Adopted and Filed

Licensure, ch 2

Untitled document

ARC 7757C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to licensure

The Architectural Examining Board hereby rescinds Chapter 2, "Licensure," Iowa Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same title.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 544A.29.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 544A.

Purpose and Summary

This chapter establishes the minimum standards for architecture licensure. The public, licensees, and applicants benefit from the chapter since it articulates the processes by which individuals apply for licensure as directed in statute. The processes include those for initial licensure, renewal, and reinstatement. The requirements for licensure ensure public safety by ensuring that any individual who holds a license has minimum competency. These provisions include the application process, minimum educational and training qualifications, and examination requirements.

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on January 10, 2024, as ARC 7436C. Public hearings were held on January 30 and 31, 2024, at 11:50 6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100, Des Moines, Iowa, and virtually. No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. The definition for "NCARB Architect Registration Examination (ARE) Guidelines" has been updated to reflect the newest version of the guidelines.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on March 21, 2024.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 481—Chapter 6.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on May 22, 2024.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

Item 1. Rescind 193B—Chapter 2 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:



193B—2.1(544A,17A) Definitions. The following definitions apply as used in Iowa Code chapter 544A and this chapter of the architectural examining board rules, unless the context otherwise requires.

"Applicant" means an individual who has submitted an application for licensure to the board.

"Architectural intern" or "intern architect" means an individual who holds a professional degree from a NAAB-accredited program or the equivalent as deemed by the board, has completed or is currently enrolled in the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) Architectural Experience Program (AXP), and intends to actively pursue licensure by completing the Architect Registration Examination.

"ARE" means the current Architect Registration Examination, as prepared and graded by the NCARB.

"AXP applicant" means an individual who has completed the AXP training requirements set forth in the NCARB Architectural Experience Program Guidelines and has submitted an application for licensure to the board.

"Examination" means the current Architect Registration Examination (ARE) accepted by the board.

"Inactive" means that an architect is not engaged in Iowa in any practice for which a certificate of licensure is required, including architects who have retired from active practice.

"Issuance" means the date of mailing of a decision or order or the date of delivery if service is by other means unless another date is specified in the order.

"NAAB" means the National Architectural Accrediting Board.

"NCARB" means the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards. The NCARB Architect Registration Examination Guidelines, NCARB Architectural Experience Program Guidelines, and NCARB Certification Guidelines are available through the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, 1401 H Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005; NCARB's website,; or the board.

"NCARB Architect Registration Examination (ARE) Guidelines" means the edition of a document by the same title published by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards in February 2024. The document outlines the requirements for examination.

"NCARB Architectural Experience Program Guidelines" means the edition of a document by the same title published by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards in May 2020. The document outlines the requirements for training.

"NCARB Certification Guidelines" means the edition of a document by the same title published by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards in July 2022. The document outlines the requirements for licensure as an architect.

"NCARB Education Guidelines" or "NCARB Education Standards" means the edition of a document by the same title published by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards in December 2023. The document outlines the requirements for licensure as an architect.

193B—2.2(544A,17A) Licensure. All applicants for licensure will complete an online application form.

2.2(1) Examination. To be eligible for licensure by examination, all applicants will have obtained an accredited professional architectural degree from the NAAB, have passed all divisions of the ARE prepared and provided by the NCARB, have completed the NCARB Architectural Experience Program, and have attained an NCARB council record. A completed NCARB council record shall be transmitted to and filed in the board office. Upon receipt of the council record from NCARB, the board will provide the applicant with an application for licensure form, which must be completed and returned to the board within three months of receipt of the council record. The board shall issue a license number to the applicant upon receipt of the completed application form and appropriate fee.

a. Examinations for licensure as an architect shall be conducted by the board or its authorized representative.

(1)The board shall make use of the ARE prepared and graded by NCARB under a plan of cooperation with the architectural examining boards of all states and territories of the United States.

(2)The board may make use of a testing service selected by NCARB to administer the examination, provided the examination is held in at least one location within the boundaries of this state.

b. Examination admittance requirements.

(1)Have completed the eligibility requirements of the education standards for NCARB certification, which include a professional degree from a program accredited by the NAAB or other NCARB-approved education program, or be a student actively participating in an NCARB-accepted Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) option within an NCARB-approved education program.

(2)Be enrolled in or have completed the NCARB AXP.

NCARB shall notify the testing service of the applicant's eligibility prior to the applicant's scheduling of an examination.

c. AXP eligibility requirements will be verified and satisfied in accordance with the NCARB Architectural Experience Program Guidelines. Documentation of AXP training units will be submitted on AXP report forms published by NCARB and will be verified by signatures of the licensed architects serving as the intern architect's supervisors in accordance with the requirements outlined in the NCARB Architectural Experience Program Guidelines. The completed AXP report form shall demonstrate attainment of an aggregate of the minimum number of value units in each training area and shall be submitted to NCARB for evaluation.

2.2(2) Reciprocity. The board or the board administrator may waive examination requirements for applicants who, at the time of application, are licensed as architects in a different jurisdiction and hold an active NCARB certificate. All such applicants who hold an active NCARB certificate are deemed to possess qualifications that are substantially equivalent to those required of applicants for initial licensure in this state. An active NCARB council certificate shall be transmitted to and filed in the board office. Upon receipt of the certificate from NCARB, the board will provide the applicant with an application for licensure form, which must be completed and returned to the board within three months of receipt of the council certificate.

2.2(3) Verification. The board may grant registration via verification as provided for in 193—Chapter 14.

2.2(4) Military service and veteran reciprocity. The board may grant registration for military service applicants, spouses, and veterans as provided for in 481—Chapter 7.

2.2(5) Applicants seeking architectural commission in Iowa. A person seeking an architectural commission in this state may be admitted to this state for the purpose of offering to provide architectural services, and for that purpose only, without first being licensed in this state if:

a. The person holds an NCARB certificate; and

b. The person holds a current and valid license issued by a licensing authority recognized by this state; and

c. The person notifies the board in writing on a form provided by the board that the person:

(1)Holds an NCARB certificate and a current and valid license issued by a licensing authority recognized by this state,

(2)Is not currently licensed in this state but will be present in this state for the purpose of offering to provide architectural services on a temporary basis, and

(3)Has no previous or pending disciplinary action by any licensing authority; and

d. The person delivers a copy of the notice referred to in paragraph 2.2(5)"c" to every potential client to whom the person offers to provide architectural services; and

e. The person provides the board with a sworn statement of intent to apply immediately to the board for licensure if selected as the architect for a project in this state.

The person is prohibited from actually providing architectural services until the person has been issued a valid license in this state.

2.2(6) Board refusal to issue license. The board may refuse to issue a certificate of licensure to any person otherwise qualified upon any of the grounds for which a license may be revoked or suspended or may otherwise discipline a licensee based upon a suspension, revocation, or other disciplinary action taken by a licensing authority in this or another jurisdiction. For purposes of this subrule, "disciplinary action" includes the voluntary surrender of a license to resolve a pending disciplinary investigation or proceeding. A certified copy of the record or order of suspension, revocation, voluntary surrender, or other disciplinary action is prima facie evidence of such fact.

193B—2.3(17A,272C,544A) Renewal of certificates of licensure.

2.3(1) Active status. Certificates of licensure expire biennially on June 30. In order to maintain authorization to practice in Iowa, a licensee is required to renew the certificate of licensure prior to July 1 of the year of expiration. A licensee who fails to renew by the expiration date is not authorized to practice architecture in Iowa until the certificate is reinstated as provided in rule 193B—2.4(544A,17A).

a. A licensee whose last name begins with the letter A through K will renew in even-numbered years, and a licensee whose last name begins with the letter L through Z will renew in odd-numbered years. However, a license issued on or after May 1 but before June 30 will not expire until June 30 of the next renewal. For example, a license issued on May 17, 2020, would not expire until June 30, 2022.

b. It is the policy of the board to send to each licensee a notice of the pending expiration date at the licensee's last-known address approximately one month prior to the date the certificate of licensure is scheduled to expire. The notice, when provided, may be by email communication. Failure to receive this notice does not relieve the licensee of the responsibility to timely renew the certificate and pay the renewal fee. A licensee should contact the board office if the licensee does not receive a renewal notice prior to the date of expiration.

c. Upon the board's receipt of a timely and sufficient renewal application as provided in 193—subrule 7.40(3), the board's administrator will issue a new certificate of licensure reflecting the next expiration date unless grounds exist for denial of the application.

d. If grounds exist to deny a timely and sufficient application to renew, the board will send notification to the applicant. Grounds may exist to deny an application to renew if, for instance, the licensee failed to satisfy the continuing education as required as a condition for licensure. If the basis for denial is pending disciplinary action or disciplinary investigation that is reasonably expected to culminate in disciplinary action, the board will proceed as provided in 193—Chapter 7. If the basis for denial is not related to a pending or imminent disciplinary action, the applicant may contest the board's decision as provided in 193—subrule 7.40(1).

e. When a licensee appears to be in violation of mandatory continuing education requirements, the board may, in lieu of proceeding to a contested case hearing on the denial of a renewal application as provided in rule 193—7.40(546,272C), and after or in lieu of giving the licensee an opportunity to come into compliance under 193B—subrule 3.3(3), offer a licensee the opportunity to sign a consent order. While the terms of the consent order will be tailored to the specific circumstances at issue, the consent order will typically impose a penalty between $50 and $250, depending on the severity of the violation; establish deadlines for compliance; and require that the licensee complete hours equal to double the deficiency in addition to the required hours; and may impose additional educational requirements on the licensee. Any additional hours completed in compliance with the consent order cannot again be claimed at the next renewal. The board will address subsequent offenses on a case-by-case basis. A licensee is free to accept or reject the offer. If the offer of settlement is accepted, the licensee will be issued a renewed certificate of licensure and will be subject to disciplinary action if the terms of the consent order are not complied with. If the offer of settlement is rejected, the matter will be set for hearing, if timely requested by the applicant pursuant to 193—subrule 7.40(1).

f. The board may notify a licensee whose certificate of licensure has expired. The failure of the board to provide this courtesy notification or the failure of the licensee to receive the notification will not extend the date of expiration.

g. A licensee who continues to practice architecture in Iowa after the license has expired may be subject to disciplinary action. Such unauthorized activity may also be grounds to deny a licensee's application for reinstatement.

2.3(2) Inactive status. This subrule establishes a procedure under which a person issued a certificate of licensure as an architect may apply to the board to be licensed as inactive. Licensure under this subrule is available to a license holder who is not engaged in Iowa in any practice for which licensure as an architect is required. A person eligible to be licensed as inactive may, as an alternative to such licensure, allow the certificate of licensure to lapse. During any period of inactive status, a person may use the title "inactive architect" or "retired architect," but may not use the sole title of "architect" or any other title that might imply that the person is offering services as an architect by such an action in violation of Iowa Code section 544A.15. The board will continue to maintain a database of persons licensed as inactive, including information that is not routinely maintained after a certificate has lapsed through the person's failure to renew. A person who is licensed as inactive will accordingly receive renewal applications, board newsletters and other mass communications from the board.

a. Affirmation. The renewal application form will contain a statement in which the applicant affirms that the applicant will not engage in any of the practices in Iowa that are listed in Iowa Code section 544A.16 without first complying with all rules governing reinstatement to active status. A person in inactive status may reinstate to active status at any time pursuant to rule 193B—2.5(544A).

b. Renewal. A person licensed as inactive may renew the person's certificate of licensure on the biennial schedule described in this rule. This person shall be exempt from the continuing education requirements and will be charged a reduced renewal fee as provided in rule 193B—2.9(544A,17A). An inactive certificate of licensure will lapse if not timely renewed.

c. Permitted practices. A person may, while licensed as inactive, perform for a client, business, employer, government body, or other entity those services that may lawfully be provided by a person to whom a certificate of licensure has never been issued. Such services may be performed as long as the person does not in connection with such services use the title "architect" or any other title restricted for use only by architects pursuant to Iowa Code section 544A.15 (without additional designations such as "inactive" or "retired"). Restricted titles may be used only by active architects who are subject to continuing education requirements to ensure that the use of such titles is consistently associated with the maintenance of competency through continuing education.

d. Prohibited practices. A person who, while licensed as inactive, engages in any of the practices described in Iowa Code sections 544A.15 and 544A.16 is subject to disciplinary action.

e. Exemption. A person whose license as an architect has been placed on probation, suspended, revoked, or voluntarily surrendered in connection with a disciplinary investigation or proceeding shall not be eligible for inactive status unless, upon appropriate application, the board first reinstates the license to good standing.

193B—2.4(544A,17A) Reinstatement of lapsed certificate of licensure to active status. An individual may reinstate a lapsed certificate of licensure to active licensure as follows:

2.4(1) Pay the current renewal fee.

2.4(2) Pay the reinstatement fee of $100 plus $25 per month or partial month of expired licensure up to a maximum of $750. All applicants for reinstatement shall be assessed the $100 reinstatement fee. The $25 per month shall not be assessed if the applicant for reinstatement did not, during the period of lapse, engage in any acts or practices for which an active architect license is required in Iowa. Falsely claiming an exemption from the monthly fee is a ground for discipline; in addition, other grounds for discipline may arise from practicing on a lapsed certificate, license or permit to practice.

2.4(3) Provide a written statement outlining the applicant's professional activities performed in Iowa during the period in which the individual was unlicensed. The statement shall include a list of all projects with which the applicant had involvement and shall explain the service provided by the applicant.

2.4(4) Submit documented evidence of completion of 24 continuing education hours, which should have been reported on the June 30 renewal date on which the applicant failed to renew, and 12 continuing education hours for each year or portion of a year of expired licensure up to a maximum of 48 continuing education hours. All continuing education hours must be completed in health, safety, and welfare subjects acquired in structured educational activities and be in compliance with requirements in 193B—Chapter 3. The hours reported shall not have been earned more than four years prior to the date of the application to reinstate to active status. The continuing education hours used for reinstatement may not be used again at the next renewal.

193B—2.5(544A) Reinstatement from inactive status to active status. An individual may reinstate an inactive license to an active license as follows:

2.5(1) Pay one-half of the current active license fee.

2.5(2) Submit documented evidence of completion of 24 continuing education hours in compliance with requirements in 193B—Chapter 3. All continuing education hours must be completed in health, safety, and welfare subjects acquired in structured educational activities. The hours reported shall not have been earned more than four years prior to the date of the application to reinstate to active status. The hours used to reinstate to active status cannot again be used to renew.

a. At the first biennial renewal date of July 1 that is less than 12 months from the date of the filing of the application to restore the certificate of licensure to active status, the person shall not be required to report continuing education hours.

b. At the first biennial renewal date of July 1 that is 12 months or more, but less than 24 months, from the date of the filing of the application to restore the certificate of licensure to active status, the person shall report 12 hours of previously unreported continuing education hours.

2.5(3) Provide a written statement in which the applicant affirms that the applicant has not engaged in any of the practices in Iowa that are listed in Iowa Code section 544A.16 during the period of inactive licensure.

193B—2.6(544A,17A) Finding of probable cause for unlicensed practice. The board may find probable cause to file charges for unlicensed practice if the individual continues to offer services defined as the practice of architecture outlined in Iowa Code section 544A.16 while using the title "architect," "architectural designer," or similar designation during the period of lapsed licensure.

193B—2.7(544A,272C) Responsibility for accuracy of applications. The architect is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information submitted on an application regardless of how the application is submitted or by whom it is submitted. For instance, if the office manager of an architect's firm submits an application for renewal on behalf of the architect and that information is incorrect, the architect will be held responsible for the information and may be subject to disciplinary action.

193B—2.8(544A,272C) Application denial. An application may be denied on the grounds provided in Iowa Code chapter 544A and in rule 193—7.39(546,272C). The administrative processing of an application shall not prevent the later initiation of a contested case to challenge a licensee's qualifications for licensure. The board may also deny a license on the grounds of submitting a false statement or submission of material fact on an application for licensure.

193B—2.9(544A,17A) Fee schedule. Under the authority provided in Iowa Code chapter 544A, the following fees are hereby adopted:

Examination fees:

Fees for examination subjects shall be paid directly to the testing service selected by NCARB.

Initial license fee


(plus $5 per month until renewal)

Reciprocal application and license fee


Verification application and license fee


Biennial renewal fee


Biennial renewal fee (inactive)


Reinstatement of lapsed individual license

$100 + renewal fee + $25 per month or partial month of expired license

Reinstatement of inactive individual license


Duplicate wall certificate fee


License predetermination fee


Fee for return of payment


All fees are nonrefundable.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 544A and 17A.

[Filed 3/22/24, effective 5/22/24]

[Published 4/17/24]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 4/17/24.

Architectural Examining Board

This Organization is a part of the Professional Licensing and Regulation Bureau

Official Document

  • Licensure, ch 2
  • Published on 4/17/2024
  • Adopted and Filed

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Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 17A Iowa Code 544A Iowa Code 544A.15 Iowa Code 544A.16
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