Collections, child support services, ch 95
ARC 8559C
Notice of Intended Action
Proposing rulemaking related to child support services
and providing an opportunity for public comment
The Department of Health and Human Services hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 95, “Collections,”and to adopt a new Chapter 95, “Child Support Services,” Iowa Administrative Code.
Legal Authority for Rulemaking
This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 252B.3(3) and 217.6.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code sections 252B.15, 252B.14, 252D.17, 252B.4, 252B.5, 252B.6, 252B.3, 252B.7, and 598.21C; 42 U.S.C. Section 657; and 45 CFR Sections 302.32, 302.38, 302.51, 302.51(b), 302.52, 303.100, 303.72, 303.11, 302.33 and 303.2.
Purpose and Summary
This proposed rulemaking is in response to Executive Order 10. These proposed rules are intended to structure and define the essential functions of Child Support Services and are mandated by the Iowa Code.
Regulatory Analysis
A Regulatory Analysis for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on October 30, 2024. Public hearings were held on the following date(s):
●November 19, 2024
Fiscal Impact
This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 441—Chapter 6.
Public Comment
Any interested person may submit written or oral comments concerning this proposed rulemaking, which must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m. on January 21, 2025. Comments should be directed to:
Victoria L. Daniels |
Public Hearing
Public hearings at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows:
January 16, 2025 |
Microsoft Teams |
January 21, 2025 |
Microsoft Teams |
Persons who wish to make oral comments at a public hearing may be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rulemaking.
Any persons who intend to attend a public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Department and advise of specific needs.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
The following rulemaking action is proposed:
ITEM 1.Rescind 441—Chapter 95 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:
441—95.1(252B) Definitions.
“Caretaker” means a custodial parent, relative, or guardian whose needs are included in an assistance grant paid according to Iowa Code chapter 239B, who is receiving this assistance on behalf of a dependent child, or who is a recipient of nonassistance child support services.
“Current support” means those payments received in the amount, manner, and frequency as specified by an order for support and that are paid to the clerk of the district court, the public agency designated as the distributor of support payments as in interstate cases, or another designated agency. Payments to persons other than the clerk of the district court or other designated agency do not satisfy the definition of support pursuant to Iowa Code section 598.22.
“Date of collection” means the date that a support payment is received by the department or the legal entity of any state or political subdivision actually making the collection, or the date that a support payment is withheld from the income of a responsible person by an employer or other income provider, whichever is earlier.
“Dependent child” means a person who meets the eligibility criteria established in Iowa Code chapter 234 or 239B, and whose support is required by Iowa Code chapter 234, 239B, 252A, 252C, 252F, 252H, 252K, 598 or 600B, and any other comparable chapter.
“Obligee” means any person or entity entitled to child support or medical support for a child.
“Obligor” means a parent, relative, or guardian or any other designated person who is legally liable for the support of a child or a child’s caretaker.
“Prepayment” means payment toward an ongoing support obligation when the payment exceeds the current support obligation and amounts due for past months are fully paid.
“Public assistance” means assistance provided according to Iowa Code chapter 239B or 249A, the cost of foster care provided by the department according to Iowa Code chapter 234, or assistance provided under comparable laws of other states.
“Responsible person” means a parent, relative, or guardian or any other designated person who is or may be declared to be legally liable for the support of a child or a child’s caretaker. For the purposes of calculating a support obligation pursuant to the mandatory child support guidelines prescribed by the Iowa Supreme Court in accordance with Iowa Code section 598.21B, this means the person from whom support is sought.
“Support” means child support or medical support or both for purposes of establishing, modifying, or enforcing orders and means spousal support for purposes of enforcing an order.
441—95.2(252B) Child support eligibility and services.
95.2(1) Public assistance cases. Child support services will provide paternity establishment and support establishment, modification and enforcement services as appropriate, under federal and state laws and rules for children and families referred to child support services who have applied for or are receiving public assistance. Referrals under this subrule may be made by the family investment program (FIP), the Medicaid program, the foster care program, or agencies of other states providing child support services under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act as amended to August 1, 2024, for recipients of public assistance.
95.2(2) Nonpublic assistance cases. The same services provided by child support services for public assistance cases will also be made available to any person not otherwise eligible for public assistance. A person who is not on public assistance requesting services under this chapter will complete and submit to child support services a form prescribed by the department, or an electronic version of such application, for each parent from whom the person is seeking support. The person requesting services has the option to seek support from one or both of a child’s parents. Child support services will not require an application from the following:
a.Persons not receiving public assistance for whom an agency of another state providing Title IV-D child support services has requested services.
b.Persons for whom a foreign country as defined in Iowa Code chapter 252K has requested services.
c.Persons who are eligible for continued services upon termination of assistance under the family investment program or Medicaid.
95.2(3) Services available. Except as provided by separate rule, child support services will provide the same services to persons receiving public assistance and persons not receiving public assistance. Child support services will determine the appropriate enforcement procedure to be used. The services are limited to the establishment of paternity, the establishment and enforcement of child support obligations and medical support obligations, and the enforcement of spousal support orders if the spouse is the custodial parent of a child for whom the department is enforcing a child support or medical support order.
441—95.3(252B) Crediting of current and delinquent support. The amounts received as support from the obligor will be credited as the required support obligation for the month in which they are collected. Any excess will be credited as delinquent payments, will be applied to the immediately preceding month, and then will be applied to the next immediately preceding month until all excess has been applied. Funds received as a result of federal tax offsets will be credited according to rule 441—98.30(252B).
The date of collection will be determined as follows:
95.3(1) Payments from income withholding. Payments collected as the result of income withholding are considered collected in the month in which the income was withheld by the income provider. The date of collection will be the date on which the income was withheld.
a.For the purpose of reporting the date the income was withheld, the department will notify income providers of the requirement to report the date income was withheld and will provide a form prescribed by the department to those income providers who manually remit payments. When reported on this form or through other electronic means or multiple account listings, the date of collection will be used to determine support distributions. When the date of collection is not reported, support distributions will initially be issued based on the date of the check. If proof of the date of collection is subsequently provided, any additional payments due the recipient will be issued.
b.When the collection services center (CSC) is notified or otherwise becomes aware that a payment received from an income provider pursuant to 441—Chapter 98 includes payment amounts such as vacation pay or severance pay, these amounts are considered irrevocably withheld in the months documented by the income provider. When the income provider does not document the months for which the sums are withheld, the amounts will initially be distributed based on the date of the check. If documentation is subsequently provided, any additional payments due the recipient will be issued.
95.3(2) Payments from state or political subdivisions. Payments collected from any state or political subdivision are considered collected in the same month the payments were actually received by that legal entity or the month withheld by an income provider, whichever is earlier. Any state or political subdivision transmitting payments to the department will be responsible for reporting the date the payments were collected. When the date of collection is not reported, support distributions will be initially issued based on the date of the state’s or political subdivision’s check. If proof of the date of collection is subsequently provided, any additional payments due the recipient will be issued.
95.3(3) Additional payments. An additional payment in the month that is received within five calendar days prior to the end of the month will be considered collected in the next month if:
a.CSC is notified or otherwise becomes aware that the payment is for the next month, and
b.Support for the current month is fully paid.
441—95.4(252B) Prepayment of support. Prepayment that is due to the obligee will be sent to the obligee upon receipt by the department and will be credited as payment of future months’ support. Prepayment that is due the state will be distributed as if it were received in the month when due. Support is prepaid when amounts have been collected that fully satisfy the ongoing support obligation for the current month and all past months.
441—95.5(252B) Lump sum settlement.
95.5(1) Any lump sum settlement of child support involving an assignment of child support payments will be negotiated in conjunction with child support services. Child support services will be responsible for the determination of the amount due the department, including any accrued interest on the support debt computed in accordance with Iowa Code section 535.3 for court judgments. This determination of the amount due will be made in accordance with 45 CFR Section 302.51 (as amended to August 1, 2024). The department may waive collection of the accrued interest when negotiating a lump sum settlement of a support debt if the waiver will facilitate the collection of the support debt.
95.5(2) Child support services is responsible for the determination of the department’s entitlement to all or any of the lump sum payment in a paternity action.
441—95.6(17A) Appeals. Nonreceipt of support collected by the department that is to be paid to the obligee may be appealed pursuant to the procedures provided in this rule if the obligee claims that the payment was credited to the incorrect month in accordance with subrules 95.3(1), 95.3(2), and 95.3(3).
95.6(1) Contact. Obligees who believe they have not received all or part of a support payment to which they are entitled in accordance with subrules 95.3(1), 95.3(2), and 95.3(3) must first contact a customer service representative and indicate that they have not received the payment.
a.An obligee may contact a customer service representative by telephone or in writing.
b.The department will acknowledge this contact in writing, indicating the months at issue.
95.6(2) Written decision. Within 30 days of the contact, the department will issue a written decision on all contested support distributions based on the date of collection.
95.6(3) Initiation of appeal. If the department denies some or all support payments that are claimed based on the date of collection, the obligee may initiate an administrative appeal.
a.To initiate an administrative appeal, the obligee will make a written request to child support services indicating an intent to appeal.
b.The time limit for initiating an administrative appeal is governed by 441—subrule 7.4(3). The time limit provided in 441—subrule 7.4(3) will start with the date that a written decision as required by subrule 95.6(2) is issued.
c.If no written decision has been issued after 30 days, the obligee may appeal the failure to issue a written decision. The appeal may be initiated at any time after 30 days and before a written decision is issued.
95.6(4) Limitation of appeals. Appeals will be limited to claims based on child support received by the department during the nine-month period before the month in which the appeal is initiated.
95.6(5) Appeal process. Except as specifically provided in this rule, administrative appeals are governed by 441—Chapter 7.
95.6(6) Appeal issue. The issue in appeals held pursuant to these procedures will be limited to the obligee’s entitlement to a support payment that has been collected by the department.
441—95.7(252B) Termination of services.
95.7(1) Case closure criteria.
a.Child support services may terminate services when a case meets at least one of the following case closure criteria and child support services maintains supporting documentation for the case closure decision in the record:
(1)There is no ongoing support obligation and arrearages are under $500 or unenforceable under state law.
(2)The noncustodial parent or alleged father is deceased and no further action, including a levy against the estate, can be taken.
(3)The noncustodial parent is living with the minor child as the primary caregiver, the custodial parent is deceased, and there is no assignment to the state of support or of arrearages that accrued under the support order.
(4)Child support services cannot establish paternity because:
1.The child is at least 18 years old and the statute of limitations bars an action to establish paternity;
2.A genetic test or a court or administrative process has excluded the alleged father and no other alleged father can be identified;
3.Child support services has determined that it would not be in the best interest of the child to establish paternity in a case that involves incest or rape or a case in which legal proceedings for adoption are pending; or
4.The identity of the biological father is unknown and cannot be identified after diligent efforts, including at least one interview by child support services with the recipient of services.
(5)The noncustodial parent’s location is unknown and child support services has made diligent efforts to locate the noncustodial parent using multiple sources, in accordance with regulations in 45 CFR Section 303.3 (as amended to August 1, 2024), all of which have been unsuccessful, within the applicable time frame:
1.Over a three-year period when there is sufficient information to initiate an automated locate effort.
2.Over a one-year period when there is not sufficient information to initiate an automated locate effort.
(6)Child support services has determined that, throughout the duration of the child’s minority (or after the child has reached the age of majority), the noncustodial parent cannot pay support and shows no evidence of support potential because the parent has been institutionalized in a psychiatric facility, is incarcerated, or has a medically verified total and permanent disability. Child support services must also determine that the noncustodial parent has no income or assets available above the subsistence level that could be levied or attached for support.
(7)The noncustodial parent’s sole income is from supplemental security income (SSI) payments.
(8)The noncustodial parent is a citizen of and lives in a foreign country, does not work for the federal government or a company with headquarters or offices in the United States, and has no reachable domestic income or assets and there is no federal or state treaty or reciprocity with the country.
(9)In a case involving child support services to a person who is not a recipient of public assistance, child support services has provided location-only services.
(10)Child support services has received a written or verbal request from the recipient of services to close the case and there is no assignment to the state of support or of arrearages that accrued under the support order.
(11)In a case involving child support services to a recipient of public assistance, there has been a finding of good cause or other exception in a public assistance case as specified in 441—subrules 41.3(6) through 41.6(10) and 75.14(3), including a determination that support enforcement may not proceed without risk or harm to the child or caretaker relative.
(12)In a case involving child support services to a person who is not a recipient of public assistance or who is a recipient of public assistance receiving Medicaid only, child support services has received information that the address in child support services’ record is no longer current and child support services is unable to contact or otherwise locate the recipient within 60 days following receipt of this information despite a good-faith effort to contact the recipient through at least two different methods.
(13)In a case involving child support services to a person who is not a recipient of public assistance or who is a recipient of public assistance receiving Medicaid only, the recipient of services has failed to cooperate with child support services, which documented the circumstances of the noncooperation, and an action by the recipient of services is essential for the next step in providing services. More information is contained in rule 441—95.11(252B).
(14)Child support services documents failure by the initiating agency, as defined under 45 CFR Section 301.1 (as amended to August 1, 2024), to take an action that is essential for the next step in providing services.
(15)The initiating agency, as defined under 45 CFR Section 301.1 (as amended to August 1, 2024), has notified child support services that the initiating agency has closed its case.
(16)The initiating agency, as defined under 45 CFR Section 301.1 (as amended to August 1, 2024), has notified child support services that its intergovernmental services are no longer needed.
(17)Another assistance program, including IV-A, IV-E, SNAP, and Medicaid, has referred to child support services a case for which it is inappropriate to establish, enforce, or continue to enforce a child support order and the custodial or noncustodial parent has not applied for child support services.
(18)The case meets any other basis for case closure based upon federal law.
b.Child support services may terminate services when no support or arrearages that accrued under the support order are assigned to the state and the recipient of services requested child support services to close the case to allow the tribal IV-D agency to start providing services under that program.
c.Child support services will close a case and maintain supporting documentation for the case closure decision when the following criteria have been met:
(1)Child support services is notified that the child is eligible for health care services from the Indian Health Service (IHS); and
1.The IV-D case was opened because of a Medicaid referral based solely upon health care services, including the Purchased/Referred Care Program, provided through an Indian health program as defined in 25 U.S.C. Section 1603(12) (as amended to August 1, 2024); and
2.The recipient of services requests that child support services close the case.
(2)Child support services receives instructions for case closure from an initiating agency as defined under 45 CFR Section 301.1 (as amended to August 1, 2024). Within ten working days, child support services will stop the income withholding order or notice and close the intergovernmental IV-D case.
95.7(2) Case closure notifications. In cases meeting one of the criteria of subrule 95.7(1), except subparagraph 95.7(1)“a”(9), 95.7(1)“a”(10), or 95.7(1)“a”(11), child support services will send notification of its intent to close the case to the recipient of services or the initiating agency, as defined under 45 CFR Section 301.1 (as amended to August 1, 2024), in writing 60 calendar days before case closure. The notice will be sent to the recipient of services or the state requesting services at the last-known address stating the reason for denying or terminating services, the effective date, and an explanation of the right to request a hearing according to 441—Chapter 7. Closure of the case following notification is subject to the following:
a.If, in response to the notice, the recipient of services or the initiating agency, as defined under 45 CFR Section 301.1 (as amended to August 1, 2024), supplies information that could lead to the establishment of paternity or a support order or enforcement of an order, the case will be kept open.
b.If the case is to be closed because child support services was unable to contact the recipient of services, as provided in subparagraph 95.7(1)“a”(12), the case shall be kept open if contact is reestablished with the recipient of services before the effective date of the closure.
c.The recipient of services may request to have child support services reopen the case at a later date if there is a change in circumstances that could lead to the establishment of paternity or a support order or enforcement of an order by completing a new application and paying any applicable fee.
d.If the recipient of services specifically authorizes consent for electronic notifications, child support services may elect to notify the recipient of services electronically of child support services’ intent to close the case. Child support services must maintain documentation of the recipient’s consent in the case record.
441—95.8(252B) Child support services attorney.
95.8(1) State’s representative. An assistant attorney general, assistant county attorney, or independent contract attorney employed by or under contract with child support services represents only the state of Iowa. The sole attorney-client relationship for the child support services attorney is between the attorney and the state of Iowa. A private attorney acting under Iowa Code section 252B.6A is not a child support services attorney and is not a party to the action.
95.8(2) Provision of services. The special role of the child support services attorney is limited by the attorney-client relationship between the attorney and the state of Iowa. The provision of legal services by the child support services attorney is limited as follows:
a.The child support services attorney will not represent any person or entity other than the state of Iowa in the course of the attorney’s employment by or contractual relationship with child support services.
b.Child support services will issue written disclosure of the attorney-client relationship between the attorney and the state of Iowa to recipients of child support services and to all parties in a review and adjustment proceeding.
95.8(3) Communication concerning case circumstances.
a.Child support services will provide case status information upon written request by any recipient of child support enforcement services or any party under the review and adjustment procedure unless otherwise prohibited by state or federal statute or rules pertaining to confidentiality.
b.All communications with other parties will be directed to those parties personally unless a licensed attorney has entered an appearance or notified child support services in writing that the attorney is representing a party. If any party is represented by counsel, all communications will be directed to counsel for that party.
c.When a party is receiving public assistance, child support services will refer any suspected fraud or questionable FIP expenditures to the appropriate governmental agencies.
441—95.9(252B) Effective date of support. For all original orders established by child support services, the effective date of the support obligation under the orders will be the twentieth day following the date the order is prepared by child support services unless otherwise specified.
441—95.10(252B) Continued services available to canceled FIP or Medicaid recipients. Support services will automatically be provided to persons who were eligible to receive support services as recipients of FIP or Medicaid and who were canceled from FIP or Medicaid. Continued support services will not be provided to a person who has been canceled from FIP or Medicaid when a claim of good cause, as defined at 441—Chapter 41 or 75, as appropriate, was valid at the time assistance was canceled or when one of the reasons for termination of services included in rule 441—95.7(252B) applies to the case.
Support services will be provided to eligible persons without application or application fee, subject to applicable enforcement fees.
95.10(1) Notice of services. When a family is no longer eligible for public assistance, the department will forward a form prescribed by the department to the family’s last-known address within five working days of the notification of ineligibility to inform the family of the following:
a.Unless the family notifies the department to the contrary, services will continue.
b.The effect of continuing to receive support services, including the available services and the state’s policies on fees, cost recovery, and distribution.
95.10(2) Termination of services.
a.A person may request that the department terminate support services at any time by completing and returning a form prescribed by the department, or in any other form of written communication, to child support services.
b.Continued support services may be terminated at any time for any of the reasons included in rule 441—95.7(252B).
95.10(3) Reapplication for services. A person whose services were denied or terminated may reapply for services by completing the application process described in subrule 95.2(2).
441—95.11(252B) Cooperation of public assistance recipients in establishing and obtaining support. If a person who is a recipient of FIP or Medicaid is required to cooperate with child support services in establishing paternity; in establishing, modifying, or enforcing child or medical support; or in enforcing spousal support, the following apply:
95.11(1) Cooperation defined. The person will cooperate in good faith in obtaining support for persons whose needs are included in the assistance grant or Medicaid household, except when good cause or other exception as defined in 441—Chapter 41 or 75 for refusal to cooperate is established.
a.The person will cooperate in the following areas:
(1)Identifying and locating the parent of the child for whom assistance or Medicaid is claimed.
(2)Establishing the paternity of a child born out of wedlock for whom assistance or Medicaid is claimed.
(3)Obtaining support payments for the person and the child for whom assistance is claimed and obtaining medical support for the person and child for whom Medicaid is claimed.
b.Cooperation includes the following actions by the person if the action is requested by child support services:
(1)Providing the name of the noncustodial parent and additional necessary information.
(2)Appearing at child support services to provide verbal or written information or documentary evidence known to, possessed by, or reasonably obtained by the person that is relevant to achieving the objectives of the child support program.
(3)Appearing at judicial or other hearings, proceedings, or interviews.
(4)Providing information or attesting to the lack of information under penalty of perjury.
(5)If the paternity of the child has not been legally established, submitting to blood or genetic tests pursuant to a judicial or administrative order. The person may be requested to sign a voluntary affidavit of paternity after being given notice of the rights and consequences of signing such an affidavit as required by Iowa Code section 252A.3A. However, the person will not be required to sign an affidavit or otherwise relinquish the right to blood or genetic tests.
c.The person will cooperate with child support services to the extent of supplying all known information and documents pertaining to the location of the noncustodial parent and taking action as may be necessary to secure or enforce a support obligation, establish paternity, or secure medical support. A person’s cooperation with child support services includes completing and signing a form prescribed by the department, if requested, as well as documents determined to be necessary by the state’s attorney for any relevant judicial or administrative process.
95.11(2) Failure to cooperate. Child support services will make the determination of whether a person has cooperated. Child support services will promptly send notice of a determination of noncooperation to the person on a form prescribed by the department and notify the FIP and Medicaid programs, as appropriate, of the noncooperation determination and the reason for the determination. The FIP and Medicaid programs will take appropriate sanctioning actions as provided in statute and rules.
95.11(3) Good cause or other exception.
a.A person who is a recipient of FIP assistance may claim a good cause or other exception for not cooperating, taking into consideration the best interests of the child as provided in 441—Chapter 41.
b.A person who is a recipient of Medicaid may claim a good cause or other exception for not cooperating, taking into consideration the best interests of the child as provided in 441—Chapter 75.
441—95.12(252B) Cooperation of public assistance applicants in establishing and obtaining support. If a person who is an applicant of FIP or Medicaid is required to cooperate in establishing paternity; in establishing, modifying, or enforcing child or medical support; or in enforcing spousal support, the requirements in 441—Chapters 41 and 75 apply. The appropriate staff in the FIP and Medicaid programs are designees of child support services to determine noncooperation and issue notices of that determination until the referral to child support services is completed.
441—95.13(252B) Cooperation in establishing and obtaining support in nonpublic assistance cases.
95.13(1) Requirements. The person receiving nonpublic assistance support services will cooperate with child support services by meeting all the requirements of rule 441—95.11(252B), except that the person may not claim good cause or other exception for not cooperating.
95.13(2) Failure to cooperate. Child support services will make the determination of whether or not the nonpublic assistance applicant or recipient of services has cooperated. Noncooperation will result in termination of support services. An applicant or recipient may also request termination of services under subparagraph 95.7(1)“a”(10).
441—95.14(252B) Charging pass-through fees. Pass-through fees are fees or costs incurred by the department for service of process, genetic testing, and court costs if the entity providing the service charges a fee for services. Child support services may charge pass-through fees to persons who receive continued services according to 441—95.10(252B) and to other persons receiving nonassistance services, except no fees may be charged to an obligee residing in a foreign country or to a foreign country if child support services is providing services under paragraph 95.2(2)“b.”
441—95.15(252B) Reimbursing assistance with collections of assigned support. For an obligee and child who currently receive assistance under FIP, the full amount of any assigned support collection that the department receives will be distributed according to rule 441—95.10(252B) and retained by the department to reimburse the FIP assistance.
441—95.16(252B) Child support account. Child support services will maintain a child support account for each client. The account, representing money due the department, will cover all periods of time public assistance has been paid, commencing with the date of the assignment. Child support services will not maintain an interest-bearing account.
441—95.17(252B) Emancipation verification. Child support services may verify whether a child will emancipate according to the provisions established in the court order prior to the child’s eighteenth birthday.
95.17(1) Verification process. Child support services will send a form prescribed by the department to the obligor and obligee on a case if child support services has an address.
95.17(2) Return information. The obligor and obligee will be asked to complete and return the form to child support services. Child support services will use the information provided by the obligor or obligee to determine if the status of the child indicates that any previously ordered adjustments related to the obligation and a child’s emancipation are necessary on the case.
95.17(3) Failure to return information. If the obligor and obligee fail to return the questionnaire, child support services will apply the earliest emancipation date established in the support order to the case and implement changes in support amounts required in the support order.
95.17(4) Conflicting information returned. If conflicting information is returned or made known to child support services, child support services will have the right to verify the child’s status through sources other than the obligor and obligee.
441—95.18(17A) Right of appeal.
95.18(1) Under this chapter, an administrative appeal pursuant to 441—Chapter 7 will be limited to the following issues:
a.A person is not entitled to a support payment in full or in part because of the date of collection, as provided under rule 441—95.6(17A), or a dispute based on the date of collection has not been acted on in a timely manner.
b.A termination in services has occurred as provided in rule 441—95.7(252B).
95.18(2) A hearing will not be granted under 441—Chapter 7 when an appellant has a complaint about child support services collections actions other than those described in this rule. This includes the collection of an annual fee for child support services as specified in Iowa Code chapter 252B.
441—95.19(17A) Appeal record. The record in an administrative appeal under this rule will include, in addition to those materials specified in Iowa Code section 17A.12(6), the notice of appeal and the verbatim record of the hearing.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 252B, 252C, 252D and 17A.
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The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule -41.3(6) Rule -41.6(10) Rule 441-7.4(3) Rule 441-95.1 Rule 441-95.10 Rule 441-95.11 Rule 441-95.12 Rule 441-95.13 Rule 441-95.14 Rule 441-95.15 Rule 441-95.16 Rule 441-95.17 Rule 441-95.18 Rule 441-95.19 Rule 441-95.2 Rule 441-95.3 Rule 441-95.4 Rule 441-95.5 Rule 441-95.6 Rule 441-95.7 Rule 441-95.8 Rule 441-95.9 Rule 441-98.30 Rule -75.14(3) Rule -95.2(2) Rule -95.3(1) Rule -95.3(2) Rule -95.3(3) Rule -95.6(2) Rule -95.7(1)The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 17A Iowa Code 17A.12(6) Iowa Code 234 Iowa Code 239B Iowa Code 249A Iowa Code 252A Iowa Code 252A.3A Iowa Code 252B Iowa Code 252B.6A Iowa Code 252C Iowa Code 252D Iowa Code 252F Iowa Code 252H Iowa Code 252K Iowa Code 535.3 Iowa Code 598 Iowa Code 598.21B Iowa Code 598.22 Iowa Code 600BThe following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Additional payments Appeal issue Appeal process Appeal record Appeals Case closure criteria Case closure notifications Charging pass-through fees Child support account Child support eligibility and services Child support services attorney Communication concerning case circumstances Conflicting information returned Contact Cooperation defined Crediting of current and delinquent support Definitions Effective date of support Emancipation verification Failure to cooperate Failure to return information Good cause or other exception Initiation of appeal Limitation of appeals Lump sum settlement Nonpublic assistance cases Notice of services Payments from income withholding Payments from state or political subdivisions Prepayment of support Provision of services Public assistance cases Reapplication for services Reimbursing assistance with collections of assigned support Requirements Return information Right of appeal Services available State’s representative Termination of services Verification process Written decision© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy