Prohibition of discipline for student loan nonrepayment; military service credit and reciprocity; impaired licensee review committee; social security numbers and proof of legal presence; vendor appeals, amend ch 21; adopt chs 25 to 29
ARC 4566C
Notice of Intended Action
Proposing rule making related to licensure, discipline, and appeals and providing an opportunity for public comment
The Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board hereby proposes to amend Chapter 21, "Denial of Issuance or Renewal, Suspension, or Revocation of License for Nonpayment of Child Support, Student Loan, or State Debt," and Chapter 25, "Public Records and Fair Information Practices," and to adopt new Chapter 26, "Military Service, Veteran Reciprocity, and Spouses of Active Duty Military Service Members," Chapter 27, "Impaired Licensee Review Committee and Impaired Licensee Recovery Program," Chapter 28, "Social Security Numbers and Proof of Legal Presence," and Chapter 29, "Vendor Appeals," Iowa Administrative Code.
Legal Authority for Rule Making
This rule making is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 543D.5 and 543D.23.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 543D; 2019 Iowa Acts, House File 288; and 2019 Iowa Acts, Senate File 304.
Purpose and Summary
These amendments and new chapters implement changes required by 2019 Iowa Acts, House File 288, providing for expedited licensure for spouses of active duty members of the military forces of the United States, and 2019 Iowa Acts, Senate File 304, prohibiting the suspension or revocation of a license issued by the Board to a person who is in default or is delinquent on repayment or a service obligation under federal or state postsecondary educational loans or public or private services-conditional postsecondary tuition assistance solely on the basis of such default or delinquency. Additionally, these amendments and new chapters continue efforts to ensure the Board's rules adequately reflect the Board's recent relocation from the Professional Licensing and Regulation Bureau to the Division of Banking by incorporating additional standard agency and licensing board chapters.
Fiscal Impact
This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any.
Public Comment
Any interested person may submit written or oral comments concerning this proposed rule making. Written or oral comments in response to this rule making must be received by the Board no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 20, 2019. Comments should be directed to:
Brandy March Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board East Grand Office Park 200 East Grand Avenue, Suite 350 Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone: 515.725.9025 Email: |
Public Hearing
A public hearing at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows:
August 20, 2019 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. |
Small Conference Room, Third Floor 200 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa |
Persons who wish to make oral comments at the public hearing may be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rule making.
Any persons who intend to attend the public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Board and advise of specific needs.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
The following rule-making actions are proposed:
Item 1. Amend 193F—Chapter 21, title, as follows:
Item 2. Rescind rule 193F—21.2(261) and adopt the following new rule in lieu thereof:
193F—21.2(272C) Prohibited grounds for discipline. The board shall not suspend or revoke a license issued by the board to a person who is in default or is delinquent on repayment or a service obligation under federal or state postsecondary educational loans or public or private services-conditional postsecondary tuition assistance solely on the basis of such default or delinquency.
Item 3. Amend 193F—Chapter 21, implementation sentence, as follows:
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 252J, 272C, and 272D and sections 261.126 and 261.127.
Item 4. Amend subrule 25.8(4) as follows:
25.8(4) Notwithstanding any statutory confidentiality provision, the board may share information with the child support recovery unit of the department of human services , and the centralized collection unit of the department of revenue for state debt, and college student aid commission for the sole purpose of identifying applicants or registrants subject to enforcement under Iowa Code chapters 252J and 272D and sections 261.126 and 261.127.
Item 5. Amend 193F—Chapter 25, implementation sentence, as follows:
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 22, 252J and 261 272C.
Item 6. Adopt the following new 193F—Chapter 26:
193F—26.1(272C) Definitions.
"License" or "licensure" means any certification or registration that may be granted by the board.
"Military service" means honorably serving on federal active duty, state active duty, or national guard duty, as defined in Iowa Code section 29A.1; in the military services of other states, as provided in 10 U.S.C. Section 101(c); or in the organized reserves of the United States, as provided in 10 U.S.C. Section 10101.
"Military service applicant" means an individual requesting credit toward licensure for military education, training, or service obtained or completed in military service.
"Spouse" means a spouse of an active duty member of the military forces of the United States.
"Veteran" means an individual who meets the definition of "veteran" in Iowa Code section 35.1(2).
193F—26.2(272C) Military education, training, and service credit. A military service applicant may apply for credit for verified military education, training, or service toward any experience or educational requirement for licensure by submitting a military service application form to the board office.
26.2(1) The application may be submitted with an application for licensure or examination or prior to an applicant's applying for licensure or to take an examination. No fee is required for submission of an application for military service credit.
26.2(2) The applicant shall identify the experience or educational licensure requirement to which the credit would be applied if granted. Credit shall not be applied to an examination requirement.
26.2(3) The applicant shall provide documents, military transcripts, a certified affidavit, or forms that verify completion of the relevant military education, training, or service, which may include, when applicable, the applicant's Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) or Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) (DD Form 2586).
26.2(4) Upon receipt of a completed military service application, the board shall promptly determine whether the verified military education, training, or service will satisfy all or any part of the identified experience or educational qualifications for licensure.
26.2(5) The board shall grant the application in whole or in part if the board determines that the verified military education, training, or service satisfies all or part of the experience or educational qualifications for licensure.
26.2(6) The board shall inform the military service applicant in writing of the credit, if any, given toward an experience or educational qualification for licensure or explain why no credit was granted. The applicant may request reconsideration upon submission of additional documentation or information.
26.2(7) A military service applicant who is aggrieved by the board's decision may request a contested case (administrative hearing) and may participate in a contested case by telephone. A request for a contested case shall be made within 30 days of issuance of the board's decision. The provisions of 193F—Chapter 20 shall apply, except that no fees or costs shall be assessed against the military service applicant in connection with a contested case conducted pursuant to this subrule.
26.2(8) The board shall grant or deny the military service application prior to ruling on the application for licensure. The applicant shall not be required to submit any fees in connection with the licensure application unless the board grants the military service application. If the board does not grant the military service application, the applicant may withdraw the licensure application or request that the licensure application be placed in pending status for up to one year or as mutually agreed. The withdrawal of a licensure application shall not preclude subsequent applications supported by additional documentation or information.
193F—26.3(272C) Veteran and spouse of active duty military service member reciprocity.
26.3(1) A veteran or spouse with an unrestricted professional license in another jurisdiction may apply for licensure in Iowa through reciprocity. A veteran or spouse must pass any examinations required for licensure to be eligible for licensure through reciprocity and will be given credit for examinations previously passed when consistent with board laws and rules on examination requirements. A fully completed application for licensure submitted by a veteran or spouse under this rule shall be given priority and shall be expedited.
26.3(2) Such an application shall contain all of the information required of all applicants for licensure who hold unrestricted licenses in other jurisdictions and who are applying for licensure by reciprocity, including, but not limited to, completion of all required forms, payment of applicable fees, disclosure of criminal or disciplinary history, and, if applicable, a criminal history background check. The applicant shall use the same forms as any other applicant for licensure by reciprocity and shall additionally provide such documentation as is reasonably needed to verify the applicant's status as a veteran under Iowa Code section 35.1(2) or spouse of an active duty member of the military forces of the United States.
26.3(3) Upon receipt of a fully completed licensure application, the board shall promptly determine if the professional or occupational licensing requirements of the jurisdiction where the applicant is licensed are substantially equivalent to the licensing requirements in Iowa. The board shall make this determination based on information supplied by the applicant and such additional information as the board may acquire from the applicable jurisdiction. As relevant to the license at issue, the board may consider the following factors in determining substantial equivalence: scope of practice, education and coursework, degree requirements, postgraduate experience, and examinations required for licensure. Generally, given federal mandates, the requirements to become certified as a real estate appraiser are substantially the same nationwide.
26.3(4) The board shall promptly grant a license to the applicant if the applicant is licensed in the same or similar profession in another jurisdiction whose licensure requirements are substantially equivalent to those required in Iowa, unless the applicant is ineligible for licensure based on other grounds, for example, the applicant's disciplinary or criminal background.
26.3(5) If the board determines that the licensing requirements in the jurisdiction in which the applicant is licensed are not substantially equivalent to those required in Iowa, the board shall promptly inform the applicant of the additional experience, education, or examinations required for licensure in Iowa. Unless the applicant is ineligible for licensure based on other grounds, such as disciplinary or criminal background, the following shall apply:
a. If an applicant has not passed the required examination(s) for licensure, the applicant may not be issued a provisional license but may request that the licensure application be placed in pending status for up to one year or as mutually agreed to provide the applicant with the opportunity to satisfy the examination requirements.
b. If additional experience or education is required in order for the applicant's qualifications to be considered substantially equivalent, the applicant may request that the board issue a provisional license for a specified period of time during which the applicant will successfully complete the necessary experience or education. The board shall issue a provisional license for a specified period of time upon such conditions as the board deems reasonably necessary to protect the health, welfare or safety of the public unless the board determines that the deficiency is of a character that the public health, welfare or safety will be adversely affected if a provisional license is granted.
c. If a request for a provisional license is denied, the board shall issue an order fully explaining the decision and shall inform the applicant of the steps the applicant may take in order to receive a provisional license.
d. If a provisional license is issued, the application for full licensure shall be placed in pending status until the necessary experience or education has been successfully completed or the provisional license expires, whichever occurs first. The board may extend a provisional license on a case-by-case basis for good cause.
26.3(6) An applicant who is aggrieved by the board's decision to deny an application for a reciprocal license or a provisional license or is aggrieved by the terms under which a provisional license will be granted may request a contested case (administrative hearing) and may participate in a contested case by telephone. A request for a contested case shall be made within 30 days of issuance of the board's decision. The provisions of 193F—Chapter 20 shall apply, except that no fees or costs shall be assessed against the applicant in connection with a contested case conducted pursuant to this subrule.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 543D and 272C and 2019 Iowa Acts, House File 288.
Item 7. Adopt the following new 193F—Chapter 27:
193F—27.1(272C) Impaired licensee review committee. Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code section 272C.3(1)"k," the board may establish an impaired licensee review committee.
27.1(1) Definitions. The following definitions are applicable wherever such terminology is used in the rules regarding the impaired licensee review committee.
"Committee" means the impaired licensee review committee.
"Contract" means the written document establishing the terms for participation in the impaired licensee recovery program prepared by the committee.
"Impairment" means an inability to practice with reasonable safety and skill as a result of alcohol or drug abuse, dependency, or addiction, or any neuropsychological or physical disorder or disability.
"Licensee" means a registered associate or certified real property appraiser.
"Self-report" means the licensee's providing written or oral notification to the board that the licensee has been or may be diagnosed as having an impairment prior to the board's receiving a complaint or report alleging the same from a second party.
27.1(2) Purpose. The impaired licensee review committee evaluates, assists, monitors, and, as necessary, makes reports to the board on the recovery or rehabilitation of licensees who self-report impairments or who are referred to the committee by the board.
27.1(3) Composition of the committee. The chairperson of the board shall appoint the members of the committee for that board. The membership of the committee includes, but is not limited to:
a. One licensee member who is a certified real property appraiser with the board;
b. One public member of the board;
c. One or more licensed professionals with expertise in substance abuse/addiction treatment programs or other similar impairment-related treatment programs.
The board may, alternatively, contract with an established impaired licensee review committee of another board, inside or outside the department of commerce, if deemed in the best interest of the licensee or the public.
27.1(4) Eligibility. To be eligible for participation in the impaired licensee recovery program, a licensee must meet all of the following criteria:
a. The licensee must self-report an impairment or suspected impairment directly to the office of the board or be referred to the committee by the board;
b. The licensee must not have engaged in the unlawful diversion or distribution of controlled substances or illegal substances;
c. At the time of the self-report, the licensee must not already be under board order for an impairment or any other violation of the laws and rules governing the practice of the profession, although the existence of such an order shall not prevent the board from making a referral when deemed in the best interest of the licensee and the public;
d. The licensee must not have caused harm or injury to a client;
e. The licensee must not have been subject to a civil or criminal sanction, or ordered to make reparations or remuneration by a government or regulatory authority of the United States, this or any other state or territory or foreign nation for actions that the committee determines to be serious infractions of the laws, administrative rules, or professional ethics related to the practice of the profession;
f. The licensee must have provided truthful information and fully cooperated with the board or committee.
27.1(5) Meetings. The committee shall meet as necessary in order to review licensee compliance, develop consent agreements for new referrals, and determine eligibility for continued monitoring.
27.1(6) Terms of participation. A licensee shall agree to comply with the terms for participation in the impaired licensee recovery program established in a contract. Conditions placed upon the licensee and the duration of the monitoring period shall be established by the committee and communicated to the licensee in writing.
27.1(7) Noncompliance. Failure to comply with the provisions of the agreement shall require the committee to make immediate referral of the matter to the board for the purpose of disciplinary action.
27.1(8) Practice restrictions. The committee may impose restrictions on the licensee's practice as a term of the contract until such time as the committee receives a report from an approved evaluator that the licensee is capable of practicing with reasonable safety and skill. As a condition of participating in the program, a licensee is required to agree to restricted practice in accordance with the terms specified in the contract. In the event that the licensee refuses to agree to or comply with the restrictions established in the contract, the committee shall refer the licensee to the board for appropriate action.
27.1(9) Limitations. The committee establishes the terms and monitors a participant's compliance with the program specified in the contract. The committee is not responsible for participants who fail to comply with the terms of or fail to successfully complete the impaired licensee recovery program. Participation in the program under the auspices of the committee shall not relieve the board of any duties and shall not divest the board of any authority or jurisdiction otherwise provided. Any violation of the statutes or rules governing the practice of the licensee's profession by a participant shall be referred to the board for appropriate action. A violation of a contract is a ground for licensee discipline.
27.1(10) Confidentiality. The committee is subject to the provisions governing confidentiality established in Iowa Code section 272C.6. Accordingly, information in the possession of the board or the committee about licensees in the program shall not be disclosed to the public. Participation in the impaired licensee recovery program under the auspices of the committee is not a matter of public record.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 272C.
Item 8. Adopt the following new 193F—Chapter 28:
193F—28.1(543D) Purpose. This chapter outlines a uniform process for applicants and licensees to establish proof of legal presence pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1621). This chapter also addresses the requirement that a license applicant provide a social security number under 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13) and Iowa Code sections 252J.8(1) and 272D.8(1) for purposes including the collection of child support obligations and debts owed to the state of Iowa.
193F—28.2(543D) Applicability.
28.2(1) Applicants and licensees who are U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens may be requested to produce evidence of their lawful presence in the United States as a condition of initial licensure or license renewal. If requested, submission of evidence will be required once.
28.2(2) Applicants and licensees residing in the United States other than those described in subrule 28.2(1) above may be requested to provide evidence of lawful presence in the United States at the time of initial licensure and with every subsequent renewal.
28.2(3) Evidence shall not be required by foreign national applicants or licensees who are not physically present in the United States.
193F—28.3(543D) Acceptable evidence. The board shall accept as proof of lawful presence in the United States documents generally considered acceptable documentation for purposes of establishing a U.S. place of birth, indicating U.S. citizenship, or establishing alien status. The board will not routinely retain the evidence sent and will not return the evidence once submitted. Documents may be retained in computer "imaged" format. Legible copies will be accepted. Original documents will not be required unless a question arises concerning the documentation submitted.
193F—28.4(252J,261,272D,543D) Social security number disclosure.
28.4(1) An individual applying for a license from the board shall disclose the individual's social security number on the application form unless:
a. The applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the applicant does not possess and is not eligible for a social security number, or
b. The applicant demonstrates or attests that the applicant is in the process of applying for a social security number and will provide such number within 60 days of the date on which the applicant submits the application to the board. The license of an applicant who is licensed pursuant to this subrule may be revoked for failure to provide a valid social security number within 60 days of the date on which the application was filed.
28.4(2) An applicant who does not possess a social security number and is not eligible for a social security number will be required to demonstrate lawful presence in the United States, if applicable, and provide government-issued photo identification as needed to verify identity. If circumstances change and the applicant or licensee later attains a social security number, the applicant or licensee shall disclose the social security number to the board within 30 days of the date on which the social security number is issued.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 543D.
Item 9. Adopt the following new 193F—Chapter 29:
193F—29.1(543D) Purpose. This chapter outlines a uniform process for vendor appeals. The process shall be applicable only when board services are acquired through a formal bidding procedure not handled by the department of administrative services or the office of the chief information officer.
193F—29.2(543D) Vendor appeals. Any vendor whose bid or proposal has been timely filed and who is aggrieved by the award of the board may appeal by filing a written notice of appeal with the board within five days of the date of the award, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal state holidays. A written notice may be filed by email. The notice of appeal must be received by the board within the time frame specified to be considered timely. The notice of appeal must state the vendor's complete legal name, street address, telephone number, email address and the specific grounds upon which the vendor challenges the board's award, including legal authority, if any. The notice of appeal commences a contested case.
193F—29.3(543D) Procedures for vendor appeals. The board's chapter governing contested cases shall be applicable, except as otherwise provided in these rules.
29.3(1) Upon receipt of a notice of vendor appeal, the board shall issue a written notice of the date, time and location of the appeal hearing to both the aggrieved vendor or vendors and the successful vendor. Service of the written notice of hearing shall be sent to the email address provided by the appellant unless the appellant specifically requests that notice be mailed or sent by certified mail. Hearing shall be held within 60 days of the date the notice of appeal was received by the board.
29.3(2) All hearings shall be open to the public.
29.3(3) Discovery requests, if any, must be served by the parties within ten days of the filing of the notice of appeal. Discovery responses or objections are due at least seven business days prior to hearing.
29.3(4) At least three business days prior to the hearing, the parties shall exchange witness and exhibit lists. The parties shall be limited at hearing to the witnesses and exhibits timely disclosed unless the board finds good cause to allow additional witnesses or exhibits at hearing.
29.3(5) The hearing, at the option of the board or administrative law judge, may be conducted in person, by telephone, or on the Iowa communications network. When the hearing is not conducted in person, all exhibits must be delivered to the board or administrative law judge no less than two business days prior to the hearing.
29.3(6) Oral proceedings shall be recorded either by mechanized means or by certified shorthand reporters. Parties requesting that the hearing be recorded by certified shorthand shall bear the costs. Copies of tapes of oral proceedings or transcripts of certified shorthand reporters shall be paid for by the requester.
29.3(7) Any party appealing the issuance of a notice of award may petition for stay of the award pending the appeal's review. The petition shall be filed with the notice of appeal and shall state the reasons justifying a stay. The filing of the petition for stay does not automatically stay the award. The board may grant a stay when it concludes that substantial legal or factual questions exist as to the propriety of the award, the party will suffer substantial and irreparable injury without the stay, and the interest of the public or licensees will not be significantly harmed. A stay may be vacated at any time upon application by any party or the board on its own motion with prior notice to all parties.
29.3(8) The record of the contested case shall include all materials specified in Iowa Code section 17A.12(6) and any other relevant procedural documents regardless of their form.
29.3(9) The board or administrative law judge may request the parties to submit proposed findings and conclusions or briefs.
29.3(10) Any request for continuance must be in writing, specifying the grounds, and filed no later than seven business days prior to hearing.
29.3(11) Requests for rehearing shall be made to the board within 20 days of issuing a final decision. A rehearing may be granted when new legal issues are raised, when new evidence is available, when an obvious mistake is corrected, or when the decision is not necessary to exhaust administrative remedies.
29.3(12) The board's final decision may be reviewed by or appealed to the superintendent within 20 days of the board's decision in accordance with 193F—subrule 17.2(3). Appealing the board's final decision to the superintendent is a prerequisite to seeking judicial review, and failure to do so shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies and preclude judicial review. Following such intra-agency appeal, judicial review may be sought in accordance with the contested case provisions of Iowa Code section 17A.19.
193F—29.4(543D) Procedures for board referral to an administrative law judge. The board, in its discretion, may refer a vendor appeal to the department of inspections and appeals for hearing before a qualified administrative law judge. The hearing procedures set forth in rule 193F—29.3(543D) and the board's rules governing contested cases shall be substantially the same, but the ruling of an administrative law judge acting as the sole presiding officer shall constitute a proposed decision. Board review of a proposed decision shall be according to Iowa Code section 17A.15(2) and this chapter and shall be subsequently appealable to the superintendent for purposes of interagency appeal and exhaustion. Nothing in this rule shall prevent the board from hearing a vendor appeal with the assistance of an administrative law judge. This rule merely authorizes an alternative procedure.
29.4(1) The proposed decision shall become the final decision of the board 14 days after mailing of the proposed decision, unless prior to that time a party submits an appeal of the proposed decision or the board seeks review on its own motion.
29.4(2) Notice of an appeal for review of a proposed decision or notice of the board's own review shall be mailed to all parties by the board's executive officer. Within 14 days after mailing of the notice of appeal or the board's review, any party may submit to the board exceptions to and a brief in support of or in opposition to the proposed decision, copies of which shall be mailed by the submitting party to all other parties to the proceeding. The board's executive officer shall notify the parties if oral argument will be heard and shall specify whether oral argument will be heard in person, by telephone or on the Iowa communications network. The executive officer shall schedule the board's review of the proposed decision not less than 30 days after mailing of the notice of appeal or the board's own review.
29.4(3) Failure to appeal a proposed decision will constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies and preclude judicial review.
29.4(4) Review of a proposed decision shall be based on the record and limited to the issues raised in the hearing. The issues shall be specified in the notice of appeal of a proposed decision. The party requesting the review shall be responsible for transcribing any tape of the oral proceedings or arranging for a transcript of oral proceedings reported by a certified shorthand reporter.
29.4(5) Each party shall have the opportunity to file exceptions and present briefs. The executive officer may set deadlines for the submission of exceptions or briefs. If oral argument will be held, the executive officer shall notify all parties of the date, time and location at least ten days in advance.
29.4(6) The board shall not receive any additional evidence unless the board grants an application to present additional evidence. Any such application must be filed by a party no fewer than five business days in advance of oral argument. Additional evidence shall be allowed only upon a showing that the evidence is material to the outcome and that there were good reasons for failure to present the evidence at hearing. If an application to present additional evidence is granted, the board shall order the conditions under which the evidence shall be presented.
29.4(7) The board's final decision shall be in writing and may incorporate all or part of the proposed decision.
193F—29.5(543D) Procedures for review by superintendent in first instance. The board or superintendent may elect to have the superintendent serve as the final decision maker in the first instance or review a proposed decision of an administrative law judge as the final decision maker. In either case, the procedures set forth in this chapter shall be substantially the same, but further review by the superintendent shall not be required to exhaust administrative remedies or as a prerequisite to judicial review.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code section 543D.23.
This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 8/20/2019.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 7/31/2019.
The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule 193F-17.2 Rule 193F-21.2 Rule 193F-25.8(4) Rule 193F-26.1 Rule 193F-26.2 Rule 193F-26.3 Rule 193F-27.1 Rule 193F-28.1 Rule 193F-28.2 Rule 193F-28.2(1) Rule 193F-28.3 Rule 193F-28.4 Rule 193F-29.1 Rule 193F-29.2 Rule 193F-29.3 Rule 193F-29.4 Rule 193F-29.5The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 17A.12(6) Iowa Code 17A.15(2) Iowa Code 17A.19 Iowa Code 22 Iowa Code 252J Iowa Code 252J.8(1) Iowa Code 261 Iowa Code 261.126 Iowa Code 261.127 Iowa Code 272C Iowa Code 272C.3(1) Iowa Code 272C.6 Iowa Code 272D Iowa Code 272D.8(1) Iowa Code 29A.1 Iowa Code 35.1(2) Iowa Code 543D Iowa Code 543D.23The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Acceptable evidence Applicability Composition of the committee Confidentiality Definitions Eligibility Impaired licensee review committee Limitations Meetings Military education, training, and service credit Noncompliance Practice restrictions Procedures for board referral to an administrative law judge Procedures for review by superintendent in first instance Procedures for vendor appeals Prohibited grounds for discipline Purpose Social security number disclosure Terms of participation Vendor appeals© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy