Adopted and Filed

Deer hunting, rescind ch 94; adopt ch 106

Untitled document

ARC 7915C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to deer hunting

The Natural Resource Commission (Commission) hereby rescinds Chapter 94, "Nonresident Deer Hunting," and Chapter 106, "Deer Hunting By Residents," and adopts a new Chapter 106, "Deer Hunting," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 455A.5(6)"a," 481A.39, 481A.48, 481C.2(3), 483A.8 and 483A.24.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 481C and sections 481A.38, 481A.48, 483A.8 and 483A.24.

Purpose and Summary

Chapter 106 governs deer hunting by residents and nonresidents in the state of Iowa. This chapter sets forth season dates, bag limits, possession limits, shooting hours, areas open to hunting, licensing procedures, means and methods of take, and transportation and reporting requirements. Chapter 106 also addresses landowner/tenant deer license application procedure, timing, and general eligibility as well as the state's deer depredation program.

Consistent with Executive Order 10 (January 10, 2023) and the five-year review of rules in Iowa Code section 17A.7(2), Chapter 94 (nonresident deer hunting) and Chapter 106 (resident deer hunting; landowner/tenant; deer depredation) are hereby merged and strategically consolidated into this new chapter. This new deer hunting chapter was also edited for overall length and clarity.

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on December 27, 2023, as ARC 7239C. Public hearings were held on January 16 and 18, 2024, at 1 Wallace State Office Building, Conference Room 4E, 502 East 9th Street, Des Moines, Iowa. One person attended a public hearing and had one comment. The Commission agreed with the comment. Accordingly, paragraph 106.14(1)"a" was changed to reflect state law that authorizes the permitless carrying of handguns.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Commission on April 11, 2024.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


This rulemaking is subject to the waiver provisions of 571—Chapter 11. Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Commission for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on June 5, 2024.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

Item 1. Rescind and reserve 571—Chapter 94.

Item 2. Rescind 571—Chapter 106 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:





571—106.1(481A) Licenses. When hunting deer, all hunters must have in their possession a valid deer hunting license and a valid resident or nonresident hunting license and must have paid the habitat fee (if normally required to have a hunting license and to pay the habitat fee to hunt).

106.1(1) Types of resident licenses.

a. General deer licenses. General deer licenses shall be valid for taking deer in one season selected at the time the license is purchased. General deer licenses shall be valid for taking deer of either sex except in counties designated by the natural resource commission (commission) during the first regular gun season when the general deer license will be valid for taking deer with at least one forked antler. Paid general deer licenses shall be valid statewide except where prohibited in deer population management zones established under 571—Chapter 105. Free general deer licenses shall be valid for taking deer of either sex only on the farm unit of an eligible landowner or tenant in the season or seasons selected at the time the license is obtained.

b. Antlerless-deer-only licenses. Antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be valid for taking deer that have no forked antler. Paid antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be valid in one county or in one deer population management zone and in one season as selected at the time the license is purchased. Free and reduced-fee antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be valid on the farm unit of an eligible landowner or tenant in the season or seasons selected at the time the license is obtained.

c. Bow season licenses. General deer and antlerless-deer-only licenses, paid or free, shall be valid in both segments of the bow season.

d. Regular gun season licenses. Paid general deer and antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be valid in either the first or the second regular gun season, as designated on the license. Free general deer licenses and antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be valid in both the first and second regular gun seasons.

e. Muzzleloader season licenses. General deer and antlerless-deer-only licenses, paid or free, shall be valid in either the early or the late muzzleloader season, as designated on the license.

106.1(2) January antlerless-deer-only resident licenses.

a. Population management season. Licenses for the population management January antlerless-deer-only season may be issued for counties designated by the commission following a 30-day public comment period. Population management January antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be issued for a county only when a minimum of 100 antlerless-deer-only licenses, as described in 106.10(5), remain unsold in that county as of the third Monday in December. If 100 or more antlerless-deer-only licenses remain unsold for a given county as of the third Monday in December, those remaining antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be made available for the population management January antlerless-deer-only season in that county until the relevant antlerless-deer-only quota as described in 106.10(5) is met.

b. Excess tag season. Licenses for the excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season may be issued in any county. Excess tag January antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be issued for a county only when a minimum of one antlerless-deer-only license, as described in 106.10(5), remains unsold for a given county through January 10. Remaining antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be made available starting on January 11 for the excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season in that county until the relevant antlerless-deer-only quota as described in 106.10(5) is met.

106.1(3) Types of nonresident licenses.

a. Any-deer licenses. Any-deer licenses shall be valid for taking deer of either sex in the zone and season designated by the hunter when the application is submitted as described in 571—106.8(483A).

b. Mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses. Each hunter who is successful in drawing an any-deer license must also purchase an antlerless-deer-only license for the same zone and season as the any-deer license. If the hunter is unsuccessful in drawing an any-deer license, neither the any-deer nor antlerless-deer-only license will be issued. Antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be valid for taking deer that have no forked antler.

c. Optional antlerless-deer-only licenses. A hunter who is not successful in drawing an any-deer license may purchase an antlerless-deer-only license as described in 571—106.8(483A).

d. Bow season license. Bow and arrow deer licenses shall be valid for deer of either sex or antlerless deer during the bow season and in the zone designated by the hunter at the time the application is submitted.

e. Regular gun season license. Regular gun season licenses will be issued for deer of either sex or antlerless deer. Regular gun season licenses will be issued by zone and season and will be valid in the zone and season designated by the hunter when the application is submitted.

f. Muzzleloader season license. Muzzleloader season licenses will be issued for deer of either sex or antlerless deer and shall be valid only during the muzzleloader season and in the zone designated by the hunter when the application is submitted.

g. Excess tag January antlerless-deer-only license. Beginning on January 11, nonresident hunters may obtain antlerless-deer-only licenses for the excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season specified in 106.2(4). Licenses will be available only in those counties specified in 106.10(3) until the quota provided in 106.10(5) is filled. All regulations specified in Chapter 106 for the January antlerless deer season for resident hunters including limits, shooting hours, method of take, tagging and reporting requirements will also apply to nonresident hunters during this season.

h. Special licenses. The commission shall issue licenses in conformance with Iowa Code section 483A.24(12) to nonresidents 21 years of age or younger who have a severe physical disability or who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. A person applying for this license must provide a completed form obtained from the department of natural resources. The application shall be certified by the applicant's attending physician with an original signature and declare that the applicant has a severe physical disability or a terminal illness using the criteria listed in 571—Chapter 15. A medical statement from the applicant's attending physician that specifies criteria met shall be on 8½" × 11" letterhead stationery. The attending physician shall be a currently practicing doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.

571—106.2(481A) Season dates. Deer may be taken only during the following seasons:

106.2(1) Bow season. Deer may be taken in accordance with the type of license issued from October 1 through the Friday before the first Saturday in December and from the Monday following the third Saturday in December through January 10 of the following year.

106.2(2) Regular gun seasons. Deer may be taken in accordance with the type, season and zone designated on the license from the first Saturday in December and continuing for five consecutive days (first regular gun season) or from the second Saturday in December and continuing for nine consecutive days (second regular gun season).

106.2(3) Muzzleloader seasons. Deer may be taken in accordance with the type, season and zone designated on the license from the Saturday closest to October 14 and continuing for nine consecutive days (early muzzleloader season) or from the Monday following the third Saturday in December through January 10 of the following year (late muzzleloader season).

106.2(4) Resident population management and excess tag January antlerless-deer-only seasons. Deer may be taken in accordance with the type, season, and zone designated on the license from January 11 through the second Sunday following that date.

571—106.3(481A) Shooting hours. Legal shooting hours shall be from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset in all seasons.

571—106.4(481A) Limits.

106.4(1) Bow season. The daily bag limit is one deer per license. The possession limit is one deer per license.

106.4(2) Muzzleloader seasons. The daily bag limit is one deer per license. The possession limit is one deer per license.

106.4(3) Regular gun seasons. The bag limit is one deer per license. The possession limit is one deer per license.

106.4(4) Resident population management and excess tag January antlerless-deer-only seasons. The bag limit is one deer per license. The possession limit is one deer per license.

106.4(5) Maximum annual possession limit. The maximum annual possession limit for a deer hunter is one deer for each legal license and transportation tag obtained.

571—106.5(481A) Areas closed to hunting. There shall be no open seasons for hunting deer on the county roads immediately adjacent to or through Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Kossuth County, where posted accordingly. There shall be no open seasons for hunting deer on all portions of rights-of-way on Interstate Highways 29, 35, 80 and 380.

571—106.6(483A) Nonresident zones open to hunting. Licenses will be valid only in designated areas as follows:

106.6(1) Nonresident zone boundaries. As specified in the nonresident deer hunting zones map (dated December 2023) published on the department's website ( "Nonresident Deer Hunting Zones."

106.6(2) Reserved.

571—106.7(483A) Nonresident license quotas. A limited number of nonresident deer licenses will be issued in zones as follows:

106.7(1) Zone license quotas. Nonresident license quotas are as follows:

Any-sex licenses





All Methods


Zone 1




Zone 2




Zone 3




Zone 4




Zone 5




Zone 6




Zone 7




Zone 8




Zone 9




Zone 10









106.7(2) Quota applicability. The license quota issued for each zone will be the quota for all bow, regular gun and muzzleloader season licenses combined. No more than 6,000 any-deer licenses and 6,000 mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses will be issued for all methods of take combined, for the entire state. Of the 6,000 any-deer and 6,000 mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses, no more than 35 percent in any zone can be bow licenses. A maximum of 4,500 optional antlerless-deer-only licenses will be issued on a county-by-county basis. The licenses will be divided between the counties in the same proportion as resident antlerless-deer-only licenses. Hunters must designate a zone or county and season when purchasing the license and hunt only in that zone or county and season.

571—106.8(483A) Nonresident application procedure. Applications for nonresident deer hunting licenses must be made through the electronic licensing system for Iowa (ELSI) telephone order system or the ELSI Internet license sales website.

106.8(1) Any-deer licenses. Applications for any-deer and mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses will be accepted from the first Saturday in May through the first Sunday in June. No one may submit more than one application during the application period. Hunters may apply as individuals or as a group of up to 15 applicants. All members of a group will be accepted or rejected together in the drawing. If applications have been sold in excess of the license quota for any zone or season, a drawing will be held to determine which applicants receive licenses. Licenses or refunds of license fees will be mailed to applicants after the drawing is completed. License agent writing fees, department administrative fees and telephone order charges will not be refunded. If any zone's license quota for any-deer and mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses has not been filled, the excess any-deer and mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis through the ELSI telephone ordering system or the ELSI Internet license sales website. Excess any-deer and mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses will be sold beginning the last Saturday in July until the quota has been filled or the last day of the hunting period for which the license is valid, whichever occurs first. Members of a group that are rejected may purchase licenses individually if excess any-deer and mandatory antlerless-deer-only licenses or optional antlerless-deer-only licenses are available.

106.8(2) Optional antlerless-deer-only licenses. Optional antlerless-deer-only licenses must be purchased through the ELSI telephone ordering system or the ELSI Internet license sales website. Licenses for taking only antlerless deer will be available on the same date as excess any-deer licenses are sold as explained in 106.8(1). Optional antlerless-deer-only licenses will only be issued for one of the two regular gun seasons and for qualified disabled hunters (571—106.15(481A)). They will be sold first-come, first-served until the county quota is filled, or until the last day of the season for which a license is valid. If optional antlerless-deer-only licenses are still available on December 15, they may be purchased by nonresidents to hunt during the period from December 24 through January 2. These licenses will be available to nonresidents who have not purchased a nonresident deer license during one of the current deer seasons. The hunter must have in possession a valid nonresident small game hunting license and proof of having paid the current year's wildlife habitat fee. Optional antlerless-deer-only licenses will be valid only in the season and county designated by the hunter at the time the license is purchased.

a. Nonresident landowners. Nonresidents who own land in Iowa will have preference in obtaining optional antlerless-deer-only licenses. Nonresidents must qualify as landowners following the criteria stated in 106.17(1) and 106.17(3) through 106.17(6), except that nonresident tenants and family members of nonresident landowners and tenants do not qualify and nonresident optional antlerless-deer-only licenses will not be free of charge. If a farm unit is owned jointly by more than one nonresident, only one owner may claim landowner preference in the same year. Nonresidents who own land jointly with a resident do not qualify for preference. Nonresidents who have provided proof to the department that they own land in Iowa and meet the qualifying criteria may purchase an optional antlerless-deer-only license for one of the two regular gun seasons when excess any-deer licenses go on sale or for the holiday season beginning December 15. Such proof must be provided before an optional antlerless-deer-only license can be purchased and must be resubmitted each year in which an optional antlerless-deer-only license is purchased. These licenses do not count against the county quota.

b. Nonresident proof of land ownership. Nonresidents who request preference for optional antlerless-deer-only licenses will be required to submit a copy of their state of Iowa property tax statement for the current year or sign an affidavit that lists the legal description of their land, date purchased, and book and page number, or instrument number, where the deed is recorded.

106.8(3) Preference points. Each individual applicant who is unsuccessful in the drawing for an any-deer license will be assigned one preference point for each year that the individual is unsuccessful. If a person who was unsuccessful in the drawing purchases a leftover license within four weeks, the person will receive a refund for the cost of the preference point. Preference points will not accrue in a year in which an applicant fails to apply, but the applicant will retain any preference points previously earned. Preference points will apply only to obtaining any-deer licenses. Once an applicant receives an any-deer nonresident deer hunting license, all preference points will be removed until the applicant is again unsuccessful in a drawing or purchases a preference point as described in 106.8(4). Preference points will apply to any zone or season for which a hunter applies. The first drawing for any-deer licenses each year will be made from the pool of applicants with the most preference points. If licenses are still available after the first drawing, subsequent drawings will be made from pools of applicants with successively fewer preference points and continue until the any-deer license quota is reached or all applicants have received licenses. Applicants who apply as a group will be included in a pool of applicants with the same number of preference points as that of the member of the group with the fewest preference points assigned.

106.8(4) Purchasing preference points. A nonresident who does not want to hunt in the current year may purchase one preference point per calendar year. The preference point will apply to the next year's drawing for any-deer licenses. The preference point will be treated in the same manner as preference points obtained by hunters who are unsuccessful in the any-deer license drawing. A nonresident may not purchase a preference point and apply for an any-deer license in the same calendar year. Preference points may be purchased only during the application period for any-deer licenses.

571—106.9(481A) Free and reduced-fee deer licenses for resident landowners and tenants. A maximum of one free general deer license, two free antlerless-deer-only licenses, and two reduced-fee antlerless-deer-only licenses may be issued to a qualifying landowner or eligible family member and a qualifying tenant or eligible family member. Eligibility for licenses is described in 571—106.17(481A). The free general deer license shall be available for one of the following seasons: the youth/disabled hunter season (if eligible), bow season, early muzzleloader season, late muzzleloader season, or first and second regular gun seasons. One free antlerless-deer-only license shall be available for one of the following seasons: youth/disabled hunter season (if eligible), bow season, early muzzleloader season, late muzzleloader season, or first and second regular gun seasons. The second free antlerless-deer-only license shall be valid only for the January antlerless-deer-only season and will be available only if a portion of the farm unit lies within a county where paid antlerless-deer-only licenses are available during that season. Each reduced-fee antlerless-deer-only license shall be valid for one of the following seasons: youth/disabled hunter season (if eligible), bow season, early muzzleloader season, late muzzleloader season, first and second regular gun seasons, or January antlerless-deer-only seasons. January antlerless-deer-only licenses will be available only if a portion of the farm unit is located in a county where paid antlerless-deer-only licenses are available in that season.

571—106.10(481A) Resident paid deer license quotas and restrictions. Paid deer licenses, including antlerless-deer-only licenses, will be restricted in the type and number that may be purchased.

106.10(1) Paid general deer licenses. Residents may purchase no more than two paid general deer licenses, one for the bow season and one for one of the following seasons: early muzzleloader season, late muzzleloader season, first regular gun season, or second regular gun season. No more than 7,500 paid statewide general deer licenses will be sold for the early muzzleloader season. Fifty additional paid early muzzleloader season licenses will be sold through and will be valid only for the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant. There will be no quota on the number of paid general deer licenses issued in the bow season, late muzzleloader season, first regular gun season, or second regular gun season.

106.10(2) Paid antlerless-deer-only licenses. Paid antlerless-deer-only licenses have quotas for each county and will be sold for each county until quotas are reached.

a. Paid antlerless-deer-only licenses may be purchased for any season in counties where licenses are available, except as outlined in 106.10(2)"b." A license must be used in the season, county or deer population management area selected at the time the license is purchased.

b. No one may obtain paid licenses for both the first regular gun season and second regular gun season regardless of whether the licenses are valid for any deer or antlerless deer only. Paid antlerless-deer-only licenses for the early muzzleloader season may only be purchased by hunters who have already purchased one of the 7,500 paid statewide general deer licenses. Hunters who purchase one of the 7,500 paid statewide general deer licenses for the early muzzleloader season may not obtain paid antlerless licenses for the first or second regular gun season.

c. Prior to September 15, a hunter may purchase one antlerless-deer-only license for any season for which the hunter is eligible. Beginning September 15, a hunter may purchase an unlimited number of antlerless-deer-only licenses for any season for which the hunter is eligible, as set forth in 106.10(2)"b," until the county or population management area quotas are filled. Licenses purchased for deer population management areas will not count in the county quota.

106.10(3) Population management and excess tag January antlerless-deer-only seasons. Only antlerless-deer-only licenses, paid or free, are available in counties pursuant to the conditions described in 106.1(2). A license must be used during the population management or excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season as described in 106.2(4) and in the county or deer population management area selected at the time the license is purchased. Free antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be available only in the portion of the farm unit located in a county where paid antlerless-deer-only licenses are available during the population management or excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season.

106.10(4) Free resident landowner/tenant licenses. A person obtaining a free landowner/tenant license may purchase any combination of paid bow and paid gun licenses available to persons who are not eligible for landowner/tenant licenses as described in 571—106.17(481A).

106.10(5) Antlerless-deer-only licenses. Paid antlerless-deer-only licenses shall be available by county as designated annually by the commission. Prior to the commission designating the quotas, the department shall publish on its website ( a proposed allocation and accept public comments for at least 30 days.

571—106.11(481A) Method of take. Permitted weapons and devices vary according to the type of season.

106.11(1) Bow season. Only longbow, compound, or recurve bows shooting broadhead arrows are permitted during the bow season. Arrows must be at least 18 inches long.

a. Crossbows, as described in 106.11(1)"b," may be used during the bow season in the following two situations:

(1)By persons with certain afflictions of the upper body as provided in 571—15.22(481A); and

(2)By persons over the age of 65 with an antlerless-deer-only license as provided in Iowa Code section 483A.8B.

b. Crossbow means a weapon consisting of a bow mounted transversely on a stock or frame and designed to fire a bolt, arrow, or quarrel by the release of the bow string, which is controlled by a mechanical trigger and a working safety. Crossbows equipped with pistol grips and designed to be fired with one hand are illegal for taking or attempting to take deer. All projectiles used in conjunction with a crossbow for deer hunting must be equipped with a broadhead.

c. No explosive or chemical device may be attached to any arrow, broadhead or bolt.

106.11(2) Regular gun seasons. Only the following shall be used in the regular gun season: 10-, 12-, 16-, and 20-gauge shotguns shooting single slugs; any handgun or rifle as described in Iowa Code section 481A.48; and any muzzleloaders as described in 106.11(3).

106.11(3) Muzzleloader seasons. Only muzzleloading rifles, muzzleloading muskets, muzzleloading pistols, and muzzleloading revolvers will be permitted for taking deer during the early muzzleloader season. During the late muzzleloader season, deer may be taken with a muzzleloading rifle, muzzleloading musket, muzzleloading pistol, muzzleloading revolver, any handgun as defined in 106.11(2), crossbow as described in 106.11(1)"b," or bow as described in 106.11(1). All muzzleloaders as described in this subrule shall only shoot a single projectile between .44 and .775 of an inch.

106.11(4) January antlerless-deer-only seasons.

a. Population management January antlerless-deer-only season. Bows, crossbows, shotguns, muzzleloaders, and handguns, as each is described in this rule, and rifles as described in Iowa Code section 483A.8(9) may be used during the population management January antlerless-deer-only season.

b. Excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season. Only rifles as described in Iowa Code section 483A.8(9) shall be used during the excess tag January antlerless-deer-only season.

106.11(5) Prohibited weapons and devices. The use of dogs, domestic animals, bait, firearms except as provided for in this chapter, crossbows except as provided in 106.11(1), automobiles, aircraft, or any mechanical conveyance or device, including electronic calls, is prohibited, except that paraplegics and single or double amputees of the legs may hunt from any stationary motor-driven land conveyance. "Bait" means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts, hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food materials; commercial products containing natural food materials; or by-products of such materials transported to or placed in an area for the intent of attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed during normal agricultural activities. "Paraplegic" means an individual with paralysis of the lower half of the body with involvement of both legs, usually due to disease of or injury to the spinal cord. It shall be unlawful for a person, while hunting deer, to carry or have in possession a rifle except as provided in 106.11(2) or 106.11(3). Only handguns as described in 106.11(2) may be used to hunt deer and only when a handgun is a lawful method of take.

106.11(6) Discharge of firearms from roadway. No person shall discharge a rifle, including a muzzleloading rifle or musket, or a handgun from a highway while deer hunting. In addition, no person shall discharge a shotgun shooting slugs from a highway north of U.S. Highway 30. A "highway" means the way between property lines open to the public for vehicle traffic, including the road ditch, as defined in Iowa Code section 321.1(78).

106.11(7) Hunting from blinds. No person shall use a blind for hunting deer during the regular gun deer seasons as defined in 106.2(2), unless such blind exhibits a solid blaze orange marking that is a minimum of 144 square inches in size and is visible in all directions. Such blaze orange shall be affixed directly on or directly on top of the blind. For the purposes of this subrule, the term "blind" is defined as an enclosure used for concealment while hunting, constructed either wholly or partially from man-made materials, and used by a person who is hunting for the purpose of hiding from sight. A blind is not a naturally occurring landscape feature or an arrangement of natural or agricultural plant material that a hunter uses for concealment. In addition to the requirements in this subrule, hunters using blinds must also satisfy the requirements of wearing blaze orange as prescribed in Iowa Code section 481A.122.

571—106.12(481A) Procedures to obtain licenses. All resident deer hunting licenses must be obtained using the ELSI. Licenses may be purchased from ELSI license agents, or online at, or by calling the ELSI telephone ordering system.

106.12(1) Licenses with quotas. All paid deer hunting licenses for which a quota is established may be obtained from the ELSI system on a first-come, first-served basis beginning August 15 until the quota fills, or through the last day of the hunting period for which the license is valid.

106.12(2) Licenses without quotas. All deer hunting licenses that have no quota may be obtained from the ELSI system beginning August 15 through the last day of the hunting period for which a license is valid.

106.12(3) Providing false information.

a. Any person who provides false information about the person's identity or eligibility for any paid or free landowner/tenant deer license and tag and who attests that the information is correct by accepting and signing the license or tag shall have the person's hunting license revoked as a part of the sentencing for such criminal conviction, and the person shall not be issued a hunting license for one year pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code section 483A.24(2)"f" and 571—15.6(483A).

b. In addition to any legal penalties that may be imposed, the obtaining of a license in violation of this rule shall invalidate that deer license and transportation tag and any other deer hunting license and transportation tag obtained during the same year.

571—106.13(481A) Transportation tag.

106.13(1) Use of transportation tag. A transportation tag bearing the license number of the licensee, year of issuance, and date of kill properly shown shall be visibly attached to one leg of each antlerless deer or on the main beam between two points, if present, on one of the antlers of an antlered deer in such a manner that the tag cannot be removed without mutilating or destroying the tag. This tag shall be attached to the carcass of the deer within 15 minutes of the time the deer carcass is located after being taken or before the carcass is moved to be transported by any means from the place where the deer was taken, whichever occurs first. No person shall tag a deer with a transportation tag issued to another person or with a tag that was purchased after the deer was taken. This tag shall be proof of possession and shall remain affixed to the carcass until such time as the animal is processed for consumption. The head, and antlers if any, shall remain attached to the deer while being transported by any means whatsoever from the place where taken to the processor or commercial preservation facility or until the deer has been processed for consumption. The hunter who killed the deer must tag the deer using the transportation tag issued in that person's name unless lawfully party hunting.

106.13(2) Party hunting.

a. Resident party hunting. During the first and second regular gun seasons and the January antlerless-deer-only seasons, any resident hunter present in the hunting party may use their tag on a deer harvested by another resident.

b. Nonresident party hunting. Party hunting is not allowed by nonresidents.

571—106.14(481A) Resident youth deer and severely disabled hunts.

106.14(1) Licenses.

a. Youth deer hunt. A youth deer license may be issued to any Iowa resident who is not over 15 years old on the day the youth obtains the license. The youth license may be paid or free to persons eligible for free licenses. If the youth obtains a free landowner/tenant license, it will count as the one free general deer license for which the youth's family is eligible.

Each participating youth must be accompanied by an adult who possesses a regular hunting license and has paid the habitat fee (if the adult is normally required to have a hunting license and to pay the habitat fee to hunt). Only one adult may participate for each youth hunter. The accompanying adult must not possess a long gun, bow, or crossbow and must be in the direct company of the youth at all times.

A person may obtain only one youth general deer license but may also obtain any other paid or free general deer and antlerless-deer-only licenses that are available to other hunters. Antlerless-deer-only licenses must be obtained in the same manner with which other hunters obtain them, as described in 106.10(2).

b. Severely disabled hunt. Any severely disabled Iowa resident meeting the requirements of Iowa Code section 321L.1(8) may be issued one general deer license to hunt deer during the youth season. A person applying for this license must either possess a disability parking permit or provide a completed form from the department of natural resources. The form must be signed by a physician verifying that the person's disability meets the criteria defined in Iowa Code section 321L.1(8). The attending physician shall be currently practicing medicine and shall be a medical doctor, a doctor of osteopathy, a physician assistant, or a nurse practitioner. Forms are available online at, by visiting the Department of Natural Resources office at the Wallace State Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa, or any district office, or by calling 515.725.8200. A person between 16 and 65 years of age must also possess a regular hunting license and have paid the habitat fee to obtain a license (if normally required to have a hunting license and to pay the habitat fee to hunt). A severely disabled person obtaining this license may obtain any other paid and free general deer and antlerless-deer-only licenses that are available to other hunters. Antlerless-deer-only licenses must be obtained in the same manner by which other hunters obtain them, as described in 106.10(2).

106.14(2) Season dates. Deer of either sex may be taken statewide for 16 consecutive days beginning on the third Saturday in September. A person who is issued a youth deer hunting license and does not take a deer during the youth deer hunting season may use the deer hunting license and unused tag during any subsequent deer seasons. The license will be valid for the type of deer and in the area specified on the original license. The youth must follow all other rules specified in this chapter for each season, including method of take. If the tag is filled during any of the seasons, the license will not be valid in subsequent seasons.

106.14(3) Shooting hours. Legal shooting hours will be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset each day regardless of weapon used.

106.14(4) Limits and license quotas. An unlimited number of licenses may be issued. The daily and season bag and possession limit is one deer per license. A person may shoot and tag a deer only by utilizing the license and tag issued in the person's name.

106.14(5) Method of take and other regulations. Deer may be taken with shotguns, bows, handguns, rifles, or muzzleloaders as permitted in 571—106.11(481A). Youth hunters using a handgun must be accompanied and under direct supervision throughout the hunt by a responsible person with a valid hunting license who is at least 21 years of age, with the consent of a parent or guardian. The responsible person with a valid hunting license who is at least 21 years of age shall be responsible for the conveyance of the pistol or revolver while the pistol or revolver is not actively being used for hunting. "Direct supervision" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 483A.27A(4). All participants must meet the deer hunters' orange apparel requirement in Iowa Code section 481A.122. All other regulations for obtaining licenses or hunting deer shall apply.

106.14(6) Procedures for obtaining licenses. Paid and free youth season licenses and licenses for severely disabled hunters may be obtained through ELSI beginning August 15 through the last day of the youth season.

571—106.15(481A) Nonresident deer hunting season for severely disabled persons.

106.15(1) Licenses. A nonresident meeting the requirements of Iowa Code section 321L.1(8) may apply for or purchase a nonresident deer hunting license to participate in a special deer hunting season for severely disabled persons. Nonresidents applying for this license must have on file with the department of natural resources either a copy of a disabilities parking permit issued by a state department of transportation or an Iowa department of natural resources form signed by a physician that verifies their disability.

106.15(2) Season dates. Any deer or antlerless deer may be taken in the hunting zone indicated on the deer license during 16 consecutive days beginning the third Saturday in September.

106.15(3) Shooting hours. Legal shooting hours will be from one-half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset each day regardless of the type of weapon used.

106.15(4) Limits. Daily bag and possession limit is one deer. A person may shoot and tag only one deer by utilizing the license and tag issued in the person's name.

106.15(5) License quotas. Licenses for the special hunting season for severely disabled persons shall be issued from the quotas established in 571—106.7(483A). A special quota will not be set aside for severely disabled persons.

106.15(6) Method of take and other regulations. Deer may be taken with shotgun, bow, muzzleloading rifle or pistol as defined in 571—106.11(483A). All participants must meet the hunters' orange apparel requirement in Iowa Code section 481A.122. All other regulations for taking deer with a gun or bow shall apply.

106.15(7) Application procedures. Persons meeting the requirements for this season must apply following the procedures described in 571—106.12(483A). A person who does not have a form on file to verify a disability will not be entered into the drawing or be allowed to purchase a license and will have the license fee refunded, less a $10 administrative fee to cover the cost of handling the application as provided in 571—subrule 15.8(1). License agent writing fees, department administrative fees, Internet sales charges and telephone order charges will not be refunded.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 481A.38, 481A.48, 483A.8, and 483A.24.



571—106.16(481A) Deer depredation management. The deer depredation management program provides assistance to producers through technical advice and additional deer licenses and permits where the localized reduction of female deer is needed to reduce damage. Upon signing a depredation management agreement with the department, producers of agricultural or high-value horticultural crops may be issued deer depredation permits to shoot deer causing excessive crop damage. If immediate action is necessary to forestall serious damage, depredation permits may be issued before an agreement is signed. Further permits will not be authorized until an agreement is signed.

106.16(1) Method of take and other regulations. Legal weapons and restrictions will be governed by 571—106.11(481A). For deer shooting permits only, there are no shooting hour restrictions; however, taking deer with an artificial light is prohibited by Iowa Code section 481A.93. The producer or designee must meet the deer hunters' orange apparel requirement in Iowa Code section 481A.122.

106.16(2) Eligibility. Producers growing typical agricultural crops (such as corn, soybeans, hay and oats and tree farms and other forestlands under a timber management program) and producers of high-value horticultural crops (such as Christmas trees, fruit or vegetable crops, nursery stock, and commercially grown nuts) shall be eligible to enter into depredation management agreements if these crops sustain excessive damage.

a. The producer may be the landowner or a tenant, whoever has cropping rights to the land.

b. Excessive damage is defined as crop losses exceeding $1,000 in a single growing season, or the likelihood that damage will exceed $1,000 if preventive action is not taken, or a documented history of at least $1,000 of damage annually in previous years.

c. Producers who lease their deer hunting rights are not eligible for the deer depredation management program.

106.16(3) Depredation management plans. Upon request from a producer, field employees of the wildlife bureau will inspect and identify the type and amount of crop damage. If deer damage is not excessive, technical advice will be given to the producer on methods to reduce or prevent future damage. If damage is excessive and the producer agrees to participate, a depredation management plan will be developed by depredation biologists in consultation with the producer.

a. The goal of the management plan will be to reduce damage to below excessive levels within a specified time period through a combination of producer-initiated preventive measures and the issuance of deer depredation permits.

(1)Depredation plans may require preventive measures such as harassment of deer with pyrotechnics and cannons, guard dogs, temporary fencing, permanent fencing costing less than $1,000, allowing more hunters, increasing the take of antlerless deer, and other measures.

(2)Depredation permits to shoot deer may be issued to Iowa residents to reduce deer numbers until long-term preventive measures become effective. Depredation permits will not be used as a long-term solution to deer damage problems.

b. Depredation management plans will normally be written for a three-year period with progress reviewed annually by the department and the producer.

(1)The plan will become effective when signed by the depredation biologist and the producer.

(2)Plans may be modified or extended if mutually agreed upon by the department and the producer.

(3)Depredation permits will not be issued after the initial term of the management plan if the producer fails to implement preventive measures outlined in the plan.

106.16(4) Depredation permits. Two types of permits may be issued under a depredation management plan.

a. Deer depredation licenses. Deer depredation licenses may be sold to resident hunters only for a fee of $5 for use during one or more legal hunting seasons. Depredation licenses will be available to producers of agricultural and horticultural crops.

(1)Depredation licenses will be issued up to the number specified in the management plan.

(2)The landowner or an eligible family member, which shall include the landowner's spouse or domestic partner and juvenile children, may obtain one depredation license for each season established by the commission.

(3)Depredation licenses will be valid only for hunting antlerless deer, regardless of restrictions that may be imposed on regular deer hunting licenses in that county.

(4)All other regulations for the hunting season specified on the license apply.

(5)Depredation licenses are valid only on the land where damage is occurring and the immediately adjacent property unless the land is within a designated block hunt area as described in 106.16(4)"a"(6). Other parcels of land in the farm unit not adjacent to the parcels receiving damage will not qualify.

(6)Block hunt areas are areas designated and delineated by wildlife biologists of the wildlife bureau to facilitate herd reduction in a given area where all producers may not qualify for the depredation program or in areas of persistent deer depredation. Depredation licenses issued to producers within the block hunt area are valid on all properties within the delineated boundaries. Individual landowner permission is required for hunters utilizing depredation licenses within the block hunt area boundaries. Creation of a given block hunt area does not authorize trespass.

b. Deer shooting permits. Permits for shooting deer outside an established hunting season may be issued to producers of high-value horticultural crops when damage cannot be controlled in a timely manner during the hunting seasons (such as late summer buck rubs in an orchard and winter browsing in a Christmas tree plantation) and to other agricultural producers who have an approved department deer depredation plan, and on areas such as airports where public safety may be an issue.

(1)Deer shooting permits will be issued for a fee of $5 to the applicant.

(2)The applicant or one or more designees approved by the department may take all the deer specified on the permit.

(3)Permits available to producers of high-value horticultural crops or agricultural crops may be valid for taking deer outside of a hunting season depending on the nature of the damage. The number and type of deer to be killed will be determined by a department depredation biologist and will be part of the deer depredation management plan.

(4)Permits issued due to public safety concerns may be used for taking any deer, as necessary, to address unpredictable intrusion that could jeopardize public safety. Permits may be issued for an entire year (January 1 through December 31) if the facility involved signs an agreement with the department.

(5)All deer killed must be recovered and processed for human consumption.

(6)The times, dates, place and other restrictions on the shooting of deer will be specified on the permit.

(7)Antlers from all deer recovered must be turned over to the conservation officer within 48 hours. Antlers will be disposed of according to department rules.

(8)For out-of-season shooting permits, there are no shooting hour restrictions; however, taking deer with an artificial light is prohibited by Iowa Code section 481A.93.

c. Depredation licenses and shooting permits will be issued in addition to any other licenses for which the hunters may be eligible.

d. Depredation licenses and shooting permits will not be issued if the producer restricts the legal take of deer from the property sustaining damage by limiting hunter numbers below levels required to control the deer herd. This restriction does not apply in situations where shooting permits are issued for public safety concerns.

e. A person who receives a depredation permit pursuant to this paragraph shall pay a $1 fee for each license that shall be used and is appropriated for the purpose of deer herd population management, including assisting with the cost of processing deer donated to the help us stop hunger (HUSH) program administered by the commission and a $1 writing fee for each license to the license agent.

571—106.17(481A) Eligibility for free landowner/tenant deer licenses.

106.17(1) Who qualifies for free deer hunting licenses.

a. Owners and tenants of a farm unit and the spouse and juvenile child of an owner or tenant who reside with the owner or tenant are eligible for free deer licenses. The owner or tenant does not have to reside on the farm unit but must be actively engaged in farming it. Nonresident landowners do not qualify.

b. Juvenile child defined. "Juvenile child" means a person less than 18 years of age or a person who is 18 or 19 years of age and is in full-time attendance at an accredited school pursuing a course of study leading to a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma. A person 18 years of age or older who has received a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma does not qualify.

106.17(2) Who qualifies as a tenant. A "tenant" is a person other than the landowner who is actively engaged in the operation of the farm. The tenant may be a member of the landowner's family, including in some circumstances the landowner's spouse or child, or a third party who is not a family member. The tenant does not have to reside on the farm unit.

106.17(3) What "actively engaged in farming" means. Landowners and tenants are "actively engaged in farming" if they personally participate in decisions about farm operations and those decisions, along with external factors such as weather and market prices, determine their profit or loss for the products they produce. Tenants qualify if they farm land owned by another and pay rent in cash or in kind. A farm manager or other third party who operates a farm for a fee or a laborer who works on the farm for a wage and is not a family member does not qualify as a tenant.

106.17(4) Landowners who qualify as active farmers. These landowners:

a. Are the sole operator of a farm unit (along with immediate family members), or

b. Make all decisions about farm operations, but contract for custom farming or hire labor to do some or all of the work, or

c. Participate annually in decisions about farm operations such as negotiations with federal farm agencies or negotiations about cropping practices on specific fields that are rented to a tenant, or

d. Raise specialty crops from operations such as orchards, nurseries, or tree farms that do not necessarily produce annual income but require annual operating decisions about maintenance or improvements, or

e. May have portions of the farm enrolled in a long-term land retirement program such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) as long as other farm operations occur annually, or

f. Place their entire cropland in the CRP or other long-term land retirement program with no other active farming operation occurring on the farm.

106.17(5) Landowners who do not qualify. These landowners:

a. Use a farm manager or other third party to operate the farm, or

b. Cash rent the entire farm to a tenant who is responsible for all farm operations including following preapproved operations plans.

106.17(6) Where free licenses are valid. A free license is valid only on that portion of the farm unit that is in a zone open to deer hunting. "Farm unit" means all parcels of land in tracts of two or more contiguous acres that are operated as a unit for agricultural purposes and are under lawful control of the landowner or tenant regardless of how that land is subdivided for business purposes. Individual parcels of land do not need to be adjacent to one another to be included in the farm unit. "Agricultural purposes" includes but is not limited to field crops, livestock, horticultural crops (e.g., from nurseries, orchards, truck farms, or Christmas tree plantations), and land managed for timber production.

106.17(7) Registration of landowners and tenants. Landowners and tenants and their eligible family members who want to obtain free deer hunting licenses must register with the department before the free licenses will be issued. Procedures for registering are described in 571—95.2(481A).

571—106.18(481A) Harvest reporting. Each hunter who bags a deer must report that kill according to procedures described in 571—95.1(481A).

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 481C.

[Filed 4/11/24, effective 6/5/24]

[Published 5/1/24]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 5/1/24.

Natural Resource Commission

This Organization is a part of the Natural Resources Department

Official Document

  • Deer hunting, rescind ch 94; adopt ch 106
  • Published on 5/1/2024
  • Adopted and Filed

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