Adopted and Filed

Electrician and electrical contractor licensing program—licensing requirements, procedures, and fees, ch 502

Untitled document

ARC 7879C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to licensing requirements, procedures,

and fees of the electrical contractor licensing program

The Electrical Examining Board hereby rescinds Chapter 502, "Electrician and Electrical Contractor Licensing Program—Licensing Requirements, Procedures, and Fees," Iowa Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same title.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 103.6, 103.10 and 103.12.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapters 103 and 272C and 2023 Iowa Acts, Senate File 514.

Purpose and Summary

This rulemaking repromulgates Chapter 502. It implements Iowa Code chapters 103 and 272C and 2023 Iowa Acts, Senate File 514, in accordance with the goals and directives of Executive Order 10 (January 10, 2023). This rulemaking sets minimum standards for entry into the electrical profession and articulates the processes by which individuals apply for licensure as an electrician in the state of Iowa, as directed in Iowa Code chapter 103. In particular, the rules provide for the categories of licenses and requirements for each license type; set forth the terms and fees for the license types; and set forth procedures for applying for a license, standards for obtaining a license, and potential bases for the denial of a license. These requirements ensure public safety by ensuring that any individual or business entering the profession has minimum competency.

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on January 24, 2024, as ARC 7276C. Public hearings were held on February 13, 2024, and February 14, 2024, at 10:20 6200 Park Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, and virtually. No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on March 21, 2024.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking does not have a fiscal impact to the State of Iowa in an amount requiring a fiscal impact statement pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.4(4).

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 481—Chapter 6.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on May 22, 2024.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

Item 1. Rescind 661—Chapter 502 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:



661—502.1(103) License categories and authority.

502.1(1) The following license categories are established:

a. Electrical contractor.

b. Residential electrical contractor.

c. Master electrician, class A.

d. Master electrician, class B.

e. Residential master electrician.

f. Journeyman electrician, class A.

g. Journeyman electrician, class B.

h. Residential electrician.

i. Apprentice electrician.

j. Special electrician.

k. Unclassified person.

l. Inactive master electrician.

502.1(2) A person who holds any class of license issued by the board, other than a class B license, a residential electrical contractor license, a residential master electrician license, or a residential electrician license, may perform the work authorized by that license anywhere within the state of Iowa. A class B license can be subject to limitations imposed by a political subdivision through a local ordinance pursuant to Iowa Code section 103.29(4). A person who holds a residential electrical contractor license, a residential master electrician license, or a residential electrician license may perform the work authorized by that license anywhere within the state of Iowa except within a political subdivision which has, by local ordinance, limited the use of such a license.

502.1(3) Except as otherwise provided by Iowa Code chapter 103, a person who does not have a current valid license cannot perform work as an electrician or as an unclassified person. A person cannot perform work which requires licensing and which is not specifically authorized under the license issued.

502.1(4) An apprentice electrician or an unclassified person, while performing electrical work, shall be directly supervised at all times by a master electrician or a journeyman electrician or, while performing residential electrical work only, by a residential master electrician, a residential electrician, or a special residential electrician. A master electrician, a journeyman electrician, a residential master electrician, or a residential electrician is not permitted to directly supervise more than three apprentice electricians or unclassified persons, or both, at once.

502.1(5) A journeyman electrician or a residential electrician may only work under the general direction of a master electrician or, while performing residential electrical work only, under the general direction of a residential master electrician.

661—502.2(103) License requirements.

502.2(1) An electrical contractor license may be issued to a person who submits an application with the applicable fee, who holds or employs a person who holds an active master electrician license, who is registered as a contractor with the labor services division of Iowa workforce development. An electrical contractor license issued to a person who holds a class B master electrician license is subject to the same restriction of use as is the class B master electrician license.

502.2(2) A residential electrical contractor license may be issued to a person who is licensed as a class A master electrician, a class B master electrician, or a residential master electrician and who is registered with the state of Iowa as a contractor pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 91C.

502.2(3) A class A master electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee and who meets one of the following:

a. Has completed one year of experience as a licensed journeyman electrician, and has passed a supervised written examination for master electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application; or

b. As of December 31, 2007, held a current valid license as a master electrician issued by a political subdivision in Iowa, the issuance of which required passing a supervised written examination approved by the board, and one year of experience as a journeyman electrician; or

c. Holds a current class B master electrician license and has passed a supervised written examination for master electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application.

502.2(4) A class B master electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee; who presents credible evidence of having worked for a total of 16,000 hours of cumulative experience as a master electrician, of which at least 8,000 hours were worked since January 1, 1998; and whose experience as a master electrician began on or before January 1, 1998.

502.2(5) A residential master electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee, holds a current residential electrician or journeyman electrician license, has 2,000 hours of verified experience as a residential electrician or a journeyman electrician, and has passed a residential master electrician examination approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application.

502.2(6) A class A journeyman electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee and who meets one of the following:

a. Has successfully completed a registered apprenticeship program, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application, and has completed four years of experience as an apprentice electrician.

b. Holds a current class B journeyman electrician license and has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application.

c. Holds a current electrician license in another state, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application, and has satisfied the sponsorship requirements for testing for a journeyman class A license by providing evidence of all of the following:

(1)Current licensure as a journeyman or master electrician from another state which required passing a test sponsored by that state.

(2)Completion of 18 hours of continuing education units approved by the board.

(3)Completion of 1,000 hours of work in Iowa as an unclassified person.

d. Holds a current license issued by the board; has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application; has completed 54 hours of continuing education approved by the board; and has completed 16,000 hours of electrical work while licensed by the board, except as a special electrician, as verified by a master electrician licensed by the board. The 16,000 hours is to include at least the following minimum number of hours of work on commercial or industrial installations in the categories indicated: 500 hours of preliminary work, 2,000 hours of rough-in work, 2,000 hours of finish work, 2,000 hours of lighting and service work, 500 hours of troubleshooting, and 500 hours of motor control work. At least 4,000 hours of the 16,000 hours is to be completed by the applicant within the five years immediately preceding the submission date of the application.

e. Holds a current license issued by the board as a residential electrician or residential master electrician, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application, and has completed 4,000 hours of work on commercial or industrial electrical installations while licensed by the board, as verified by a master electrician licensed by the board. The 4,000 hours is to include at least the following minimum numbers of hours in the categories indicated: 100 hours of preliminary work, 500 hours of rough-in work, 500 hours of finish work, 500 hours of lighting and service work, 100 hours of troubleshooting, and 100 hours of motor control work.

f. Holds a current license issued by the board, has satisfactorily completed an approved postsecondary electrical education program, has passed a supervised written examination for journeyman electrician approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application, and, subsequent to beginning the postsecondary electrical education program, has completed at least 6,000 hours of electrical work while licensed by the board, as verified by a master electrician licensed by the board.

502.2(7) A class B journeyman electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee; who presents credible evidence of having worked for a total of 16,000 hours of cumulative experience as a journeyman electrician or master electrician, of which at least 8,000 hours were worked since January 1, 1998; and whose experience as a journeyman electrician or master electrician began on or before January 1, 1998.

502.2(8) A residential electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee and who meets one of the following:

a. Has completed 6,000 hours of experience as an apprentice electrician and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board. An applicant may take the examination after completing 5,000 hours of experience as an apprentice electrician, although the license will not be issued until the applicant has completed 6,000 hours of such experience; or

b. Has completed 4,000 hours of experience working under the direct supervision of a residential master electrician, a residential electrician, a master electrician, or a journeyman electrician; has successfully completed a minimum of one academic year of an electrical trade school approved by the board; and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board; or

c. Has completed 8,000 hours of verified experience as a licensed unclassified person including at least 2,000 hours of verified work experience in residential wiring and has passed a residential electrician examination approved by the board; or

d. Has successfully completed a registered residential electrician apprenticeship program and passed a supervised written residential electrician examination approved by the board with a score of 70 or higher within 24 months of submission of a new application.

502.2(9) A special electrician license may be issued to a person who submits to the board a completed application with the applicable fee and who meets the qualifications for any endorsement entered on the license. Each special electrician license is eligible to carry one or more of the following endorsements:

a. Endorsement 1, "Irrigation System Wiring," may be included if requested and the applicant has passed a supervised examination approved by the board or has completed two years, or 4,000 hours, of documented experience in the wiring of irrigation systems.

b. Endorsement 2, "Disconnecting and Reconnecting Existing Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems," may be included if requested and the applicant has passed a supervised examination approved by the board or has completed two years of documented experience in the disconnecting and reconnecting of existing air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

c. Endorsement 3, "Sign Installation," may be included if requested. This endorsement does not authorize the holder to connect power to a sign that has a voltage greater than 220V and an ampere rating greater than 20 amps. Initial installation or upgrading of the branch circuits supplying power to the sign may only be completed by a licensed master electrician or by a licensed journeyman electrician under the supervision of a master electrician.

502.2(10) An apprentice electrician license may be issued to a person who submits a completed application to the board with the applicable fee and who is participating in a registered apprenticeship program. A person may hold an apprentice electrician license for no more than six years from the original date of licensing unless an extension is granted by the board based upon a documented hardship.

502.2(11) A license as an unclassified person may be issued to a person who submits a completed application to the board with the applicable fee and who is employed by a licensed electrical contractor. Any person who holds a current license issued by the board, excluding special electrician licenses, may work as an unclassified person without holding an unclassified person license.

502.2(12) In lieu of renewal of the active master electrician license, an inactive master electrician license may be issued to a holder of a master electrician license whose license is due for renewal and who requests placement in inactive status. It is the responsibility of the holder of an inactive license to maintain all requirements which would apply for an active master electrician license, except for payment of the fee for an active license, during the term of the inactive license. If the license holder fails to meet any such requirement during the term of the inactive license, the license holder will not be entitled to reinstatement of an active license. If the license holder continues to meet all such requirements while holding an inactive license, the license holder may obtain an active master electrician license by surrendering the inactive master electrician license, filing an application for reinstatement, and paying the applicable license fee. The holder of an inactive license who seeks reinstatement of an active license will not receive any refund of the fee paid for the inactive license. A person who holds an inactive license cannot perform work which requires the person to be a holder of that license but may perform work authorized by any active license issued by the board which the person holds.

502.2(13) Retaking an examination. If passage of an examination is a requirement for issuance of a license:

a. An applicant who has taken the examination for a license twice and has failed the examination twice cannot retake the examination until after waiting six months and completing 12 hours of continuing education approved by the board on subjects related to the standards specified in 661—Chapter 504. After satisfying the requirements of this paragraph, the applicant may take the examination two additional times, or a maximum of four times.

b. An applicant who has satisfied the conditions of paragraph "a" and who has taken the examination two additional times, or a total of four times, and has failed the examination four times cannot retake the examination until after waiting an additional six months and completing an additional 12 hours of continuing education approved by the board on subjects related to the standards specified in 661—Chapter 504. After satisfying the requirements of this paragraph, the applicant may take the examination two additional times, or a maximum of six times.

c. An applicant who has satisfied the conditions of paragraph "b" and who has taken the examination two additional times, or a total of six times, and has failed the examination six times cannot retake the examination any additional times unless approved to do so by the board. An applicant who wishes to take an examination after failing it six times may petition the board to allow the applicant to take the examination again after waiting an additional six months. The board may request that an applicant appear personally before the board when considering the petition.

502.2(14) Reciprocal journeyman licensing. A journeyman class A license may be issued, without examination, to a person who holds a license from another state provided that:

a. The board has entered into an agreement with the other state providing for reciprocal issuance of licenses and the agreement recognizes the equivalency of the examination required for the license issued by the other state and the examination required for the Iowa license to be issued; and

b. The applicant has successfully completed a supervised written examination approved by the other state with a score of 70 or higher in order to obtain the license from the other state; and

c. The applicant holds an applicable license from the other state at the time the application for an Iowa license is filed and has held the applicable license from the other state continuously for one year at the time the application for an Iowa license is filed; and

d. The applicant has submitted:

(1)A completed application for the Iowa license;

(2)A copy of the applicable license from the other state, clearly showing the license number and any other identifying information;

(3)The applicable fee;

(4)The sworn affidavit required under subparagraph 502.2(14)"e"(2), if applicable; and

(5)Any other information requested by the board; and

e. The applicant has either:

(1)Completed an approved apprenticeship program; or

(2)Completed 16,000 hours of electrical work as an electrician licensed by the other state, as documented by submission of a sworn affidavit signed by the applicant.

502.2(15) Reciprocal master licensing. A master class A license may be issued, without examination, to a person who holds an equivalent license from another state provided that:

a. The board has entered into an agreement with the other state providing for reciprocal issuance of licenses and that the agreement recognizes the equivalency of the examination required for the license issued by the other state and the examination required for the Iowa license to be issued; and

b. The applicant has successfully completed a supervised written examination approved by the other state, with a score of 70 or higher, in order to obtain the license from the other state; and

c. The applicant holds an applicable license from the other state at the time the application for an Iowa license is filed and has held the applicable license from the other state continuously for one year at the time the application for an Iowa license is filed; and

d. The applicant has submitted:

(1)A completed application for the Iowa license;

(2)A copy of the applicable license from the other state, clearly showing the license number and any other identifying information;

(3)The applicable fee;

(4)Any other information requested by the board, which may include, but is not limited to, additional evidence that the person's license from the other state is currently valid; and

e. The applicant has either:

(1)Completed an approved apprenticeship program; or

(2)Completed 16,000 hours of electrical work as an electrician licensed by the other state, documented by a sworn affidavit signed by the applicant.

661—502.3(103) License terms and fees. The following table sets out the length of term of each license and the fee for the license.

License Type



Electrical Contractor

3 years


Residential Electrical Contractor

3 years


Master Electrician, Class A

3 years


Master Electrician, Class B

3 years


Residential Master Electrician

3 years


Journeyman Electrician, Class A

3 years


Journeyman Electrician, Class B

3 years


Residential Electrician

3 years


Special Electrician

3 years


Apprentice Electrician

1 year


Unclassified Person

1 year


Inactive Master Electrician

3 years


502.3(1) If a license is issued for less than the period of time specified in the table above, the fee will be prorated according to the number of months for which the license is issued.

502.3(2) A licensee who is on active military deployment for 91 or more consecutive calendar days during the term of a license may have the license period tolled as follows. "Tolled" means that the expiration date of the license will be delayed for that period of time.

a. A licensee who is on active military deployment for 91 or more consecutive calendar days during a licensing period may have the license terms tolled for one year.

b. A licensee who is on active military deployment for 366 or more consecutive calendar days during a licensing period may have the license terms tolled for two years.

c. A licensee who is on active military deployment for 91 or more consecutive calendar days but fewer than 366 consecutive calendar days may petition the board to have the license tolled for two years upon a showing of a special hardship which would not be alleviated by tolling the license term for only one year.

d. A licensee who requests that the term of a license be tolled pursuant to this subrule will provide a copy of military orders showing the beginning and ending dates of the deployment or deployments which are the basis for the request.

502.3(3) A licensee may obtain a replacement license for a license that has been lost. To order a replacement license, the licensee will notify the board office in writing that the license has been lost and will provide any information needed by the board office, which may include, but is not limited to, the license number, the name of the licensee, and a description of the circumstances of the loss, if known. The fee for issuance of a replacement license is $15.

Exception: If a licensee who is located in an area covered by a disaster emergency proclamation issued by the governor pursuant to Iowa Code section 29C.6 which is currently in force or has been in force within the previous 90 days certifies to the board that the license was lost as a direct result of conditions which relate to the issuance of the disaster emergency proclamation, the fee for replacement of the license can be waived.

502.3(4) Refunds of license fees can be made under the following circumstances:

a. If an error on the part of the staff or the applicant or licensee has resulted in an overpayment of fees, the refund can be in the amount of overpayment and can be made if the overpayment is discovered by staff of the board or if the overpayment is discovered by the applicant or licensee and the applicant or licensee requests a refund.

b. If an applicant for an initial license or a renewal license dies prior to the effective date of a license for which the applicant has applied and paid the applicable fee, the license fee can be refunded to the estate of the applicant upon receipt of a request from the estate of the applicant, accompanied by a certified copy of the death certificate.

502.3(5) The fee for submitting a petition for eligibility determination as defined in subrule 502.8(2) is $25.

502.3(6) The board will waive any fee charged to an applicant for a license if the applicant's household income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines and the applicant is applying for the license for the first time in this state.

661—502.4(103) Disqualifications for licensure. An application for a license can be denied if any of the following apply:

502.4(1) The applicant fails to meet the requirements for the license for which the applicant has applied or the applicant fails to provide adequate documentation of any requirement.

502.4(2) The applicant has previously had a license revoked or suspended by the board, and the circumstances which formed the basis of the revocation or suspension have not been corrected. If a license was revoked or suspended and conditions were imposed for the restoration of the license, licensure will be denied unless those conditions have been met.

502.4(3) The applicant has been denied, for cause, a license to work, or a license as an electrician has been revoked, for cause, in any other state or political subdivision and the applicant has not subsequently received a license from the state or political subdivision which denied or revoked the license. An applicant who has been denied a license pursuant to this provision may apply to the board for a license and, upon a showing of evidence satisfactory to the board that the condition or conditions which led to the denial or revocation no longer apply, the board may grant the license to the applicant.

502.4(4) The applicant falsifies or fails to provide any information requested in connection with the application or falsifies any other information provided to the board in support of the application.

502.4(5) The applicant has been convicted of a disqualifying offense in the courts of this state or another state, territory, or country. A file-stamped copy of the final order or judgment of conviction or plea of guilty in this state or another state constitutes conclusive evidence of the conviction.

502.4(6) The applicant has unpaid fees due to the board which are 120 days or more past due. The license for which the applicant applied may be issued after the fees are paid if the applicant is not otherwise disqualified from obtaining the license.

661—502.5(103) License application.

502.5(1) Any person seeking a license from the board is to submit a completed application to the board accompanied by the applicable fee payable by check, money order, or warrant to the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing. The memo area of the check should read "Electrician Licensing Fees." The application is to be submitted on the form prescribed by the board, which may be obtained from the board office.

502.5(2) Upon receipt of a completed application, the board executive secretary or designee has discretion to:

a. Authorize the issuance of a license, certification, or examination application.

b. Refer the application to a committee of the board for review and consideration when the board executive secretary determines that matters raised in or revealed by the application, including but not limited to prior criminal history, chemical dependence, competency, physical or psychological illness, professional liability claims or settlements, professional disciplinary history, education or experience, are relevant in determining the applicant's qualifications for a license, certification, or examination. Matters that may justify referral to a committee of the board include, but are not limited to:

(1)Prior criminal history, which is reviewed and considered in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 272C and rule 661—502.8(272C).

(2)Chemical dependence.


(4)Physical or psychological illness or disability.

(5)Judgments entered on, or settlements of, claims, lawsuits, or other legal actions related to the profession.

(6)Professional disciplinary history.

(7)Education or experience.

502.5(3) Following review and consideration of an application referred by the board executive secretary, the committee may at its discretion:

a. Authorize the issuance of the license, certification, or examination application.

b. Recommend to the board denial of the license, certification, or examination application.

c. Recommend to the board issuance of the license or certification under certain terms and conditions or with certain limitations.

d. Refer the license, certification, or examination application to the board for review and consideration without recommendation.

502.5(4) Following review and consideration of a license, certification, or examination application referred by the committee, the board can:

a. Authorize the issuance of the license, certification, or examination application;

b. Deny the issuance of the license, certification, or examination application; or

c. Authorize the issuance of the license or certification under certain terms and conditions or with certain limitations.

502.5(5) The committee or board can request an applicant to appear for an interview before the committee or the full board as part of the application process.

661—502.6(103) Restriction of use of class B licenses by political subdivisions. A political subdivision may disallow or limit the use of a class B license to perform electrical work within the geographic limits of that subdivision through adoption of a local ordinance. A copy of any such ordinance is to be filed with the board office prior to the effective date of the ordinance. If a class B license holder held a license issued or recognized by a political subdivision on December 31, 2007, that political subdivision cannot restrict the license holder from performing work which would have been permitted under the terms of the license issued or recognized by the political subdivision.

Exception: An ordinance restricting or disallowing electrical work by holders of class B licenses will not apply to work which is not subject to the issuance of permits by the political subdivision.

661—502.7(103) Financial responsibility. Any holder of an electrical contractor license or any holder of an electrician license who is not employed by a licensed electrical contractor and who contracts to provide electrical work which requires a license issued pursuant to 661—Chapters 500 through 503 is to, at all times, maintain insurance coverage as provided in this rule.

502.7(1) The licensee is to maintain general and complete operations liability insurance in the amount of at least $1 million for all work performed which requires licensing pursuant to 661—Chapters 500 through 503.

a. The carrier of any insurance coverage maintained by the licensee to meet this requirement will notify the board 30 days prior to the effective date of cancellation or reduction of the coverage.

b. The licensee will cease operation immediately if the insurance coverage required by this rule is no longer in force and other insurance coverage meeting the requirements of this rule is not in force. A licensee will not initiate any electrical work which cannot reasonably be expected to be completed prior to the effective date of the cancellation of the insurance coverage required by this rule and of which the licensee has received notice, unless new insurance coverage meeting the requirements of this rule has been obtained and will be in force upon cancellation of the prior coverage.

502.7(2) Reserved.

661—502.8(272C) Use of criminal convictions in eligibility determinations and initial licensing decisions.

502.8(1) License application. Unless an applicant for licensure petitions the board for an eligibility determination, the applicant's convictions will be reviewed when the board receives a completed license application.

a. Full disclosure. An applicant is to disclose all convictions on a license application. Failure to disclose all convictions is grounds for license denial or disciplinary action following license issuance.

b. Documentation and personal statement. An applicant with one or more convictions is to submit the complete criminal record for each conviction and a personal statement regarding whether each conviction directly relates to the practice of the profession in order for the license application to be considered complete.

c. Rehabilitation. An applicant will, as part of the license application, submit all evidence of rehabilitation that the applicant wishes to be considered by the board. The board may deny a license if the applicant has a disqualifying offense, unless the applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant is rehabilitated pursuant to Iowa Code section 272C.15. An applicant with one or more disqualifying offenses who has been found rehabilitated still needs to satisfy all other requirements for licensure.

d. Nonrefundable fees. Any application fees will not be refunded if the license is denied.

502.8(2) Eligibility determination. An individual who has not yet submitted a completed license application may petition the board for an eligibility determination. An individual with criminal convictions is not required to petition the board for an eligibility determination before applying for a license. To petition the board for an eligibility determination, a petitioner is to submit all of the following:

a. A completed eligibility determination form, which is available on the board's website;

b. The complete criminal record for each of the petitioner's convictions;

c. A personal statement regarding whether each conviction directly relates to the practice of the profession and why the board should find the petitioner rehabilitated;

d. All evidence of rehabilitation that the petitioner wants the board to consider; and

e. Payment of a nonrefundable fee in the amount of $25.

502.8(3) Appeal. A petitioner found ineligible or an applicant denied a license because of a disqualifying offense may appeal the decision in the manner and time frame set forth in the board's written decision. A timely appeal will initiate a nondisciplinary contested case proceeding. The department's rules governing contested case proceedings apply unless otherwise specified in this rule. If the petitioner or applicant fails to file a timely appeal, the board's written decision will become a final order.

a. Presiding officer. The presiding officer will be the board. However, any party to an appeal of a license denial or ineligibility determination may file a written request, in accordance with rule 661—10.306(17A), requesting that the presiding officer be an administrative law judge. Additionally, the board may, on its own motion, request that an administrative law judge be assigned to act as presiding officer. When an administrative law judge serves as the presiding officer, the decision rendered will be a proposed decision.

b. Burden. The office of the attorney general represents the board's initial ineligibility determination or license denial and has the burden of proof to establish that the petitioner's or applicant's convictions include at least one disqualifying offense. If the office of the attorney general satisfies this burden by a preponderance of the evidence, the burden of proof shifts to the petitioner or applicant to establish rehabilitation by clear and convincing evidence.

c. Judicial review. A petitioner or applicant must appeal an ineligibility determination or a license denial in order to exhaust administrative remedies. A petitioner or applicant may only seek judicial review of an ineligibility determination or license denial after the issuance of a final order following a contested case proceeding. Judicial review of the final order following a contested case proceeding is to be made in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 17A.

502.8(4) Future petitions or applications. If a final order determines a petitioner is ineligible, the petitioner cannot submit a subsequent petition for eligibility determination or a license application prior to the date specified in the final order. If a final order denies a license application, the applicant cannot submit a subsequent license application or a petition for eligibility determination prior to the date specified in the final order.

661—502.9(272C) Licensure by verification. Licensure by verification is available under the following circumstances.

502.9(1) Eligibility. A person may seek licensure by verification if all of the following criteria are satisfied:

a. The person is licensed, certified, or registered in at least one other issuing jurisdiction;

b. The person has been licensed, certified, or registered by another issuing jurisdiction for at least one year;

c. The scope of practice in the transferring jurisdiction is substantially similar to the scope of practice in Iowa;

d. The person's license, certification, or registration is in good standing in all issuing jurisdictions in which the person holds a license, certificate, or registration; and

e. The person either:

(1)Establishes residency in the state of Iowa pursuant to rule 701—38.17(422); or

(2)Is married to an active duty member of the military forces of the United States and is accompanying the member on an official permanent change of station.

502.9(2) Board application. The applicant is to submit all of the following:

a. A completed application for licensure by verification.

b. Payment of the appropriate fee or fees.

c. A verification form completed by the transferring jurisdiction, verifying that the applicant's license, certificate, or registration in that jurisdiction complies with the requirements of Iowa Code section 272C.12. The completed verification form will be sent directly from the transferring jurisdiction to the board.

d. Proof of current Iowa residency, or proof of the military member's official permanent change of station. To demonstrate Iowa residency, the applicant will submit proof that:

(1)The applicant currently maintains a residence or place of abode in Iowa, whether owned, rented, or occupied, even if the individual is in Iowa less than 183 days of the calendar year; and

(2)One or more of the following:

1.The applicant claims a homestead credit or military tax exemption on a home in Iowa, or

2.The applicant is registered to vote in Iowa, or

3.The applicant maintains an Iowa driver's license, or

4.The applicant does not reside in an abode in any other state for more days of the calendar year than the individual resides in Iowa.

e. Documentation of the applicant's complete criminal record, including the applicant's personal statement regarding whether each offense directly relates to the practice of the profession.

f. A copy of any relevant disciplinary documents, if another issuing jurisdiction has taken disciplinary action against the applicant.

502.9(3) Applicants with prior discipline. If another issuing jurisdiction has taken disciplinary action against an applicant, the board will determine whether the cause for the disciplinary action has been corrected and the matter has been resolved. If the board determines the disciplinary matter has not been resolved, the board will neither issue a license nor deny the application for licensure until the matter is resolved. A person whose license was revoked, or a person who voluntarily surrendered a license, in another issuing jurisdiction is ineligible for licensure by verification.

502.9(4) Applicants with pending licensing complaints or investigations. If an Iowa applicant is concurrently subject to a complaint, allegation, or investigation relating to unprofessional conduct pending before any regulating entity in another issuing jurisdiction, the board will neither issue a license nor deny the application for licensure until the complaint, allegation, or investigation is resolved.

661—502.10(272C) Licensure by work experience in jurisdictions without licensure requirements.

502.10(1) Work experience.

a. An applicant for initial licensure who has relocated to Iowa from another jurisdiction that did not require a license to practice the profession may be considered to have met the applicable educational and training requirements if the person has at least three years of full-time work experience within the four years preceding the date of application for initial licensure. For each application submitted under this rule, the board will determine whether the applicant's prior work experience was substantially similar in nature and scope to a training or education program typically applicable for the license sought.

b. The applicant will need to satisfy all other license requirements, including passing any required examinations, to receive a license.

502.10(2) Documentation. An applicant seeking to substitute work experience in lieu of satisfying applicable education or training requirements bears the burden of providing all of the following by submitting relevant documents as part of a completed license application:

a. Proof of current residency in the state of Iowa pursuant to rule 701—38.17(17A), or proof of the military member's official permanent change of station. To demonstrate Iowa residency, the applicant is to submit proof that:

(1)The applicant currently maintains a residence or place of abode in Iowa, whether owned, rented, or occupied, even if the individual is in Iowa less than 183 days of the calendar year; and

(2)One or more of the following:

1.The applicant claims a homestead credit or military tax exemption on a home in Iowa, or

2.The applicant is registered to vote in Iowa, or

3.The applicant maintains an Iowa driver's license, or

4.The applicant does not reside in an abode in any other state for more days of the calendar year than the individual resides in Iowa.

b. Proof of three or more years of full-time work experience within the four years preceding the application for Iowa licensure, which demonstrates that the work experience was substantially similar in nature and scope to a training or education program typically applicable for the license sought. Proof of work experience may include, but is not limited to:

(1)A letter from the applicant's prior employer or employers documenting the applicant's dates of employment and scope of practice;

(2)Paychecks or pay stubs; or

(3)If the applicant was self-employed, business documents filed with the secretary of state or other applicable business registry or regulatory agency in the other jurisdiction.

c. Proof that the applicant's work experience involved a substantially similar scope of practice to the practice in Iowa, which is to include:

(1)A written statement by the applicant detailing the scope of practice and stating how the work experience correlates to an applicable apprenticeship program approved by the United States Department of Labor; and

(2)Business or marketing materials detailing the services provided.

d. Proof that the other jurisdiction did not require a license to practice the profession, which may include:

(1)Copies of applicable laws;

(2)Materials from a website operated by a governmental entity in that jurisdiction; or

(3)Materials from a nationally recognized professional association applicable to the profession.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 103 and 272C.

[Filed 3/28/24, effective 5/22/24]

[Published 4/17/24]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 4/17/24.

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  • Electrician and electrical contractor licensing program—licensing requirements, procedures, and fees, ch 502
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Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 103 Iowa Code 103.29(4) Iowa Code 17A Iowa Code 272C Iowa Code 272C.12 Iowa Code 272C.15 Iowa Code 29C.6 Iowa Code 91C
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