Notice of Intended Action

Public records and fair information practices, ch 13

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ARC 8481C


Notice of Intended Action

Proposing rulemaking related to public records and fair information practices
and providing an opportunity for public comment

The Iowa Finance Authority hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 13, “Public Records and Fair Information Practices,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 16.5.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 22.11.

Purpose and Summary

Pursuant to Executive Order 10 (January 10, 2023), the Authority proposes to rescind Chapter 13 and to adopt a new chapter in lieu thereof. The new chapter will incorporate the text of the Uniform Rules on Agency Procedure regarding fair information practices in addition to other information required to be addressed by Iowa Code section 22.11.

Regulatory Analysis

A Regulatory Analysis for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on September 18, 2024. A public hearing was held on the following date(s):

●October 8, 2024

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Authority for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 265—Chapter 18.

Public Comment

Any interested person may submit written comments concerning this proposed rulemaking, which must be received by the Authority no later than 4:30 p.m. on January 9, 2025. Comments should be directed to:

Lisa Connell
Iowa Finance Authority
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Des Moines, Iowa 50309

Public Hearing

Public hearings at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows:

January 7, 2025
2:15 to 2:30 p.m.

1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Des Moines, Iowa
Registration information for online participation may be found at

January 9, 2025
2:15 to 2:30 p.m.

1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200
Des Moines, Iowa
Registration information for online participation may be found at

Persons who wish to make oral comments at a public hearing may be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rulemaking.

Any persons who intend to attend a public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Authority and advise of specific needs.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

The following rulemaking action is proposed:

ITEM 1.Rescind 265—Chapter 13 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:



265—13.1(16,22) Definitions. As used in this chapter:

“Authority” means the Iowa finance authority created in Iowa Code section 16.1A.

“Confidential records” means records, as identified in Iowa Code section 22.7 or any other provision of law, that are not disclosed to members of the public unless otherwise ordered by a court, by the custodian of the records, or by another person duly authorized to release the records. A record may be partially or wholly confidential.

“Custodian” means a lawful custodian as defined in Iowa Code section 22.1.

“Open record” means a record other than a confidential record.

“Personally identifiable information” means information about or pertaining to an individual in a record that identifies the individual and that is contained in a record system.

“Record” means the whole or a part of a “public record” as defined in Iowa Code section 22.1 that is owned by or is in the physical possession of the authority.

“Record system” means any group of records under the control of the authority from which a record may be retrieved by a personal identifier such as the name of an individual, number, symbol, or other unique retriever assigned to an individual.

“Request for confidential treatment” means a request, made pursuant to rule 265—13.4(16,22), for the authority to treat a record as a confidential record and withhold such record from public inspection.

265—13.2(16,22) Requests for access to authority records.

13.2(1) Location of record. A request for access to an authority record should be directed to the Iowa finance authority, located at the address set forth in rule 265—1.3(16). If a request for access to a record is misdirected, authority staff will promptly forward the request to the appropriate person within the authority.

13.2(2) Office hours. Open records are available during customary office hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.

13.2(3) Request for access. Requests for access to authority records may be made in writing, including by email, in person, or by telephone. Requests must identify the particular records sought by name or description in order to facilitate the location of the record. A request made other than in person must include the name, email address, if available, and telephone number of the person requesting the information. If a person asks to be mailed paper copies of a record, a mailing address must be included in the request. A person is not required to give a reason for requesting an open record.

13.2(4) Response to requests. The authority is authorized to grant or deny access to records according to the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 22, this chapter or any other provision of law. Access to an open record shall be granted promptly upon request. If the size or nature of the request necessitates time for compliance, the authority shall comply with the request as soon as possible. The authority may delay access to a record for any of the reasons set forth in Iowa Code section 22.8(4) or 22.10(4). The authority must promptly give written notice to the requester of the reason for any delay in access to a record and the estimated length of that delay.

13.2(5) Security of record. No person may, without permission from the authority, search or remove any record from authority files. Examination and copying of records will be done under the supervision of authority staff to ensure records are protected from damage and disorganization.

13.2(6) Copying. The authority will permit the copying of records as described in Iowa Code section 22.3.

13.2(7) Fees. The authority may charge fees for records as authorized by Iowa Code section 22.3 or another provision of law. An hourly fee may be estimated in advance and charged for actual authority expenses in the inspection, reviewing, and copying of requested records when the total staff time dedicated to fulfilling the request requires an excess of two hours. When the estimated fee chargeable under this subrule exceeds $25, the authority may require a requester to make an advance payment of all or part of the estimated fee. When a requester has previously failed to pay a fee charged under this subrule, the authority may require advance payment of the full amount of any estimated fee before the authority processes a new or pending request for access to records from that requester, as well as payment in full of the amount previously owed.

265—13.3(16,22) Access to confidential records. The following procedures for access to confidential records are in addition to those specified for all authority records in rule 265—13.2(16,22).

13.3(1) A person requesting access to a confidential record may be required to provide proof of identity or authority if access to the record is limited to a particular person or class of persons.

13.3(2) The authority may require a request for access to a confidential record to be in writing. A person requesting access to a confidential record may be required to sign a certified statement or affidavit enumerating the specific grounds justifying access to the confidential record and to provide any proof necessary to establish relevant facts.

13.3(3) When the authority denies a request for access to a confidential record, in whole or in part, the requester shall be notified in writing. The written notice will include:

a.The name and title or position of the person or persons responsible for the denial; and

b.A brief statement of the grounds for the denial, including a citation to the applicable provision of law vesting authority in the authority to deny disclosure of the record.

13.3(4) When the authority grants a request for access to a confidential record to a particular person, the authority will indicate any lawful restrictions imposed by the authority on that person’s examination and copying of the record.

265—13.4(16,22) Requests for confidential treatment.

13.4(1) A request for confidential treatment must be submitted in writing to the authority and:

a.Identify the information for which confidential treatment is sought.

b.Cite the legal and factual basis for confidential treatment.

c.Identify the name, address, telephone number, and email address, if available, of the person authorized to respond to any inquiry or action of the authority concerning the request.

d.Specify the precise period of time for which the confidential treatment is requested, if applicable.

13.4(2) The authority may request additional factual information from the person requesting confidential treatment.

13.4(3) The authority must notify the requester in writing of the granting or denial of the request. If a request for confidential treatment is denied, the authority shall notify the requester in writing of the reasons for its denial. Pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.8, the authority may reasonably delay examination of the record. However, if the authority determines that the requester had no reasonable grounds for the request for confidential treatment, then such record shall not be withheld from public inspection for any period of time after the denial of the request. The authority may notify the requester in writing of the time period allowed to seek injunctive relief or the reasons for the determination that no reasonable grounds exist to justify the treatment of that record as a confidential record. The authority may extend the period of good faith, reasonable delay in allowing examination of the record so that the requester may seek injunctive relief only if no request for examination of that record has been received, or if a court directs the authority to treat it as a confidential record, or to the extent permitted by another applicable provision of law, or with the consent of the person requesting access.

13.4(4) Failure of a person to request confidential treatment for a record does not preclude the authority from treating it as a confidential record.

265—13.5(16,22) Additions, dissents or objections. Except as otherwise provided by law, the person who is the subject of a record may have a written statement of additions, dissents or objections entered into that record. The statement must be filed with the authority, must be dated and signed by the person who is the subject of the record, and include the person’s current address and telephone number, and email address, if available. This rule does not authorize the person who is the subject of the record to alter the original record or to expand the official record of any authority proceeding.

265—13.6(16,22) Notices to suppliers of information. The authority will notify suppliers of information of the use that will be made of the information, which persons outside the authority might routinely be provided the information collected and identify which parts of the requested information are required and which are optional and will state the consequences of failing to provide the information. This notice may be given in the authority’s rules, on written forms used to collect the information, in contracts, in program guidance, verbally, or by other appropriate means.

265—13.7(16,22) Disclosure of records—consent.

13.7(1) Disclosure for routine use. In this chapter, “routine use” means the disclosure of a record without the consent of the subject or subjects, for a purpose that is compatible with the purpose for which the record was collected. To the extent allowed by law, the following uses are considered routine uses of all authority records, including confidential records:

a.Disclosure to those officers, employees, and agents of the authority who have a need for the record in the performance of their duties.

b.Disclosure to a contractor, including but not limited to the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing, for matters in which it is performing services or functions on behalf of the authority.

c.Transfers of information within the authority, to other state agencies, or to units of local government as appropriate to administer the program for which the information is collected.

d.Information released to staff of federal and state entities for audit purposes or for purposes of determining whether the authority is operating a program lawfully.

e.Any disclosure specifically authorized by the statute under which the record was collected or maintained.

13.7(2) Other disclosures of confidential records. To the extent allowed by law, the following uses may result in disclosure of confidential records without the consent of the subject:

a.Disclosure to a recipient who has provided the authority with advance written assurance that the record will be used solely as statistical research or reporting record, provided that the record is transferred in a form that does not identify the subject.

b.Disclosure of information indicating an apparent violation of the law to appropriate law enforcement authorities for investigation and possible criminal prosecution, civil court action, or regulatory order.

c.Disclosure to another government agency or to an instrumentality of any governmental jurisdiction within or under the control of the United States for a civil or criminal law enforcement activity if the activity is authorized by law, and if the head of such government agency or instrumentality has submitted a written request to the authority specifying the record desired and the law enforcement activity for which the record is sought.

d.Disclosure pursuant to a showing of compelling circumstances affecting the health or safety of any individual.

e.Disclosure to the legislative services agency under Iowa Code section 2A.3.

f.Disclosures in the course of employee disciplinary proceedings.

g.Disclosure in response to a court order or subpoena.

13.7(3) Consent to disclosure of confidential records.

a.To the extent permitted by any applicable provision of law, a person who is the subject of a confidential record may have a copy of the portion of that record concerning the subject disclosed to the subject or to a third party. A request for such a disclosure must be in writing and must identify the particular record or records that may be disclosed, and the particular person or class of persons to whom the record may be disclosed and, if applicable, the time period during which the record may be disclosed. The person who is the subject of the record and, if applicable, the person to whom the record is to be disclosed, may be required to provide proof of identity.

b.When a record has multiple subjects with interest in the confidentiality of the record, the authority may take reasonable steps to protect confidential information relating to another subject.

265—13.8(16,22) Availability of records.

13.8(1) Authority open records are open for public inspection and copying unless otherwise prohibited by current rule or law.

13.8(2) Certain records identified in rules 265—13.9(16,22) and 265—13.10(16,22), or otherwise maintained by the authority, may be confidential records, in whole or in part, and not routinely made available for public inspection pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.7 or other applicable law.

265—13.9(16,22) Personally identifiable information.

13.9(1) The authority collects personally identifiable information pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 16, federal statutes and regulations governing federal programs and the issuance of debt by the authority, and other applicable laws. Personally identifiable information is stored by electronic and physical methods. The authority’s record systems do not match, collate or compare personally identifiable information in each system with personally identifiable information contained in other record systems. The authority’s record systems can collect, maintain and retrieve information by personal identifiers, including names, mailing addresses, and email addresses. This rule describes the nature and extent of personally identifiable information that is collected, maintained and retrieved by the authority by personal identifier in record systems.

13.9(2) Program records. Records of persons or organizations participating in the authority’s programs are collected by the authority. These records may contain information about individuals collected pursuant to specific federal or state statutes or regulations. Personally identifiable information, such as name, address, social security number and telephone number, may be included in these records when the applicant is an individual. Portions of program records may be confidential pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.7 or other applicable law.

13.9(3) Correspondence. Records of correspondence from persons outside the authority or sent to persons outside the authority may contain personally identifiable information provided by the sender or recipient of such correspondence. Portions of correspondence may be confidential pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.7 or other applicable law.

13.9(4) Litigation files. The authority maintains records regarding litigation or anticipated litigation, which includes judicial and administrative proceedings. These records contain materials that are confidential as attorney work product and attorney-client communications pursuant to Iowa Code sections 22.7(4), 622.10 and 622.11; Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.503(3); Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(3); the rules of evidence; the Code of Professional Responsibility; and case law. Some materials are confidential under other applicable provisions of law or as directed by a court order.

13.9(5) Personnel files. The authority maintains files containing information about employees, families and dependents, and applicants for positions with the authority. Portions of personnel files may be confidential pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.7(11).

13.9(6) Bond records. The authority maintains records related to bonds as provided in Iowa Code section 76.10. Such records may be confidential pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.7(17).

265—13.10(16,22) Other groups of records. This rule describes groups of records maintained by the authority other than record systems. These records are routinely available to the public. All or portions of such records may contain confidential information pursuant to Iowa Code section 22.7 or other applicable law. The records are stored by electronic and physical methods.

13.10(1) Rulemaking records. Rulemaking records may contain information about individuals making written or oral comments on proposed rules. This information is collected pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.4.

13.10(2) Meeting records. Agendas, minutes and materials presented to boards and other bodies associated with the authority are available from the authority, except those records concerning closed sessions that are exempt from disclosure under Iowa Code section 21.5(4) or that are otherwise confidential by law. Authority meeting records contain information about people who participate in meetings. The information is collected pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.3. This information is not retrieved by individual identifier.

13.10(3) Publications. News releases, annual reports, project reports, newsletters, and related documents are available from the authority. Authority news releases, project reports, and newsletters may contain information about individuals, including authority staff. This information is not retrieved by individual identifier.

13.10(4) Statistical reports. Periodic reports for various authority programs are available from the authority. Statistical reports do not contain personally identifiable information.

13.10(5) Published materials. The authority uses many legal and technical publications in its work. The public may inspect these publications upon request. Some of these materials may be protected by copyright law.

13.10(6) Policy manuals. The authority employees’ manual, containing procedures describing the authority’s regulations and practices, is available. Policy manuals do not contain information about individuals.

13.10(7) Other records. All other records that are not exempt from disclosure by law are available from the authority.

265—13.11(16,22) Applicability. This chapter does not:

13.11(1) Require the authority to index or retrieve records that contain information about an individual by that person’s name or other personal identifier.

13.11(2) Make available to the general public records that would otherwise not be available pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 22.

13.11(3) Govern the maintenance or disclosure of, notification of, or access to records in the possession of the authority that are governed by the regulations of another agency.

13.11(4) Make available records compiled by the authority in reasonable anticipation of court litigation or formal administrative proceedings. The availability of such records to the general public or to any subject individual or party to such litigation or proceedings shall be governed by applicable legal and constitutional principles, rules of discovery, evidentiary privileges and applicable regulations of the authority.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 16 and 22.

Iowa Finance Authority

Closed For Comments

This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 1/9/2025.

Official Document

  • Public records and fair information practices, ch 13
  • Published on 12/11/2024
  • 198 Views , 0 Comments
  • Notice of Intended Action

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Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 265-1.3 Rule 265-13.1 Rule 265-13.10 Rule 265-13.11 Rule 265-13.2 Rule 265-13.3 Rule 265-13.4 Rule 265-13.5 Rule 265-13.6 Rule 265-13.7 Rule 265-13.8 Rule 265-13.9 Rulemaking records
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