Settings for home- and community-based services (HCBS) provision to Medicaid members, amendments to chs 77, 78, 83
ARC 3784C
Notice of Intended Action
Proposing rule making related to settings for home- and community-based services and providing an opportunity for public comment
The Human Services Department hereby proposes to amend Chapter 77, "Conditions of Participation for Providers of Medical and Remedial Care," Chapter 78, "Amount, Duration and Scope of Medical and Remedial Services," and Chapter 83, "Medicaid Waiver Services," Iowa Administrative Code.
Legal Authority for Rule Making
This rule making is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 249A.4.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 249A.4, 42 CFR Section 441.301(c) and 42 CFR Section 441.710.
Purpose and Summary
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued regulations that define the residential and nonresidential settings in which it is permissible for states to provide and pay for Medicaid home- and community-based services (HCBS). The purpose of the CMS regulations is to ensure that individuals receive Medicaid HCBS in settings that are integrated in and support full access to the greater community. These regulations also aim to ensure that individuals have a free choice of where they live and who provides services to them, as well as to ensure that individual rights are not restricted. While providing Medicaid HCBS in institutional settings has never been allowed, these new regulations clarify that HCBS may not be provided in settings that have the qualities of an institution. The federal regulations were effective March 17, 2014, with an initial five-year transition time period for all HCBS providers to be in full compliance with the regulations or lose federal HCBS funding for services provided in the setting. Due to the complexity of the changes required for full compliance, CMS extended the implementation time period by three years on May 9, 2017. The State has until March 17, 2022, to demonstrate full compliance with the HCBS settings regulations.
As part of a statewide transition plan developed to transition HCBS services to meet the federal regulations, CMS required the State of Iowa to complete a full assessment of the administrative rules in the Iowa Administrative Code for compliance with the federal regulations. These proposed amendments make changes to the Department's administrative rules necessary for full compliance with federal regulations as cited above.
Fiscal Impact
This rule making's fiscal impact to the State of Iowa cannot be determined. Issues with a specific provider setting or services that do not meet the settings guidelines would cause cost increases. These increases could be due to a member's change in services, such as a switch to supported employment, and to changes in staffing ratios within the services. The settings rules will also require that more services be provided in community-based settings. There will be increased provider costs involving transportation and smaller staff-to-member ratios when providers take members into the community with some type of regularity. CMS did not offer any increase in rates for services in conjunction with the new setting requirements. It is also difficult to quantify the number of members affected or how soon cost increases will be realized. Therefore, the fiscal impact cannot be determined.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to rule 441—1.8(17A,217).
Public Comment
Any interested person may submit written comments concerning this proposed rule making. Written comments in response to this rule making must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m. on May 29, 2018. Comments should be directed to:
Harry Rossander |
Bureau of Policy Coordination |
Department of Human Services |
Hoover State Office Building, Fifth Floor |
1305 East Walnut Street |
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0114 |
Public Hearing
No public hearing is scheduled at this time. As provided in Iowa Code section 17A.4(1)"b," an oral presentation regarding this rule making may be demanded by 25 interested persons, a governmental subdivision, the Administrative Rules Review Committee, an agency, or an association having 25 or more members.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
The following rule-making actions are proposed:
Item 1. Amend rule 441—77.25(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—77.25(249A) Home- and community-based habilitation services. To be eligible to participate in the Medicaid program as an approved provider of home- and community-based habilitation services, a provider shall meet the general requirements in subrules 77.25(2), 77.25(3), and 77.25(4), and 77.25(5) and shall meet the requirements in the subrules applicable to the individual services being provided.
Item 2. Adopt the following new definition of "Provider-owned or controlled setting" in subrule 77.25(1):
"Provider-owned or controlled setting" means a setting where the HCBS provider owns the property where the member resides, leases the property from a third party, or has a direct or indirect financial relationship with the property owner that impacts either the care provided to or the financial conditions applicable to the member.
Item 3. Renumber subrules 77.25(5) to 77.25(9) as 77.25(6) to 77.25(10).
Item 4. Adopt the following new subrule 77.25(5):
77.25(5) Residential and nonresidential settings. Effective March 17, 2022, all home- and community-based services (HCBS), whether residential or nonresidential, shall be provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of individuals receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS. Settings shall optimize individual initiative, autonomy, and independence in making life choices, including but not limited to daily activities, physical environment, and with whom to interact.
a. Nursing facilities, institutions for mental diseases, intermediate care facilities for persons with an intellectual disability, and hospitals are not considered integrated, community-based settings.
b. Any HCBS setting that is located in a building that is also a publicly or privately operated facility, identified in paragraph 77.25(5)"a," that provides inpatient treatment or in a building on the grounds of, or immediately adjacent to, a public institution, identified in paragraph 77.25(5)"a," or any setting that has the effect of isolating members receiving Medicaid HCBS from the broader community will be presumed to be a setting that has the qualities of an institution unless the department conducts a site-specific review and determines otherwise.
c. Residential services may be provided in provider-owned or controlled settings. In provider-owned or controlled residential settings:
(1)The member selects the setting from among setting options, including non-disability-specific settings and an option for a private unit in a residential setting.
(2)The setting options are identified and documented in the person-centered service plan and are based on the member's needs, preferences, and resources available for room and board.
(3)Members have choices regarding services and supports received and who provides them.
(4)Members are assured the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and undue restraint.
(5)Services and supports shall optimize, but not regiment, individual initiative, autonomy, and independence in making life choices, including but not limited to daily activities, physical environment, and with whom to interact.
(6)Each member shall be afforded privacy in the member's sleeping and living unit. Living unit entrance doors and bedroom doors may be locked by the member, and only appropriate staff shall have keys. Staff access to keys must be identified in the member's person-centered plan.
(7)Members shall have a choice of roommates in that setting.
(8)Members shall have the freedom to furnish and decorate their sleeping or living areas as desired as permitted by any operative lease or other agreement.
(9)Members shall have the freedom and support to control their own schedules and activities and shall have access to food at any time.
(10)Members may have visitors of their choosing at any time.
(11)The setting shall be physically accessible to the member.
Item 5. Amend rule 441—77.30(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—77.30(249A) HCBS health and disability waiver service providers. HCBS health and disability waiver services shall be rendered by a person who is at least 16 years old (except as otherwise provided in this rule) and is not the spouse of the member served or the parent or stepparent of a member aged 17 or under. People who are 16 or 17 years old must be employed and supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider unless they are employed to provide self-directed personal care services through the consumer choices option. A person hired for self-directed personal care services need not be supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider. A provider hired through the consumer choices option for independent support brokerage, self-directed personal care, individual-directed goods and services, or self-directed community support and employment is not required to enroll as a Medicaid provider. The following providers shall be eligible to participate in the Medicaid HCBS health and disability waiver program if they meet the standards in subrule 77.30(18)and the integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) and also meet the standards set forth below for the service to be provided:
Item 6. Amend rule 441—77.33(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—77.33(249A) HCBS elderly waiver service providers. HCBS elderly waiver services shall be rendered by a person who is at least 16 years old (except as otherwise provided in this rule) and is not the spouse of the consumer served or the parent or stepparent of a consumer aged 17 or under. People who are 16 or 17 years old must be employed and supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider unless they are employed to provide self-directed personal care services through the consumer choices option. A person hired for self-directed personal care services need not be supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider. A person hired through the consumer choices option for independent support brokerage, self-directed personal care, individual-directed goods and services, or self-directed community support and employment is not required to enroll as a Medicaid provider. The following providers shall be eligible to participate in the Medicaid HCBS elderly waiver program if they meet the standards in subrule 77.33(22)and the integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) and also meet the standards set forth below for the service to be provided:
Item 7. Amend rule 441—77.34(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—77.34(249A) HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver service providers. HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver services shall be rendered by a person who is at least 16 years old (except as otherwise provided in this rule) and is not the spouse of the consumer served or the parent or stepparent of a consumer aged 17 or under. People who are 16 or 17 years old must be employed and supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider unless they are employed to provide self-directed personal care services through the consumer choices option. A person hired for self-directed personal care services need not be supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider. A person hired through the consumer choices option for independent support brokerage, self-directed personal care, individual-directed goods and services, or self-directed community support and employment is not required to enroll as a Medicaid provider. The following providers shall be eligible to participate in the Medicaid HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver program if they meet the standards in subrule 77.34(14)and the integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) and also meet the standards set forth below for the service to be provided:
Item 8. Amend rule 441—77.37(249A) as follows:
441—77.37(249A) Home- and community-based services intellectual disability waiver service providers. Providers shall be eligible to participate in the Medicaid HCBS intellectual disability waiver program if they meet the requirements in this rule and the subrules applicable to the individual service.
The standards in subrule 77.37(1) apply only to providers of supported employment, respite providers certified according to subparagraph 77.37(15)"a"(8), and providers of supported community living services that are not residential-based. The standards and certification processes in subrules 77.37(2) through 77.37(7) and 77.37(9) through 77.37(12) apply only to supported employment providers and non-residential-based supported community living providers.
The requirements in subrule 77.37(13) apply to all providers. Exception: A person hired through the consumer choices option for independent support brokerage, self-directed personal care, individual-directed goods and services, or self-directed community support and employment is not required to enroll as a Medicaid provider and is not subject to the review requirements in subrule 77.37(13). Also, services must be rendered by a person who is at least 16 years old (except as otherwise provided in this rule) and is not the spouse of the consumer served or the parent or stepparent of a consumer aged 17 or under. People who are 16 or 17 years old must be employed and supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider unless they are employed to provide self-directed personal care services through the consumer choices option. A person hired for self-directed personal care services need not be supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider. Consumer-directed attendant care and interim medical monitoring and treatment providers must be at least 18 years of age.
The integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) apply to all HCBS intellectual disability waiver service providers.
77.37(1) to 77.37(32) No change.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 249A.4.
Item 9. Amend rule 441—77.39(249A) as follows:
441—77.39(249A) HCBS brain injury waiver service providers. Providers shall be eligible to participate in the Medicaid brain injury waiver program if they meet the requirements in this rule and the subrules applicable to the individual service. Beginning January 1, 2015, providers initially enrolling to deliver BI waiver services and each of their staff members involved in direct consumer service must have completed the department's brain injury training modules one and two within 60 days from the beginning date of service provision, with the exception of staff members who are certified through the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) as a certified brain injury specialist (CBIS) or certified brain injury specialist trainer (CBIST), providers of home and vehicle modification, specialized medical equipment, transportation, personal emergency response, financial management, independent support brokerage, self-directed personal care, individual-directed goods and services, and self-directed community supports and employment. Providers enrolled to provide BI waiver services and each of their staff members involved in direct consumer service on or before December 31, 2014, shall be deemed to have completed the required training.
Services shall be rendered by a person who is at least 16 years old (except as otherwise provided in this rule) and is not the spouse of the consumer served or the parent or stepparent of a consumer aged 17 or under. People who are 16 or 17 years old must be employed and supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider unless they are employed to provide self-directed personal care services through the consumer choices option. A person hired for self-directed personal care services need not be supervised by an enrolled HCBS provider. A person hired through the consumer choices option for independent support brokerage, self-directed personal care, individual-directed goods and services, or self-directed community support and employment is not required to enroll as a Medicaid provider and is not subject to review under subrule 77.39(11). Consumer-directed attendant care and interim medical monitoring and treatment providers must be at least 18 years of age.
In addition, behavioral programming, supported community living, and supported employment providers shall meet the outcome-based standards set forth below in subrules 77.39(1) and 77.39(2) evaluated according to subrules 77.39(8) to 77.39(10), and the requirements of subrules 77.39(3) to 77.39(7). Respite providers shall also meet the standards in subrule 77.39(1).
The integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) apply to all HCBS brain injury waiver service providers.
77.39(1) to 77.39(30) No change.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 249A.4.
Item 10. Amend rule 441—77.41(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—77.41(249A) HCBS physical disability waiver service providers. Providers shall be eligible to participate in the Medicaid physical disability waiver program if they meet the requirements in this rule and the subrules applicable to the individual service. Enrolled providers shall maintain the certification listed in the applicable subrules in order to remain eligible providers. The integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) apply to all HCBS physical disability waiver service providers.
Item 11. Amend rule 441—77.46(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—77.46(249A) HCBS children's mental health waiver service providers. HCBS children's mental health waiver services shall be rendered by provider agencies that meet the general provider standards in subrule 77.46(1)and the integrated, community-based settings standards in subrule 77.25(5) and also meet the standards in subrules 77.46(2) to 77.46(5) that are specific to the waiver services provided. A provider that is approved for the same service under another HCBS Medicaid waiver shall be eligible to enroll for that service under the children's mental health waiver.
Item 12. Amend rule 441—78.27(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.27(249A) Home- and community-based habilitation services. Payment for habilitation services will only be made to providers enrolled to provide habilitation through the Iowa Medicaid enterprise. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided to members in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 13. Amend subrule 78.27(1), definition of "Comprehensive service plan," as follows:
"Comprehensive service plan" means an individualized, person-centered, and goal-oriented plan of services written in language understandable by the member using the service and developed collaboratively by the member and the case manager.
Item 14. Amend paragraph 78.27(4)"a" as follows:
a. Development. A comprehensive service plan or treatment plan shall be developed for each member receiving home- and community-based habilitation services based on the member's current assessment and shall be reviewed on an annual basis.
(1)The case manager or the integrated health home care coordinator shall establish an interdisciplinary team for as selected by the member or the member's legal representative. The team shall include the case manager or integrated health home care coordinator and the member and, if applicable, the member's legal representative, the member's family, the member's service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
(2)With assistance from the member and the interdisciplinary team, the case manager or integrated health home care coordinator shall identify the member's services based on the member's needs, the availability of services, and the member's choice of services and providers.
(3) to (8) No change.
(9)The initial comprehensive service plan or treatment plan and annual updates to the comprehensive service plan or treatment plan must be approved by the IME medical services unit in ISIS before services are implemented. Services provided before the approval date are not payable. The written comprehensive service plan or treatment plan must be completed, signed and dated by the case manager , or integrated health home care coordinator, or service worker within 30 calendar days after plan approval.
(10)No change.
Item 15. Amend paragraph 78.27(8)"b" as follows:
b. Setting. Day habilitation shall take place in a community-based, nonresidential setting settings separate from the member's residence. Services shall not be provided in the member's home. When the member lives in a residential care facility of more than 16 beds, day habilitation services provided in the facility are not considered to be provided in the member's home if the services are provided in an area apart from the member's sleeping accommodations.
Item 16. Amend rule 441—78.34(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.34(249A) HCBS ill and handicapped waiver services. Payment will be approved for the following services to members eligible for HCBS ill and handicapped waiver services as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 17. Amend subparagraph 78.34(8)"d"(4) as follows:
(4)Interim medical monitoring and treatment services shall be provided only in the following settings that are approved by the department as integrated, community-based settings: the member's home; in a registered child development home; in a licensed child care center, residential care facility, or adult day care facility; or during the time when the member is being transported to and from school.
Item 18. Reletter paragraphs 78.34(14)"c" and "d" as 78.34(14)"d" and "e."
Item 19. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.34(14)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 20. Amend rule 441—78.37(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.37(249A) HCBS elderly waiver services. Payment will be approved for the following services to members eligible for the HCBS elderly waiver services as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 21. Reletter paragraphs 78.37(19)"c" and "d" as 78.37(19)"d" and "e."
Item 22. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.37(19)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 23. Amend rule 441—78.38(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.38(249A) HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver services. Payment will be approved for the following services to members eligible for the HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver services as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 24. Reletter paragraphs 78.38(10)"c" and "d" as 78.38(10)"d" and "e."
Item 25. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.38(10)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 26. Amend rule 441—78.41(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.41(249A) HCBS intellectual disability waiver services. Payment will be approved for the following services to members eligible for the HCBS intellectual disability waiver as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 27. Amend subparagraph 78.41(9)"d"(4) as follows:
(4)Interim medical monitoring and treatment services shall be provided only in the following settings that are approved by the department as integrated, community-based settings: the member's home; in a registered child development home; in a licensed child care center, residential care facility, or adult day care facility; or during the time when the member is being transported to and from school.
Item 28. Reletter paragraphs 78.41(16)"c" and "d" as 78.41(16)"d" and "e."
Item 29. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.41(16)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 30. Amend rule 441—78.43(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.43(249A) HCBS brain injury waiver services. Payment shall be approved for the following services to members eligible for the HCBS brain injury waiver services as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 31. Amend subparagraph 78.43(14)"d"(4) as follows:
(4)Interim medical monitoring and treatment services shall be provided only in the following settings that are approved by the department as integrated, community-based settings: the member's home; in a registered child development home; in a licensed child care center, residential care facility, or adult day care facility; or during the time when the member is being transported to and from school.
Item 32. Reletter paragraphs 78.43(16)"c" and "d" as 78.43(16)"d" and "e."
Item 33. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.43(16)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 34. Amend rule 441—78.46(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.46(249A) Physical disability waiver service. Payment shall be approved for the following services to members eligible for the HCBS physical disability waiver as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 35. Reletter paragraphs 78.46(7)"c" and "d" as 78.46(7)"d" and "e."
Item 36. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.46(7)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 37. Amend rule 441—78.52(249A), introductory paragraph, as follows:
441—78.52(249A) HCBS children's mental health waiver services. Payment will be approved for the following services to members eligible for the HCBS children's mental health waiver as established in 441—Chapter 83 and as identified in the member's service plan. Effective March 17, 2022, payment shall only be made for services provided in integrated, community-based settings that support full access of members receiving Medicaid HCBS to the greater community, including opportunities to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community, to the same degree of access as individuals not receiving Medicaid HCBS.
Item 38. Reletter paragraphs 78.52(1)"c" and "d" as 78.52(1)"d" and "e."
Item 39. Adopt the following new paragraph 78.52(1)"c":
c. All rights restrictions must be implemented in accordance with 441—subrule 77.25(4). The member service plan or treatment plan shall include documentation of:
(1)Any restrictions on the member's rights, including the rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
(2)The need for the restriction.
(3)The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that have been tried but did not work.
(4)Either a plan to restore those rights or written documentation that a plan is not necessary or appropriate.
(5)Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the restriction is still necessary or can be terminated.
(6)The informed consent of the member.
(7)An assurance that the interventions and supports will cause no harm to the member.
(8)A regular collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the restriction.
Item 40. Amend rule 441—83.1(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed using an interdisciplinary process, which is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and which addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. It may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
Item 41. Amend rule 441—83.21(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed using an interdisciplinary process, which is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and which addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. It may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
Item 42. Amend rule 441—83.41(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed using an interdisciplinary process, which is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and which addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. It may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
Item 43. Amend rule 441—83.60(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed using an interdisciplinary process, which is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and which addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. It may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
Item 44. Amend rule 441—83.81(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed using an interdisciplinary process, which is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and which addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. It may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
Item 45. Amend rule 441—83.101(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed using an interdisciplinary process which is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and which addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. It may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
Item 46. Amend rule 441—83.121(249A), definition of "Service plan," as follows:
"Service plan" means a written, consumer-centered person-centered, outcome-based plan of services developed by the consumer's interdisciplinary team that is written by the member's case manager with input and direction from the member and that addresses all relevant services and supports being provided. The service plan may involve more than one provider. The service plan is developed by the interdisciplinary team, which includes the member and, if appropriate, the member's legal representative, member's family, service providers, and others directly involved with the member.
This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 5/29/2018.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 5/9/2018.
The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule 17-4.4 Rule 441-77.25 Rule 441-77.25(1) Rule 441-77.25(10) Rule 441-77.25(2) Rule 441-77.25(3) Rule 441-77.25(4) Rule 441-77.25(5) Rule 441-77.25(6) Rule 441-77.25(9) Rule 441-77.30 Rule 441-77.30(1) Rule 441-77.30(13) Rule 441-77.30(14) Rule 441-77.30(15) Rule 441-77.30(16) Rule 441-77.30(17) Rule 441-77.30(18) Rule 441-77.33 Rule 441-77.33(2) Rule 441-77.33(22) Rule 441-77.33(3) Rule 441-77.34 Rule 441-77.34(14) Rule 441-77.37 Rule 441-77.37(1) Rule 441-77.37(10) Rule 441-77.37(11) Rule 441-77.37(12) Rule 441-77.37(13) Rule 441-77.37(13)"e" Rule 441-77.37(13)"f" Rule 441-77.37(13)"h" Rule 441-77.37(14) Rule 441-77.37(15)"a" Rule 441-77.37(2) Rule 441-77.37(23)"f" Rule 441-77.37(25) Rule 441-77.37(3) Rule 441-77.37(7) Rule 441-77.37(8) Rule 441-77.37(9) Rule 441-77.39 Rule 441-77.39(1) Rule 441-77.39(10) Rule 441-77.39(11) Rule 441-77.39(11)"c" Rule 441-77.39(11)"d" Rule 441-77.39(11)"e" Rule 441-77.39(11)"f" Rule 441-77.39(13) Rule 441-77.39(2) Rule 441-77.39(20) Rule 441-77.39(3) Rule 441-77.39(7) Rule 441-77.39(8) Rule 441-77.41 Rule 441-77.46 Rule 441-77.46(1) Rule 441-77.46(2) Rule 441-77.46(5) Rule 441-78.27 Rule 441-78.27(1) Rule 441-78.27(4)"a" Rule 441-78.27(8)"b" Rule 441-78.34 Rule 441-78.34(14)"c" Rule 441-78.34(14)"d" Rule 441-78.34(14)"e" Rule 441-78.34(8)"d" Rule 441-78.37 Rule 441-78.37(19)"c" Rule 441-78.37(19)"d" Rule 441-78.37(19)"e" Rule 441-78.38 Rule 441-78.38(10)"c" Rule 441-78.38(10)"d" Rule 441-78.38(10)"e" Rule 441-78.41 Rule 441-78.41(14) Rule 441-78.41(16)"c" Rule 441-78.41(16)"d" Rule 441-78.41(16)"e" Rule 441-78.41(9)"d" Rule 441-78.43 Rule 441-78.43(14)"d" Rule 441-78.43(16)"c" Rule 441-78.43(16)"d" Rule 441-78.43(16)"e" Rule 441-78.43(8) Rule 441-78.46 Rule 441-78.46(7)"c" Rule 441-78.46(7)"d" Rule 441-78.46(7)"e" Rule 441-78.52 Rule 441-78.52(1)"c" Rule 441-78.52(1)"d" Rule 441-78.52(1)"e" Rule 441-79.1(15) Rule 441-83.1 Rule 441-83.101 Rule 441-83.121 Rule 441-83.21 Rule 441-83.41 Rule 441-83.60 Rule 441-83.70 Rule 441-83.81 Rule 481-63.18The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 135C Iowa Code 216A.93 Iowa Code 232.69 Iowa Code 235B.3 Iowa Code 249A.4The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Abuse reporting requirements Adult day care providers Behavioral programming providers Case management service providers Certification process Consumer-directed attendant care providers Contracts with consumers Day habilitation providers Definitions Departmental reviews Development Family counseling and training providers Financial management service HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver service providers HCBS AIDS/HIV waiver services HCBS brain injury waiver service providers HCBS brain injury waiver services HCBS children’s mental health waiver service providers HCBS children’s mental health waiver services HCBS elderly waiver service providers HCBS elderly waiver services HCBS health and disability waiver service providers HCBS ill and handicapped waiver services HCBS intellectual disability waiver services HCBS physical disability waiver service providers Home- and community-based habilitation services Home and vehicle modification providers Home health aide providers Incident management and reporting Independent support brokerage Individual-directed goods and services Initial certification Intake, admission, service coordination, discharge, and referral Interim medical monitoring and treatment providers Nursing providers Organizational standards (Outcome 1) Period of certification Personal emergency response system providers Physical disability waiver service Prevocational service providers Prevocational services providers Reporting procedure for major incidents Reporting procedure for minor incidents Research Residential and nonresidential settings Residential-based supported community living service providers Respite care providers Respite service providers Review of providers Rights and dignity Self-directed community supports and employment Self-directed personal care Setting Specialized medical equipment providers Storage and provision of medication Supported community living providers Supported employment providers The right to appeal Tracking and analysis Transportation service providers© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy