this state.

Item 13. Amend rule 645—303.1(147) as follows:

645—303.1(147) Definitions. For the purpose of these rules, the following definitions shall apply:

"AAA" means the American Association of Audiology.

"Active license" means a license that is current and has not expired.

"Approved program/activity" means a continuing education program/activity meeting the standards set forth in these rules.

"ASHA" means the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.

"Audit" means the selection of licensees for verification of satisfactory completion of continuing education requirements during a specified time period.

"Board" means the board of speech pathology and audiology.

"Continuing education" means a planned individual learning experience or activity an approved program/activity that is directly related to the sciences or contemporary clinical practice of audiology, speech-language pathology and speech-language-hearing science and whose content and focus are beyond the basic preparation required for entry into the professions. These activities result in improving, adding to, or positively changing the knowledge and skills of the licensee to improve the safety and welfare of the public.

"Hour of continuing education" means at least 50 minutes spent by a licensee in actual attendance at and completion of an approved continuing education activity.

"Inactive license" means a license that has expired because it was not renewed by the end of the grace period. The category of "inactive license" may include licenses formerly known as lapsed, inactive, delinquent, closed, or retired.

"License" means license to practice.

"Licensee" means any person licensed to practice speech pathology or audiology or both in the state of Iowa.

Item 14. Amend subrule 303.2(3) as follows:

303.2(3) Hours of continuing education credit may be obtained by participation in a continuing education an approved program or activity. Such programs and activities may take place individually or in group settings including in-person conferences, journal readings, teleconferences, videoconferences and online programs or activities as long as such programs and activities meet the criteria specified in the definition of continuing education in rule 645—303.1(147).

Item 15. Amend paragraph 303.3(2)"c" as follows:

c. A licensee may present professional programs which meet the criteria in this rule. Two hours of credit will be allowed for each hour of newly developed presentation material. A maximum of 16 hours may be obtained per biennium. A course schedule or brochure must be maintained for audit.

Item 16. Adopt the following new paragraph 303.3(2)"g":

g. Continuing education shall be obtained by attending a program that meets the criteria in subrule 303.3(1) including but not limited to continuing education programs offered by AAA and ASHA. Other individuals or groups may offer continuing education programs that meet the criteria in rule 645—303.3(147,272C) through one of the following organizations:

(1)National, state or local associations of speech pathology and audiology;

(2)Schools and institutes of speech pathology and audiology;

(3)Universities, colleges or community colleges.

Continuing education must be offered by or approved in advance of delivery by the organizations stated above.

Item 17. Amend subrule 304.2(11) as follows:

304.2(11) Conviction of a crime related to the profession or occupation of the licensee or the conviction of any crime that would affect the licensee's ability to practice within the profession, regardless of whether the judgment of convicion conviction or sentence was deferred. A copy of the record of conviction or plea of guilty shall be conclusive evidence.

Item 18. Amend paragraph 304.2(31)"h" as follows:

h. Failure to comply with current Food and Drug Administration regulations 21 CFR §801.420, "Hearing aid devices; professional and patient labeling," and 21 CFR §801.421, "Hearing aid devices,; conditions for sale."

[Filed 12/19/17, effective 2/21/18]

[Published 1/17/18]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 1/17/18.

Professional Licensure Division

This Organization is a part of the Public Health Department

Official Document

  • Speech pathologists and audiologists—licensure, continuing education, discipline, amendments to chs 300, 303, 304
  • Published on 1/17/2018
  • Adopted and Filed

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