Adopted and Filed

Traffic and parking at universities, ch 4

Untitled document

ARC 5948C


Adopted and Filed

Rule making related to traffic and parking at universities

The Board of Regents hereby rescinds Chapter 4, "Traffic and Parking at Universities," Iowa Administrative Code, and adopts a new Chapter 4 with the same title.

Legal Authority for Rule Making

This rule making is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 262.9 and 262.69.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 262.69.

Purpose and Summary

This rule making rescinds Chapter 4 and creates a new Chapter 4 for traffic and parking that consolidates the three separate institutional rules into a single rule and clarifies that citation schedules are subject to Board approval.

Public Comment and Changes to Rule Making

Notice of Intended Action for this rule making was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on June 16, 2021, as ARC 5696C. The Board received one comment inquiring as to the rationale for removing the schedule of traffic and parking fees from the administrative rules. The Board provided comment in response to this inquiry during the July 13, 2021, meeting of the Administrative Rules Review Committee. No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rule Making

This rule making was adopted by the Board on September 16, 2021.

Fiscal Impact

This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to rule 681—19.18(17A).

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rule making will become effective on November 10, 2021.

The following rule-making action is adopted:

Rescind 681—Chapter 4 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:



681—4.1(262) Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the policing, control and regulation of traffic and of parking vehicles on the campuses of the state University of Iowa, Iowa State University and the University of Northern Iowa.

681—4.2(262) Definitions. For the purpose of these rules, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly requires otherwise, and all other words shall have meaning according to their common usage.

"Appointed authority" means the person or entity designated by the president of a university to perform any function or duty required or permitted hereunder.

"Bicycle" means any vehicle having two or three wheels and fully operable pedals that is a traditional bicycle designed solely to be pedaled by the rider. An electric/battery-powered bicycle designed not only to be pedaled by the rider but also propelled by an electric motor of less than 750 watts (one horsepower) may be treated as a bicycle and may be parked at bicycle racks.

"Campus" means all property under the control of a university.

"Employee" means any person regularly employed by a university who is not a student.

"Guest" means any person other than a person living at the designated residence hall.

"Handrail" means any railing intended to provide physical support to a pedestrian.

"Immobilization" of a bicycle consists of restricting the bicycle's use by detaining it at the point of infraction with a university locking device.

"Impoundment" of a bicycle consists of removing the owner's locking device, transporting the bicycle to a university facility, and detaining it with a university locking device.

"In-line skates" means any frame or shoe with a single row of wheels that is used for gliding or skating. In-line skates are also known as roller blades.

"Motorcycle" or "moped" or "motorized bicycle" means any vehicle that is self-propelled, has fewer than four wheels in contact with the ground, and is not a bicycle or an electric bicycle. For purposes of these rules, a moped or motorized bicycle is considered a motorcycle.

"Motor vehicle" means any vehicle that is self-propelled and has four or more wheels in contact with the ground.

"Roller skates" means any frame or shoe with a pair of small wheels near the heel and near the toe that is used for gliding or skating.

"Skateboard" means any board or platform with attached wheels used for individual transportation. For purposes of these rules, a nonmotorized scooter (a board with a handle) is considered a skateboard.

"Street furniture" is any structure or accessory in a university pedestrian area or slow zone designed for the benefit of pedestrians. This includes, but is not limited to, benches, tables, lampposts, and trash receptacles.

"Student" means any person registered with the university for academic credit who is not employed by the university on a full-time salaried or equivalent basis.

"University," unless specifically indicated herein, means the state University of Iowa, Iowa State University or the University of Northern Iowa.

"Vehicle" means any wheeled or treaded device used or designed for use as a means of transportation or conveyance of persons or property.

"Visitor" means any person who owns, operates or parks a vehicle on the university campus who is not a student or an employee.

681—4.3(262) General traffic.

4.3(1) The appointed authority shall establish rules governing traffic violations and the safe operation of all vehicles, including motor vehicles, motorcycles, skateboards, in-line skates, roller skates and bicycles, on institutional roads and property as the director deems necessary. Such traffic rules shall be available for inspection during business hours at the office of the appointed authority and the board of regents. Traffic violations may also be charged and prosecuted as violations of Iowa Code chapter 321 and section 262.68. All state of Iowa motor vehicle laws are in effect on campus.

4.3(2) The appointed authority shall erect speed limit signs in conformity with maps of the institutional roads and property of the university designating such speed limits as adopted by the board of regents. The maps will be available for inspection during business hours at the office of the appointed authority and the board of regents.

4.3(3) The appointed authority is delegated authority to make temporary changes in traffic patterns, including establishment of one-way roads and road closures, where necessary because of construction or special events being held on campus.

4.3(4) The appointed authority is delegated authority to erect traffic control signs and devices, and to designate pedestrian crosswalks and bicycle lanes, as well as no bicycling and no skateboard, in-line skating and roller skating areas; bicycle dismount zones and pedestrian-only areas. All vehicle operators must obey all signs directing traffic flow on campus.

4.3(5) Pedestrians shall be given the right-of-way at all crosswalks or when in compliance with existing traffic controls.

4.3(6) Driving of vehicles, motor vehicles, and motorcycles on university property other than roads is prohibited, unless specific areas have been designated for such use by the appointed authority or special permission has been granted by the appointed authority for emergency conditions.

4.3(7) Driving of vehicles, motor vehicles, and motorcycles on parts of institutional roads marked as bicycle lanes or on designated bicycle paths is prohibited.

4.3(8) The appointed authority is delegated authority to have the university public safety department investigate accidents which occur on university property.

4.3(9) Every person riding a bicycle on a street or highway on campus is granted all the privileges and is subject to all the regulations applicable to a driver of any motor vehicle on that street or highway and to the special regulations of this subrule.

a. A bicycle rider on campus must:

(1)Obey the instructions of official traffic control devices, signs and signals applicable to motor vehicles, unless otherwise directed by a peace officer or other authorized traffic director;

(2)Obey the direction of any sign whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right, left or U-turn is permitted;

(3)Obey the regulations applicable to pedestrians when the bicycle rider dismounts from the bicycle;

(4)Yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on a street whenever a rider is on a separate bicycle path that intersects the street;

(5)Not use campus sidewalks except those specifically designated as bicycle paths;

(6)Yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian in a designated crosswalk;

(7)Not ride on lawns.

b. This subrule does not apply to peace officers of the university's department of public safety while they are acting within the scope of their regularly assigned duties.

4.3(10) Roller skates, roller blades and skateboards are permitted on campus sidewalks. Roller skates, roller blades and skateboards are not permitted on or in university structures or buildings; on stairways, sub-walks, elevated sidewalks, access ramps, steps, retaining walls, handrails or other architectural elements; on or in planting, grass or seeded areas; or where otherwise prohibited by sign, peace officer or other authorized traffic director. Any person on roller skates, roller blades or a skateboard must yield the right-of-way to any wheelchair or other mobility assistance device for the disabled, pedestrian or bicycle.

681—4.4(262) Registration. Motor vehicles and motorcycles shall be registered as follows:

4.4(1) Students. Any student who operates, maintains or owns a motor vehicle or motorcycle on university property is responsible for the proper registration of the vehicle and the display of the university registration identification thereon. Every motor vehicle and motorcycle which is operated or maintained by a student on campus must be registered with the university, and a registration identification must be displayed on the vehicle in the manner prescribed by the appointed authority. A student must register the vehicle within 48 hours of initial operation of the vehicle on campus.

4.4(2) Employees. Motor vehicles and motorcycles owned or operated by employees may be registered with the university if the employee so desires, but registration of such vehicles is not required unless the employee desires parking privileges on the campus. A registration identification may be issued for display on vehicles registered by employees.

4.4(3) Visitors. Vehicles owned or operated by visitors may be registered with the university if the visitor so desires, but registration of these vehicles is not required unless the visitor desires parking privileges on campus or the visitor needs temporary or extended access to parking lots. A registration identification shall be displayed on vehicles registered by visitors in the manner prescribed by the university.

4.4(4) Procedure. Applications for registration shall be submitted to the appointed authority in the manner the appointed authority prescribes. No student shall register any vehicle owned or actually maintained by another student. No fee shall be charged for registration without parking privileges.

4.4(5) Bicycles. Each university may prescribe additional policies regarding the registration of bicycles.

681—4.5(262) Parking facilities. The university may set aside and designate certain areas of the campus for the parking of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles, and the use of any lot, ramp, or part of the parking facilities so established may be restricted to students, employees, or visitors. The appointed authority shall cause signs to be erected and maintained clearly identifying those areas of the university campus designated for vehicle parking, and any restrictions applicable thereto shall be conspicuously posted.

4.5(1) Parking control devices. Gates and other devices may be installed and maintained to control access to any parking facility.

4.5(2) Parking meters. Parking meters, toll houses, and other devices may be installed and maintained to regulate the use of any parking facility.

4.5(3) Hours of operation. Reasonable hours shall be established by the university for the normal operation of the parking facilities, and a schedule of hours of operation shall be published and available for public inspection in the office of the appointed authority.

4.5(4) Closing. The appointed authority may temporarily close any parking facility for cleaning, maintenance or other university purpose, or may temporarily restrict or reassign the use of any facility as may be necessary or convenient. The appointed authority shall give advance notice of such temporary closing, restriction, or reassignment by posting or otherwise when practical. No parking fees will be refunded during the temporary closing of a parking facility.

4.5(5) Restricted areas. The appointed authority is delegated authority to restrict access to campus streets, parking lots and other facilities by means of gates or other barriers. Streets or portions of streets may be closed to vehicle traffic or limited to specific vehicles. Access to restricted areas is limited to established gate openings or designated entrances, and no other means of access is permitted. Moving or driving around authorized barriers is prohibited.

4.5(6) Restricted zones. The appointed authority may designate areas of the campus as restricted zones, such as loading zones or service vehicle zones, and such restricted zones shall be conspicuously posted. No parking shall be permitted in such restricted zones except as authorized.

4.5(7) No parking. Motor vehicle and motorcycle parking on the campus shall be restricted to designated parking facilities, and no parking for motor vehicles and motorcycles shall be permitted at any other place on the campus.

a. Vehicles shall not be parked in such a manner as to block or obstruct sidewalks, crosswalks, driveways, roadways, or designated parking stalls.

b. No parking is permitted in prohibited zones, such as in the vicinity of fire hydrants or fire lanes, and such zones shall be conspicuously posted or marked by painted curbs or other standard means.

c. No parking is permitted on grass or other vegetation or in pedestrian areas.

d. Motor vehicles are not allowed in university buildings except:

(1)Where a shop or garage is designated as a vehicle repair or storage area;

(2)Where there is a designated vehicle loading area; or

(3)Where there is a parking ramp or deck.

e. Improper parking is parking in any place on campus other than those areas designated for parking.

f. Improper parking is parking incorrectly in designated parking areas. Improper parking includes, but is not limited to:

(1)Parking in an area restricted by signs;

(2)Parking without an appropriate permit;

(3)Parking in an area designated for persons with disabilities;

(4)Parking in a loading zone over the time limit; and

(5)Parking over a stall marker line.

4.5(8) Motorcycle and moped parking. The appointed authority may designate areas of the parking facilities for motorcycle parking, and such areas shall be conspicuously posted. Motorcycles shall be parked only in areas designated for motorcycle parking, and no other vehicles shall be parked in such areas. The university may require that a parking permit be displayed on all motorcycles and mopeds.

4.5(9) Bicycle parking. The appointed authority may install and maintain bicycle parking racks or designate other facilities for bicycle parking. Bicycles shall be parked only in bicycle racks or other facilities designated for bicycle parking. Improperly or illegally parked and abandoned bicycles may be impounded. Locking devices may be cut and removed when necessary. Bicycles may not be taken inside university buildings except as approved by the appointed authority.

4.5(10) Violations. Bicycles attached to, or rested against, trees, shrubs, handrails, or handicapped parking meters, or limiting access to, or use of, any university facility may be impounded, the owners fined, or both. Bicycles parked inside a university building that is not designated for bicycle parking may be impounded or the owners fined, or both. Bicycles bearing proper registration decals that are attached to, or rested against, street furniture may be ticketed or immobilized and the owners fined. If the bicycles interfere with the use of the furniture, they may be impounded. Bicycles considered abandoned may be labeled for impending impoundment by placing impoundment tags on the bicycles. If the bicycles display the proper registration decals, an attempt will be made to contact the owners to remove the bicycles. If the bicycles do not display the proper registration decals, the owners have two weeks to contact the parking and transportation office from the time the bicycles are tagged until the bicycles may be impounded.

681—4.6(262) Parking privileges. Students and employees may be granted parking privileges on the campus in accordance with these rules and upon such other reasonable terms and conditions as may be established by the university.

4.6(1) Students. Students may be granted parking privileges in parking facilities designated for student use. Optional plans and facilities may be offered as determined by the appointed authority. Reasonable classifications may be established on the basis of a student's age, class, college or department, course load, proximity of the student's residence to the campus, physical disability, employment, the availability of facilities, or any other relevant criterion to determine the eligibility of students for parking privileges or any optional plan or facility.

4.6(2) Employees. Employees may be granted parking privileges in parking facilities designated for employee use. Optional plans and facilities may be offered as determined by the appointed authority. Reasonable classifications may be established on the basis of an employee's job classification, length of service, place of work or the nature thereof, or physical disability; the availability of facilities; or any other relevant criterion to determine the priority of employees for assignment of parking privileges or any optional plan or facility.

4.6(3) Visitors. Visitors may be granted parking privileges in parking facilities designated for visitor parking. Optional plans and facilities may be offered as determined by the appointed authority. Reasonable classifications may be established on the basis of the time, duration or purpose of the visit; physical disability; the availability of facilities; or any other relevant criterion to determine the eligibility of visitors for parking privileges or any optional plan or facility.

4.6(4) Persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities will be granted parking privileges in parking facilities designated for use by persons with disabilities.

4.6(5) Procedure. Applications for parking privileges shall be submitted to the appointed authority in the manner the appointed authority prescribes. No student shall apply for parking privileges for any vehicle owned or actually maintained by another student. The appointed authority shall determine the eligibility and priority of each applicant for parking privileges within the classifications established in subrules 4.6(1), 4.6(2) and 4.6(3) and shall make all parking assignments. A parking permit or other means of identification may be issued to each applicant who is granted parking privileges, and such permit or other identification must be displayed on the vehicle in the manner prescribed by the appointed authority. Parking permits are not transferable. Parking privileges shall not be granted to a student and to an employee or visitor for the same vehicle, and a student parking permit and an employee or visitor parking permit shall not be displayed on the same vehicle. The unauthorized possession, use, alteration, forging or counterfeiting of a parking permit, or any portion thereof, is prohibited. The appointed authority shall adopt a procedure to replace lost, stolen and destroyed parking permits and controlled access entry cards.

4.6(6) Parking fees. The university may assess and collect from students, employees, and visitors reasonable fees or charges for parking privileges and the use of parking facilities. The amount of such fees and charges shall be established by the university and approved by the board of regents, and a schedule of all parking fees and charges shall be published and available for inspection during normal business hours in the office of the appointed authority and in the office of the board of regents. Parking fees and charges may be assessed and collected on an annual, semester, monthly, or hourly basis. Parking fees and charges may be added to student tuition bills and may by agreement be withheld from the salaries or wages of employees by payroll deduction. Parking fees and charges may be collected by means of parking meters or toll houses. Use of any parking facility constitutes an implied agreement to pay the prescribed fee or charge therefor.

4.6(7) University business. Special parking privileges may be granted for vehicles being used on official university business on the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the appointed authority.

4.6(8) Responsibility. Any person who maintains, owns or operates a vehicle that is parked on the campus or in whose name the vehicle is registered or to whom parking privileges have been granted is responsible for the proper parking of the vehicle at all times when it is on the campus and for all parking violations involving the vehicle.

4.6(9) Liability. Parking privileges granted hereunder constitute a license to use university parking facilities and do not constitute a lease of such facilities or a bailment of the vehicle by the university. Use of university parking facilities is at the owner's or applicant's risk, and the university shall not be liable or responsible for loss of or damage to any vehicle parked on the campus.

4.6(10) Revocation. Parking privileges on the campus may be revoked by the university for good cause at any time upon five days' written notice and refund of any advance payment of parking fees or charges on a pro rata basis for the revoked period.

681—4.7(262) Violations. Sanctions may be imposed for violation of traffic, registration and parking rules as follows:

4.7(1) Notice of violations. The university shall give written notice of all parking violations. Such notice may be given by means of a notice of parking violation placed conspicuously on the offending vehicle or provided in an alternative manner as determined by the appointed authority, and such notice shall constitute constructive notice of the violation to the owner and operator of the vehicle and to any person in whose name the vehicle is registered or parking privileges have been granted.

4.7(2) Sanctions. Reasonable monetary sanctions may be imposed upon students, employees, and visitors for violation of university traffic, vehicle registration or parking rules. The amount of such sanctions shall be established by the university and approved by the board of regents, except sanctions established by statute will be imposed at the current statutory amount. A schedule of all sanctions for traffic violations, improper registration and parking shall be published and available for public inspection during normal business hours in the office of the appointed authority and in the office of the board of regents. Traffic, registration, and parking sanctions may be assessed against the owner or operator of the vehicle involved in each violation or against any person in whose name the vehicle is registered or parking privileges have been granted and charged to the person's university account. Registration and parking sanctions may be added to student tuition bills or may be deducted from student deposits or from the salaries or wages of employees or from other funds in the possession of the university.

4.7(3) Impoundment and immobilization. Any vehicle parked on the campus in violation of parking rules may be impounded, removed or immobilized. The university shall give written notice of impoundment to the owner of the vehicle or to the person in whose name the vehicle is registered or parking privileges have been granted or notice may be provided in an alternative manner as determined by the appointed authority. A reasonable fee may be charged for the cost of impoundment and storage, which fee must be paid prior to the release of the vehicle by the university or by contract with private operators. Impounded vehicles that are not claimed within 60 days will be deemed abandoned property and may be sold under procedures set forth in Iowa Code chapter 579, and the proceeds of the sale will be applied to the payment of the costs of impoundment, storage and sale. The balance, if any, shall be sent to the owner.

a. Immobilization. Immobilized bicycles bearing proper registration permits may be claimed by proving ownership and payment of immobilization fees and any fines. Immobilized bicycles not bearing proper registration permits may be claimed by proving ownership, registering the bicycle under a valid name and address, and paying the appropriate fines and immobilization fees. Immobilization fees for first-time offenders may be waived after immobilized bicycles have been registered. Immobilized bicycles not reclaimed after two working days may be impounded.

b. Impoundment. Impounded bicycles bearing proper registration permits may be claimed by proving ownership and paying the impoundment fees and any fines. Impounded bicycles not bearing proper registration permits may be claimed by proving ownership, registering the bicycles under a valid name and address, and paying the appropriate fines and impoundment fees. Impoundment fees for first-time offenders may be waived after impounded bicycles have been registered. All impounded bicycles will be held for 60 days, during which time they may be claimed by the owners upon payment of all outstanding fines and charges. After 60 days, all unclaimed impounded bicycles will be deemed abandoned property and sold pursuant to Iowa law, and the proceeds applied to the costs of impoundment, storage and sale. The balance, if any, shall be sent to the owner, if known.

4.7(4) Administrative hearing. Students and employees may request a hearing and administrative ruling concerning a controversy, based on the imposition of a sanction for a registration or parking violation, or an impoundment procedure, by the appropriate university official or hearing body as set forth in university policy. Visitors may request the appointed authority to conduct a hearing and issue an administrative ruling in such cases.

4.7(5) Judicial review. Judicial review of an administrative ruling may be sought in an Iowa district court in accordance with the terms of the Iowa administrative procedure Act.

681—4.8(262) Administration of rules. The president of the university shall be responsible for the proper administration of these rules. The president is authorized to establish traffic and parking procedures not inconsistent with these rules as may be reasonably necessary and convenient for the effective administration of presidential duties hereunder, and any procedure so established shall be published and available for public inspection during normal business hours in the office of the appointed authority and in the office of the board of regents. The president may delegate authority under these rules to the appointed authority or to any other person designated by the president to perform any function or duty hereunder.

681—4.9(262) Effect of rules. These rules constitute a condition of registration as a student at the university and a condition of employment as an employee of the university. Registration as a student or acceptance of employment constitutes an acceptance of these rules and an agreement to pay all prescribed fees and monetary fines imposed in accordance with these rules.

Rules 681—4.1(262) to 681—4.9(262) are intended to implement Iowa Code section 262.69.

[Filed 9/16/21, effective 11/10/21]

[Published 10/6/21]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 10/6/21.

Regents Board

Official Document

  • Traffic and parking at universities, ch 4
  • Published on 10/6/2021
  • Adopted and Filed

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Related Notices

Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 681-4.1 Rule 681-4.2 Rule 681-4.3 Rule 681-4.4 Rule 681-4.5 Rule 681-4.6 Rule 681-4.6(1) Rule 681-4.6(2) Rule 681-4.6(3) Rule 681-4.7 Rule 681-4.8 Rule 681-4.9

Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 262.68 Iowa Code 262.69 Iowa Code 321 Iowa Code 579
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