Waivers, 4.15
ARC 5815C
Adopted and Filed
Rule making related to waivers
The Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs hereby amends Chapter 4, "Agency Procedure for Rule Making," Iowa Administrative Code.
Legal Authority for Rule Making
This rule making is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 35A.5(12).
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 17A.9A and 2020 Iowa Acts, House File 2389.
Purpose and Summary
This amendment updates rule 801—4.15(17A,35D) in accordance with changes to Iowa Code section 17A.9A made by 2020 Iowa Acts, House File 2389, section 10. The legislation called for the deletion of the word "variance" when the word is used in relation to "waiver."
Public Comment and Changes to Rule Making
Notice of Intended Action for this rule making was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on June 2, 2021, as ARC 5655C. An informal hearing was held on June 8, 2021. No one attended the hearing. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.
Adoption of Rule Making
This rule making was adopted by the Department on July 7, 2021.
Fiscal Impact
This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
Effective Date
This rule making will become effective on September 1, 2021.
The following rule-making action is adopted:
Amend rule 801—4.15(17A,35D) as follows:
801—4.15(17A,35D) Procedures for granting waivers.
4.15(1) Any person may file a petition with the commission of veterans affairs requesting a waiver or variance, in whole or in part, of a commission rule on the grounds that the application of the rule to the particular circumstances of that person justifies a waiver under this uniform waiver rule. The commission chairperson shall receive written petitions.
4.15(2) A petition for a waiver or variance shall include the following information where applicable and known to the person requesting the waiver or variance:
a. The name, address, and case number or state identification number of the entity or person for whom a waiver or variance is requested.
b. A description and citation of the specific rule from which a waiver or variance is requested.
c. The specific waiver or variance requested, including the precise scope and operative period that the waiver or variance will extend.
d. The relevant facts that the petitioner believes would justify a waiver or variance. This statement shall include a signed statement from the petitioner attesting to the accuracy of the facts provided in the petition and a statement of reasons that the petitioner believes will justify a waiver or variance.
e. A history of the commission's action relative to the petitioner.
f. Any information regarding the commission's treatment of similar cases, if known.
g. The name, address, and telephone number of any person inside or outside state government who would be adversely affected by the granting of the petition or who otherwise possesses knowledge of the matter with respect to the waiver or variance request.
h. Signed releases of information authorizing persons with knowledge regarding the request to furnish the commission with information pertaining to the waiver or variance.
4.15(3) The procedural guidelines stated under the Iowa Administrative Procedure Act, Iowa Code chapter 17A, shall govern the form, filing, timing and contents of petitions for the waivers of rules and the procedural rights of persons in relation to such petitions.
4.15(4) The commission shall acknowledge a petition upon receipt. The petitioner shall serve notice on all persons to whom notice is required by any provision of law and provide a written statement to the commission attesting that notice has been served.
4.15(5) Prior to issuing an order granting or denying a waiver or variance request, the commission may request additional information from the petitioner relative to the application and surrounding circumstances.
4.15(6) An order granting or denying a request for waiver or variance shall be in writing and contain a reference to the particular person and rule or portion thereof to which the order pertains, a statement of the relevant facts and reasons upon which that action is based, and a description of the precise scope and operative period of the waiver or variance if one is issued. The commission shall grant or deny a petition for the waiver or variance of all or a portion of a rule as soon as practicable but, in any event, shall do so within 120 days of its receipt, unless the petitioner agrees to a later date. However, if a waiver petition has been filed in a contested case proceeding, the agency shall grant or deny the petition no later than the time at which the final decision in that contested case is issued. Failure of the commission to grant or deny such a petition within the required time period shall be deemed a denial of that petition by the commission.
4.15(7) Within seven days of its issuance, any order issued under the uniform waiver rule shall be transmitted to the petitioner or the person to whom the order pertains and to any other person entitled to such notice by any provision of law.
4.15(8) Subject to the provisions of Iowa Code section 17A.3(1)"e," the commission shall maintain a record of all orders granting and denying requests for waivers or variances under this uniform waiver rule. The records shall be indexed by rule and available for public inspection.
4.15(9) Semiannually, the commission shall prepare a report identifying Within 60 days of granting or denying a waiver, the commission shall make a submission on the Internet site established pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.9A for the submission of waiver information. The submission shall identify the rules for which a waiver or variance has been granted or denied, the number of times a waiver or variance was granted or denied for each rule, a citation to the statutory provisions implemented by these rules, a general summary of the reasons justifying the commission's actions on the waiver or variance requests and, to the extent practicable, detailing the extent to which the granting of a waiver or variance has affected the general applicability of the rule itself and established a precedent for additional waivers or variances. Copies of this report shall be provided semiannually to the administrative rules coordinator and the administrative rules review committee.
4.15(10) The provisions of rules 801—4.14(17A,35D) and 801—4.15(17A,35D) shall not apply to rules that define the meaning of a statute or other provisions of law or precedent if the commission does not possess delegated authority to bind the courts to any extent with its definition and do not authorize the commission to waive any requirement created or duty imposed by statute.
4.15(11) After the commission issues an order granting a waiver, the order is a defense within its terms and the specific facts indicated therein for the person to whom the order pertains in any proceeding in which the rule in question is invoked.
[Filed 7/8/21, effective 9/1/21]
[Published 7/28/21]
Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 7/28/21.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 7/28/2021.
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Rule 801-4.14 Rule 801-4.15The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
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