Adopted and Filed

Votes of the membership, amendments to ch 12

Untitled document

ARC 6091C


Adopted and Filed

Rule making related to membership voting

The Credit Union Division hereby amends Chapter 12, "Votes of the Membership," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rule Making

This rule making is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 533.201 and 533.203.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code sections 533.201 and 533.203.

Purpose and Summary

These amendments are intended to simplify and update the technical requirements for substantive votes of the credit union membership. These amendments consolidate technical rules into a comprehensive voting system and articulate substantive components in individual subrules.

Public Comment and Changes to Rule Making

Notice of Intended Action for this rule making was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on August 25, 2021, as ARC 5882C.

The Iowa Division of Credit Unions received clarification questions regarding subrule 12.2(3), rule 189—12.3(533), and rule 189—12.4(533). Questions were submitted via email. Requests included adding in-person voting to absentee voting, not requiring direct notice mailings, and clarifying additional nomination procedures.

No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rule Making

This rule making was adopted by the Credit Union Review Board on September 29, 2021.

Fiscal Impact

This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Division for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 189—Chapter 23.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rule making will become effective on January 19, 2022.

The following rule-making actions are adopted:

Item 1. Amend rule 189—12.1(533) as follows:

189—12.1(533) Voting requirements and eligibility.

12.1(1) to 12.1(6) No change.

12.1(7) The quorum for membership votes shall be no less than twice the members of the board of directors, plus two, as recorded in the credit union's bylaws.

12.1(8) Member voting shall be conducted in accordance with rules 189—12.2(533) and 189—12.3(533) and any specific voting requirements established for individual substantive voting.

Item 2. Renumber rules 189—12.2(533) to 189—12.12(533) as 189—12.4(533) to 189—12.14(533).

Item 3. Adopt the following new rule 189—12.2(533):

189—12.2(533) Voting procedures.

12.2(1) Vote by board of directors. The board of directors shall, by majority vote, select the method of voting for any vote of the membership, in accordance with Iowa Code section 533.203. Each credit union member shall have a meaningful opportunity to vote in a membership vote.

12.2(2) Election committee. The board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, none of whom may have a vested interest in the substantive vote and no more than two of whom may be from the board of directors.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes or cause the votes to be tabulated by an independent vendor, to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once, and to ensure that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. Prior to any meeting where voting is also scheduled to take place, the election committee shall tally all properly cast ballots and take the tallies to the meeting. If no meeting is scheduled for voting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, and shall publish the results in accordance with rule 189—12.12(533). The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the vote at the meeting of the membership.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form; to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote; and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.2(3) Notice of balloting. At least 20 days but not more than 60 days prior to the closing date of balloting, the secretary shall set forth the substantive vote in its entirety, including the reasoning of the board of directors or the nominees for election, in a notice to all members eligible to vote.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of ballots cast, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the board's reasons for submitting the vote.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and shall be received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote through any of the methods of voting designated by the board but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice must be sent to each member through an independent mailing to members, statements, or newsletters, and posted on the credit union's website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

Item 4. Adopt the following new rule 189—12.3(533):

189—12.3(533) Voting methods and requirements.

12.3(1) Mailed ballots. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the election in whole or in part by mailed ballot, then the secretary shall send with the notice of balloting a mail-in ballot.

a. The secretary shall include the following materials for balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot meeting the specific requirements of the topic of voting.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed by the voter to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If voting will also occur at the membership meeting, the ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting. If voting is not scheduled to occur at a meeting of the membership, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the membership meeting.

12.3(2) Electronic voting. The board of directors shall vote to conduct the vote in whole by electronic voting only if all members have access to an electronic voting device. If the number of members who have opted to receive notices electronically is less than all members, the board may provide access to an electronic device in each credit union office for the members to vote electronically or written ballots in the credit union in order to satisfy the access requirement. Otherwise, the board shall also conduct the vote in part by mail-in ballot or in person at the meeting of the membership, pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

12.3(3) Instructions for electronic voting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the election in whole or in part by electronic voting, then the secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting.

a. The instruction sheet for electronic voting shall contain specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions for electronic voting required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee. If voting will also occur at the membership meeting, then the results shall be verified at the meeting.

d. If voting is not scheduled to occur at the membership meeting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the membership meeting.

12.3(4) Absentee ballots. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the election other than mail-in only, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when no additional nominations will be taken from the floor at a meeting of the members and when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The notice of balloting shall include a notification that a member may vote by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot, or requests a ballot in person at a credit union branch, and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the meeting, or by the close of balloting for each voting method if a subsequent in-person vote is not held.

b. Upon request, the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.3(1)"a" shall be provided to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted an in-person, written, or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Absentee ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting of the membership or tallies shall be added to remaining vote tallies if no meeting of the membership is held.

12.3(5) In-person voting at meeting. If the board of directors has elected, upon a favorable vote of the majority, to conduct a vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given at the meeting to those members who have not voted by another method.

a. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting.

b. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots.

c. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

Item 5. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.4(533) as follows:

189—12.4(533) Nomination procedures Specific voting requirements for the board of directors elections.

12.4(1) Nominating committee. If the board has determined that voting for directors at the annual meeting will be conducted via one or more methods other than only in-person voting at the meeting, then at least 120 days before each annual meeting, the chairperson of the board shall appoint a nominating committee of three or more members, none of whom are directors currently eligible for reelection or their immediate family members.

a. It is the duty of the nominating committee to nominate at least one member for each vacancy, including for any unexpired-term vacancy, for which elections are being held and to obtain a signed certificate from the members nominated that they are agreeable agree to the placing of their names in nomination, will accept office if elected, and will cooperate with any background check required by the credit union.

b. The nominating committee shall file its nominations with the secretary of the credit union board of directors at least 90 days before the annual meeting.

c. Nominations made by the nominating committee are not subject to the petition process in subrule 12.2(2) 12.4(2).

12.4(2) Nominations by petition. If the board of directors determines pursuant to subrule 12.3(1) 12.2(1) that voting for directors will be conducted in whole or in part by mail or electronic ballots prior to the annual meeting, then nominations shall not be taken from the floor at the annual meeting and the nominating committee shall accept additional nominations by petition.

a. At least 90 days before the annual meeting, the secretary shall notify in writing all members eligible to vote that nominations for vacancies may be made by petition signed by at least 1 percent of the members, subject to a minimum of 20 members and a maximum of 200 members.

(1)The notice shall indicate that there will be no nominations from the floor at the annual meeting.

(2)The notice shall include a list of the nominating committee's nominees and a brief statement of the nominees' qualifications and biographical data in a form approved by the board of directors. Each nominee by petition shall submit a similar statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition.

(3)Nominations by petition shall be accompanied by a statement of qualifications and biographical data, as well as a signed certificate from the nominee stating that the nominee is agreeable agrees to nomination, will serve if elected to office, and will cooperate with any background check required by the credit union, and understands and agrees to the board of director oath of office.

(4)The period for receiving nominations by petition shall extend Nominations by petition shall be accepted for at least 30 days from the date that the notice is sent. Petitions shall must be filed with the secretary of the credit union board of directors at least 60 days before the annual meeting.

(5)Nominations by petition which are received after the closing date, or which are otherwise incomplete because they do not include a statement of qualifications and biographical data, or certification agreeing to the nomination and indicating a willingness to serve, shall be disqualified by the board secretary. The secretary shall immediately notify the nominee of the disqualification and of the reason. A petition for a disqualified nominee may be refiled provided that all requirements, including the closing date for receiving nominations by petition, are met.

b. The notice may be included with the notice of annual meeting, in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the each credit union office.

c. The secretary may use electronic mail to notify members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically.

12.4(3) Posting of nominations. The secretary shall ensure that all nominations are posted in a conspicuous place in each credit union office and interactive teller machine (ITM) terminal at least 30 days but no more than 60 days before the annual meeting.

12.4(4) Alternative schedule Nominations from the floor—voting only in person at annual meeting. If the board of directors determines that voting at the annual meeting shall only be conducted in person, and nominations will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting, the chairperson of the board shall appoint a nominating committee of three or more members, none of whom are directors currently eligible for reelection or their immediate family members, at least 60 days before the annual meeting. The nominating committee shall not solicit additional nominations by petition pursuant to subrule 12.2(2) 12.4(2). Nominations shall be posted according to subrule 12.2(3) 12.4(3).

a. If no electronic, mail-in, or absentee balloting has occurred and nominations will be taken from the floor, then at the annual meeting, printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance after additional nominations are taken from the floor or the ballots shall have blank spaces to write in additional names. The ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting.

b. After members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee.

c. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the annual meeting.

12.4(5) Nomination notification by newsletter. The board of directors may determine that the entire credit union membership will be notified via newsletter or other written communication of the opportunity to nominate an individual for the board of directors.

a. If the membership is notified of nominations via newsletter or other written communication at least 90 days before the annual meeting, the secretary shall:

(1)Send the newsletter or other written communication to the entire membership via U.S. mail or electronic mail to members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically and indicate a physical location or email address where nominations can be sent;

(2)Indicate in the notice that there will be no nominations from the floor at the annual meeting; and

(3)Indicate in the notice that the nominating committee will vet the candidates to confirm each candidate is eligible and present a list of the eligible candidates prior to the voting period.

b. If the board of directors utilizes the nomination notification by newsletter pursuant to this rule, then nominations shall not be taken from the floor at the annual meeting as set forth in subrule 12.3(7) 12.4(4) and nomination notifications made pursuant to this rule are not subject to the nomination-by-petition process in subrule 12.2(2) 12.4(2).

Item 6. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.5(533) as follows:

189—12.5(533) Election Specific election procedures for the board of directors elections.

12.5(1) No change.

12.5(2) Election committee. The board of directors shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, none of whom may be a current director or nominee for office or an immediate family member of any director or nominee for office.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the election at the annual meeting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.5(3) 12.5(2) Notice of balloting. At least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the close of balloting, the secretary shall produce a notice of balloting. In addition to the requirements in subrule 12.2(3), the notice of balloting for board of directors elections shall include the following:

a. to c. No change.

d. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting and the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting shall be at least two days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

e. The notice may be included with notice of the annual meeting and in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

f. Electronic mail may be used to provide the notice of balloting to members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically.

12.5(4) Mailed ballots. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the election in whole or in part by mailed ballot, then the secretary shall send with the notice of balloting a mail-in ballot.

a. The secretary shall include the following materials for balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot, on which the names of the candidates for the board of directors are printed in random order.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If voting will also occur at the annual meeting, the ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the annual meeting. If voting is not scheduled to occur at the annual meeting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting.

12.5(5) Electronic voting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the election in whole or in part by electronic voting, then the secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting.

a. The instruction sheet for electronic voting shall contain specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions for electronic voting required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee. If voting will also occur at the annual meeting, then the results shall be verified at the meeting.

d. If voting is not scheduled to occur at the annual meeting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting.

12.5(6) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the election only in person at the annual meeting, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when no additional nominations will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting and when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of annual meeting a notification that members may vote either in person at the annual meeting or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at the annual meeting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.3(4)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the annual meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.5(7) Nominations from the floor—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors did not elect to accept additional nominations by petition, then additional nominations shall be taken from the floor at the annual meeting, provided that no electronic, mail-in, or absentee balloting has occurred.

a. At the annual meeting, printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance after additional nominations are taken from the floor, or the ballots shall also have blank spaces to write in the additional names. The ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting.

b. After members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee.

c. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the annual meeting.

12.5(8) In-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors elected to accept additional nominations by petition, and if the board of directors also chose to conduct the vote in whole or in part by in-person voting at the annual meeting, printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance at the annual meeting who have not voted.

a. The ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting.

b. After those members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots.

c. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the annual meeting.

12.5(9) 12.5(3) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the provisions of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

12.5(10) 12.5(4) Publication of results. Results of the election shall be reported to members according to the provisions of 189—12.10(533) rule 189—12.12(533). The 60-day posting period required by subrule 12.10(1) 12.12(1) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

Item 7. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.6(533) as follows:

189—12.6(533) Vote to amend bylaws or articles of incorporation.

12.6(1) and 12.6(2) No change.

12.6(3) Membership vote. The board of directors may vote to conduct the vote on the amendment by a method other than a majority vote of the board of directors, as provided in Iowa Code section 533.201. Each credit union member shall have a meaningful opportunity to vote in a membership vote. The board of directors shall vote to conduct the vote in whole by electronic voting only if all members have access to an electronic voting device. If the number of members who have opted to receive notices electronically is less than all members, the board may provide access to an electronic device in each credit union office for the members to vote electronically in order to satisfy the access requirement. Otherwise, the board shall also conduct the vote in part by mail-in ballot or in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

12.6(4) Election committee. If the board of directors votes to conduct the vote on the amendment by a method other than a majority vote of the board of directors, as provided in Iowa Code section 533.201, then the board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, none of whom may be directors.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the vote at the annual meeting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.201.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.6(5) Notice of balloting. The secretary shall set forth the proposed amendment in its entirety in a notice to all members eligible to vote at least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the closing date of balloting.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of all members eligible to vote, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the board's reasons for recommending the amendment.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote on the proposed amendment through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice may be included in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

12.6(6) Mailed ballots. If the board of directors has elected, upon a favorable vote of the majority, to conduct a vote on the proposed amendment in whole or in part via mailed ballot:

a. The secretary shall include the following materials for balloting with the notice of balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot, on which the proposed amendment is printed in full.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions and notices for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If additional voting will be conducted at a meeting of members, the tallies shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes shall be resealed to be taken to the meeting. If voting is not scheduled to occur at a meeting, the election committee shall tally the total votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.6(7) Electronic voting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote in whole or in part by electronic voting, then the secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting to each member eligible to vote.

a. The instruction sheet for electronic voting shall contain specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee. If voting will also occur at a meeting, then the results shall be verified at the meeting.

d. If voting is not scheduled to occur at a meeting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.6(8) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote only in person at a meeting of members, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting a statement that members may vote either in person at the meeting of members or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.4(6)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.6(9) In-person voting at meeting. If the board of directors has elected, upon a favorable vote of the majority, to present the proposed amendment for a vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given at the meeting to those members who have not voted by another method.

a. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting.

b. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots.

c. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.6(10) 12.6(5) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the requirements of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date of final approval or denial of the amendment by the superintendent.

12.6(11) 12.6(6) Submission to superintendent. The board of directors shall submit the amendment to the superintendent for approval before the amendment becomes effective. The board shall submit the following documentation in support of its request for approval:

a. to d. No change.

12.6(12) 12.6(7) Publication of results. The board shall inform the membership of the results of the vote and whether the amendment received the approval of the superintendent, according to the provisions of 189—12.10(533) rule 189—12.12(533). The 60-day posting period required by subrule 12.10(1) 12.12(1) shall run from the date of final approval or denial of the amendment by the superintendent.

Item 8. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.7(533) as follows:

189—12.7(533) Vote Specific voting requirements to modify, amend, or reverse an act of the board of directors or to instruct the board to take action.

12.7(1) No change.

12.7(2) Subsequent vote of membership. In order to be binding upon the board of directors, any action taken by the membership to modify, amend, or reverse an act of the board, or to instruct the board to take action, requires an affirmative vote of a majority of all eligible members obtained by submitting the modification, amendment, reversal, or instruction to the members for a vote.

a. After a majority of members present at a meeting have voted to modify, amend, or reverse any act of the board of directors, or to instruct the board to take action not inconsistent with the articles, the bylaws, or the Iowa credit union Act or administrative rules, the board of directors shall meet to determine the method of voting for the membership vote and shall, within 60 days of the date of the meeting where the majority of members voted to modify, amend, or reverse an act of the board of directors, or to instruct the board to take action, submit the issue to all eligible voters of record as of the date of the meeting.

b. The board of directors shall, by majority vote, select the method of voting for the membership vote, in accordance with Iowa Code section 533.203. Each credit union member shall have a meaningful opportunity to vote in a membership vote. The board of directors shall vote to conduct the vote in whole by electronic voting only if all members have access to an electronic voting device. If the number of members who have opted to receive notices electronically is less than all members, the board may provide access to an electronic device in each credit union office for the members to vote electronically in order to satisfy the access requirement. Otherwise, the board shall also conduct the vote in part by mail-in ballot or in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

c. If a simple majority of all eligible members vote votes cast are in favor of the amendment, modification, reversal or instruction to take action, the vote of the members taken at the annual or special meeting shall be considered affirmed, and the board of directors shall take immediate action to comply with the directions of the membership. However, if a simple majority of all eligible members failed to vote votes cast are not in favor of the amendment, modification, reversal or instruction to take action, the vote of the members taken at the annual or special meeting is not affirmed, and the prior action of the board of directors shall be considered upheld.

12.7(3) Election committee. The board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, no more than two of whom may be from the board of directors.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. If the balloting includes a vote taken at a meeting of members, the chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the election at the meeting; otherwise, the chairperson shall certify the vote to the board within five days of the close of balloting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.7(4) Notice of balloting. The secretary shall set forth the proposed amendment, modification, reversal or instruction to take action in its entirety in a notice to all members eligible to vote at least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the closing date of balloting.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of all members eligible to vote, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the board's reasons for its action or inaction, as well as a summary of the reasons, if known, for the vote to amend, modify, or reverse the board action, or to instruct the board to take action.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice may be included in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

12.7(5) Mailed ballots. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by mailed ballot:

a. The secretary shall include the following balloting materials with the notice of balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot, on which the proposed amendment, modification, or reversal, or instruction to the board to take action, is printed in full.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions and notices for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If additional voting will be conducted at a meeting of members, the tallies shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes shall be resealed to be taken to the meeting. If no other voting is scheduled to occur, the election committee shall tally the total votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.7(6) Electronic voting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by electronic voting:

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee prior to any meeting where voting is also scheduled to take place, and the committee shall take the tallies to the meeting. If no meeting is scheduled for voting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.7(7) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote only in person at a meeting of members, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting a statement that members may vote either in person at the meeting of members or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.5(5)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.7(8) In-person vote at meeting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, then printed ballots on which the proposed amendment, modification, or reversal, or instruction to the board to take action, is printed in full shall be distributed to those in attendance at the meeting who have not voted by another method, and the ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After those members have been given an opportunity to vote at the meeting, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.7(9) 12.7(3) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the requirements of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

12.7(10) 12.7(4) Publication of results. The board shall inform the membership of the results of the vote according to the provisions of 189—12.10(533) rule 189—12.12(533). The 60-day posting period required by subrule 12.10(1) 12.12(1) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

Item 9. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.8(533) as follows:

189—12.8(533) Vote on Specific voting requirements regarding merger.

12.8(1) Vote by board of directors. A state credit union that seeks to merge with another credit union shall proceed pursuant to a plan agreed upon by a favorable vote of a majority of directors.

12.8(2) Subsequent vote of the membership. Following a vote by the board of directors to merge with another credit union, the board shall submit the merger to a vote of the membership of the merging credit union unless the superintendent finds that an emergency exists justifying the waiver of the membership vote.

a. The board of the continuing credit union shall, within three ten days of voting to merge, notify the superintendent of the merger vote.

b. After the superintendent has given preliminary approval to the merger, the board of the merging credit union shall submit the issue within 30 60 days to all eligible voters of record as of the date of the vote by the board of directors. The board of directors shall, by majority vote, select the method of voting for the membership vote, in accordance with Iowa Code section 533.203. Each credit union member shall have a meaningful opportunity to vote in a membership vote. The board of directors shall vote to conduct the vote in whole by electronic voting only if all members have access to an electronic voting device. If the number of members who have opted to receive notices electronically is less than all members, the board may provide access to an electronic device in each credit union office for the members to vote electronically in order to satisfy the access requirement. Otherwise, the board shall also conduct the vote in part by mail-in ballot or in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

c. The approval of the merger is not final until approved by the superintendent after the membership vote of the merging credit union.

12.8(3) Election committee. The board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, no more than two of whom may be from the board of directors.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. If the balloting includes a vote taken at a meeting of members, the chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the vote at the meeting; otherwise, the chairperson shall certify the vote to the board within five days of the close of balloting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.8(4) Notice of balloting. The secretary shall set forth the proposed merger in a notice to all members eligible to vote at least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the closing date of balloting.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of all members eligible to vote, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the board's reasons for voting to merge.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote on the proposed merger through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice may be included in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

12.8(5) Mailed ballots. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by mailed ballot:

a. The secretary shall include the following balloting materials with the notice of balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions and notices for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If additional voting will be conducted at a meeting of members, the tallies shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes shall be resealed to be taken to the meeting. If no other voting is scheduled to occur, the election committee shall tally the total votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.8(6) Electronic voting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by electronic voting:

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee prior to any meeting where voting is also scheduled to take place, and the committee shall take the tallies to the meeting. If no meeting is scheduled for voting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.8(7) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote only in person at a meeting of members, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting a statement that members may vote either in person at the meeting of members or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.6(5)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.8(8) In-person vote at meeting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, then printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance at the meeting who have not voted by another method, and the ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After those members have been given an opportunity to vote at the meeting, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.8(9) 12.8(3) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the requirements of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

12.8(10) 12.8(4) Submission to superintendent. The board of directors shall submit the merger to the superintendent for approval before the merger becomes effective. The board shall submit the following documentation in support of its request for approval:

a. to d. No change.

12.8(11) 12.8(5) Publication of results. The board shall inform the membership of the results of the vote according to the provisions of 189—12.10(533) rule 189—12.12(533). The 60-day posting period required by subrule 12.10(1) 12.12(1) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

Item 10. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.9(533) as follows:

189—12.9(533) Vote on Specific voting requirements for voluntary dissolution.

12.9(1) Vote of board of directors. A state credit union that seeks to dissolve shall proceed pursuant to a plan agreed upon by a favorable vote of a majority of directors. Within three ten days of the vote and prior to sending notice of the membership vote, the board of directors shall notify the superintendent of the intention to dissolve.

12.9(2) Subsequent vote of the membership. Following a vote by the board of directors to dissolve, the board shall submit the dissolution to a vote of the membership.

a. The board shall submit the issue to the membership within 30 60 days of voting to dissolve.

b. to d. No change.

12.9(3) Election committee. The board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, no more than two of whom may be from the board of directors.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. If the balloting includes a vote taken at a meeting of members, the chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the election at the meeting; otherwise, the chairperson shall certify the vote to the board within five days of the close of balloting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.9(4) Notice of balloting. The secretary shall set forth the proposed dissolution in a notice to all members eligible to vote at least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the closing date of balloting.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of all members eligible to vote, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the board's reasons for voting for the voluntary dissolution.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote on the proposed dissolution through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice may be included in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

12.9(5) Mailed ballots. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by mailed ballot:

a. The secretary shall include the following balloting materials with the notice of balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions and notices for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If additional voting will be conducted at a meeting of members, the tallies shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes shall be resealed to be taken to the meeting. If no other voting is scheduled to occur, the election committee shall tally the total votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.9(6) Electronic voting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by electronic voting:

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee prior to any meeting where voting is also scheduled to take place, and the committee shall take the tallies to the meeting. If no meeting is scheduled for voting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.9(7) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote only in person at a meeting of members, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting a statement that members may vote either in person at the meeting of members or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.7(5)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.9(8) In-person vote at meeting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, then printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance at the meeting who have not voted by another method, and the ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee. After those members have been given an opportunity to vote at the meeting, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.9(9) 12.9(3) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the requirements of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

12.9(10) 12.9(4) Submission to superintendent. The board of directors shall submit the dissolution to the superintendent for review before the dissolution becomes effective. The state credit union shall cease existence when the superintendent issues a certificate of dissolution. The board shall submit the following documentation:

a. to e. No change.

12.9(11) 12.9(5) Publication of results. The board shall inform the membership of the results of the vote according to the provisions of 189—12.10(533) rule 189—12.12(533). The 60-day posting period required by subrule 12.10(1) 12.12(1) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

Item 11. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.10(533) as follows:

189—12.10(533) Vote Specific voting requirements to remove or reinstate an officer, director, or member of the auditing committee.

12.10(1) Auditing committee vote. If the auditing committee deems the action to be necessary to the proper conduct of the state credit union, the auditing committee may suspend, by majority vote, any officer, director, or member of the auditing committee.

12.10(2) Subsequent vote of membership. Following a vote by the auditing committee to suspend an officer, director, or member of the auditing committee, the suspension shall be put to a vote of the membership.

a. The members may vote to sustain the suspension and remove the officer, director, or auditing committee member permanently or may vote to reinstate the officer, director, or auditing committee member.

b. The board of directors shall meet to determine the method of voting for the membership vote and shall, within 30 days of the date of the auditing committee's vote, submit the issue to all eligible voters of record as of the date of the auditing committee's meeting. The board of directors shall, by majority vote, select the method of voting for the membership vote, in accordance with Iowa Code section 533.203. Each credit union member shall have a meaningful opportunity to vote in a membership vote. The board of directors shall vote to conduct the vote in whole by electronic voting only if all members have access to an electronic voting device. If the number of members who have opted to receive notices electronically is less than all members, the board may provide access to an electronic device in each credit union office for the members to vote electronically in order to satisfy the access requirement. Otherwise, the board shall also conduct the vote in part by mail-in ballot or in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

12.10(3) Election committee. The board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, no more than two of whom may be from the board of directors and none of whom may be from the auditing committee.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. If the balloting includes a vote taken at a meeting of members, the chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the election at the meeting; otherwise, the chairperson shall certify the vote to the board within five days of the close of balloting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.10(4) Notice of balloting. The secretary shall set forth the suspension and proposed removal in a notice to all members eligible to vote at least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the closing date of balloting.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of all members eligible to vote, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the auditing committee's reasons for voting to suspend the officer, director, or member of the auditing committee, as well as a summary of the reasons, if known, that the officer, director, or member of the auditing committee believes that the officer, director, or member should be reinstated.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote on the proposed removal through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice may be included in statements or newsletters, on the credit union website, or on signs posted in the credit union.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

12.10(5) Mailed ballots. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by mailed ballot:

a. The secretary shall include the following balloting materials with the notice of balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions and notices for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If additional voting will be conducted at a meeting of members, the tallies shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes shall be resealed to be taken to the meeting. If no other voting is scheduled to occur, the election committee shall tally the total votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.10(6) Electronic voting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by electronic voting:

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee prior to any meeting where voting is also scheduled to take place, and the committee shall take the tallies to the meeting. If no meeting is scheduled for voting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.10(7) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote only in person at a meeting of members, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting a statement that members may vote either in person at the meeting of members or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.8(5)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.10(8) In-person vote at meeting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, then printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance at the meeting who have not voted by another method, and the ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee. After those members have been given an opportunity to vote at the meeting, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.10(9) 12.10(4) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the requirements of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

12.10(10) 12.10(5) Publication of results. The board shall inform the membership of the results of the vote according to the provisions of 189—12.10(533) rule 189—12.12(533). The 60-day posting period required by subrule 12.10(1) 12.12(1) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

Item 12. Amend renumbered rule 189—12.13(533) as follows:

189—12.13(533) Vote on Specific voting requirements for the sale of assets by corporate central credit union.

12.13(1) Board of directors' vote. A corporate central credit union that seeks to sell all of its assets to another corporate credit union shall proceed pursuant to a plan agreed upon by a favorable vote of a majority of directors. The board shall notify the superintendent within three ten days.

12.13(2) Subsequent vote of the membership. Following a vote by the board of directors to approve a plan to sell all of the corporate central credit union's assets to another corporate credit union, the board shall submit the plan to a vote of the membership.

a. The board shall submit the issue within 30 60 days of voting to approve the plan to all eligible voters of record as of the date of the vote by the board of directors.

b. The board of directors shall, by majority vote, select the method of voting for the membership vote, in accordance with Iowa Code section 533.203. Each credit union member shall have a meaningful opportunity to vote in a membership vote. The board of directors shall vote to conduct the vote in whole by electronic voting only if all members have access to an electronic voting device. Otherwise, the board shall also conduct the vote in part by mail-in ballot or in person at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, pursuant to the requirements of this rule.

c. The approval of the sale is not final until approved by the superintendent after the membership vote.

12.13(3) Election committee. The board shall appoint an election committee of not fewer than five members, no more than two of whom may be from the board of directors.

a. It is the duty of the election committee to oversee balloting, to tabulate votes, and to ensure that each member shall only be allowed to vote once and that multiple ballots submitted by the same member are disqualified.

b. The election committee shall elect a chairperson from among the committee members. If the balloting includes a vote taken at a meeting of members, the chairperson of the election committee shall announce the results of the election at the meeting; otherwise, the chairperson shall certify the vote to the board within five days of the close of balloting.

c. No member or agent of the election committee shall reveal the manner in which any member voted.

d. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to utilize electronic voting, the election committee shall test the integrity of the electronic voting system at regular intervals during the election period. In the event of a malfunction of the electronic voting system, the board may in its discretion order the election to be held in another form, consistent with Iowa Code section 533.203.

e. For electronic ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as registered in the electronic voting system.

f. For mail-in ballots, including absentee ballots, it is the duty of the election committee to verify, or cause to be verified, the name and credit union account number of the voter as they appear on the identification form, to place the verified identification form and the sealed ballot envelope in a place of safekeeping pending the count of the vote, and, in the case of a questionable or challenged identification form, to retain the identification form and sealed ballot envelope together until the verification or challenge has been resolved.

12.13(4) Notice of balloting. The secretary shall set forth the proposed sale in a notice to all members eligible to vote at least 20 days but not more than 30 days prior to the closing date of balloting.

a. The notice shall set forth the rules and procedures for voting, the date of the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting, that balloting is subject to an affirmative vote of a majority of all members eligible to vote, and that no other vote on the subject shall be taken after the closing date of balloting except for votes cast in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting. The notice shall also contain a summary of the board's reasons for selling the assets.

(1)The close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting shall be at least five days prior to any meeting where voting will occur.

(2)Electronic ballots shall be submitted no later than midnight on the date balloting closes for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(3)Ballots mailed to the credit union shall be postmarked no later than the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting and received within five business days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(4)Ballots hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received prior to the close of normal credit union business hours on the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting in order to be considered valid.

(5)If more than one method of voting will be used, the notice shall also communicate that members have the right to vote on the proposed sale through any of the methods of voting designated by the board, but that members will only be allowed to vote once.

b. The notice may be included in statements or newsletters or on the credit union website.

c. The notice may be sent electronically to those members who have opted to receive notices electronically.

12.13(5) Mailed ballots. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by mailed ballot:

a. The secretary shall include the following balloting materials with the notice of balloting:

(1)One ballot, clearly identified as the ballot.

(2)One ballot envelope clearly marked "ballot" with instructions that the completed ballot shall be placed in that envelope and sealed.

(3)One identification form to be completed so as to include the name, address, signature, and credit union account number of the voter.

(4)One mailing envelope in which the voter, following instructions provided, shall insert the sealed "ballot" envelope and the identification form. The mailing envelope shall be preaddressed for return to the election committee.

b. If the credit union will also be conducting electronic voting, the mail-in ballot is not required for members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, and electronic mail may be used to provide the instructions and notices for the electronic voting procedure.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and placed in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee.

d. If additional voting will be conducted at a meeting of members, the tallies shall be placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes shall be resealed to be taken to the meeting. If no other voting is scheduled to occur, the election committee shall tally the total votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.13(6) Electronic voting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part by electronic voting:

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting specific instructions for electronic voting, including how to access and use the electronic voting system, and the period of time in which votes will be taken.

b. For those members who have opted to receive notices or statements electronically, the instructions required under this subrule may be communicated electronically.

c. The electronic voting shall be tallied by the election committee prior to any meeting where voting is also scheduled to take place, and the committee shall take the tallies to the meeting. If no meeting is scheduled for voting, the election committee shall tally the votes and certify the vote count to the board no later than five days after the closing date of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

12.13(7) Absentee ballots—subsequent in-person vote at meeting. If the board of directors, by majority vote, has elected to conduct the vote only in person at a meeting of members, the board may also, by majority vote, utilize absentee ballots when, in the opinion of the board, it is in the best interest of the credit union and its membership.

a. The secretary shall include with the notice of balloting a statement that members may vote either in person at the meeting of members or by absentee ballot if the member submits a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot and returns the ballot prior to the close of balloting for ballots submitted other than in person during voting at a meeting held for the purpose of voting.

b. The secretary shall mail the balloting materials specified in paragraph 12.11(5)"a" to each member who is eligible to vote and who has submitted a written or electronic request for an absentee ballot.

c. Ballots mailed to the election committee or hand-delivered to the credit union shall be received unopened and deposited in ballot boxes. The ballot boxes shall be opened by and the vote tallied by the election committee, the tallies placed in the ballot boxes, and the ballot boxes resealed to be taken to the meeting.

d. At the meeting of members, printed ballots shall be given to those members who have not voted. The completed ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee before the meeting. After the members have been given an opportunity to vote, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of absentee ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.13(8) In-person vote at meeting. If the board voted by majority vote to conduct the vote in whole or in part at a meeting of members, then printed ballots shall be distributed to those in attendance at the meeting who have not voted by another method, and the ballots shall be deposited in ballot boxes placed in conspicuous locations by the election committee. After those members have been given an opportunity to vote at the meeting, balloting shall be closed, the ballot boxes opened and the vote tallied by the election committee and added to any previous count of mailed or electronic ballots. The election committee shall immediately certify the vote count to the board. The chairperson of the election committee shall announce the result of the vote at the meeting.

12.13(9) 12.13(3) Preservation of ballots. Ballots shall be preserved according to the requirements of 189—12.9(533) rule 189—12.11(533). The 60-day retention period required by subrule 12.9(2) 12.11(2) shall run from the date the results are certified to the board by the election committee.

12.13(10) 12.13(4) Submission to superintendent. The board of directors shall submit the plan to the superintendent for approval before the plan to sell all of the assets of the corporate central credit union becomes effective. The board shall submit the following documentation in support of its request for approval:

a. to d. No change.

12.13(11) 12.13(5) Publication of results. The board shall inform the membership of the results of the vote within ten days of certification of the results of the vote by the election committee. The board shall communicate the results to the membership by at least two of the following methods:

a. to c. No change.

[Filed 11/24/21, effective 1/19/22]

[Published 12/15/21]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 12/15/21.

Credit Union Division

This Organization is a part of the Commerce Department

Official Document

  • Votes of the membership, amendments to ch 12
  • Published on 12/15/2021
  • Adopted and Filed

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Iowa Code 533.201 Iowa Code 533.203
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