Notice of Intended Action

Terminology, addresses, meetings, chalking, 11.1, 12.3 to 12.10, 13.1, 13.10 to 13.15, 13.19, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1(1), 16.7

Untitled document

ARC 5699C


Notice of Intended Action

Proposing rule making related to terminology, addresses, and meeting and chalking policies and providing an opportunity for public comment

The Board of Regents hereby proposes to amend Chapter 11, "Board of Regents Organization and General Rules," Chapter 12, "University of Iowa Organization and General Rules," Chapter 13, "Iowa State University of Science and Technology Organization and General Rules," Chapter 14, "The University of Northern Iowa Organization and General Rules," and Chapter 16, "Iowa School for the Deaf Organization and General Rules," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rule Making

This rule making is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 262.9.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 17A.3.

Purpose and Summary

Proposed Item 1 updates terminology and the Board's address, removes outdated and unnecessary language, and clarifies the Board's procedures for conducting meetings. Items 2 to 10 update university links to websites and update terminology. Items 11 to 24 update university links to websites, update terminology, and add reference to the chalking policy. Items 25 and 26 update the university mission statement and update terminology. Item 27 implements 2020 Iowa Acts, House File 2585, by replacing the term "hearing impaired" with "deaf and hard of hearing." Items 4 and 28 propose to reference the Regents Policy Manual instead of Chapter 8, which is proposed to be rescinded in ARC 5694C, IAB 6/16/21. Item 28 also adds an implementation sentence to rule 681—16.7(262).

Fiscal Impact

This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to rule 681—19.18(17A).

Public Comment

Any interested person may submit written or oral comments concerning this proposed rule making. Written or oral comments in response to this rule making must be received by the Board no later than 4:30 p.m. on July 6, 2021. Comments should be directed to:

Aimee Claeys

Board of Regents

11260 Aurora Avenue

Urbandale, Iowa 50322

Phone: 515.281.6456


Public Hearing

No public hearing is scheduled at this time. As provided in Iowa Code section 17A.4(1)"b," an oral presentation regarding this rule making may be demanded by 25 interested persons, a governmental subdivision, the Administrative Rules Review Committee, an agency, or an association having 25 or more members.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

The following rule-making actions are proposed:

Item 1. Amend rule 681—11.1(262) as follows:

681—11.1(262) Organization.

11.1(1) and 11.1(2) No change.

11.1(3) Executive director. The executive director is elected appointed by the board. The duties of the executive director include recording proceedings of the board, preserving the documents and records of the board, providing a meeting agenda to the board, administering the board office, providing such staff work as may be necessary to assist the board in its planning and decision making, participating in budget preparation and presentation to the board, maintaining liaison between the board and other state agencies, providing information to the general assembly and the public, participating in the preparation and completion of matters relating to financing of capital improvements, and such other duties as may be assigned by the board.

Agendas containing matters to be brought before the board together with supporting material will be assembled by the executive director. Such agendas will be indexed and included in a binder for easy reference. Assembled agendas will be forwarded to members of the board by the executive director about a week prior to any scheduled meeting.

The agenda for the board meeting also will be made available to students, faculty, staff, and the general public through the board office and the public information offices at each institution prior to each board meeting.

11.1(4) Submissions and requests. Inquiries, submissions, petitions, and other requests directed to the board of regents may be made by letter or electronic message addressed to the Executive Director, Board of Regents, 11260 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, Iowa 50322-7905 executive director using the contact information available on the board of regents website.

Any person may petition for a written or oral hearing before the board. All requests for a hearing must be in writing and state the specific subject to be discussed and the reasons why a personal appearance is necessary if one is requested.

Students, faculty, and other employees of institutions under the control of the board must route their petitions through the chief executive officer of the institution concerned. The chief executive officer will forward the petition, with the chief executive officer's comments, to the executive director of the board. The executive director of the board will place the item on the agenda for consideration by the board.

All other persons may request hearings by written petition directly to the executive director of the board. The executive director shall cause the subject matter of the petition to be investigated , make a written report to the board, and place the item on the agenda for consideration by the board and determine whether a request is to be granted.

If the board grants a hearing, it shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the board. The board may decide to grant a written hearing, an oral hearing, or both.

11.1(5) Adoption of rules and policies. The board of regents is the policymaking body representing the citizens of Iowa. It establishes goals and monitors progress toward those goals to ensure that the institutions under its governance accomplish their mission. The board of regents adopts rules and policies having general application to the institutions subject to its governance. The president of each institution is delegated the authority to adopt policies as may be appropriate for the operation of the individual institution and which are not inconsistent with the general rules and policies adopted by the board. The board of regents retains the authority to rescind any institutional policy.

11.1(6) Meetings. The board meets regularly throughout the year. The schedule of meetings is available from may be established by the executive director at the address given in 11.1(4). The advance schedule of meetings is shown in each agenda that is distributed to the press and the public at the board meeting. The meeting schedule is to be set several months in advance and indicate the site at which the meetings will be held and the date(s) of the meetings. Formal notification of meeting details is given to the press about a week prior to each board meeting and will be made available to the public at the office of the board of regents and on the board of regents website.

Six members of the board shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the full board of regents. The number of votes required to constitute a majority for a given purpose shall be a majority of those present, assuming a quorum. Except where otherwise required by statute or these rules, the board shall conduct its meetings according to Robert's Rules of Order.

Members of the public are permitted to attend meetings of the board of regents to the fullest extent required by Iowa Code chapter 21, the Iowa open meetings Act. The president of the board of regents reserves the right to have individual attendees removed from any board meeting if the attendee engages in behavior that materially interferes with the board's ability to conduct the meeting or other attendees' ability to observe or hear the proceedings.

11.1(7) General role and scope of regent institutions. The universities under the control of the board of regents, State University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and the University of Northern Iowa, strive to offer diversified and high quality programs of undergraduate and postgraduate study at reasonable cost to a major segment of those seeking postsecondary education in this state. Educational programs are designed to allow the individual student a wide range of subject selection and the greatest freedom to fulfill potentialities in pursuit of knowledge and in preparation for a role in society.

These universities are the primary Iowa training ground for the professions including medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, lawyers, veterinarians, educators, architects, agriculturists, engineers and others who will achieve advanced degrees in various fields of the arts and sciences. The state universities are deeply committed to research which expands knowledge and benefits society. They make educational programs and the results of research available through extension services and will offer services to the public appropriate to the role of each university.

General role and scope of the two specialized schools under the board of regents, Iowa School for the Deaf and Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, are to provide residential, educational, and training programs for the blind and the deaf through grade 12.

The board of regents is the policymaking body representing the citizens of Iowa. It establishes goals and monitors progress toward those goals to ensure that the institutions under its governance accomplish their mission.

11.1(8) 11.1(7) Committees. The board of regents may establish standing committees of the board, interinstitutional committees of professional educators professionals drawn from the institutions and staff under its governance, and special committees or task forces. The function of all committees and task forces is to advise the board on matters related to development of policy. An additional goal of interinstitutional committees is to ensure cooperation among the several institutions and promote efficiency of operation. The function of any committee or task force shall be set by the president of the board of regents.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 262.9 and 262.12.

Item 2. Amend subrule 12.3(2) as follows:

12.3(2) A detailed listing of the university's administrative units is shown on the organizational chart at the following Web site website:

Item 3. Amend rule 681—12.4(262) as follows:

681—12.4(262) University operations manual. The university's operations manual contains policies and procedures governing the internal operations of the university. It is available for review at the following Web site website: The operations manual is printed annually, and a copy is available for public review at the university's main library. The university archivist maintains prior versions of the operations manual at*/

Item 4. Amend rule 681—12.5(262) as follows:

681—12.5(262) Contracting authority. Except for authority retained by the board of regents in 681—8.2(262) or in the Regents Policy Manual regents policy manual, the board of regents has delegated to the president authority to make contracts and agreements as specified in 681—Chapter 8 the regents policy manual. Pursuant to and in accordance with that delegation, the president has further delegated contracting authority as outlined in the university's operations manual, part V, chapter 6. This delegated contracting authority is available for review at the following Web site website:

Item 5. Amend rule 681—12.6(262) as follows:

681—12.6(262) No-smoking Tobacco-free campus policy. In accordance with the Iowa smokefree air Act (Iowa Code chapter 142D), the University of Iowa has adopted a smoke-free tobacco-free campus policy, which is incorporated by reference herein. The policy, together with campus boundary maps, is available at the following Web site website:

Item 6. Amend rule 681—12.7(262) as follows:

681—12.7(262) Alcoholic beverage policy. Alcoholic beverages may be consumed, served and sold in those areas of the University of Iowa as may be designated by the university but only in compliance with all existing university policies which are incorporated by reference herein, including, but without limitation, the alcoholic beverage service guidelines and procedures at the following Web site website: and the guidebook for university housing at the following Web site:

Item 7. Amend rule 681—12.8(262) as follows:

681—12.8(262) Communication, marketing, and public relations. Inquiries, submissions, and requests should be addressed to the Office of the Vice President for Strategic Communication, The University of Iowa, 300 Plaza Centre One, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, or to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, 11260 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, Iowa 50322-7905. Generally, inquiries, submissions, and requests from the public (other than applications for admission or employment) should be submitted either in writing or by e-mail email:

Item 8. Amend rule 681—12.9(262) as follows:

681—12.9(262) Merit system employee grievances. For purposes of the grievance procedure set forth in 681—12.10(262) and 681—12.11(262), "employee" means a merit system employee who has completed the six-month probationary period and is presently employed or who has been dismissed within the previous one-year period.

Disputes or complaints by permanent employees regarding the interpretation or application of institutional rules governing terms of employment or working conditions (other than general wage levels) or the provisions of the merit system rules, other than disputes whose resolution is provided for in 681—3.127( 19A 8A) and 681—3.128( 19A 8A), will be resolved in accordance with this procedure, which has been approved by the merit system director in accordance with 681—subrule 3.129(1). Employees in an initial probationary period will be allowed access to the grievance procedure with the right to appeal orally at Step 1 and in writing at Steps 2 and 3. The university may permit an oral presentation at Steps 2 and 3 if deemed necessary.

Item 9. Amend paragraph 12.10(4)"a" as follows:

a. Any request for time off for a grievant's representative is made in writing to the associate vice president for human resources or a designee, who will convey the request to the representative's supervisor, with an informational copy sent to the director of personnel, and should contain. The written request must contain an indication of the reason released time is necessary. The representative's supervisor shall provide a reasonable bona fide amount of released time for the investigation, such time being scheduled as soon as reasonably possible and preferably within the same work day, consistent with the normal functioning of the employee's department.

Item 10. Amend subrule 12.10(5) as follows:

12.10(5) Steps in the grievance procedure.

a. The grievance procedure consists of the following four steps:

(1)Step 1. An aggrieved employee states in writing that a grievance is being presented and then presents the grievance orally, providing to the employee's immediate supervisor the pertinent circumstances of the complaint or dispute and the actions requested. The supervisor responds in writing to the grievance within seven calendar days. In the response, the supervisor states the supervisor's understanding of the grievance, the response to the grievance, and justification for the response. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached, the employee has seven calendar days to request Step 2.

(2)Step 2. If the employee requests Step 2, a written grievance is forwarded by the aggrieved employee to the administrative head of the unit or department within seven calendar days. The administrative head of the unit or department or designee has ten calendar days to reply in writing. If satisfactory settlement is not reached, the employee has seven calendar days to request Step 3.

(3)Step 3. If the employee decides to request Step 3, the written grievance is forwarded by the aggrieved employee to the head of the major functional or administrative unit of the university with a copy sent to the office of associate vice president for human resources. A meeting shall be held within ten calendar days after the grievance has been submitted to the head of the major functional or administrative unit. The university may be represented by the office of associate vice president for human resources, the head of the major functional or administrative unit or designee, and the administrative personnel involved in Steps 1 and 2. The aggrieved employee has the right to be accompanied by representatives. The head of the major functional or administrative unit shall respond in writing within seven calendar days. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached, the employee has seven calendar days to proceed to Step 4.

(4)Step 4. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered under Step 3, a hearing before an arbitrator may be requested within seven calendar days following receipt of the Step 3 decision.

1.Such a request shall be in writing and include all of the information included in the initial grievance and subsequent appeals, all of the decision related thereto, and any other pertinent information the employee wishes to submit.

2.The appeal shall be signed and dated by the employee and shall be directed to the Merit System Director, State Board of Regents, 11260 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, Iowa 50322-7905, who will arrange for a hearing before an arbitrator. The arbitrator will be expected to render a decision within 30 calendar days following the conclusion of the hearing.

b. A written grievance shall contain a brief description of the complaint or dispute and the pertinent circumstances and dates of occurrence. It shall specify the university or merit system rule which has allegedly been violated and shall state the corrective action desired by the employee.

c. Presentations, reviews, investigations and hearings held under this procedure may be conducted during working hours, and employees who participate in such meetings shall not suffer loss of pay as a result thereof.

d. If an employee does not appeal a decision rendered at any step of this procedure within the time prescribed by this rule, the decision shall become final. If a university representative does not reply to an employee's grievance or appeal within the prescribed time, the employee may proceed to the next step. With Notwithstanding the foregoing, with the consent of both parties, any of the time limits prescribed by this rule may be extended.

Item 11. Amend subrule 13.1(1) as follows:

13.1(1) Statement of university mission. Iowa State University of science and technology is a public land-grant institution serving the people of Iowa, the nation, and the world through its interrelated programs of instruction, research, extension and professional service. With an institutional emphasis in areas related to science and technology, the university carries out its traditional mission of discovering, developing, disseminating and preserving knowledge. The university's mission and vision may be found in the strategic plan at

Item 12. Amend subrule 13.1(2) as follows:

13.1(2) Officers. The university has three statutory officers: president, secretary, and treasurer. The president is the chief administrative officer of the university and has authority and duties as have been delegated by the board of regents.

A detailed listing of the university units is shown on the organizational chart at the following Web site website:

Item 13. Amend paragraphs 13.1(3)"d" and "f" as follows:

d. The vice president for research and economic development oversees the university's broad range of research, which contributes to economic development in the state and the nation.

f. The senior vice president for business operations and finance oversees the various business-related functions of the university, including physical plant, safety, accounting and purchasing.

Item 14. Amend subrule 13.1(4) as follows:

13.1(4) Communications. Inquiries, submissions, and requests should be addressed to the Office of University Relations Strategic Relations and Communications. Contact information for the Office of University Relations Strategic Relations and Communications may be found online at the following address: Communications may also be addressed to the office of the Board of Regents, 11260 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, Iowa 50322-7905. Generally, inquiries, submissions, and requests by the public may be submitted by informal letter or e-mail email. However, application for some purposes is to be made on a specified form. Rule 681—13.6(262) provides an address for obtaining forms.

Item 15. Amend rule 681—13.10(262) as follows:

681—13.10(262) General priority for facilities and grounds use. University facilities and grounds are primarily dedicated to the university's missions of teaching, research and service. While facilities and grounds are generally open to noncommercial use by the public, students, student organizations and staff, use for other than university-related purposes must not substantially interfere with university activities and must be in conformity with the requirements of this chapter. University-related activities, including the activities of recognized campus and student organizations, will be given priority. (The ISU facilities and grounds use activities policy may be found in the policy library.)

13.10(1) Except as specifically indicated, the policies stipulated in rules 681—13.11(262) to 681—13.19(262) 681—13.13(262) are applicable to noncommercial uses.

13.10(2) No change.

Item 16. Amend subrule 13.11(2) as follows:

13.11(2) The following facilities and grounds are restricted areas. Access requires express permission of the relevant building supervisor, superintendent or other person in charge of the facility: individual residences or dwellings; research laboratories or facilities; farms and associated buildings; animal storage and confinement facilities; utility and maintenance closets; mechanical rooms; utility facilities; utility tunnels; storage areas; hazardous materials waste storage and handling areas; marked or fenced construction areas; institutional food preparation areas; private offices; workrooms; shops; areas where medical, psychological or other consultation takes place; radio and television studios; intercollegiate athletics competition facilities; or areas which bear signs indicating that access is restricted. The university has leased some of its facilities and grounds to other parties for use related to university purposes (for example, the Ames Laboratory and the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment). Such areas are not open to public use except as provided by the lessee of the property or facility. The buildings at the Iowa State Center (Scheman Continuing Education Building, Stephens Auditorium and Fisher Theater) and the Iowa State University Research Park are managed by a separate organizations organization that regulate regulates the use of these facilities and grounds.

Item 17. Amend subrule 13.11(3) as follows:

13.11(3) Access to facilities and grounds may be denied when they are closed to the public for special university events or when access would conflict with an approved use of the facilities or grounds. The university may limit or control access to areas of the campus for ceremonial events and celebrations such as graduation and VEISHEA.

Item 18. Amend paragraph 13.12(1)"c" as follows:

c. Uses that require approval. A public event not at a designated public forum, and which does not meet the above criteria, requires prior approval by the filing of an Online Event Authorization Request Form with the Student Activities Center when recognized student organizations make the request and with Facilities Planning and Management when university departments and nonuniversity entities make the request. It is preferred that the online request be made at least ten business days and not less than four business days in advance of the proposed event. The Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management will make every effort to provide approval or nonapproval, with a statement of the reasons for nonapproval, in a timely manner. The sponsors of the event may request a waiver of the four-day requirement. A waiver may be granted if the Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management determines that there are good reasons for an exception.

(1)No change.

(2)Following approval of the event, the organization shall make particular arrangements regarding location, electrical power needs, custodial services, and provision for liability insurance as directed by the Student Activities Center or Facilities Planning and Management. If parking lots will be involved, the organization must receive clearance from the Parking Division, (515)294-3388. If streets will be involved, the organization must receive clearance from the office of the senior vice president for business operations and finance, (515)294-6162. Preferred locations for outdoor events covered under this subrule are the areas south or north of the Campanile, west of Curtiss Hall, south of MacKay Hall, south of the Hub, south of the Parks Library, and west of Marston Hall provided the events do not conflict with university classes or scheduled activities and provided the events conform to appropriate uses for the area.

Item 19. Adopt the following new subrule 13.13(3):

13.13(3) Chalking. The university's policy regarding chalking on campus may be found in the policy library.

Item 20. Amend subrule 13.14(2) as follows:

13.14(2) No person shall engage in harassment or stalking as defined by Iowa criminal law or engage in sexual or racial harassment in violation of university policy.

Item 21. Amend subrule 13.14(7) as follows:

13.14(7) Vehicles are not permitted off roadways or parking areas without permission from Manager, Campus Facilities Services, 152 General Services Building, telephone (515)294-0692 or from the Manager of Parking Division Director of the Parking Department, 27 Armory, telephone (515)294-1987.

Item 22. Amend subrule 13.14(8) as follows:

13.14(8) For reasons of safety, sanitation, and preservation of campus property, camping is not permitted except for special events approved by the senior vice president for business operations and finance or senior vice president for student affairs.

Item 23. Amend rule 681—13.15(262) as follows:

681—13.15(262) Commercial and charitable uses. This rule applies to commercial and charitable uses other than those of university units, of university-affiliated entities or of recognized campus organizations.

13.15(1) Commercial solicitation, advertising and sales. Commercial solicitation, advertising and sales are not permitted on the campus except as follows:

a. Newspapers and periodicals may be distributed in established locations in accordance with the university's periodical distribution policy, which is available from the senior vice president for business operations and finance.

b. No change.

c. Commercial sales or solicitation may be approved by the senior vice president for business operations and finance. Such activity may be approved for academic areas of the campus if the activity directly relates to the academic program. Otherwise, such commercial activity may be approved only in the area directly to the north of the Memorial Union, with priority being given to all other campus-related uses.

13.15(2) Charitable solicitation. Use of university mail systems and related facilities may be approved by the senior vice president for business operations and finance for the solicitation of employees by charitable organizations when the following criteria are met.

a. to e. No change.

Item 24. Amend rule 681—13.19(262) as follows:

681—13.19(262) Authority to order persons off the campus. Any person violating university regulations may have the person's permission to remain in or on university premises revoked. A person who does not voluntarily leave, or who immediately returns, is subject to arrest for trespassing under state law. A person who has engaged in serious or repeat violations of university regulations, who has committed crimes, or who has endangered other persons may be banned by the director of public safety or the director's designee from all or part of the campus. Such orders shall be issued in writing. Any person who is subject to such an order may appeal such action to the senior vice president for business operations and finance, who shall promptly handle the appeal. A person who violates such orders is subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.

Item 25. Amend rule 681—14.1(262) as follows:

681—14.1(262) Organization.

14.1(1) Statement of university mission. The University of Northern Iowa at Cedar Falls is recognized as having a mission of sufficient scope to enable it to be a distinguished arts and sciences university with outstanding professional programs in education and business. It provides leadership in the development of programs for the preservice and in-service preparation of teachers and other educational personnel for schools, colleges, and universities. The institution offers undergraduate and graduate programs and degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, including selected areas of technology. It offers preprofessional programs and conducts research and community outreach programs to strengthen the educational, social, cultural, and economic development of Iowa and the larger community. The University of Northern Iowa is a comprehensive public university with the mission to provide the state and region with the highest quality undergraduate education, as well as professional, graduate, and continuing education programs. Along with being a distinguished arts and sciences university, it maintains outstanding professional programs in areas such as education and business. It provides leadership in the preservice and in-service preparation of teachers, administrators and other educational personnel for schools, colleges, and universities. It offers programs and conducts research and community outreach programs to strengthen the educational, social, cultural, and economic development of Iowa and the larger community.

It is imperative that the quality of the university's instruction be maintained and enhanced through increasingly strong emphasis on: (1) general or liberal arts education as the most essential ingredient for the undergraduate student; (2) the central importance and complementary relationship of teaching and research; (3) enrichment of instruction through extensive clinical, laboratory and field experiences and through experiential learning, community engagement, and independent study; and (4) development of the life of the university community itself as an effective educational force. In order to serve students of all ages and to be responsive to their needs and preferences and to the needs of society, it is imperative that the university offer a variety of programs in such areas as liberal arts, education, business, social work, and technology. It will offer no major programs in agriculture, architecture, dentistry, engineering, forestry, hospital administration, law, pharmacy, medicine, or veterinary medicine.

In the area of teacher preparation, the university must remain at the forefront of developments in the field of education and be prepared to offer instruction in new areas required by society. Furthermore, UNI should be more than merely responsive to changing needs and interests of its students and society. It must provide leadership in educational innovations, programs, and research.

Future programs will be determined by the continuing study of existing programs and of developing needs. Programs will be curtailed or eliminated when the assessment of need and resources indicates that resources could better be devoted to other programs. The university approaches the addition of new programs with considerable caution. Generally, new programs are fashioned out of existing programs in response to developing needs. However, if the university is to remain vital, it must consider at the appropriate time the development of some new programs that fall within its general mission and meet the new needs of students and of society.

14.1(2) Officers. The university has three statutory officers: president, secretary, and treasurer. The president is the chief administrative officer of the university and has such authority and duties as have been delegated by the board of regents.

The president has nominated and the board of regents has appointed three four vice presidents. The provost and executive vice president and provost is acting president in the president's absence and is the chief academic officer of the university, having general administrative responsibility under the president for the educational program of the university. The vice president for student affairs is responsible for the administration of all student services. The vice president for administration and financial services finance and operations serves as the chief fiscal officer of the university.

A detailed listing of the university units is shown on the organizational chart contained in the policies and procedures directory of the university.

14.1(3) Operation. In order to fulfill the academic mission of the university, the following academic units have been established: college of business administration, college of education, graduate college, college of humanities and fine arts, college of natural sciences, and, arts and sciences, college of social and behavioral sciences, office of continuing education and the library.

The dean of each college or unit is its chief administrative officer. Academic departments function within the organizational structure of colleges. The executive officer of a department is the head, who is the chief administrative officer of an academic department.

14.1(4) Policies and procedures. The university policies and procedures govern the internal academic and administrative operations of the university. The policies and procedures are available for public inspection on the university Web site website.

Item 26. Amend rule 681—14.2(262) as follows:

681—14.2(262) General rules.

14.2(1) Sales persons or agents for any product, proposition, or cause are prohibited from soliciting employees or students in any building or part of the university property, except with the permission of the vice president for administration and financial services finance and operations in the case of employees or the vice president for student affairs in the case of the students.

14.2(2) Permission is granted in limited cases by the vice president for administration and financial services finance and operations for the solicitation of employees by charitable organizations under all of the following circumstances:

a. to f. No change.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 70A.14, 70A.15, and 262.9.

Item 27. Amend subrule 16.1(1) as follows:

16.1(1) Statement of mission. The mission of the Iowa School for the Deaf (ISD) has two primary components: to provide direct educational services to hearing-impaired deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth of the state of Iowa and to serve a leadership and resource role in statewide efforts to meet the needs of the hearing impaired deaf and hard of hearing. In fulfilling its stated mission, ISD will coordinate its efforts with all appropriate state agencies, area education agencies, and local education agencies. Such coordination will be accomplished in the spirit of cooperation reflected in the agreements with these agencies.

Consistent with various sections of the Iowa Code, the educational mission of the Iowa School for the Deaf is to provide an appropriate individual education program for hearing-impaired deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth who require the comprehensive programs provided by the school.

The educational programs of the Iowa School for the Deaf will be consistent with the philosophy, reflected in federal and state legislation, that disabled and nondisabled children and youth be educated together to the greatest extent possible. Thus, ISD assumes responsibility for providing an education for those hearing-impaired deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth, including those with additional disabilities, for whom the comprehensive educational programs of the school are most appropriate.

The educational programs of the Iowa School for the Deaf are based on the premise that the school exists to serve its students by providing a learning environment which, to the greatest extent possible, maximizes each child's potential to become a contributing member of society by enhancing the development of communication, knowledge, self-realization, human relationships, economic independence, and a sense of civic and social responsibility. The child-centered programs include learning activities and experiences that appropriately and specifically meet the needs of each child.

The scope of the educational program includes provisions for the hearing impaired deaf and hard of hearing from infancy through secondary education. Program formats include full-time residential, day school, summer and other short-term residential programs to meet specific needs, vocational, and on- and off-campus individual assessment and evaluation services. For residential students, activities and experiences on a 24-hour basis, not restricted to the traditional academic day, are an integral part of the program.

The Iowa School for the Deaf also serves as a state resource and dissemination center for education of the hearing impaired deaf and hard of hearing. In this role, the school has a central and vital mission in the statewide education of the hearing impaired deaf and hard of hearing and provides a resource center for educators, related field professionals, parents, the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, and all interested citizens. Such a role affords the opportunity for the community-at-large to draw upon the specialized programs and services available at ISD.

The Iowa School for the Deaf will make its special resources available to regent universities, area education agencies, local education agencies, and other public and private agencies. Resource services would provide support in such activities as:

1.Assessment, counseling, and educational planning for hearing-impaired deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth;

2.Programs for development of specialized communications skills;

3.Parent education;

4.Extended educational programming for hearing-impaired deaf and hard-of-hearing adults;


6.Preservice and continuing education of teachers and related professionals;

7.Curriculum development and evaluation; and

8.Development and dissemination of instructional materials and technology.

Within the scope of the school's mission, future programs will be determined by the ongoing evaluation of existing programs and an analysis of developing needs. Programs will be added, curtailed, or eliminated based on assessment of need and the most effective use of resources. The school remains flexible so as to respond quickly and effectively to unmet needs of hearing-impaired deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth of Iowa.

Item 28. Amend rule 681—16.7(262) as follows:

681—16.7(262) Contracting authority. The board of regents has delegated to the superintendent authority to make contracts and agreements as specified in 681—subrule 8.2(3) the regents policy manual. The superintendent has delegated authority for signing such agreements and contracts to the business manager in all cases except the following:

1. to 3. No change.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 262.9.

Regents Board

Closed For Comments

This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 7/6/2021.

Official Document

  • Terminology, addresses, meetings, chalking, 11.1, 12.3 to 12.10, 13.1, 13.10 to 13.15, 13.19, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1(1), 16.7
  • Published on 6/16/2021
  • 881 Views , 0 Comments
  • Notice of Intended Action

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Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 142D Iowa Code 21 Iowa Code 262.12 Iowa Code 262.9 Iowa Code 70A.14 Iowa Code 70A.15
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