ARC 7847C - Iowa Administrative Rules

Adopted and Filed

Continuing education, adopt ch 10; rescind ch 11

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ARC 7847C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to continuing education

The Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board hereby adopts new Chapter 10, "Continuing Education," and rescinds Chapter 11, "Continuing Education," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 543D.5.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 543D and Executive Order 10 (January 10, 2023).

Purpose and Summary

Chapter 10 establishes the continuing education requirements for initial and renewal licensees and also clarifies the requirements/processes for course providers that wish to provide education services to Iowa licensees.

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on January 24, 2024, as ARC 7267C. Public hearings were held on February 13, 2024, and February 14, 2024, at 10:40 6200 Park Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, and virtually. No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on March 19, 2024.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 481—Chapter 6.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on May 22, 2024.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

Item 1. Adopt the following new 193F—Chapter 10:



193F—10.1(272C,543D) Definitions. For the purpose of these rules, the following definitions shall apply:

"Approved program" means a continuing education program, course, or activity that satisfies the standards set forth in these rules and has received advance board approval pursuant to these rules.

"Approved provider" means a person or an organization that has been approved by the board to conduct continuing education programs pursuant to these rules.

"Asynchronous" means that the instructor and student interact in an educational offering in which the student progresses at the student's own pace through structured course content and scheduled quizzes and examinations.

"Board" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 543D.2(7).

"Continuing education" means education that is obtained by a person certified to practice real estate appraising in order to maintain, improve, or expand skills and knowledge obtained prior to initial certification or registration, or to develop new and relevant skills and knowledge, all as a condition of renewal.

"Credit hour" means the value assigned by the board, or the AQB, to a continuing or qualifying education program.

"Distance education" means any education process based on the geographical separation of student and instructor. "Distance education" includes asynchronous, synchronous, and hybrid educational offerings.

"Guest speaker" means an individual who teaches an appraisal education program on a one-time-only or very limited basis and who possesses a unique depth of knowledge and experience in the subject matter.

"Hybrid," also known as a blended course, means a learning environment that allows for both in-person and online (synchronous or asynchronous) interaction.

"Live instruction" means an educational program delivered in a classroom setting where both the student and the instructor are present in the same room.

"Qualifying education" means education that is obtained by a person seeking certification as a real property appraiser prior to initial certification or registration.

"Synchronous" means that in an educational offering the instructor and student interact online simultaneously, as in a phone call, video chat or live webinar, or web-based meeting.

193F—10.2(272C,543D) Continuing education obligations.

10.2(1) Board-licensed appraisers have to demonstrate compliance with the continuing education set by the AQB criteria.

10.2(2) All continuing education credit hours may be acquired in approved education programs.

10.2(3) Instructors claiming continuing education credit may be requested to provide supporting documentation to ascertain course content and related details.

10.2(4) An applicant seeking to renew an initial license issued less than 185 days prior to renewal is not obligated to report any continuing education. An applicant seeking to renew an initial certificate or registration issued for 185 days to 365 days prior to renewal has to demonstrate completion of at least 14 credit hours, including the National USPAP continuing education course or its AQB equivalent. An applicant seeking to renew an initial certificate or registration issued 365 days prior to renewal or more has to demonstrate completion of at least 28 credit hours, including seven credit hours of the most recent National USPAP continuing education.

10.2(5) Prior to reinstatement or reactivation of a certified general or residential registration, a licensee in inactive, retired, or lapsed status has to complete all continuing education hours that would have been needed if the licensee was in active status. The hours will also include the most recent edition of a National USPAP Update course.

10.2(6) During each two-year renewal period, a continuing education program may be taken for credit only once.

10.2(7) At least 50 minutes of every class hour have to be attended by the student to count as an hour of continuing education.

10.2(8) An applicant may claim continuing education credits that have been approved by another jurisdiction that has a continuing education obligation for license renewal in that jurisdiction if the applicable program was approved by the other jurisdiction's appraisal regulatory body or the AQB for continuing education purposes at the time the applicant completed the course. The burden of proof in this regard is on the applicant. All other programs have to be approved upon application to the board pursuant to this chapter.

10.2(9) A person certified or registered to practice real estate appraising in Iowa will be deemed to have complied with Iowa's continuing education obligation for periods in which the person is a resident of another state or district having continuing education obligations for real estate appraising and meets all obligations of that state or district.

10.2(10) A person certified or registered to practice real estate appraising in Iowa who completes an education course approved by both the board and another appraiser regulatory body, for which the approved hours vary, will only be allowed to claim the hours approved by the board to meet the obligations of renewal of the person's associate registration or certified credential in Iowa. A person certified or registered to practice real estate appraising in Iowa who completes an educational course not approved in Iowa, but approved by either the AQB or by another appraiser regulatory body, may claim the hours awarded by either the AQB or the appraiser regulatory body of the other jurisdiction.

193F—10.3(272C,543D) Minimum program qualifications.

10.3(1) The board will only approve continuing education programs that provide a formal program of learning that contributes to the growth in the professional knowledge and professional competence of real estate appraisers.

10.3(2) Continuing education programs as listed in the AQB criteria are accepted by the board, as well as the following appraisal topics, which the board has determined are integrally related to appraisal topics in the state:

a. Agriculture production and economics;

b. Agronomy/soil; and

c. Real estate appraisal technology (e.g., drones).

10.3(3) The following programs will not be acceptable:

a. Sales promotion meetings held in conjunction with the appraiser's general business;

b. Time devoted to breakfast, lunch, or dinner;

c. A program certified by the use of a challenge examination. The number of hours will be completed to receive credit hours; and

d. Programs that do not provide at least two credit hours.

10.3(4) Continuing education credit will be granted only for whole hours, with a minimum of 50 minutes constituting one hour.

10.3(5) Continuing education credit may be approved for university or college courses, when an official transcript is provided, in qualifying topics according to the following formula: Each semester hour of credit will equal 15 credit hours and each quarter hour of credit will equal 10 credit hours.

193F—10.4(272C,543D) Standards for provider and program approval. Providers and programs will satisfy the following minimum standards in order to be preapproved in accordance with the procedures established in this chapter and in order to maintain approved status:

10.4(1) The program will be taught or developed by individuals who have the education, training and experience to be considered experts in the subject matter of the program and competent in the use of teaching methods appropriate to the program.

10.4(2) Programs will be taught by instructors who have successfully completed an instructor development workshop within 24 months preceding board approval of the program. Certified USPAP instructors and instructors approved via a course delivery mechanism approval per the AQB criteria will be considered to have met this obligation.

10.4(3) In determining whether an instructor is qualified to teach a particular program, the board will consider whether the instructor has an ability to teach and an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.

10.4(4) An instructor may demonstrate the ability to teach by meeting one or more of the following criteria:

a. Hold a bachelor's degree or higher in education from an accredited college;

b. Hold a current teaching credential or certificate in any real estate or real estate-related fields;

c. Hold a certificate of completion in the area of instruction from an instructor institute, workshop or school that is sponsored by a member of the Appraisal Foundation;

d. Hold a full-time current appointment to the faculty of an accredited college; and

e. Other, as the board may determine.

10.4(5) An instructor may demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the program's subject matter by meeting one or more of the following criteria:

a. Hold a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college with a major in a field of study directly related to the subject matter of the course the instructor proposes to teach, such as business, economics, accounting, real estate or finance;

b. Hold a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college and have five years of appraisal experience related to the subject matter of the course the instructor proposes to teach;

c. Hold a generally recognized professional real property appraisal designation or be a sponsor member of the Appraisal Foundation; and

d. Other, as the board may determine.

10.4(6) Only AQB-certified USPAP instructors, listed on the website of the Appraisal Foundation may teach the National USPAP courses, or the AQB-approved equivalent.

10.4(7) Course content and materials will be accurate, consistent with currently accepted standards relating to the program's subject matter and updated no later than 30 days after the effective date of a change in standards, laws, or rules.

10.4(8) Programs will have an appropriate means of written evaluation by participants. Evaluations will include the relevance of the materials, effectiveness of presentation, content, facilities, and such additional features as are appropriate to the nature of the program.

10.4(9) No part of any course will be used to solicit memberships in organizations, recruit appraisers for affiliation with any organization or advertise the merits of any organization or sell any product, or service.

10.4(10) Providers will clearly inform prospective participants of the number of credit hours preapproved by the board for each program and all applicable policies concerning registration, payment, refunds, attendance obligations, and examination grading.

10.4(11) Procedures will be in place to monitor whether the person receiving credit hours is the person who attended or completed the program.

10.4(12) Providers will be accessible to students during normal business hours to answer questions and provide assistance as necessary.

10.4(13) Providers will comply with or demonstrate exemption from the provisions of Iowa Code sections 714.14 to 714.25.

10.4(14) Providers will designate a coordinator in charge of each program who will act as the board's contact on all compliance issues.

10.4(15) Programs will not offer more than eight credit hours in a single day.

10.4(16) Providers will not provide any information to the board, the public, or prospective students that is misleading in nature. For example, providers will not refer to themselves as a "college" or "university" unless qualified as such under Iowa law.

10.4(17) Providers will establish and maintain for a period of five years complete and detailed records on the programs successfully attended by each Iowa participant.

10.4(18) Providers will issue an individual certificate of attendance to each participant upon successful completion of the program.

10.4(19) Program providers and instructors are solely responsible for the accuracy of all program materials, instruction, and examinations. Board approval of a provider or program is not an assurance or warranty of accuracy and will not be explicitly or implicitly marketed or advertised as such.

10.4(20) Providers will apply for approval using the board's online system.

10.4(21) Providers will notify the board within 30 days of a change in the provider's primary contact, name, business address, or any other change that may affect the provider's tax identification number or bond obligations with the Iowa college aid commission.

193F—10.5(272C,543D) Acceptable distance education courses. Distance education involves geographical separation of student and instructor. A distance education course is acceptable to meet class hour obligations if it complies with the generic education criteria in the current AQB criteria.

193F—10.6(272C,543D) Applications for approval of programs. Applications for approval of programs will be submitted through the board's online system. All non-AQB courses are approved for 24 months, including the month of approval. Programs approved for distance education or by the AQB may be approved by the board. Board approval of a program will only be valid for the shortest period of time such a program is approved by either organization.

10.6(1) Approval will be obtained for each program separately. With the exception of hybrid courses, courses that are offered via more than one delivery method will require separate program approvals.

10.6(2) A nonrefundable fee of $50 will be submitted for each program except for programs that are submitted for approval by the primary provider and that have been approved by the AQB through the AQB Course Approval Program (CAP).

10.6(3) All online applications and attachments will be submitted for approval at least 30 days prior to the first offering of each program or, if renewing, within 30 days of the course expiration date. The board will approve or deny each program, in whole or part, within 15 days of the date the board receives a fully completed application. Upon approval of an application for course offering, the board will specify the number of credit hours allowed. Payments for course program applications will be made within 30 calendar days of board approval or the application approval may be reversed.

10.6(4) Applications for non-AQB CAP courses will request information including, but not limited to, the following:

a. Program description;

b. Program purpose;

c. Learning objectives that specify the level of knowledge or competency the student should demonstrate upon completing the program;

d. Description of the instructional methods utilized to accomplish the learning objective;

e. Identifying information for all guest speakers or instructors and such documentation as is necessary to verify compliance with the instructor qualifications described in this chapter;

f. Copies of all instructor and student program materials or, in the case of a one-time course offering, a statement that attests all instructor and student materials will be submitted to the board within ten calendar days of the course offering;

g. Copies of all examinations and a description of all grading procedures;

h. A description of the diagnostic assessment method(s) used when examinations are not given;

i. Such information as needed to verify compliance with board rules;

j. The name, address, telephone number, and email address for the program's coordinator; and

k. Such other information as the board deems reasonably needed for informed decision making.

10.6(5) Application forms for courses that are AQB CAP-approved will include information as deemed necessary for accurate documentation but may be more limited than information set forth in this chapter.

10.6(6) The board will assign each provider and program a number. This number will be placed on all correspondence with the board, all subsequent applications by the same provider, and all certificates of attendance issued to participants.

193F—10.7(272C,543D) Waiver of application fees. Application fees may be waived for approved programs sponsored by a governmental entity when the program is offered at no cost or at a nominal cost to participants. A request for waiver of application fees should be made by the provider or certificate holder at the time the application is filed with the board.

193F—10.8(272C,543D) Authority to approve education. The executive officer has the authority to approve or deny education applications subject to the applicant's right to a hearing as provided for in this chapter.

193F—10.9(272C,543D) Appraiser request for preapproval of continuing education programs. An appraiser seeking credit for attendance and participation in a program that is to be conducted by a provider not accredited or otherwise approved by the board will apply for approval to the board at least 15 days in advance of the commencement of the activity. The board will approve or deny the application in writing. The online application for prior approval of a continuing education activity will include the following fee and information:

1.Application fee of $25;

2.School, firm, organization or person conducting the program;

3.Location of the program;

4.Title and hour-by-hour outline of the program, course or activity;

5.Credit hours requested for approval;

6.Date of program; and

7.Principal instructor(s).

193F—10.10(272C,543D) Appraiser request for postapproval of continuing education program. An appraiser seeking credit for attendance and participation in a program that was not conducted by an approved provider or approved by the licensing authority in another state or otherwise approved by the board may submit a request for credit for the program. Within 15 days after receipt of the request, the board will advise the requester in writing whether the program is approved and the number of hours allowed. Appraisers not complying with the obligation of this rule may be denied credit for the program. Application for postapproval of a continuing education program will include the following fee and information:

1.Application fee of $25;

2.School, firm, organization or person conducting the program;

3.Location of the program;

4.Title of program and description of program;

5.Credit hours requested for approval;

6.Date(s) of program;

7.Student and instructor materials;

8.Principal instructor(s); and

9.Verification of attendance.

193F—10.11(272C,543D) Review of provider or program. The board on its own motion or upon receipt of a complaint or negative evaluation may monitor or review any approved program or provider and may withdraw approval of the provider or program and disallow all or any part of the approved hours granted to the provider based on evidence that the obligations of this chapter have not been met. The provider, as a condition of approval, agrees to allow the board or its authorized representatives to monitor ongoing compliance with board rules through means including, but not limited to, unannounced attendance at programs.

193F—10.12(272C,543D) Hearings. Any person aggrieved by board action related to this chapter may request a contested case hearing before the board.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 543D.5, 543D.9 and 543D.16 and chapter 272C.

Item 2. Rescind and reserve 193F—Chapter 11.

[Filed 3/27/24, effective 5/22/24]

[Published 4/17/24]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 4/17/24.

Real Estate Appraiser Examining Board

This Organization is a part of the Professional Licensing and Regulation Bureau

Official Document

  • Continuing education, adopt ch 10; rescind ch 11
  • Published on 4/17/2024
  • Adopted and Filed

The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.

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View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 4/17/2024.

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Related Notices

Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 193F-10.1 Rule 193F-10.10 Rule 193F-10.11 Rule 193F-10.12 Rule 193F-10.2 Rule 193F-10.3 Rule 193F-10.4 Rule 193F-10.5 Rule 193F-10.6 Rule 193F-10.7 Rule 193F-10.8 Rule 193F-10.9

Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 272C Iowa Code 543D.16 Iowa Code 543D.2(7) Iowa Code 543D.5 Iowa Code 543D.9 Iowa Code 714.14 Iowa Code 714.25
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