Manufacturer’s certificate of origin, ch 20
ARC 7230C
Notice of Intended Action
Proposing rulemaking related to manufacturer's certificate of origin
and providing an opportunity for public comment
The Natural Resource Commission (Commission) hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 20, "Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin," Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title.
Legal Authority for Rulemaking
This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 462A.3.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code sections 462A.3, 462A.77 and 462A.79.
Purpose and Summary
Proposed Chapter 20 defines the required elements of a manufacturer's certificate of origin for vessels that must be titled within the state. It also prescribes the procedures related to use and recording of the certificate of origin by purchasers and county recorders when titling a vessel.
Consistent with Executive Order 10 (January 10, 2023) and the five-year review of rules in Iowa Code section 17.7(2), this chapter was edited for length and clarity. Specifically, provisions in this chapter that were repetitive of statute or to rules elsewhere or that referenced outdated departmental forms are proposed to be removed.
Fiscal Impact
This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.
This rulemaking is subject to the waiver provisions of 571—Chapter 11. Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Commission for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any.
Public Comment
Any interested person may submit written comments concerning this proposed rulemaking. Written comments in response to this rulemaking must be received by the Department of Natural Resources (Department) no later than 4:30 p.m.on January 18, 2024. Comments should be directed to:
Susan Stocker Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wallace State Office Building 502 East Ninth Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Fax: 515.725.8201 Email: |
Public Hearing
Two public hearings at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows. Upon arrival, attendees should proceed to the fourth floor to check in at the Department reception desk to sign in and be directed to the appropriate hearing location.
January 16, 2024 1 to 2 p.m. |
Conference Room 4E Wallace State Office Building Des Moines, Iowa |
January 18, 2024 1 to 2 p.m. |
Conference Room 4E Wallace State Office Building Des Moines, Iowa |
Persons who wish to make oral comments at a public hearing will be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rulemaking.
Any persons who intend to attend a hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Department and advise of specific needs.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
The following rulemaking action is proposed:
Item 1. Rescind 571—Chapter 20 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:
571—20.1(462A) Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
"At retail" means to dispose of a vessel to a person who will devote it to a consumer use.
"Beam or width" means the transverse distance between the outer sides of the boat at the widest point excluding handles and other similar fittings, attachments, and extensions.
"Capacity plate" means the U.S. Coast Guard capacity plate bearing the information required by federal regulations governing boats and associated equipment. It shall not mean capacity plate information furnished by the boating industry association, national marine manufacturers association, or any similar organization.
"Department" means department of natural resources.
"Essential parts" means all integral and body parts of a vessel required to be titled under Iowa Code chapter 462A, the removal, alteration, or substitution of which would tend to conceal the identity of the vessel or substantially alter its appearance, model, type, or mode or method of operation.
"Length" means the straight line horizontal measurement of the overall length from the foremost part of the boat to the aftermost part of the boat, measured from end to end over the deck excluding sheer, and measured parallel to the centerline. Bow sprits, bumpkins, rudders, outboard motor brackets, handles, and other similar fittings, attachments, and extensions are not included in the measurement.
"Manufacturer's certificate of origin" means a certification signed by the manufacturer or importer that the vessel described has been transferred to the person or dealer named and that the transfer is the first transfer of the vessel in ordinary trade or commerce. The terms "manufacturer's certificate," "importer's certificate," "manufacturer's statement," "MSO," and "MCO" shall be synonymous with the term "manufacturer's certificate of origin."
"New vessel" means every vessel that has not been sold at retail and not previously titled in this state or any other state.
"Person" means an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or association.
"Reconstructed vessel" means every vessel of a type required to be titled under Iowa Code chapter 462A materially altered by the removal, addition, or substitution of essential parts, new or used.
"Specially constructed vessel" means every vessel of a type required to be titled under Iowa Code chapter 462A, not originally constructed under a distinctive name, make, model, or type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vessels and not materially altered from its original construction.
571—20.2(462A) Applicability. This chapter applies to all vessels required to be titled under Iowa Code chapter 462A.
571—20.3(462A) Certificate of origin—content. The following information shall be furnished, required, and stated in the certificate of origin.
20.3(1) Date of transfer.
20.3(2) Invoice number that covers the transfer of this particular vessel.
20.3(3) Name and complete address of dealer to whom the boat is being transferred.
20.3(4) Trade name and model of vessel.
20.3(5) Model year of vessel.
20.3(6) Manufacturer's hull identification number (HIN) or serial number of hull if HIN is not available.
20.3(7) The type of boat, hull material, propulsion type, fuel type (if applicable), and engine drive type shall be listed in accordance with current United States Coast Guard requirements as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations.
20.3(8) Length overall in feet and inches (exact measurement required). For pontoon boats and houseboats, this shall be the deck measurement.
20.3(9) U.S. Coast Guard capacity plate information (where applicable).
a. Maximum horsepower rating.
b. Maximum persons capacity in whole persons.
c. Maximum weight capacity (persons, motor, gear, etc.).
20.3(10) A certification by the manufacturer that this is the first transfer of a new vessel and that all information given is true and accurate.
20.3(11) Manufacturing firm name and complete address.
20.3(12) Signature and title of authorized person.
20.3(13) Information regarding assignment of the vessel to facilitate transferring it from the dealer to the purchaser. The information shall consist of:
a. The purchaser's name and address.
b. Certification that the vessel is new and has never been registered in this or any other state.
c. Signature of authorized agent or dealer.
571—20.4(462A) Procedure—dealer.
20.4(1) Upon sale of a vessel, the dealer shall complete the first assignment information required on the reverse of the certificate of origin.
20.4(2) The dealer shall deliver the certificate of origin to the purchaser along with a bill of sale or receipt showing that the person has purchased the vessel for consumer use.
571—20.5(462A) Procedure—purchaser.
20.5(1) The purchaser shall utilize the information contained on the certificate of origin to complete the information required on the application for vessel title.
20.5(2) The purchaser shall surrender the certificate of origin to the county recorder upon applying for a vessel title.
571—20.6(462A) Procedure—county recorder.
20.6(1) The county recorder shall verify that the information contained in the application and the certificate of origin correspond and shall utilize that information so far as possible in issuing the vessel title.
20.6(2) The county recorder shall retain the certificate of origin as a part of the permanent record of that vessel's title transactions.
571—20.7(462A) Vessel titling. A person shall not title a vessel after December 31, 1987, without furnishing to the county recorder a manufacturer's certificate of origin.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 462A.3, 462A.77 and 462A.79.
This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 1/16/2024.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 12/27/2023.
The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule 571-20.1 Rule 571-20.2 Rule 571-20.3 Rule 571-20.4 Rule 571-20.5 Rule 571-20.6 Rule 571-20.7The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 462A Iowa Code 462A.3 Iowa Code 462A.77 Iowa Code 462A.79The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Applicability Certificate of origin—content Definitions Procedure—county recorder Procedure—dealer Procedure—purchaser Vessel titling© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy