Adopted and Filed

Application for veterinary licensure, ch 6

Untitled document

ARC 8015C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to application for veterinary licensure

The Board of Veterinary Medicine hereby rescinds Chapter 6, "Application for Veterinary Licensure," Iowa Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same title.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 169.5.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapters 17A, 169 and 272C.

Purpose and Summary

This rulemaking updates the Board's application for veterinary licensure rules by removing outdated or redundant provisions that are covered by statute.

Additionally, the rules provide additional opportunities for students of veterinary medicine at American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)-accredited colleges to practice on a limited license. These updates are incorporated to reflect changes made by 2023 Iowa Acts, House File 670.

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on January 24, 2024, as ARC 7561C. Public hearings were held on February 29 and March 8, 2024, at 10 a.m. at the Wallace State Office Building, Second Floor Boardroom, 502 East 9th Street, Des Moines, Iowa. No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on April 25, 2024.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 811—Chapter 14.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on July 1, 2024.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

Item 1. Rescind 811—Chapter 6 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:



811—6.1(169) Procedure.

6.1(1) Application to take examination. Any person desiring to take the NAVLE in Iowa for a license to practice veterinary medicine applies to the board in accordance with the guidelines and timelines established by the ICVA. The applicant will submit proof of completing the application process with ICVA along with the administrative fee by sending the proof and fee to:

Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine

Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Wallace State Office Building

502 E. 9th Street

Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0053

Proof of NAVLE application is to be submitted on forms provided by the board in accordance with the guidelines and timelines established by the ICVA. The completed form is to be notarized and includes one current passport size and quality photograph of the applicant. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant along with the tendered fee and a written statement setting forth the reasons for such rejections.

A completed form is to be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of the applicant having graduated from an AVMA-accredited school of veterinary medicine or satisfactory evidence that the applicant is expected to graduate within six months of the date of the examination.

Applications to take the NAVLE will not be accepted from any person who has previously taken and passed that examination in any jurisdiction, except on case-by-case petition to the board for good cause shown or other order of the board.

6.1(2) License requirements. Prior to the board's issuance of a license, the applicant will:

a. Successfully complete the NAVLE as provided in rule 811—7.1(169);

b. Remit the proper application fee for licensure;

c. Graduate from:

(1)An AVMA-accredited school of veterinary medicine; or

(2)An AVMA-listed school of veterinary medicine and have received a certificate from either ECFVG or PAVE;

d. Provide a statement indicating all jurisdictions in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed to practice veterinary medicine and consent to release to the board license information from jurisdictions in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed;

e. Provide information or consent to the release of information pertinent to the character and education of the applicant as the board may deem necessary in order to evaluate the applicant's qualifications; and

f. Submit evidence of having completed at least 60 hours of approved continuing education within the last three licensing years. New graduates and applicants within one year after the date of graduation are exempt from continuing education requirements for initial licensing. Applicants who apply more than one year but less than two years after the date of graduation need to complete at least 20 hours of approved continuing education. Applicants who apply more than two years but less than three years after the date of graduation need to complete at least 40 hours of approved continuing education. As used in this paragraph, "date of graduation" also includes the date of PAVE or ECFVG certification.

A license issued during a triennium, upon the applicant's completion of these requirements and payment of the prorated triennial license fee, is issued for the balance of the triennium. A license expires on June 30 of the third year of the triennium.

811—6.2(169) Fee schedule for veterinarians. The following fees are collected by the board and will not be refunded except by board action in unusual instances such as documented illness of the applicant, death of the applicant, inability of the applicant to comply with the rules of the board, or withdrawal of an examination application provided withdrawal is received in writing 45 days prior to the examination date. However, the state fees may be waived for qualifying military service personnel upon request. Examination fees are not transferable from one examination to another.

The fee for the NAVLE, which is utilized by the board as a part of the licensure process, is the fee charged that year by ICVA, plus an administrative fee payable to the board.

Based on the board's anticipated financial requirements, the following fees are hereby adopted:

License—application fee$50

NAVLE examination feeset by ICVA

Board administrative fee for NAVLE$25

Triennial license$60

Late renewal penalty$100

License by endorsement—application fee$50

License by verification—application fee$50

Reactivation fee for lapsed or inactive license$100

Reinstatement fee$100

Duplicate license$15

Temporary permit$35

Temporary permit application fee$15

Official licensure verification$15

Charge for insufficient funds or returned checks$25

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 169.5 and 169.12.

811—6.3(169) Reactivation fee. All applications for reactivation of a lapsed or inactive license to practice veterinary medicine are filed with the secretary of the board, together with the then-current license fee, the current reactivation fee, and all applicable penalties for a lapsed or inactive license.

811—6.4(169) Graduates of foreign schools. Graduates of foreign veterinary schools may become eligible for examination and licensure by either of the following methods:

6.4(1) Examination eligibility through ECFVG. Graduates of foreign veterinary schools that, pursuant to the AVMA criteria, are not AVMA-accredited but are AVMA-listed may make application to take the NAVLE in this state provided that the application includes a copy of the applicant's diploma or certificate indicating the award of a degree in veterinary medicine from an AVMA-listed college and a letter from the ECFVG verifying that the applicant is or will be participating in an ECFVG certification program.

6.4(2) Licensure eligibility through ECFVG. Graduates of foreign veterinary schools that are not AVMA-accredited but are AVMA-listed will not be considered for licensing until they have received the certificate granted by the ECFVG. A license will not be issued to an applicant until the applicant submits a certified copy of the applicant's ECFVG certificate.

6.4(3) Examination eligibility through PAVE. Graduates of foreign veterinary schools may make application to take the NAVLE in this state provided that the application includes a certified copy of the applicant's diploma or certificate indicating the award of a degree in veterinary medicine from a foreign veterinary school and a letter from the AAVSB on behalf of PAVE verifying that the applicant is participating in the PAVE certification program administered by the AAVSB, and has met the requirements for taking the NAVLE.

6.4(4) Licensure eligibility through PAVE. Graduates of foreign veterinary schools will not be considered for licensing until they have received the certificate granted by PAVE. A license will not be issued to an applicant until the applicant submits a copy of the applicant's PAVE certificate.

811—6.5(169) License by endorsement.

6.5(1) A license by endorsement may be granted by the board pursuant to either Iowa Code section 169.10(1) or 169.10(2). An applicant may apply for a license by endorsement on a form provided by the board and pay the application fee and triennial license fee. In addition to the information specified in Iowa Code section 169.10, the applicant will supply the items referenced in paragraphs 6.1(2)"d" through "f."

6.5(2) For an applicant with a non-Iowa license seeking licensure under Iowa Code section 169.10(1), the following applies:

a. If the applicant's non-Iowa license was issued between December 31, 1964, and December 31, 1979, the applicant successfully completed the National Board Examination (NBE).

b. If the applicant's non-Iowa license was issued between January 1, 1980, and December 31, 2000, the applicant successfully completed the NBE and the Clinical Competency Test (CCT).

c. If the applicant's non-Iowa license was issued on or after January 1, 2001, the applicant successfully completed the NAVLE in accordance with rule 811—7.1(169).

6.5(3) An applicant who is a diplomate under Iowa Code section 169.10(2) will also include a copy of the applicant's board or college specialty certificate. For the purpose of this rule, a specialty board or college means a specialty board or college that has been officially recognized by the AVMA. Changes of specialty status shall be reported to the board within 30 days of the action.

811—6.6(272C) Licensure by verification. Licensure by verification is available in accordance with the following:

6.6(1) Eligibility. A person may seek licensure by verification if the person is licensed in at least one other jurisdiction.

6.6(2) Board application. The applicant will submit the following:

a. A completed application for licensure by verification.

b. Payment of the application fee.

c. A verification form, completed by the licensing authority in the jurisdiction that issued the applicant's license, verifying that the applicant's license in that jurisdiction complies with the requirements of Iowa Code section 272C.12. The completed verification form is sent directly from the licensing authority to the board. This form is available on the board's website.

d. A copy of the relevant disciplinary documents if another jurisdiction has taken disciplinary action against the applicant.

6.6(3) Applicants with prior discipline or pending licensing complaints or investigations. If another jurisdiction has taken disciplinary action against an applicant or if the applicant has a complaint, allegation, or investigation relating to unprofessional conduct pending before any regulating entity in another jurisdiction, the board will proceed according to Iowa Code section 272C.12(1)"f."

811—6.7(169) Issuance of limited license; specialization.

6.7(1) The board may grant a license to practice veterinary medicine within a limited and specified scope:

a. As an option for board discipline under 811—Chapter 10.

b. To a qualified member of the faculty of the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

c. To an applicant requesting limited or specialized status.

6.7(2) A licensed veterinarian will not claim or imply specialization unless the veterinarian is a diplomate in good standing of the respective specialty board or college recognized by the AVMA.

6.7(3) Veterinary student certificate.

a. The board may issue a veterinary student certificate to a veterinary student who is attending an AVMA-accredited college of veterinary medicine and in good academic standing, upon endorsement by the college that the student is competent to perform veterinary duties under the direction of an instructor of veterinary medicine or under the supervision of a supervising veterinarian. The college shall update the board if the veterinary student is no longer attending or in good academic standing with the school.

b. Unless extended by the board, the certificates are valid for no more than one year and expire each year on May 31. The board may grant an extension of the certificate for up to one year under extenuating circumstances.

c. Veterinary student certificate holders are barred from administering rabies vaccine to dogs as described in Iowa Code section 351.35 and signing a certificate of veterinary inspection as described in Iowa Code section 163.12.

6.7(4) Limited licensure for faculty. Faculty, not including residents or interns, at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine may be issued a limited license to practice veterinary medicine. The applicant for a limited license for faculty has graduated from an AVMA-accredited or AVMA-listed school of veterinary medicine or has received a PAVE or ECFVG certificate and submitted a completed application and the necessary fees. Holders of limited licenses for faculty are limited to duties performed in the classroom during periods of employment at the college.

811—6.8(169) License renewal.

6.8(1) A license to practice veterinary medicine, including a limited or specialized license, is issued for a three-year period, except that new licenses issued during a triennium are issued for the balance of that triennium. A license expires on June 30 of the third year of the triennium.

6.8(2) At least two months before the end of a triennium, a renewal notice will be sent to each licensee at the last address in the board's file. Failure to receive the notice does not relieve the licensee of the obligation to pay triennium renewal fees on or before June 30.

6.8(3) The license renewal application will include a statement that certifies the jurisdictions in which the licensee is currently or has in the past been licensed to practice veterinary medicine.

6.8(4) Renewal fees shall be received by the board on or before the end of the triennium on June 30. Whenever renewal fees are not received as specified, the license lapses and the practice of veterinary medicine ceases until all renewal fees and penalty fees are received by the board.

6.8(5) If the renewal fee has not been received by the board before the license has lapsed, an application for renewal filed with the board needs to include a renewal fee in addition to the reactivation fee and the late renewal penalty fee.

811—6.9(169) Renewal, lapsed or inactive license. A veterinarian whose license has lapsed may renew an expired license in circumstances authorized by Iowa Code section 169.12(2). A veterinarian whose license has lapsed or has been placed on inactive status, prior to receiving active status licensure in the practice of veterinary medicine in the state of Iowa, satisfies the requirements in either subrule 6.9(1) or 6.9(2) for renewal of a lapsed or inactive license as follows:

6.9(1) Renewal of a lapsed or inactive license. An applicant for renewal of a lapsed or inactive license needs to do the following:

a. Submit written application for renewal of a lapsed or inactive license to the board upon forms provided by the board; and

b. Furnish evidence of compliance with continuing education requirements specified in rule 811—11.3(169).

6.9(2) Renewal by endorsement. An applicant for renewal by endorsement may submit an application for renewal by endorsement by following the procedures set out in rule 811—6.5(169).

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 17A, 169 and 272C.

[Filed 4/26/24, effective 7/1/24]

[Published 5/15/24]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 5/15/24.

Veterinary Medicine Board

Official Document

  • Application for veterinary licensure, ch 6
  • Published on 5/15/2024
  • Adopted and Filed

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Related Notices

Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 811-11.3 Rule 811-6.1 Rule 811-6.1(2) Rule 811-6.2 Rule 811-6.3 Rule 811-6.4 Rule 811-6.5 Rule 811-6.6 Rule 811-6.7 Rule 811-6.8 Rule 811-6.9 Rule 811-6.9(1) Rule 811-6.9(2) Rule 811-7.1
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