PROMISE JOBS program, ch 93
ARC 8602C
Notice of Intended Action
Proposing rulemaking related to PROMISE JOBS program
and providing an opportunity for public comment
The Department of Health and Human Services hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 93, “PROMISE JOBS Program,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title.
Legal Authority for Rulemaking
This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 239B.4(6).
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 239B and Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Title I “Block Grants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)” (PL 109-171) (reauthorized 2006).
Purpose and Summary
This proposed rulemaking is in response to Executive Order 10. This proposed chapter provides rules to implement the PROMISE JOBS Program as required by federal law for Iowa to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) dollars. PROMISE JOBS provides employment and training services to Family Investment Program (FIP) families to assist these families in gaining financial stability.
Regulatory Analysis
A Regulatory Analysis for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on October 30, 2024. A public hearing was held on the following date(s):
●November 19, 2024
Fiscal Impact
This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 441—Chapter 6.
Public Comment
Any interested person may submit written or oral comments concerning this proposed rulemaking, which must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m. on January 21, 2025. Comments should be directed to:
Victoria L. Daniels |
Public Hearing
Public hearings at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows:
January 16, 2025 |
Microsoft Teams |
January 21, 2025 |
Microsoft Teams |
Persons who wish to make oral comments at a public hearing may be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rulemaking.
Any persons who intend to attend a public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Department and advise of specific needs.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
The following rulemaking action is proposed:
ITEM 1.Rescind 441—Chapter 93 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:
441—93.1(239B) Definitions.
“Applicant” means a child for whom assistance is being requested under the family investment program, any parent living in the home with the child, and any nonparental relative as defined in 441—subrule 41.3(1) who is requesting assistance for the child.
“FaDSS” means the family development and self-sufficiency program operated under 441—Chapter 49, which provides in-home family development services to families at risk of instability or long-term FIP dependency.
“Family investment agreement” or “FIA” means the agreement developed with a participant in accordance with Iowa Code section 239B.8.
“FIA-responsible person” means any member of the FIP applicant family unless exempt as described in 441—subrule 41.5(2). More information is contained in subrule 93.4(2).
“FIP” means the family investment program authorized in Iowa Code chapter 239B.
“Limited benefit plan” or “LBP” means a period of time in which a participant or member of a participant’s family is either ineligible for any assistance under the FIP or eligible for reduced assistance in accordance with Iowa Code section 239B.9.
“Needy specified relative” means a nonparental specified relative as defined in 441—subrule 41.3(1) who meets all the eligibility requirements to be included in the FIP.
“Participant” for purposes of the PROMISE JOBS program means a person who has signed an FIA and is approved to receive FIP benefits, a parent or relative living in the home of a child approved to receive FIP benefits, or a person reconsidering a subsequent LBP.
“PROMISE JOBS program” means the promoting independence and self-sufficiency through employment, job opportunities, and basic skills program created in Iowa Code section 239B.17.
“TANF” means Title I Block Grants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (PL 109-171) (reauthorized 2006 and as amended to August 1, 2024).
441—93.2(239B) Program administration. The department will administer an employment and training program known as PROMISE JOBS.
93.2(1) Availability of service. PROMISE JOBS services shall include but are not limited to those listed in paragraph 93.4(4)“b.”
a.The program shall be available statewide. If the department determines that sufficient funds are not available to offer services on location in each county, the department will prioritize the availability of services to those counties having the largest FIP populations.
b.Because of state and federal budgetary limitations, federal mandatory work requirements, requirements for minimum participation rates, and other TANF requirements imposed on the PROMISE JOBS program, the department will have the administrative authority to:
(1)Determine agency and geographical breakdowns for service;
(2)Designate specific groups for priority services; and
(3)Designate specific PROMISE JOBS components or supportive service levels for a waiting list.
93.2(2) Contracts with provider agencies. The department may contract with the department of workforce development, the department of economic development, or other appropriate entity to provide PROMISE JOBS services and case management of those services.
441—93.3(239B) Registration and referral.
93.3(1) Registration for PROMISE JOBS. Unless the department determines a person is exempt as specified in 441—subrule 41.5(2), an application for FIP assistance constitutes a registration for the PROMISE JOBS program and acceptance of the requirement to enter into an FIA for all members of the FIP case and all other persons responsible for the FIA as specified in rule 441—41.5(239B).
93.3(2) Referral. The department will refer all FIA-responsible persons from FIP applicant and participant households to PROMISE JOBS pursuant to 441—subrule 41.5(4).
93.3(3) Initial appointment.
a.FIP applicants. FIP applicants, including those who are in an LBP, will be offered an appointment with the PROMISE JOBS provider agency for orientation, assessment, and FIA development at the earliest available time. The provider agency shall make sufficient appointment times available to allow the applicant to be scheduled no later than ten calendar days after the date of the notice that FIA responsibility has begun as required by rule 441—93.4(239B), 441—paragraphs 41.5(1)“c” and “d,” and 441—paragraph 41.5(8)“g.”
b.Exempt status change. Persons who become FIA-responsible while receiving FIP shall initiate PROMISE JOBS orientation and FIA development by contacting the appropriate PROMISE JOBS office to schedule an appointment within ten calendar days of the mailing date of the letter explaining that exempt status has been lost and FIA responsibility has begun as required by 441—subrule 41.5(5). If the person fails to schedule an appointment or fails to appear for an appointment, PROMISE JOBS shall send one written reminder letter that informs the person that those who do not develop an FIA shall enter into an LBP. If the person fails to schedule an appointment within ten calendar days of the written reminder letter or fails to appear for an appointment scheduled after the written reminder letter is sent, the person shall enter into an LBP as described in 441—paragraph 41.5(7)“c.”
93.3(4) Orientation. Every person referred to PROMISE JOBS shall receive orientation services. PROMISE JOBS workers shall provide FIA orientation.
a.During orientation, each applicant shall receive a full explanation of:
(1)The advantages of employment under the family investment program (FIP), including information on earned income tax credits;
(2)Services available under PROMISE JOBS;
(3)Participant rights and responsibilities under the FIA and PROMISE JOBS;
(4)The LBP as described in 441—subrule 41.5(7);
(5)The availability of family planning counseling services in the area and the financial implications of newly born children on the participant’s family.
b.Each applicant shall receive a form prescribed by the department, confirming that information described in paragraph 93.3(4)“a” has been provided.
93.3(5) Initial meeting. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall meet with each referred person, or with the family if another parent or a child is also referred to PROMISE JOBS, to:
a.Determine participation activities,
b.Establish expenses and a schedule for supportive payments, and
c.Discuss child care needs.
93.3(6) Workforce development registration. Each applicant is required to register for work with the department of workforce development, upon request by the PROMISE JOBS worker.
441—93.4(239B) FIA. The FIA is the condition of and basis for PROMISE JOBS services and is an eligibility requirement for the FIP as specified in rule 441—41.5(239B).
93.4(1) Development. An initial FIA shall be developed during the orientation and assessment process through discussion between the FIA-responsible person and the PROMISE JOBS worker. For the FIA to be considered completed, an FIA shall be signed by all of the following:
a.The FIA-responsible person or persons.
b.Other family members who are referred to PROMISE JOBS.
c.The PROMISE JOBS worker.
d.The PROMISE JOBS supervisor.
93.4(2) FIA-responsible persons. All members of the FIP applicant family shall develop and sign an FIA unless exempt as described in 441—subrule 41.5(2). When an FIA-responsible person is incompetent or incapacitated, someone acting responsibly on that person’s behalf may participate in the interview. Responsibility for carrying out the steps of the FIA ends at the point that FIP assistance is not provided to the participant or when a participant becomes exempt.
a.Parents. All parents who are not exempt from PROMISE JOBS shall be responsible for signing and carrying out the activities of the FIA. Parents of any age are exempt only if they are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or they are not U.S. citizens and are not qualified aliens as defined in rule 441—40.1(239B). When the FIP-eligible group includes a minor parent living with one or both parents or a needy specified relative who receives FIP as described in 441—subparagraph 41.9(2)“b”(2) and none is exempt from PROMISE JOBS participation, each parent or needy specified relative is responsible for a separate FIA.
b.Teens. Participants aged 16 to the participants’ nineteenth birthday shall be responsible for signing and carrying out the activities of the FIA unless they are receiving SSI or they attend school full-time.
(1)When the FIP-eligible group includes one or both parents or a needy specified relative and a child or children and none is exempt from PROMISE JOBS participation, all shall be asked to sign one FIA with the family and to carry out the activities of that FIA rather than signing separate FIAs.
(2)When the FIP-eligible group includes one or both parents or a needy specified relative who is exempt from PROMISE JOBS participation and a child or children who are not exempt, each child is responsible for completing a separate FIA.
(3)A minor nonparental specified relative who is not exempt and whose needs are included in the FIP grant shall be responsible for signing and carrying out the activities of the FIA.
c.Other adults. All other adults who are not exempt and whose needs are included in the FIP grant shall be responsible for signing and carrying out the activities of the FIA.
93.4(3) FIA content. The FIA shall include the goals of the family for achieving self-sufficiency and shall establish a time frame with a specific ending date, during which the family expects to become self-sufficient and after which FIP benefits will be terminated. For individuals and families with acknowledged barriers, one or more incremental FIAs may be written.
a.All FIAs shall:
(1)Outline the expectations of the PROMISE JOBS program and of the family;
(2)Clearly establish interim goals and FIA activities necessary to reach long-term goals and self-sufficiency;
(3)Identify barriers to participation so that the FIA may include a plan, appropriate referrals, and supportive services necessary to eliminate or manage the barriers;
(4)Stipulate specific services to be provided by the PROMISE JOBS program, including child care assistance, transportation assistance, family development services, and other supportive services;
(5)Include the participant’s responsibility to provide verification of hours of participation, and how and when the verification will be submitted;
(6)Record a participant’s response to the option of referral for family planning counseling as described in subrule 93.9(3).
b.Plans from other agencies. The FIA may incorporate a self-sufficiency plan that the family has developed with another agency or person, subject to the following requirements:
(1)The participant shall authorize PROMISE JOBS to obtain the self-sufficiency plan and to arrange coordination with the manager of the self-sufficiency plan by signing a release of information prescribed by the department.
(2)The self-sufficiency plan may be included in the participant’s FIA if the self-sufficiency plan meets the requirements of this chapter and is deemed by the PROMISE JOBS worker to be appropriate to the family circumstances.
93.4(4) Participation requirements. The FIA shall require the FIA-responsible persons and family members who are referred to PROMISE JOBS to choose participation in one or more activities as described in this subrule.
a.Goals. It is expected that employment leading to economic self-sufficiency is the eventual goal of the FIA.
(1)To the maximum extent possible, the FIA shall reflect the goals of the family, subject to program rules; funding; the capability, experience, and aptitudes of family members; and the potential market for the job skills currently possessed or to be developed.
(2)The program goal for all participants is to be involved in PROMISE JOBS activities on a full-time basis unless problems or barriers prohibit this level of involvement. “Full-time” is considered an average of at least 30 hours per week. Exceptions to full-time involvement are identified in rule 441—93.14(239B) and subrule 93.4(5).
b.Activities. Except as specified in 441—paragraph 93.4(4)“c,” PROMISE JOBS activities may include but are not limited to any combination of the following activities:
(1)Orientation as described in subrule 93.3(4).
(2)Assessment as described in rule 441—93.5(239B).
(3)Job readiness and job search activities, including job readiness skills training and other activities that prepare a participant to search for or obtain employment, individual and structured job search, unplanned job opportunities, mental health treatment, substance use disorder treatment, or other rehabilitative activities, as described in rule 441—93.6(239B).
(4)Work activities, including part-time or full-time employment, self-employment, on-the-job training, work experience placement, or unpaid community service as described in 441—93.7(239B).
(5)Educational activities, including high school completion, high school equivalency diploma (HSED) certification, adult basic education (ABE), English as a second language (ESL) training, vocational training, or postsecondary training up to and including a baccalaureate degree as described in 441—93.8(239B).
(6)Parenting skills training as described in subrule 93.9(1).
(7)Participation in the FaDSS program or other family development programs as described in subrule 93.9(2).
(8)Referral for family planning counseling as described in subrule 93.9(3).
(9)Family violence option as described in subparagraph 93.4(5)“c”(2).
(10)Services provided by other agencies.
c.FIA activities for participants aged 16 to 19. Development of FIA activities shall follow these guidelines for participants aged 16 to 19.
(1)Participants aged 16 to 19 who are not parents and who have not completed high school shall be strongly encouraged to participate in educational activities to obtain a high school diploma or the equivalent. A high school education is recognized as important to achieving self-sufficiency. Participants shall be given information on the earning power of people with a high school education compared to those who do not so that participants are able to make an informed choice. If high school or high school equivalency completion is not included in a teenager’s FIA, other FIA activities shall be required. High school or high school equivalency completion shall be proposed and reconsidered at the next FIA review.
(2)Parents under the age of 18 who are not married and who have not completed high school shall be expected to use enrollment or continued attendance in high school or involvement in a high school equivalency program as a first step in the FIA, except when the parent is deemed incapable of participating in these activities by the local education agency.
(3)Parents aged 19 and younger shall include parenting skills training as described in subrule 93.9(1) in their FIA, or the case file shall include documentation that this requirement has been fulfilled.
(4)Parents under the age of 18 who are not married and who do not live with a parent or legal guardian shall include FaDSS, as described in 441—Chapter 49, or other family development services as described in subrule 93.9(2) in the FIA. The FaDSS or other family development services shall continue after the parent reaches the age of 18 only when the participant and the family development worker believe that the services are needed for the family to reach self-sufficiency.
d.FIA activities for participants convicted of a drug-related felony after August 22, 1996. A participant convicted of a drug-related felony after August 22, 1996, shall include drug rehabilitation activities in the participant’s FIA to verify that the participant does not illegally possess, use, or distribute a controlled substance except when:
(1)The participant successfully completed any applicable drug rehabilitation and court-ordered probation or parole resulting from the drug felony conviction, or
(2)The participant is currently on probation or parole and successfully completed all drug rehabilitation requirements resulting from the drug felony conviction, whether court-ordered or required by probation or parole.
e.Waiting lists. The department of health and human services reserves the authority to prioritize services to FIP applicants and participants in the order that best fits the needs of FIP applicants and recipients and PROMISE JOBS program participants. Participants who are placed on a waiting list for a PROMISE JOBS component shall include other appropriate activities in the FIA while waiting unless family circumstances indicate otherwise.
(1)Persons shall be removed from these waiting lists and placed in components at the discretion of state-level PROMISE JOBS administrators in order to help participants achieve self-sufficiency in the shortest possible time, meet budgetary limitations, enable participants to make maximum use of other programs, fulfill the federal minimum participation rate requirements, and meet other TANF requirements.
(2)Persons who were enrolled in approved postsecondary training at the time of FIP cancellation shall not be placed on a postsecondary training waiting list if the participant is still satisfactorily participating in approvable training at the time that FIP eligibility is regained.
f.Unavailability of funding. If funding for the PROMISE JOBS activities included in a participant’s FIA or required supportive payments are not available, the participant’s FIA shall be renegotiated to include different activities.
93.4(5) Barriers to participation. Problems with participation of a permanent or long-term nature shall be considered barriers to participation and shall be identified in the FIA as issues to be resolved or managed so that maximum participation can result.
a.Barriers defined. Barriers to participation include anything identified by an FIA-responsible person that prevents them from fully participating in PROMISE JOBS.
b.Inclusion in FIA.
(1)When barriers are identified by the applicant during initial assessment, removal or management of the barrier shall be part of the FIA from the beginning. If an FIA-responsible applicant refuses to include an identified barrier in their FIA, the applicant shall be denied FIP.
(2)When barriers are revealed by the participant or are identified by problems that develop after the FIA is signed, the FIA shall be renegotiated and amended to provide for removal or management of the barriers.
c.Cooperation. A participant who chooses not to cooperate in removing or managing identified barriers to participation shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. If the participant claims a cognitive or physical disability or mental illness that is expected to last for more than 12 consecutive months, the participant is required to apply for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits. When the participant refuses to apply for those benefits, the FIP household is ineligible for FIP as described in 441—subrule 41.8(1), and the LBP does not apply.
(1)In limited instances where special-needs care for a child or adult is not available, it may be most practical for the participant to develop the FIA to identify providing the care as part of the FIA.
(2)Victims of domestic violence may include in their FIA the family violence option, which is a plan to address or attempt to prevent domestic violence. The family violence option may allow for a temporary waiver from participation in PROMISE JOBS activities when appropriate for the participant or participant’s situation.
(3)The PROMISE JOBS worker shall review the need for inclusion of a barrier to participation in the FIA at least once every six months to determine if the barrier continues to exist.
93.4(6) Failure to complete an FIA.
a.FIP applicants. An applicant’s failure to develop or sign an FIA will result in denial of the family’s application for FIP assistance as described in 441—paragraphs 41.5(4)“a” through “c.”
b.FIP participants. FIP participants who choose not to enter into an FIA or who choose not to continue its activities after signing an FIA shall enter into the LBP as described in 441—subrule 41.5(7).
93.4(7) Progress reviews. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall review all FIAs at least once every six months with input from at least one family member. FIA goals and, if appropriate, the needs for child care, transportation, and other supports shall be reviewed for continued appropriateness.
93.4(8) Renegotiation.
a.The FIA shall be renegotiated to reflect a new plan for self-sufficiency if:
(1)The participant has participated satisfactorily in the current FIA activities but is not self-sufficient by the end date specified in the FIA; or
(2)The participant demonstrates effort in carrying out the steps of the FIA but is unable to participate satisfactorily in the current FIA activities due to a barrier as described in subrule 93.4(5); or
(3)The participant’s circumstances change to such an extent that the current FIA activities are no longer appropriate.
b.Participants who choose not to cooperate in the renegotiation process when requested by PROMISE JOBS shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.4(9) Reinstatement. When a participant who has signed an FIA loses FIP eligibility and has not become exempt from PROMISE JOBS at the time of FIP reapplication, the contents of the original FIA and the participant’s responsibility for carrying out the steps of that FIA may be reinstated when the steps of the FIA fit the family’s current circumstances. The FIA shall be renegotiated and amended if needed to accommodate changed family circumstances.
441—93.5(239B) Assessment. The purpose of assessment is to provide an evaluation of the FIP applicant or participant family that furnishes a basis for the PROMISE JOBS worker to determine:(1) family members’ employability and educational potential, so that participants can make well-informed choices; and (2) the services that will be needed for the family to achieve self-sufficiency, so that the worker can provide appropriate guidance.
93.5(1) Initial assessment. All persons referred to PROMISE JOBS shall complete an initial assessment, which includes a form prescribed by the department and shall review, at a minimum, the family’s basic needs as determined by the department. This initial assessment shall be used to develop the initial FIA. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall meet individually with FIA-responsible persons.
93.5(2) Additional assessments. Additional assessments may include but are not limited to literacy and aptitude testing, educational level and basic skills assessment, evaluation of job interests or job skills, occupation-specific assessment or testing, or an evaluation of past pertinent information. An additional assessment may be used by mutual agreement between the PROMISE JOBS worker and the participant as a tool and to help explore possible FIA development. For a specific additional assessment to be required, completion of the assessment must be specified in the FIA.
a.Additional information on applicants. If information identified during the initial assessment indicates that further information is needed to help the participant and PROMISE JOBS worker identify appropriate FIA activities and level of involvement, the applicant shall complete additional assessments as determined by the PROMISE JOBS worker. Completion of this assessment may be the first step in the initial FIA.
b.Medical examination. The PROMISE JOBS worker may require a person to complete a medical examination before including a particular PROMISE JOBS activity in the FIA when a participant specifies or exhibits any condition that might jeopardize successful participation in the program. The worker shall ask the health practitioner to indicate to the best of the practitioner’s knowledge whether the person is capable of completing the FIA activity or continuing with appropriate employment.
c.Rehabilitation assessments. At any time during the assessment process or as more information is revealed, a referral may be made for professional assessments in physical health, mental health, substance use disorder, or other rehabilitative services.
d.Additional information on participants. Assessments may be completed or redone at any time throughout the development and duration of the FIA if the information is needed to help the participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker make decisions concerning the type or level of the participant’s involvement in PROMISE JOBS activities.
93.5(3) Postsecondary educational evaluation. Participants who wish to include postsecondary education in their FIA shall complete an educational evaluation to determine the likelihood of success.
a.Request for education resulting in a vocational certificate or certificate of completion. Vocational certificate or certification of completion training programs offer short-term training in a specific vocational area. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall determine the likelihood of success using the following types of tools or information:
(1)A review of information from past training situations,
(2)Past job performance in comparable positions,
(3)Basic skills tests,
(4)Career-specific assessments,
(5)A specific standardized test, or
(6)Other key historical information.
b.Request for education resulting in an associate or baccalaureate degree. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall determine the likelihood of academic success through an educational evaluation. The evaluation may include use of the following types of tools or information:
(1)Standardized assessments in reading comprehension, math, and writing skills;
(2)Occupation-specific skills assessments;
(3)Interest inventories;
(4)Current or past grades; and
(5)Other pertinent historical information.
c.Documenting educational evaluation results. When a participant has requested education to be included in the FIA, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall document:
(1)What formal assessments were completed, if any, and what the results were;
(2)What other information was reviewed;
(3)How the evaluation information was used by the PROMISE JOBS worker in either approving or denying the inclusion of education in the participant’s FIA; and
(4)Whether the request is approved or denied. If the request is denied, PROMISE JOBS shall issue a Notice of Decision: Services to the participant as required in paragraph 93.10(1)“b.”
93.5(4) Substituting or supplementing an assessment.
a.Substituting assessment information. If the FIA-responsible person’s mental status, physical status, and life situation have not changed significantly, comparable assessment information completed with another agency or person within the past two years may be used instead of performing new assessments.
(1)Examples of agencies or persons that may complete comparable assessment information include but are not limited to the department of workforce development, Head Start, public housing authorities, child welfare workers, vocational rehabilitation services, an educational institution or testing service, or family development services.
(2)The FIA-responsible person may authorize PROMISE JOBS to obtain these assessment results by signing a release of information prescribed by the department.
b.Supplementing assessment information. In order to ensure that the FIA activities do not conflict with any case plans that have already been established for the family, the FIA-responsible person may:
(1)Supplement assessment information, and
(2)Establish communication between the PROMISE JOBS worker and other agencies or persons.
c.Use of key historical information. When key historical information, such as a review of the participant’s job history or past training outcomes, relays a clear picture of the participant’s skills and abilities, a formal, standardized educational assessment may not be needed.
(1)If a participant is currently enrolled in or has been enrolled in comparable training or an academic program in the past two years, the evaluation of the participant’s performance, including grades received, may be substituted for a formal, standardized educational assessment.
(2)When using historical information as an indicator of future success, changes in the participant’s mental status, physical status, life circumstances, and motivation shall be given consideration.
93.5(5) Assessment after FIP cancellation or LBP. FIP participants who previously participated in either a basic or additional assessment and then were canceled from FIP or entered an LBP may be required to complete an assessment again when the PROMISE JOBS worker determines that updated information is needed for development or amendment of the FIA.
93.5(6) Participants with FaDSS services only. For participants with FaDSS services as the only activity in their FIA, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall use information provided by the FaDSS worker to help assess when a participant is ready to participate in other PROMISE JOBS activities. The PROMISE JOBS worker may require additional assessments to be completed if more information is needed to decide the type or level of the participant’s involvement in other PROMISE JOBS activities.
93.5(7) Documenting participation. The participant shall provide documentation of participation in assessments as described in subrule 93.10(2). Persons who miss any portion of a scheduled assessment may be required to make up the missed portion, based on worker judgment and participant needs.
93.5(8) Supportive payments allowed. Except for assessment activities that occur on the same day as orientation, persons participating in assessment activities are eligible for child care assistance and transportation payments needed to allow the scheduled participation as described in rule 441—93.11(239B). When make-up sessions are required, the participant shall not receive an additional transportation payment, but necessary child care assistance shall be paid.
93.5(9) Failure to complete assessment. Participants who do not complete assessments that are written into their FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP unless they have good cause. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
441—93.6(239B) Job readiness and job search activities. Job readiness and job search activities include job readiness skills training and other activities that prepare a participant to search for or obtain employment, individual and structured job search, unplanned job opportunities, substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, and other rehabilitation activities. The participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker shall incorporate into the FIA the job readiness and job search activities that are appropriate for the goals, work history, skill level, and life circumstances of the participant.
93.6(1) Job readiness. Job readiness prepares participants to search for or obtain employment. Job readiness consists of job readiness skills training and other activities completed outside of a training session that prepare a participant to search for or obtain employment.
a.Delivery of job readiness skills training. Job readiness skills training is provided in scheduled sessions consisting of up to 30 hours of structured activity per week.
b.Job readiness skills training. Job readiness skills training may include but is not limited to:
(1)Interests and skills assessment;
(2)Self-esteem building and motivational exercises;
(3)Identifying and eliminating employment barriers;
(4)Résumé development;
(5)Completing job applications and follow-up letters;
(6)Obtaining interviews and communication skills;
(7)Interviewing skills development;
(8)Goal attainment planning;
(9)Soft skills and life skills;
(10)Job market trends and finding job leads;
(11)Self-marketing and positive attitude building; and
(12)Job retention skills.
c.Other job readiness activities. Job readiness may include activities that prepare the participant to search for or obtain employment and are completed outside of a training session.
d.Attendance. Attendance is required when a participant is scheduled for job readiness skills training or other job readiness activities unless the participant has good cause as described in rule 441—93.14(239B) or a barrier as described in subrule 93.4(5). Participants who miss any portion of job readiness skills training may be required to either make up the missed portion of the sessions or to retake the entire week of training based on practical worker judgment and participant need.
e.Supportive payments allowed. Child care assistance and transportation payments shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed to participate in job readiness skills training or other job readiness activities. The transportation payment shall be paid before the first scheduled day of participation.
(1)Participants who must repeat or make up any portion of job readiness skills training because of absence due to reasons as described in rule 441—93.14(239B) shall receive an additional transportation payment as described in subrule 93.11(3) for each day that must be repeated and child care assistance. This rule applies only when the participant will have transportation costs that exceed the participant’s original payment because of repeating or making up a portion of job readiness skills training.
(2)Participants who must repeat or make up any portion of job readiness skills training as a result of absences due to reasons other than those described at rule 441—93.14(239B) shall not receive an additional transportation payment.
f.Documenting job readiness skills training or other job readiness participation. Hours of participation in job readiness skills training or other job readiness activities shall be documented as described in subrule 93.10(2).
g.Failure to participate in job readiness skills training activities. Participants who without good cause do not appear for scheduled job readiness skills training activities as stated in the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.6(2) Individual job search. Individual job search shall be available to all participants, particularly those who have recent ties with the workforce, have successfully removed or reduced barriers to work, have completed job readiness skills training, or have completed education or training activities and are now ready to work. Participants are not required to participate in individual job search full-time. Individual job search may be combined with other FIA activities to reach full-time equivalency. Hours of participation in individual job search shall be determined according to the participant’s individual circumstances and be at a level that will reasonably allow the participant to successfully find full-time employment. If after three calendar months the participant still has not found employment, the worker shall review the participant’s situation for possible barriers to employment or possible need for training to increase the participant’s employability. Job search may continue if appropriate, but linking with other activities should be considered.
a.Job search plan. A written job search plan using a form prescribed by the department shall be developed with input from the PROMISE JOBS participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker. A copy shall be provided to the participant. The plan shall:
(1)Contain a designated period for job search not to exceed five weeks ending on a Friday within the same calendar month and the specific methods for finding job openings.
(2)Specify the number of hours to be committed for each week of the designated period so as to provide the most effective use of transportation funds.
(3)Specify due dates for providing documentation of job search activities.
(4)Contain information as specific as possible about areas of employment interest, employers to be contacted, and other pertinent factors.
b.Supportive payments allowed. Child care assistance and transportation payments shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed for participation in an individual job search. The transportation payment shall be paid in full prior to the start of each designated period of the individual job search. Transportation payments for any missed days of job search activity shall be subject to transportation overpayment policies as described in subrule 93.11(3).
c.Documenting job search participation. The participant shall document the actual hours spent on job contacts and other job search activities. Participant documentation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
d.Failure to participate in individual job search. Participants who without good cause do not participate in the steps of the job search plan described at paragraph 93.6(2)“a” shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.6(3) Unplanned job opportunity. PROMISE JOBS participants who have an unplanned opportunity to interview or apply for a job shall be encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity.
a.Supportive payments allowed. Child care assistance and transportation payments needed to make an unplanned job contact shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when the following conditions are met:
(1)The participant has a signed FIA,
(2)The job contact requires transportation to complete an application or to attend an interview, and
(3)The participant provides documentation as described in paragraph 93.6(3)“b.” Payment shall be issued after documentation is received.
b.Documenting participation. The participant shall provide documentation of the actual time spent making the specific job contact. Documentation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
c.LBP. An LBP does not apply when a participant fails to complete a job contact that is not part of a structured or individual job search plan.
93.6(4) Structured job search. Structured job search is designed with scheduled activities and required hours of participation to reflect proven job search techniques and the employment environment of the PROMISE JOBS service area. A PROMISE JOBS worker is available to monitor the participant’s progress in the participant’s job search and to provide assistance and support. Structured job search provides up to 30 hours of scheduled activity. Hours of participation in structured job search shall be determined according to the participant’s individual circumstance and may be full-time or at a level that will reasonably allow the participant to successfully find full-time employment.
a.Attendance. Participants are scheduled to appear daily at the PROMISE JOBS site to access resources for job leads. Participants who miss any portion of scheduled structured job search may be required to either make up the missed portion of the session or to retake the entire week of training based on practical worker judgment and participant need.
(1)Participants who obtain employment averaging 30 hours or more per week may discontinue structured job search.
(2)Participants who obtain employment averaging 20 hours or more per week, but less than 30 hours per week, may discontinue structured job search if part-time employment was the FIA goal or the scheduled job search hours conflict with the scheduled hours of employment. The participant may be required to participate in other FIA activities during the hours that do not conflict with employment hours.
(3)Participants who obtain employment averaging less than 20 hours per week shall continue structured job search unless the scheduled job search hours conflict with the scheduled hours of employment. The participant may be required to participate in other FIA activities during the hours that do not conflict with employment hours.
b.Job search plan. A written job search plan using a form prescribed by the department shall be developed with input from the PROMISE JOBS participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker. A copy shall be provided to the participant. The plan shall:
(1)Contain a designated period for job search and the specific methods for finding job openings.
(2)Specify the number of hours to be committed for the designated period so as to provide the most effective use of transportation funds.
(3)Specify the due date for providing documentation of job search activities.
(4)Contain information as specific as possible about areas of employment interests, employers to be contacted, and other pertinent factors.
c.Supportive payments allowed. Child care assistance and transportation payments shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed to participate in structured job search.
d.Documenting participation. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall verify and document each participant’s monthly hours of actual participation in structured job search. Participant documentation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
e.Failure to participate in structured job search. Participants who without good cause do not complete structured job search as identified in their FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.6(5) Substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, and other rehabilitative activities. Substance use disorder or mental health treatment or other rehabilitative activities are available when needed for a participant to be successful in participating in other FIA activities.
a.Treatment determination. The need for treatment or rehabilitative activities must be determined by a qualified medical professional, substance use disorder professional, or mental health professional. The qualified professional must document that treatment or rehabilitative activities are needed for the participant to obtain or retain employment.
b.Supportive payments allowed. Child care assistance and transportation payments shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed to participate in substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, or other rehabilitative activities.
c.Documenting participation. The service provider shall verify actual hours of participation in treatment. Documentation of participation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
d.Failure to participate in treatment or other rehabilitative activities. Participants who without good cause do not participate in substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, or other rehabilitative activities as specified in their FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
441—93.7(239B) Work activities. Work activities include full-time employment, part-time employment, self-employment, on-the-job training, work experience placement, and unpaid community service. The participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker shall incorporate into the FIA employment activities that are appropriate for the work history, skill level, and life circumstances of the participant. If the FIA activity is so hazardous that safety glasses, hard hats, or other safety equipment is needed, participation shall not be arranged or approved unless these safety precautions are available.
93.7(1) Full-time or part-time employment. FIAs may include full-time employment or part-time employment. Employment that does not lead to economic self-sufficiency may be included in the FIA only if the employment situation leads to better employment opportunities through building work skills and work history. More information about additional policies applicable to self-employment is contained in subrule 93.7(2).
a.Full-time employment. The goal for all participants is to participate in full-time employment. “Full-time employment” is defined as being employed an average of 30 or more hours per week.
(1)Persons who have not achieved self-sufficiency through full-time employment before the end date of the FIA may have the FIA extended.
(2)Persons who choose not to enter into the renegotiation process to extend the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
b.Part-time employment. Part-time employment is defined as being employed an average of less than 30 hours per week. An FIA that includes part-time employment shall also include participation in other PROMISE JOBS activities, including additional part-time employment, unless barriers to participation exist as defined in rule 441—93.14(239B) and subrule 93.4(5).
c.Supportive payments allowed. Transportation expenses are not paid through PROMISE JOBS but are covered by FIP earned income deductions. Child care assistance shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed for employment.
d.Verification of employment hours. Participants must provide verification of employment hours as described in subrule 93.10(2).
e.Failure to provide verification. Failure to provide verification of work hours after receiving a written reminder letter will result in an LBP.
f.Failure to maintain employment. A participant who without good cause does not maintain employment as identified in the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.7(2) Self-employment.
a.Calculation of hours. Hours of participation for persons who are self-employed shall be calculated using actual gross income less business expenses divided by the federal minimum wage. PROMISE JOBS shall use the same income as used for FIP eligibility and benefits.
(1)Participants with self-employment income that equates to 30 or more hours per week are considered to be working full-time.
(2)Participants with self-employment income that equates to less than 30 hours per week are considered to be working part-time.
b.Review of participation. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall review calculated hours:
(1)When income changes, or
(2)At least once every six months.
c.Progress toward self-sufficiency. At the participant’s FIA review, the participant’s progress is determined by noting incremental increases in income and calculated work hours. In order to maintain self-employment as the only FIA activity, participants must:
(1)Reach full-time employment as defined in subparagraph 93.7(2)“a”(1), or
(2)Show progress toward self-sufficiency.
d.Requiring other FIA activities. When a participant has been self-employed for more than 12 months and has not shown progress toward self-sufficiency, the FIA shall include the part-time self-employment in combination with participation in other PROMISE JOBS activities unless barriers to participation exist as defined in subrule 93.4(5) and rule 441—93.14(239B).
(1)The other activities could include additional part-time employment.
(2)When the determination that a participant has not shown progress toward self-sufficiency is made after the initial FIA is developed, the FIA shall be renegotiated to include the other PROMISE JOBS activities. Participants who choose not to enter into the FIA renegotiation process shall enter into an LBP as described in 441—subrule 41.5(7). Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
e.Supportive payments allowed. Transportation expenses are not paid through PROMISE JOBS but are covered by FIP earned income deductions. Child care assistance shall be provided as described in subrule 93.11(2) when needed for participation in self-employment.
f.Supportive payments not allowed. Funds may not be used to purchase supplies to enable a participant to begin a private business.
g.Documenting participation. Hours of participation in self-employment shall be calculated as specified in paragraph 93.7(2)“a” and documented in the case file. Participant documentation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
h.Failure to maintain employment. Participants who without good cause do not maintain employment as identified in their FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.7(3) On-the-job training.
a.Definition. “On-the-job training” is defined as training in the public or private sector that:
(1)Is given to a paid employee while the employee is engaged in productive work, and
(2)Provides knowledge and skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job.
b.Supportive payments. Transportation for on-the-job training is treated in the same manner as transportation for employment. Expenses are not paid through PROMISE JOBS but are covered by FIP earned income deductions. Child care assistance shall be provided as described in subrule 93.11(2) when needed for participation in on-the-job training.
c.Documenting participation. Documentation of participation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
d.Failure to participate in on-the-job training. Participants who without good cause do not participate in on-the-job training as identified in their FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.7(4) Work experience program. Work experience sites shall provide participants with work experience.
a.Sponsors. Employers who participate in the work experience program are referred to as sponsors. Work experience sponsors may be public sector, private sector, community-based, faith-based, or nonprofit employers.
(1)Participants may be placed at work sites with religious institutions only when the work performed is nonsectarian and not in support of sectarian activities.
(2)Participants may not be used to replace regular employees in the performance of nonsectarian work for the purpose of enabling regular employees to engage in sectarian activities.
(3)Each work experience program sponsor shall provide to the PROMISE JOBS service provider a copy of the sponsor’s safety rules before participants are referred for work site placement.
b.Positions. To request a work experience placement, the sponsor shall complete a form prescribed by the department for each type of position the sponsor wishes to fill. The request shall include a complete job description that specifies all tasks to be performed by the participant. PROMISE JOBS has final authority to determine suitability of any work experience position offered by a sponsor. Work experience positions:
(1)Must contain the same job description and performance requirements that would exist if the sponsor were hiring an employee for the same position;
(2)Shall not be related to political, electoral, or partisan activities;
(3)Shall not be developed in response to or in any way be associated with the existence of a strike, lockout, or other bona fide labor dispute;
(4)Shall not violate any existing labor agreement between employees and employers;
(5)Shall comply with applicable state and federal health and safety standards;
(6)Shall not be used by sponsors to displace current employees or to infringe on the promotional opportunities of current employees;
(7)Shall not be used in place of hiring staff for established vacant positions; and
(8)Shall not result in placement of a participant in a position when any other person is on layoff from the same or an equivalent position in the same unit.
c.Participant selection. A participant’s vocational skills and interests shall be matched as closely as possible with the job description and skills required by the sponsor.
(1)Participant responsibility. Participants shall interview for and accept positions offered by work experience sponsors. Participants shall present a form prescribed by the department to the sponsor at the interview. The form shall be completed by the sponsor and returned to PROMISE JOBS.
(2)Sponsor responsibility. Although sponsors are expected to accept work experience referrals made by PROMISE JOBS, sponsors may refuse any referrals they deem inappropriate for the available position. Sponsors shall not discriminate against any program participant because of race, color, religion, sex, age, creed, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, or national origin. Sponsors who refuse a referral must notify PROMISE JOBS in writing of the reason for the refusal.
d.Hours of participation. When a participant is involved in work experience that is subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as amended to August 1, 2024, the participant cannot be required to work more hours than the amount of the monthly FIP grant divided by federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher. Exception: To determine the maximum hours that can be required of a single-parent family on FIP with a child under the age of six, add the value of the family’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to the FIP grant amount before dividing by the minimum wage.
(1)A participant cannot be required to work more hours than those calculated under paragraph 93.7(4)“d.” Only hours up to or less than that calculation can be included in the participant’s FIA.
(2)If two or more members of the same household participate in work experience, the total required hours of participation of the household cannot exceed the hours calculated according to paragraph 93.7(4)“d.”
(3)Each work experience assignment shall not exceed six months in duration.
e.Participant performance evaluations.
(1)Monthly evaluations. Sponsors shall complete a monthly evaluation of the participant’s performance using a form prescribed by the department and provide a copy to PROMISE JOBS and to the participant.
(2)Final evaluations. Sponsors shall complete a form prescribed by the department at the time of termination for each work experience participant. When termination occurs at the sponsor’s request, the sponsor shall specify the reason for termination and identify those areas of unsatisfactory performance. For participants who leave to accept regular employment or reach their work experience placement time limit, the sponsor’s evaluation shall indicate whether or not a positive job reference would be provided if the participant requested one.
f.Supportive payments for work experience placements.
(1)Child care and transportation. Child care assistance and transportation payments shall be provided as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed for participation in work experience.
(2)Required clothing and equipment. The sponsor will provide a documented list of clothing and equipment required by the work experience site. A participant may receive a one-time allowance per work-site assignment for clothing or equipment that is documented by the sponsor and that the participant is unable to obtain through existing resources.
(3)Workers’ compensation. The department will provide workers’ compensation coverage for all PROMISE JOBS work experience participants.
g.Documenting participation. Documentation of participation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
h.Completion of work experience. Persons who complete a work experience assignment may move to another activity as provided under the FIA, be assigned to a different work site, or be reassigned to the same work site, whichever is appropriate under the FIA.
i.Failure to participate in work experience. A participant who without good cause does not participate in work experience as identified in the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.7(5) Unpaid community service.
a.Work sites. Unpaid community service work sites shall be public or private nonprofit organizations. The PROMISE JOBS provider agencies shall provide community service work sites a written explanation of the following placement criteria. The placement:
(1)Shall comply with applicable state and federal health and safety standards;
(2)Shall not be related to political, electoral or partisan activities;
(3)Shall not be developed in response to or in any way associated with the existence of a strike, lockout, or other bona fide labor dispute;
(4)Shall not violate any existing labor agreement between employees and employers;
(5)Shall not be used to displace current employees or to infringe on their promotional opportunities;
(6)Shall not be used in place of hiring staff for established vacant positions; and
(7)Shall not result in placement of a participant in a position when any other person is on layoff from the same or an equivalent position in the same unit.
b.Locating the work site. When a participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker agree that an unpaid community service placement is appropriate, PROMISE JOBS shall assist the participant in identifying potential work sites. The participant is responsible for locating and making arrangements with the work site. Formal interviews are not required to establish the relationship between the participant and the work site organization.
c.Length of assignment and weekly hours. The length of the work site assignment and the weekly hours of participation shall be determined through agreement among the work-site organization, the participant, and the PROMISE JOBS worker. When a participant is involved in community service that is subject to the FLSA as amended to August 1, 2024, the participant cannot be required to work more hours than the amount of the participant’s monthly FIP grant divided by federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher. Only hours up to or less than the maximum calculated may be included in the participant’s FIA. Exceptions are as follows:
(1)For a participant who is a single parent with a child under the age of six, the maximum hours that can be required are determined by adding the value of the participant’s SNAP to the FIP grant amount before dividing by the minimum wage.
(2)Participants who are court-ordered to do community service shall work the number of hours required by the court.
d.Supportive payments. Child care assistance and a transportation payment for each month of participation or part thereof shall be paid as described in rule 441—93.11(239B) when needed for participation in unpaid community service.
e.Documenting participation. Documentation of participation shall be provided as described in subrule 93.10(2).
f.Failure to complete unpaid community service. Participants who without good cause do not participate in unpaid community service as specified in their FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
441—93.8(239B) Education and training activities. Education refers to any academic or vocational course of study that enables a participant to complete high school, improves a participant’s ability to read and speak English, or prepares a participant for a specific professional or vocational area of employment. Though employment leading to economic self-sufficiency is the eventual goal of all FIAs, it is recognized that education increases a person’s chance of finding employment, particularly employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency. Any participant who requests participation in educational activities shall be evaluated to determine the likelihood of success. If the request is approved, a training plan shall be developed and included in the participant’s FIA.
93.8(1) Participant requirements. The decision to include education in an FIA shall take into account the results of the educational evaluation pursuant to paragraph 93.8(1)“b” and the current educational level of the participant. Prior academic or vocational training is not, in itself, a reason for denial or approval of educational services. All family members who are approved for education shall be eligible for all program benefits, even when two or more family members are simultaneously participating and even if participation is at the same educational facility and in the same program. For education to be approved for inclusion in an FIA, the following requirements shall be met.
a.Vocational goal. For a participant enrolled in postsecondary education, the education must lead to a specific vocational goal. A degree in general studies or programs not leading to specific occupational outcomes cannot be included in a participant’s FIA.
(1)Except as provided in subparagraph 93.8(1)“a”(2), a vocational goal must be in an occupational field for which available labor market information or emerging business trends in the participant’s local area indicate employment potential. These trends or statistics must be provided by a legitimate source.
(2)Information to support employment potential in the participant’s local area is not required when:
1.The participant has a documented job offer in the field before entering the training; or
2.The participant is willing to relocate after training to an area where there is employment potential. Documentation for the new location shall meet the requirements in subparagraph 93.8(1)“a”(1).
(3)For participants attending high school or high school equivalency activities, adult basic education or English as a second language, the vocational goal is to improve employability by successfully completing the activity.
b.Educational evaluation. An educational evaluation shall be completed according to subrule 93.5(3) before postsecondary education is included as an FIA activity. A participant under the age of 19 does not need to complete an educational evaluation in order to have high school completion included in the FIA.
(1)A participant who chooses to enter educational activities before obtaining approval is not eligible to receive supports as described in subrule 93.8(6) cannot use that activity to meet the FIA participation obligation, and shall be expected to participate in other FIA activities.
(2)A participant who is already involved in education at the time of FIP application or enters education before approval must meet the requirements in this rule before the educational activities can be included in the FIA. Once approved, the current educational activity may then be included in the participant’s FIA, and the participant will be eligible to receive supports as described in subrule 93.8(6).
93.8(2) Provider requirements. Both public and private agencies may provide educational activities.
a.Type of provider. Education may be included in the FIA if obtained from a provider that is approved or registered with the state or is accredited by an appropriate accrediting agency. Training provided by a community action program, church, or other agency may be included in the FIA only if PROMISE JOBS determines that:
(1)The training is adequate and leads to the completion of the participant’s vocational goal; and
(2)The training provider possesses appropriate and up-to-date equipment; has qualified instructors, adequate facilities, a complete curriculum, acceptable evaluation methods, and a good job-placement history; and demonstrates expenses of training that are reasonable and comparable to the costs of similar programs.
b.Time and attendance. The provider must verify the participant’s actual hours of attendance in an educational activity with a form prescribed by the department pursuant to subrule 93.10(2). If the educational activity is structured in such a way that verification cannot be obtained or the educational provider is unwilling to provide time and attendance verification, the educational activity cannot be included in the participant’s FIA. Exceptions apply for online or distance learning as described in paragraph 93.10(2)“f” and for participants under age 20 as described in subparagraph 93.10(2)“b”(3).
93.8(3) Approvable activities. Training plans shall include only training activities that can be considered as meeting the FIA obligations for participation. The following activities may be included in a training plan:
a.Adult basic education.
b.Continuing education units when needed for the participant to be recertified or retrained to reenter a field in which the participant was previously trained or employed or to maintain certification needed to remain employed.
c.Correspondence courses when the courses are required but not offered by an educational facility attended by the participant.
d.English as a second language.
e.High school or high school equivalency completion. Any participant who does not have a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma (HSED) shall be encouraged to obtain a diploma. A participant who is 18 years of age or older may be approved to return to regular high school only when the participant can graduate within one year of the normal graduation date. High school equivalency or high school courses and other types of vocational training may run concurrently.
f.Online or distance learning. The training:
(1)Must include interaction between the instructor and the student;
(2)Must include mechanisms for evaluation and measurement of student achievement; and
(3)Must be offered in Iowa unless the conditions in paragraph 93.8(3)“g” apply. An online training program shall be considered an out-of-state training program when any of the required training or testing occurs out-of-state.
g.Out-of-state training. Out-of-state training is approvable only when:
(1)Similar training is not available in Iowa,
(2)Relocation required to attend an in-state facility would be unnecessary if attending an out-of-state facility, or
(3)The only in-state facilities within commuting distance are private schools where tuition costs are higher than at an out-of-state facility within commuting distance.
h.Postsecondary education up to and including a baccalaureate degree program.
(1)A participant with no postsecondary education may be approved for training resulting in a certificate of program completion or an academic degree, such as an associate or baccalaureate degree. Participants who have not completed a high school education or received a high school equivalency diploma (HSED) may be required to do so before courses leading to an associate degree or higher are approved.
(2)A participant who has a baccalaureate degree or higher is considered employable. No further training shall be approved unless the participant’s physical or mental status has changed to such an extent that the past education is no longer appropriate. The participant must provide supportive evidence from either a qualified medical or mental health professional or the state rehabilitation agency.
(3)A participant who has successfully completed a postsecondary educational program that provides less than a baccalaureate degree may be approved for further training if the participant meets one of the following criteria:
1.The previous training is in an occupation that is outdated.
2.The previous training is in a field where current labor market information or emerging business trends show little or no employment opportunity.
3.The training requested is a progression in a specific career that moves a participant from entry-level positions to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility, or authority.
4.The participant’s background makes employment in the area in which the participant is trained impossible.
5.Changes in the participant’s physical or mental status make the past training no longer appropriate. The participant must provide supportive evidence from a qualified medical or mental health professional or the state rehabilitation agency.
i.Prerequisite courses required by the selected training program.
j.Remedial coursework for one term when needed as determined by testing conducted by the training facility.
k.Summer school.
93.8(4) Nonapprovable training activities. Nonapprovable training activities shall not be included in the FIA. When an activity in which the participant is enrolled becomes nonapprovable, PROMISE JOBS shall cancel the current training plan and require the participant to renegotiate the FIA to include other activities. A form prescribed by the department shall be issued to inform the participant that the request for education is canceled. Nonapprovable activities include the following:
a.A course or training that the participant has previously completed.
b.Any course or training in a field in which the participant does not intend to seek employment after the training is completed. An exception may be made when the reason for not seeking employment is to receive further education when the education:
(1)Is a planned progression in a specific career path; and
(2)Will not lead to an advanced degree beyond a baccalaureate.
c.A training program that does not relate to the identified vocational goal.
d.Educational activities for which the participant has failed to earn the grades required for admission.
e.Education in a field in which the participant will not be able to be employed due to known criminal convictions or founded child or dependent adult abuse.
f.Out-of-state training except as allowed under paragraph 93.8(3)“g.”
g.Training for jobs paying less than state minimum wage.
h.Training that will not be completed until after the participant leaves FIP. Training programs that exceed the known length of time during which the participant will remain eligible for FIP assistance shall be approved only if:
(1)The time remaining in the training is minimal and tuition has already been paid.
(2)There is a reasonable plan for how the program will be completed without the assistance and support from FIP or PROMISE JOBS. A reasonable plan may include but not be limited to school loans, grants, and scholarships.
93.8(5) Training plan content. Once a participant is approved for training, a training plan shall be developed and written into the participant’s FIA. The training plan shall include:
a.Academic enrollment hours. Participants are encouraged to maintain as full an academic workload as is possible in order to complete their education in a timely manner. However, a person may choose to participate in education along with other activities such as employment, job readiness skills training, other job readiness activities, or other FIA activities.
b.Approved training plan activities.
c.The specific educational goal as defined in paragraph 93.8(1)“a.”
d.A date by which the participant expects to complete training. This end date depends on:
(1)Time frames specified for a program as established by the educational facility.
(2)Whether the participant is attending full-time or part-time.
(3)Problems or barriers to involvement as identified in subrule 93.4(5) or 93.14(1).
e.Testing schedule. Participants enrolled in ABE or ESL programs must be able to complete training in the time determined by the testing schedule unless the PROMISE JOBS worker and, if appropriate, the participant’s academic advisor or instructor agree that additional time may be allowed. Under no circumstances, however, shall more than 6 additional months be allowed. Additional time shall not be allowed if, as a result, months required to complete training would exceed 24 months for ABE or 12 months for ESL.
93.8(6) Supportive payments. PROMISE JOBS may provide payment for certain expenses when needed to participate in approved education and training activities as described in this subrule and in subrule 93.11(4).
(1)Eligibility for PROMISE JOBS supportive payments for education and training begins with the date when the participant begins training under an approved plan or is removed from a waiting list as described in paragraph 93.4(4)“e,” whichever is later.
(2)Participant eligibility for child care assistance and transportation payments begins as described in subparagraph 93.8(6)“a”(1) and shall be terminated when a training plan is canceled.
(3)Each participant in postsecondary vocational training is limited to 24 fiscal months of PROMISE JOBS payment of expenses needed for participation. The 24 fiscal months do not have to be consecutive. More information about additional limits on child care expenses is contained in paragraph 93.8(6)“b.”
(4)When more than one facility offers a particular program, payment is limited to the amount required to attend the nearest educational facility except when attending a facility that is farther away will allow the family to reach self-sufficiency earlier.
b.Child care. Child care assistance shall be provided as described in subrule 93.11(2) and 441—Chapter 170 when needed for participation in education and training activities except as described in subparagraphs 93.8(6)“b”(1) and (2).
(1)Child care assistance payments needed for participation in postsecondary education activities are limited to 24 fiscal months.
(2)All child care assistance payments issued for child care for participation in postsecondary education activities count toward this limit, including payments issued while the person was not a PROMISE JOBS participant, pursuant to 441—subparagraph 170.2(2)“b”(1).
c.Transportation. Transportation payments shall be provided as described in subrule 93.11(3) when needed for participation in educational activities unless transportation payments are available from another source. Transportation needed for participation in education activities is subject to the limits described in paragraph 93.8(6)“a.”
(1)When a participant receives a transportation payment from another program that equals or exceeds that possible under PROMISE JOBS, transportation shall not be paid by PROMISE JOBS for any month covered by the other program.
(2)When the amount received from another program is less than that possible under PROMISE JOBS, a supplemental payment may be made as long as the combined payment does not exceed that normally paid by PROMISE JOBS.
(3)When a participant is enrolled in high school, a transportation payment shall not be allowed if transportation is available from another source, such as the school district. If child care needs or the needs of the child or the participant make it impractical or inappropriate for the participant to use transportation provided by the school district, a transportation payment may be authorized.
d.Training expenses. Participants enrolled in high school or high school equivalency completion, ABE, ESL, or postsecondary vocational training may be eligible for payment of the following expenses of training when required for participation, subject to limits in subrule 93.11(4):
(1)Enrollment fees,
(2)School application fees,
(3)Educational grant or scholarship application fees,
(4)Licensing, certification and testing fees,
(5)Travel costs required for certification or testing, and
(6)Certain practicum expenses as described in subparagraph 93.11(4)“a”(3).
e.Direct education costs. Participants enrolled in high school or high school equivalency completion, ABE, ESL, or short-term training programs of 29 weeks or less may also be eligible for payment for direct education costs, including:
(3)Fees including graduation,
(4)Basic school supplies,
(5)Specific supplies related to obtaining credit for a course and required of all students in a course, and
(6)Required uniforms.
f.Supplies purchased with PROMISE JOBS funds. Participants may keep any books or supplies, including tools, that were purchased with PROMISE JOBS funds.
93.8(7) Documentation.
a.Plan. The following information shall be documented in the participant’s file.
(1)Evaluation results, pursuant to paragraph 93.8(1)“b.”
(2)Current educational level.
(3)Justification for approval of additional postsecondary education pursuant to subrule 93.5(3).
(4)Academic probationary status pursuant to subrule 93.8(8).
(5)Justification for denial of education. Notice of Decision: Services shall be issued to the participant to deny the request for education.
b.Participation. A participant shall provide documentation of the actual hours of participation in education and homework and of grades and academic progress as described in subrule 93.10(2).
93.8(8) Academic probation. A participant may be placed on academic probation for at least one term, or a comparable time limit appropriate to the educational program, after which the participant shall be reevaluated for continued inclusion in education activities. This subrule does not apply to parents under the age of 18 who are attending high school completion programs.
a.Placing a participant on academic probation. The PROMISE JOBS worker may choose to place a participant on academic probation in the following circumstances:
(1)The educational evaluation completed according to paragraph 93.8(1)“b” identifies some factors with the participant’s ability or past circumstances that could make successful completion of the training difficult but the participant’s motivation is high and changes in the participant’s life situation indicate a realistic probability of success.
(2)The participant was previously unable to maintain the cumulative grade point average required by a training facility in training comparable to that being requested.
(3)The participant enrolled but did not complete a previous education activity without good cause.
(4)At the end of a term, or of a comparable period applicable to the educational program, the participant is receiving less than a 2.0 grade point average or less than a higher average that is required by the specific training facility or curriculum.
b.Probation outcomes. The participant shall be removed from probation for satisfactory performance if, by the end of the established probationary period, the participant is receiving at least a 2.0 grade point average or a higher average as required by the specific training facility or curriculum.
(1)Reevaluation. If the participant is not receiving the required grade point by the end of the probationary period, the participant shall be reevaluated to determine continued eligibility for participation in education using the same type of information used to originally evaluate the likelihood of academic success as identified in paragraph 93.8(1)“b.” Documentation shall meet the requirements as stated in subrule 93.8(7).
(2)Continued probation. Probation may be continued when reevaluation indicates that education is appropriate. The PROMISE JOBS worker may also consider continued probation when:
1.Temporary barriers such as illness or family emergencies that interfered with successful participation have been resolved.
2.Long-term barriers to successful participation have been identified and accommodations developed and implemented.
3.The counselor or the lead instructor in the educational program verifies that there is an excellent likelihood the student will raise the grade point to the acceptable level in the next term or a comparable time limit appropriate to the educational program.
(3)Cancellation of a training plan. The participant’s current training plan shall be canceled if the participant has failed to maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average or a higher average required by the specific training facility or curriculum, and reevaluation indicates no mitigating circumstances as listed in subparagraph 93.8(8)“b”(2). When a training plan is canceled, the participant will be required to renegotiate the FIA to include either a new, more appropriate training plan or other FIA activities. Notice of Decision: Services shall be issued to the participant to inform the participant that the approval for education is canceled.
93.8(9) LBP. Participants in education choose an LBP through the following actions:
a.Failure to participate. The participant fails to maintain education activities or follow training plan requirements as specified in the participant’s FIA, and the participant does not have good cause. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
b.Misuse of payments. The participant misuses expense payments to the extent that the training plan is no longer achievable or knowingly provides receipts or any other written statements that have been altered, forged, or, in any way, are not authentic.
441—93.9(239B) Other FIA activities.
93.9(1) Parenting skills training.
a.Parents aged 20 or older. For parents who are aged 20 or older when the FIA is signed, activities that strengthen the participant’s ability to be a better parent can be considered approvable training under PROMISE JOBS and may be included in the FIA as long as the participant is active in at least one other PROMISE JOBS component. Parents aged 20 or older who do not carry out the parenting skills training described in the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP unless good cause exists or family circumstances warrant renegotiation and amendment of the FIA. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
b.Parents aged 19 or younger. Parents aged 19 or younger when the FIA is signed are required to include parenting skills training in the FIA, but may be excused from the requirement when documentation of satisfactory completion of parenting skills training is provided before the FIA is signed.
(1)Priority for orientation or assessment. In any month, PROMISE JOBS shall give priority for orientation or assessment services to parents who are already aged 19 in order to establish their responsibility for parenting classes before they are aged 20. This applies to those who are scheduled for orientation, to those who are still in assessment, and to those who have an FIA that must be renegotiated and amended.
(2)FIA requirement. The FIA shall be written or renegotiated and amended to include specific plans for parenting skills training and shall identify the training provider’s name and beginning and ending dates of the training. The scheduled training may be in the future to accommodate availability of provider resources. However, it shall occur as soon as is compatible with the circumstances of the family, the other activities in the FIA, and the availability of provider resources, except as specified in paragraph 93.4(4)“e.”
(3)Parents aged 19 or younger who are participating in a parenting skills training program at the time the FIA is signed shall be allowed to continue in that program, if they choose, as long as the provider is listed in paragraph 93.9(1)“c” or meets the requirements of paragraph 93.9(1)“c” and documentation of enrollment is provided. The time frames as described in paragraph 93.9(1)“d” shall be used to determine the remaining training time to be included in the FIA.
(4)Participation in other activities. Parents aged 19 or younger are not required to be participating in another PROMISE JOBS component to be eligible for parenting skills training. Other PROMISE JOBS components are included in the FIA according to policies at subrule 93.4(4).
c.Approved providers. The sources listed in this paragraph are approved providers for parenting skills training.
(1)High school departments of family and consumer sciences that offer child development, family relationships, or parenting classes and alternative high school programs for pregnant and parenting teens. Services shall be limited to a minimum of one semester and a maximum of two semesters.
(2)Community colleges, other associate-degree institutions, and baccalaureate-degree institutions that offer child development, family relationships, or parenting classes. Services shall be limited to one semester or two quarters.
(3)Area education agencies; child abuse prevention programs; child and adult food program sponsors; child care resource and referral agencies; family resource centers; maternal and child health centers; family development and self-sufficiency program grantees and other family development providers; Head Start, Head Start parent and child centers, and Early Head Start programs; Iowa State University Extension services; private nonprofit social service agencies; and young parent support and information organizations. Services shall be limited to:
1.A minimum of 6 contact hours or six weeks, whichever comes first, and
2.A maximum of 26 contact hours or six calendar months, whichever comes first.
d.Other providers of parenting skills training are approved as long as they:
(1)Have five of these six elements: child growth and development, child health and nutrition, child safety, positive discipline, relationships, and life skills.
(2)Offer training within the following time frames:
1.A minimum of 6 contact hours or six weeks, whichever comes first, and
2.A maximum of 26 contact hours or six calendar months, whichever comes first.
e.Supportive payments. For participants described in paragraphs 93.9(1)“a” and “b,” child care assistance and transportation payments shall be provided as described in subrule 93.11(3) when needed for participation in parenting skills training and not available from another source.
(1)Other expenses. Payment for tuition, fees, or books and supplies shall be made only when parenting skills training is not available from a free source in the local area. PROMISE JOBS shall not pay for any expenses that are covered by student financial aid in postsecondary educational institutions as provided elsewhere in these rules.
(2)Continuation of payments. If the participant chooses to continue with the parenting skills training program beyond the designated period of participation described in paragraph 93.9(1)“c,” PROMISE JOBS responsibility for payment of expense payments shall not extend beyond the designated period unless completion is delayed by acceptable instances for nonparticipation as stipulated in rule 441—93.14(239B) or barriers to participation in subrule 93.4(5).
f.Participation in parenting skills training. The planned duration of the parenting skills training shall be determined by agreement between the participant and the training provider within the limits described in paragraphs 93.9(1)“c” and “d.”
(1)In consultation with the PROMISE JOBS worker, the participant and the provider shall design a written agreement and provide a copy to PROMISE JOBS. The agreement shall designate the period during which the mandatory parenting skills training requirement will be fulfilled. The period specified in the agreement or notice of decision shall be included in the FIA.
(2)Participants who fail to carry out this step in the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP.
g.Failure to complete parenting skills training. Parents aged 19 or younger who do not include parenting skills training in the FIA or do not carry out the parenting skills training described in the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.9(2) Family development. Family development services are support services for PROMISE JOBS families in need of additional assistance, primarily provided by the FaDSS program operated by the department. The services are designed to promote, empower, and nurture the family to self-sufficiency and healthy reintegration into the community.
a.PROMISE JOBS may arrange for these services from entities that meet one of the following criteria wherever these are available. Family development services shall be:
(1)Provided by a FaDSS grantee; or
(2)Provided by a specialist that has been certified through the National Resource Center on Family Based Services at the University of Iowa College of Social Work or the National Family Support Certification Exam through the Institute for the Advancement of Family Support Professionals.
b.Inclusion of family development services by participants as an FIA activity is voluntary except for parents under the age of 18 who are not married and who do not live with a parent or legal guardian as described in subparagraph 93.4(4)“c”(4).
93.9(3) Family planning counseling. Referral for family planning counseling is an optional service that shall be offered to each applicant or participant. It is not a component of PROMISE JOBS.
a.The PROMISE JOBS worker shall:
(1)Discuss orally and in writing the financial implications of newly born children on the participant’s family during PROMISE JOBS orientation or assessment, using a form approved by the department; and
(2)Assist the participant in locating local resources.
b.The FIA shall record participant response to the option of referral for family planning counseling. It is not acceptable for the FIA to have family planning counseling as the only step of the FIA.
c.Supportive payments. No supportive payments are allowed for family planning counseling.
d.Participation. LBP policies do not apply to participants who choose not to include family planning counseling in the FIA or who do not carry out the steps of family planning counseling.
441—93.10(239B) Required documentation and verification.
93.10(1) Written notification to participants.
a.Notice of meetings, assignments, and issues. PROMISE JOBS shall notify participants in writing of all scheduled meetings, of FIA activity and work-site assignments, and of any participation issues as described in rule 441—93.13(239B). PROMISE JOBS shall also notify the participant in writing when the participant is required to provide medical documentation, verification of hours of participation, employment verification, or any other verification.
(1)PROMISE JOBS shall allow a participant ten calendar days from the date notice is mailed to appear for scheduled meetings unless the participant agrees to an appointment that is scheduled to take place in less than ten working days. If the tenth calendar day falls on a weekend or state holiday, the participant has until the next working day.
(2)PROMISE JOBS shall allow a participant ten working days from the date notice is mailed to appear for an FIA activity or work-site assignment or to provide medical documentation, employment verification, or any other verification, except as otherwise specified in subrule93.10(2). If the tenth calendar day falls on a weekend or state holiday, the participant has until the next working day.
(3)PROMISE JOBS shall allow additional time upon request from the participant when the participant is making every effort but is unable to fulfill requirements within the established time frame.
b.Notice of decision. PROMISE JOBS shall send written notice to each participant in accordance with 441—Chapter 16 when services are approved, rejected, renewed, changed, canceled, or terminated for failure to cooperate or participate. PROMISE JOBS services are approved when the participant is assigned to begin participation in an activity as written in the FIA.
93.10(2) Verification of participation and progress. Hours of participation and a participant’s progress in FIA activities must be documented and verified. When the participant is responsible for providing the verification, PROMISE JOBS shall notify the participant in writing as required in subrule 93.10(1).
a.FIA activities directly monitored by PROMISE JOBS. When the FIA activities are provided or directly monitored by PROMISE JOBS staff, such as job readiness skills training or structured job search, the staff shall document the participant’s hours of attendance and progress in the case file.
b.FIA activities not directly monitored by PROMISE JOBS. When FIA activities are provided by a service provider other than PROMISE JOBS, the provider shall verify the participant’s hours of attendance with a form prescribed by the department unless another method is required by this rule.
(1)The provider is expected to specify the participant’s hours of attendance and to sign and date the Time and Attendance form.
(2)The participant is responsible for providing the signed and dated Time and Attendance form to PROMISE JOBS within ten calendar days following the end of each month, unless the provider provides the form to PROMISE JOBS within this time frame.
(3)Exception: If the participant is under age 20 and in high school or high school equivalency classes, the participant may verify the hours by completing and submitting a form prescribed by the department, Time and Attendance, monthly. The training provider does not need to sign the form.
c.Documentation of job search. The participant shall complete and provide documentation of any job search activities that cannot be verified by the PROMISE JOBS worker. The participant shall provide a form prescribed by the department within ten calendar days following the end of each month during which the participant has made a job search. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall consider the Job Search Activity Log complete if the form includes:
(1)Sufficient information to identify the employer that was contacted or the activity that was completed,
(2)The date that the contact was made or the date the activity was completed,
(3)The amount of time spent, and
(4)The participant’s signature.
d.Employment verification. Participants shall verify actual hours of employment at the time that employment begins, upon FIP approval if employed at the time of application, when changes in hours occur, and no less than once every six months thereafter. Participants may use copies of pay stubs, an employer statement of earnings, or may sign a release of information prescribed by the department so that the employer may provide information directly to the PROMISE JOBS worker. Participants shall provide verification of actual hours of employment within ten working days of the written request from PROMISE JOBS.
e.Documentation of self-employment. At the time of the participant’s FIA review, a self-employed participant shall provide documentation of actual hours worked and gross income and business expenses from the last 30 days. Data from more than 30 days may be requested if the last month is not indicative of normal business. The participant shall provide documentation within ten working days of the written request from PROMISE JOBS.
f.Distance learning. When a participant is involved in a distance-learning program, PROMISE JOBS will accept the documentation issued by the distance-learning institution verifying that the student participated in the sessions.
(1)Documentation may include the attendance records or log-in and log-out records available online or in an electronic format. Documentation may also be obtained through an agreement with a support agency that monitors the student’s actual participation.
(2)The participant is responsible for providing the documentation within ten calendar days following the end of each month unless the institution provides the documentation to PROMISE JOBS within this time frame.
g.Failure to provide required documentation or verification. Participants who fail to provide documentation or verification as described in this subrule after written notification from PROMISE JOBS as described in subrule 93.10(1) shall be considered to have chosen the LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
93.10(3) Verification of problems or barriers. Participants may be required to provide written verification or supporting documentation of reported problems or barriers to participation.
a.Medical documentation. A participant shall secure and provide written documentation signed by a qualified medical or mental health professional to verify a claimed illness or disability within ten calendar days of a written request by PROMISE JOBS. This time limit may be extended due to individual circumstances, such as the need to obtain an updated evaluation. Acceptable verification includes a form prescribed by the department or other statement signed by a qualified medical or mental health professional to verify the existence of an illness, disability, or limitation. If the tenth calendar day falls on a weekend or state holiday, the participant has until the next working day.
b.Other documentation. A participant shall secure and provide written documentation to verify a claimed problem or barrier to participation within ten calendar days of a written request by PROMISE JOBS. Acceptable documentation may include a signed statement from a third party with knowledge of the problem or barrier. If the tenth calendar day falls on a weekend or state holiday, the participant has until the next working day.
c.Failure to verify problem or barrier or to provide medical documentation. Failure to provide verification of a problem or barrier or to provide medical documentation as described in subrule 93.10(3) does not directly result in the imposition of an LBP. Examples of actions that do not directly result in LBP include but are not limited to failure to provide a form prescribed by the department or other statement from a medical or mental health professional to verify the existence of an illness or disability, or a statement from a third party with knowledge about the problem or barrier.
(1)Participants who claim an inability to participate on a full-time basis due to a claimed problem or barrier and who fail to provide verification or medical documentation upon written request may be required to renegotiate the FIA to include full-time participation in FIA activities. Failure to renegotiate the FIA may result in an LBP. Procedures in subrule 93.4(5) and rules 441—93.13(239B) and 441—93.14(239B) shall apply.
(2)Participants who claim a problem or barrier caused their failure to participate for the full number of hours identified in their FIA and who fail to provide verification of the problem or barrier or medical documentation upon written request may not be excused for the failure to participate. If the failure is not excused, the failure will result in imposition of an LBP if the failure meets the criteria described at subrule 93.13(2).
441—93.11(239B) Supportive payments. In order to facilitate successful participation, PROMISE JOBS may provide payment for the expenses listed in this rule. Upon written request from PROMISE JOBS, participants shall submit a form prescribed by the department, or other acceptable estimate of costs, to initiate payments or change the amount of payment for expenses other than child care.
93.11(1) Eligibility. Participants are eligible for supportive payments needed for participation in activities in their FIA, subject to the limits in this chapter.
a.Applicants in an LBP who must complete significant contact with or action in regard to PROMISE JOBS for FIP eligibility to be considered as described in paragraphs 441—41.5(7)“a” and “d” are eligible for expense payments for the 20 hours of activity. However, PROMISE JOBS services and supportive payments are only available when it appears the applicant will otherwise be eligible for FIP.
b.Applicants who have received 60 months of FIP are eligible for PROMISE JOBS services and payments under the circumstances described in 441—subrule 41.11(3).
93.11(2) Child care. Payments for child care shall be issued through the child care assistance program as described in 441—Chapter 170.
a.Payment shall be provided for child care if:
(1)Care is needed for participation in any PROMISE JOBS activity other than orientation or assessment activities that occur before the FIA is signed,
(2)Payment is not specifically prohibited elsewhere in these rules, and
(3)Payment is not available from another source.
b.Payment shall be issued to the child care provider after the service has been received, as described in 441—subrule 170.4(7).
93.11(3) Transportation. Participants may receive a transportation payment for each day that transportation is needed for participation in a PROMISE JOBS activity. Transportation payments shall be determined according to the circumstances of each participant. If necessary, payments shall cover transportation for the participant and child from the participant’s home to the child care provider and to the PROMISE JOBS site or activity.
(1)A transportation payment is not available for orientation or for assessment activities that occur before the FIA is signed.
(2)A transportation payment is not available for employment. Participants who are employed shall be entitled to the earned income deduction described at 441—paragraph 41.8(2)“a” to cover transportation costs associated with employment.
b.Rate of payment. Payments shall not exceed the rate that the provider would charge a private individual.
(1)Public transportation. For those who use public transportation, the payment shall be based on the normally scheduled days of participation in the PROMISE JOBS activity for the period covered by the payment, using the rate schedules of the local transit authority to the greatest advantage, including use of weekly and monthly passes or other rate reduction opportunities.
(2)Private transportation. For participants who use a privately owned motor vehicle or who hire private transportation, the transportation payment shall be based on a formula that uses the normally scheduled days of participation in the PROMISE JOBS activity for the period covered by the payment multiplied by the participant’s anticipated daily round-trip miles and then multiplied by the current state employee reimbursement rate.
c.Special transportation needs. Participants who require, due to a mental or physical disability, a mode of transportation other than a vehicle they operate themselves shall be eligible for payment of a supplemental transportation payment when documented actual transportation costs are greater than transportation payments provided under these rules and transportation is not available from another source.
(1)Medical evidence. To be eligible for a supplemental payment, the participant must provide medical evidence of the need for an alternate mode of transportation due to disability or incapacity. The evidence must be from a qualified medical or mental health professional, the state rehabilitation agency, or proof that the participant receives SSI or social security benefits due to disability or blindness.
(2)Payment rates. Actual costs of transportation by a public or private agency shall be allowed. Costs of transportation provided by private automobile shall be allowed as described in subparagraph 93.11(3)“b”(2).
d.Issuance of payments. The transportation payment shall be issued before the first scheduled day of participation in an activity. For participants in the same activity for more than one month, transportation payments shall be issued before the first day of the month of scheduled participation except as described below.
(1)Payments for the third and subsequent months of an ongoing activity shall not be authorized before receipt of time and attendance verification, as described in subrule 93.10(2), for the month before the issuance month. Example: A transportation payment for June, normally issued after May 15 to be available to the participant by June 1, will not be authorized until time and attendance verification for the month of April has been received in the PROMISE JOBS office.
(2)The amounts of payments for the third and subsequent months of an ongoing activity shall be adjusted by subtracting from normally scheduled days any number of days that represents a difference between the number of scheduled days of activity in the month before the issuance month and the number of actual days attended in that month. Example: A transportation payment is issued in May based on 16 scheduled days of participation for June. The participant attends only 14 days of the activity. When preparing to issue the August transportation allowance, the worker subtracts two days from the normally scheduled August activities to calculate the payment. If ten days of participation are scheduled, the transportation payment issued in July for August is calculated using eight days.
(3)Because adjustment for actual attendance is not possible in the last two months of an ongoing activity, transportation payments for the last two months of an ongoing activity will be subject to transportation overpayment provisions of subrule 93.12(1).
EXCEPTION: A transportation overpayment does not occur for any month in which the participant leaves the PROMISE JOBS activity in order to enter employment.
93.11(4) Training and education expenses. Participants shall use PROMISE JOBS payments that they receive to pay authorized expenses.
a.Classroom training. PROMISE JOBS payments for classroom training are limited as follows:
(1)Tuition payments for high school or high school equivalency completion, ABE, ESL, or short-term training programs of 29 weeks or less shall not exceed the rate charged by the Iowa community college located nearest the participant’s residence that offers a course or program comparable to the one in which the participant plans to enroll. If an Iowa community college does not offer a comparable program, the maximum tuition rate payment shall not exceed the Iowa resident rate charged by the out-of-state area school located nearest the participant’s residence.
(2)A standard payment for actual costs of basic school supplies once per term shall be allowed for those participants who request it. Actual costs must be verified by receipts.
(3)A per diem payment of $10 for living costs during a practicum shall be allowed when the practicum is required by the curriculum of the training facility, would require a round-trip commuting time of three hours or more per day, and is not available closer to the participant’s home. If practicum earnings or other assistance is available to meet practicum living costs, no payment shall be made.
(4)Payments may be authorized to meet the costs of travel required for certification and testing, not to exceed the transportation payment as described in subrule 93.11(3) and the current state employee reimbursement rate for meals and lodging.
(5)No payment shall be made for jewelry, pictures, rental of graduation gowns, elective courses that require expenditures for field trips or special equipment, such as photography or art supplies, or other items that are not required to complete training for a vocational goal.
b.Retroactive payments. Retroactive payments for transportation and allowable direct education costs shall be allowed only under the following conditions:
(1)If plan approval or removal from a waiting list occurs after the start of the term due to administrative delay or worker delay, payments shall be approved retroactive to the start of the term for which the plan is approved or removal from the waiting list is authorized. If the participant has already paid costs with private resources, the participant shall be reimbursed.
(2)If plan approval is delayed due to the fault of the participant, payment eligibility shall begin with the first day of the month during which the plan is approved or the month in which the participant is removed from a waiting list as described in paragraph 93.4(4)“e,” whichever is later. In this instance, there shall be no reimbursement for costs already paid by the participant.
c.Receipts. Participants shall furnish receipts for expenditures that they pay, except for transportation payments. Failure to provide receipts will preclude additional payments. Receipts may be requested for payments paid directly to the training provider if the PROMISE JOBS worker determines it is appropriate.
d.Payments directly to facility. PROMISE JOBS is authorized to provide payment for expenses allowable under these rules to the training facility for the educational expenses of tuition and fees and books and supplies that are provided by the facility and billed to the PROMISE JOBS participant. Payment may also be made to the participant in those situations where payment to the participant is determined to be appropriate by the PROMISE JOBS worker.
93.11(5) Other expenses.
a.Birth certificates. PROMISE JOBS funds shall be used to pay costs of obtaining a birth certificate when the birth certificate is needed in order for the participant to complete the workforce development registration process described in subrule 93.3(6).
b.Resources for examination. When an examination is required and other resources are not available to meet the expense of the examination, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall authorize the examination and submit a claim for payment on a form prescribed by the department.
c.Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. PROMISE JOBS funds may also be used to pay expenses for PROMISE JOBS participants enrolled in federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as amended to August 1, 2024, funded services or activities when those expenses are allowable under these rules.
441—93.12(239B) Recovery of PROMISE JOBS expense payments. When an applicant, a participant, or a provider receives an expense payment for transportation or other supportive expenses that is greater than allowed under these rules or receives a duplicate payment of an expense payment, an overpayment is considered to have occurred and recovery is required. There are two categories of PROMISE JOBS expense payments subject to recovery: (1) transportation, and (2) other supportive expense payments.
93.12(1) Payment for transportation will be considered an overpayment subject to recoveryin the following instances:
a.When the participant attends none of the scheduled days of participation in a PROMISE JOBS activity, the entire transportation payment will be considered an overpayment. Recovery of the overpayment will be initiated when it becomes clear that subsequent participation in the activity is not possible.
b.When the participant fails to attend 75 percent of the normally scheduled days of participation in either of the last two months of an ongoing PROMISE JOBS activity or in any transportation payment period of an activity that has not been used for payment adjustment as described in paragraph 93.11(3)“d,” an overpayment is considered to have occurred. The amount to recover will be the difference between the amount for the actual number of days attended and the amount for 75 percent of normally scheduled days.
93.12(2) The PROMISE JOBS worker shall make the referral to the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing by recording the overpayment in the overpayment recovery system.
93.12(3) The department of inspections, appeals, and licensing shall notify the participant or the provider when it is determined that an overpayment exists as described in 441—paragraph 7.4(3)“h.”
a.Notification shall include the amount, date, and reason for the overpayment. Upon the participant’s request, PROMISE JOBS shall provide additional information regarding the computation of the overpayment.
b.The participant may appeal the computation of the overpayment and any action to recover the overpayment through benefit reduction in accordance with 441—paragraph 7.4(3)“h.”
93.12(4) A PROMISE JOBS overpayment shall be recovered through repayment in part or in full. Repayments received by PROMISE JOBS shall be transmitted to the department.
a.Overpayments of child care assistance issued for July 1999 and any month thereafter are subject to recovery rules of the child care assistance program set forth in rule 441—170.9(237A).
93.12(5) When a participant or a provider offers repayment in part or in full before the end of the 30-day appeal period, PROMISE JOBS or the department’s local office will accept the payment. The amount of the voluntary repayment shall not be returned to the participant or provider unless the final decision on the appeal directs the department to do so. If a subsequent appeal request is received, the PROMISE JOBS unit shall notify the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing and shall not accept any further payments on the claim.
93.12(6) When a participant or a provider has been referred to the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing to initiate recovery, the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing shall use the same methods of recovery as are used for the FIP program as described in 481—Chapter 90, except that the FIP grant shall not be reduced to effect recovery without the participant’s written permission.
a.When the participant requests grant reduction on a form prescribed by the department, the grant will be reduced for repayment as described in 441—subrule 46.5(1).
b.The department of inspections, appeals, and licensing is authorized to take any reasonable action to effect recovery of provider overpayments, such as but not limited to informal agreements, civil action, or criminal prosecution. However, the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing shall not take any collection action on a provider overpayment that would jeopardize the participant’s continued participation in the PROMISE JOBS program.
441—93.13(239B) Resolution of participation issues. PROMISE JOBS participants who do not carry out the responsibilities of the FIA shall be considered to have chosen the LBP as described in 441—subrule 41.5(7). The participation issues listed in this rule are those that are important for effective functioning in the workplace or training facility and for the completion of the FIA.
93.13(1) Notification of participation issue. When participants appear to be choosing an LBP by not carrying out the FIA responsibilities, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall send one written reminder letter as specified in subrule 93.10(1). The written reminder letter shall:
a.Clearly identify the participation issue and the specific action needed to resolve it,
b.Clarify expectations,
c.Attempt to identify barriers to participation that should be addressed in the FIA,
d.Explain the consequences of the LBP, and
e.Offer supervisory intervention.
93.13(2) Participation issues. Actions that may cause participants to be considered as having chosen the LBP when the participant does not have a problem or barrier to participation as defined at paragraph 93.4(5)“a” or rule 441—93.14(239B) are:
a.Tardiness. Participants who, for a second time after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter at the first occurrence, are more than 15 minutes late to a scheduled FIA activity without good cause or a barrier to participation.
b.Failure to attend scheduled activities. Participants who do not, for a second time after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter at the first occurrence, appear for scheduled appointments, participate in assessment activities, including taking required vocational or aptitude tests, complete or provide required forms other than those described at subrule 93.10(3) or are absent from activities designated in the FIA.
c.Absence from work experience. Participants who do not, for a second time after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter at the first occurrence, notify work experience sponsors or the PROMISE JOBS worker of an absence within one hour of the time at which they are due to appear.
d.Disruptive behavior. Participants who exhibit disruptive behavior for a second time after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter at the first occurrence. “Disruptive behavior” means the participant hinders the performance of other participants or staff, refuses to follow instructions, uses abusive language, or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
e.Unsatisfactory performance or participation. Participants whose performance or participation in an FIA activity continues to be unsatisfactory after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter as described in subrule 93.13(1).
f.Physical threats. Participants who make physical threats to other participants or staff and have not provided written documentation from a doctor, licensed psychologist, probation officer, or law enforcement official after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter as described in subrule 93.13(1).
(1)“Physical threat” means having a dangerous weapon in one’s possession and either threatening with or using the weapon or committing assault.
(2)The documentation must verify that the act was caused by either a temporary problem or a serious problem or barrier that needs to be included in the FIA. The documentation must also provide reasonable assurance that the threatening behavior will not occur again.
g.Accepting work experience assignments. Participants who do not accept work experience assignments when the work experience is part of the FIA and do not demonstrate a problem or barrier that caused the failure after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter as described in subrule 93.13(1).
h.Work experience interviews. Participants who do not appear for work experience interviews for a second time after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter as described in subrule 93.13(1) at the first occurrence.
i.Employment and other work activity issues. Participants who do not follow up on job referrals, who refuse offers of employment or other work activity, who reduce hours of employment or other work activity, who terminate employment or other work activity, or who are discharged from employment or other work activity.
(1)At the time of the occurrence, PROMISE JOBS shall send a letter to the participant. The letter shall give the participant an opportunity to resolve the issue by accepting a previously refused employment offer if available, returning to previously terminated employment, if available, obtaining comparable employment, or demonstrating a problem or barrier that caused the failure.
j.Failure to secure child care. Participants who do not secure adequate child care when registered or licensed facilities are available after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder and when PROMISE JOBS has provided the participant with resources for locating adequate child care.
k.Inappropriate use of funds. Participants for whom child care, transportation, or educational services become unavailable as a result of failure to use PROMISE JOBS funds or child care assistance funds to pay the provider or failure to provide required receipts and who do not demonstrate a problem or barrier that caused the failure after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter.
l.Failure to follow training plan. Education participants who do not follow the requirements of a training plan in the FIA as described in rule 441—93.8(239B).
m.Failure to renegotiate the FIA. When a participant fails to respond to the PROMISE JOBS worker’s request to renegotiate the FIA because the participant has not attained self-sufficiency by the date established in the FIA, after PROMISE JOBS sends one written reminder letter, an LBP shall be imposed regardless of whether the request to renegotiate is made before or after expiration of the FIA.
93.13(3) Choosing an LBP.
a.Before determining that a participant has chosen the LBP due to a potential participation issue, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall make every effort to negotiate a solution and determine:
(1)Whether the participant has a problem that provides good cause for the participation issue as described in rule 441—93.14(239B). If so, the participant shall be encouraged to take actions to fulfill the FIA.
(2)Whether participant circumstances indicate that a barrier to participation exists as described in subrule 93.4(5). If so, the FIA shall be negotiated to address the barrier.
b.The participant may be considered to have chosen the LBP when all of the following occur:
(1)The participant is notified of a participation issue as described in subrule 93.13(1);
(2)The participant does not resolve the participation issue;
(3)The participant does not present acceptable evidence of a problem providing good cause for the issue as described in rule 441—93.14(239B); and
(4)The participant does not present acceptable evidence of a barrier to participation as described in subrule 93.4(5) or fails to renegotiate the FIA to address the identified barrier.
c.If the resolution process does not lead to fulfillment of the FIA, the case shall be referred for review.
(1)The department retains control and oversees review procedures even when another agency is contracted with to provide PROMISE JOBS services.
d.If the above steps do not lead to fulfillment of the FIA, the FIP participant is considered to have chosen the LBP and the notice of decision will be initiated. The notice of decision will inform the participant of:
(1)The action needed to reconsider the LBP as described in 441—subparagraph 41.5(7)“d”(1).
(2)Appeal rights under the LBP are described in rule 441—93.15(239B).
441—93.14(239B) Problems that may provide good cause for participation issues.
93.14(1) Problems leading to less than full participation. Problems affecting participation shall be considered to be of a temporary or incidental nature when the participation can easily be resumed. The following problems may provide good cause for participation of less than the full number of hours identified in the FIA. PROMISE JOBS may require the participant to provide verification of the problem or barrier as described in subrule 93.10(3):
a.Illness of the participant. When a participant is ill more than three consecutive days or if illness is habitual, the PROMISE JOBS worker may require medical documentation of the illness.
b.Illness of family member. When a participant is required in the home due to illness of another family member, the PROMISE JOBS worker may require medical documentation.
c.Family emergency, using reasonable standards of an employer.
d.Bad weather, using reasonable standards of an employer.
e.Absence or tardiness due to participant’s or spouse’s job interview. When possible, the participant shall provide notice of the interview at least 24 hours in advance including the name and address of the employer conducting the interview. When 24-hour notice is not possible, notice must be given as soon as possible and before the interview.
f.Leave due to the birth of a child. When a child is born after referral, necessary absence shall be determined in accordance with the Family Leave Act of 1993 as amended to August 1, 2024.
g.Court appearance.
h.Attendance at school functions of the participant’s children or children in the participant’s household.
i.Attendance at required meetings with the department or PROMISE JOBS.
j.Absence due to up to ten holidays per year.
(1)The participant must normally have been scheduled to work, or participate in an unpaid work activity on the given day and the work site or facility is closed due to a holiday, or open but the participant is allowed to take the participant’s normally scheduled hours off on a different day.
(2)The holidays included are New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
93.14(2) Problems leading to refusing or quitting a job or limiting or reducing hours. The following problems may provide good cause for participation issues of refusing or quitting a job or limiting or reducing hours. PROMISE JOBS may require the participant to provide verification of the problem or barrier as described in subrule 93.10(3):
a.Required travel time from home to the job or available work experience or unpaid community service site exceeds one hour each way. This includes additional travel time necessary to take a child to a child care provider.
b.Except as described in 441—subrule 41.6(4), work offered is at a site subject to a strike or lockout, unless the strike has been enjoined under Section 208 of the Labor-Management Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 78A, commonly known as the Taft-Hartley Act) as amended to August 1, 2024, or unless an injunction has been issued under Section 10 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 160) as amended to August 1, 2024.
c.The work site violates applicable state or federal health and safety standards or workers’ compensation insurance is not provided.
d.The job is contrary to the participant’s religious or ethical beliefs.
e.The participant is required to join, resign from or refrain from joining a legitimate labor organization.
f.Work requirements are beyond the mental or physical capabilities as documented by medical evidence or other reliable sources.
g.Discrimination by an employer based on age, race, sex, color, disability, religion, national origin or political beliefs.
h.Work demands or conditions render continued employment unreasonable, such as working without being paid on schedule.
i.Circumstances beyond the control of the participant, such as interruption of regular mail delivery or other disruptions of services.
j.Employment change or termination is part of the FIA.
k.Job does not pay at least the minimum amount customary for the same work in the community.
l.The participant terminates employment in order to take a better-paying job, even though hours of the new job may be less than those in the previous job.
m.The employment would result in the family of the participant experiencing a net loss of cash income. Net loss of cash income results if the family’s gross income less necessary work-related expenses is less than the cash assistance the person was receiving at the time the offer of employment is made. Gross income includes, but is not limited to, earnings, unearned income, and cash assistance. Gross income does not include SNAP benefits and in-kind income.
n.The employment changes substantially from the terms of hire, such as a change in work hours or work shift or a decrease in pay rate.
93.14(3) Other problems. The PROMISE JOBS worker may identify circumstances that could negatively impact the participant’s achievement of self-sufficiency that are not described in subrule 93.14(1) or 93.14(2). When this occurs, the case shall be referred to the department for a determination as to whether the problems are acceptable reasons for:
a.Not participating,
b.Refusing or quitting a job, or
c.Discharge from employment due to misconduct as described in paragraph 93.13(2)“i.”
441—93.15(239B) Right of appeal. In accordance with 441—Chapter 7, each applicant or participant is entitled to appeal and to be granted a hearing over disputes regarding: (1) services being received; (2) services that have been requested and denied, reduced, canceled, or inadequately provided; and (3) overpayments of PROMISE JOBS expense payments.
93.15(1) Informal resolution process. When there is a disagreement between the participant and the immediate PROMISE JOBS worker regarding the participant’s FIA or participation in PROMISE JOBS components, the participant may request an interview with the supervisor and a decision on the dispute. The supervisor shall schedule a face-to-face interview with the participant within 7 days and issue a decision in writing within 14 days of the participant’s request.
93.15(2) Appeal on the content of the FIA. A participant shall have the right to appeal the content of the FIA when the informal resolution process described at subrule 93.15(1) does not resolve a disagreement between the participant and the PROMISE JOBS worker.
93.15(3) Appeal of an alleged violation of PROMISE JOBS program policy. Participants shall have the right to file a written appeal concerning any alleged violation of a PROMISE JOBS program policy that is imposed as a condition of participation. PROMISE JOBS shall provide the participant with written documentation that specifies the participation requirement in dispute.
93.15(4) Appeal rights under the LBP. A participant has the right to appeal the establishment of the LBP only once, at the time the department issues the timely and adequate notice that establishes the LBP. However, when the reason for the appeal is based on incorrect grant computation, an error in determining the eligible group, or another worker error, a hearing shall be granted when the appeal otherwise meets the criteria for hearing.
93.15(5) Recovery of assistance when a new LBP is established. Assistance issued pending the final decision of the appeal is not subject to recovery when a new LBP period is established. A new LBP period shall be established when the department is affirmed in a timely appeal of the establishment of the LBP. All of the following conditions shall exist:
a.The appeal is filed either:
(1)Before the effective date of the intended action on the notice of decision or notice of action establishing the beginning date of the LBP, or
(2)Within ten days from the date on which a notice establishing the beginning date of the LBP is received. The date on which notice is received is considered to be five days after the date on the notice, unless the intended recipient shows that the recipient did not receive the notice within the five-day period.
b.Assistance is continued pending the final decision of the appeal.
c.The department’s action is affirmed.
93.15(6) Request for a hearing on work conditions or availability of workers’ compensation coverage. A participant who is enrolled in the PROMISE JOBS program may request a hearing if dissatisfied with working conditions, the availability of workers’ compensation coverage or the wage rate used in determining hours of work experience program participation.
a.When any involved party is dissatisfied with the department’s final decision, the dissatisfied party shall be informed of the right to appeal the issue to the Secretary of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges, U.S. Department of Labor, within 20 days of receipt of the decision. The department may assist with the appeal upon request.
b.For the purposes of this rule, the department’s final decision shall be considered received the second day after the date that the written decision was mailed, unless the intended recipient can demonstrate that it was not received on the second day after the mailing date. When the second day falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, the time shall be extended to the next mail delivery day.
c.The option to appeal to the Secretary of Labor does not preclude an individual from exercising any right to judicial review provided in Iowa Code chapter 17A or as described in 441—Chapter 7.
441—93.16(239B) Resolution of an LBP.
93.16(1) Resolution process for a first LBP. For participants who choose a first LBP, the notice of decision shall inform the participant of the action needed to reconsider the LBP as described in 441—subparagraph 41.5(7)“d”(1).
a.The notice of decision establishing a first LBP will inform the FIP participant that the participant may reconsider at any time from the date timely and adequate notice is issued establishing the LBP. The notice of decision will inform the participant that the participant shall contact the department or appropriate PROMISE JOBS office to reconsider the LBP.
b.When the participant contacts either the income maintenance worker or the PROMISE JOBS office, the participant shall be scheduled to begin or resume development of the FIA as described elsewhere in these rules.
c.When the FIA is signed, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall notify the department and the LBP shall be terminated. FIP benefits shall be effective as described in 441—subparagraph 41.5(7)“d”(1).
93.16(2) Resolution process for a subsequent LBP. The notice of decision establishing a subsequent LBP will inform the FIP participant of the six-month ineligibility period and that the participant may reconsider at any time following the six-month ineligibility period. To reconsider, the participant must complete significant contact with or action in regard to the PROMISE JOBS program as described in 441—subparagraph 41.5(7)“e”(3).
a.When the six-month ineligibility period ends and the participant contacts either the income maintenance worker or the PROMISE JOBS office, the participant shall be scheduled to sign a new or updated FIA and to begin significant action as described in 441—subparagraph 41.5(7)“e”(3).
b.When the FIA is signed and the participant has satisfactorily completed the significant action, the PROMISE JOBS worker shall notify the department and the LBP shall be terminated. FIP benefits shall be effective as described in 441—subparagraph 41.5(7)“e”(3).
441—93.17(239B) Worker displacement grievance procedure. The PROMISE JOBS program shall provide a grievance procedure to address and resolve public complaints regarding the displacement of regular workers with program participants in a work experience placement.
93.17(1) The procedure shall provide that:
a.Complaints must be filed in writing and received by the PROMISE JOBS service provider within one year of the alleged violation.
b.A representative of the PROMISE JOBS service provider must schedule a face-to-face interview with the complainant within 7 days of the date the complaint is filed, to provide the opportunity for informal resolution of the complaint.
c.Written notice of the location, date and time of the face-to-face interview must be provided.
d.An opportunity must be provided to present evidence at the face-to-face interview.
e.The representative of the PROMISE JOBS service provider shall issue a decision in writing within 14 days of the date a complaint is filed.
f.A written explanation must be provided to all involved parties of the right to file a written appeal, according to 441—Chapter 7, if the opportunity for informal resolution is declined, if a party receives an adverse decision from the PROMISE JOBS service provider, or if there is no decision within the 14-day period.
(1)To be considered, an appeal must be filed with the department within 10 days of the mailing date of the adverse decision or within 24 days of the date a complaint is filed.
(2)An appeal hearing will not be granted until informal resolution procedures have been exhausted, unless a decision has not been issued within 24 days of the complaint filing date.
93.17(2) The department will issue a final decision within 90 days of the date the complaint was filed with the PROMISE JOBS service provider.
93.17(3) Any dissatisfied party will be informed of the right to appeal the decision of the department to the Secretary of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges, U.S. Department of Labor, within 20 days of the receipt of the department’s final decision.
a.For the purposes of this rule, the department’s final decision will be considered received the second day after the date that the written decision was mailed unless the intended recipient can demonstrate that it was not received on the second day after the mailing date. When the second day falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, the time shall be extended to the next mail delivery date.
b.The option to appeal to the Secretary of Labor does not preclude an individual from exercising any right to judicial review as provided in Iowa Code chapter 17A or as described in 441—Chapter 7.
93.17(4) Upon notice of a complaint or grievance, the PROMISE JOBS office must provide the complaining party with a copy of the grievance procedures, notification of the right to file a formal complaint and instruction on how to file a complaint.
93.17(5) Upon filing a complaint, and at each stage thereafter, each complainant must be notified in writing of the next step in the complaint procedure.
93.17(6) The identity of any person who has furnished information relating to, or assisting in, an investigation of a possible violation must be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with due process and a fair determination of the issues.
93.17(7) All employers who participate in the PROMISE JOBS program shall provide assurances that all regular employees are aware of this grievance procedure.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 239B.17 through 239B.22.
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The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule -41.5(1) Rule -41.5(4) Rule 441-170.2(2) Rule 441-170.4(7) Rule 441-170.9 Rule 441-40.1 Rule 441-41.11(3) Rule 441-41.3(1) Rule 441-41.5 Rule 441-41.5(2) Rule 441-41.5(4) Rule 441-41.5(5) Rule 441-41.5(7) Rule 441-41.5(8) Rule 441-41.6(4) Rule 441-41.8(1) Rule 441-41.8(2) Rule 441-41.9(2) Rule 441-46.5(1) Rule 441-7.4(3) Rule 441-93.1 Rule 441-93.10 Rule 441-93.11 Rule 441-93.12 Rule 441-93.13 Rule 441-93.14 Rule 441-93.15 Rule 441-93.16 Rule 441-93.17 Rule 441-93.2 Rule 441-93.3 Rule 441-93.4 Rule 441-93.4(4) Rule 441-93.5 Rule 441-93.6 Rule 441-93.7 Rule 441-93.8 Rule 441-93.9 Rule -93.10(1) Rule -93.10(2) Rule -93.10(3) Rule -93.11(2) Rule -93.11(3) Rule -93.11(4) Rule -93.12(1) Rule -93.13(1) Rule -93.13(2) Rule -93.14(1) Rule -93.14(2) Rule -93.15(1) Rule -93.3(4) Rule -93.3(6) Rule -93.4(2) Rule -93.4(4) Rule -93.4(5) Rule -93.5(3) Rule -93.6(2) Rule -93.6(3) Rule -93.7(2) Rule -93.7(4) Rule -93.8 Rule -93.8(1) Rule -93.8(3) Rule -93.8(6) Rule -93.8(8) Rule -93.9(1) Rule -93.9(2) Rule -93.9(3)The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 17A Iowa Code 239B Iowa Code 239B.17 Iowa Code 239B.17 through 239B.22 Iowa Code 239B.8 Iowa Code 239B.9The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Absence from work experience Academic probation Accepting work experience assignments Activities Additional assessments Additional information on applicants Additional information on participants Appeal of an alleged violation of PROMISE JOBS program policy Appeal on the content of the FIA Appeal rights under the LBP Approvable activities Assessment Assessment after FIP cancellation or LBP Attendance Availability of service Barriers defined Barriers to participation Birth certificates Calculation of hours Child care Choosing an LBP Classroom training Completion of work experience Contracts with provider agencies Cooperation Definition Definitions Delivery of job readiness skills training Development Direct education costs Disruptive behavior Distance learning Documentation Documentation of job search Documentation of self-employment Documenting educational evaluation results Documenting job search participation Documenting participation Education and training activities Educational evaluation Eligibility Employment and other work activity issues Employment verification Exclusions Exempt status change Failure to attend scheduled activities Failure to complete an FIA Failure to complete assessment Failure to complete unpaid community service Failure to follow training plan Failure to maintain employment Failure to participate Failure to participate in individual job search Failure to participate in on-the-job training Failure to participate in structured job search Failure to participate in work experience Failure to provide required documentation or verification Failure to provide verification Failure to renegotiate the FIA Failure to secure child care Family development Family planning counseling FIA FIA activities directly monitored by PROMISE JOBS FIA activities for participants aged 16 to 19 FIA activities not directly monitored by PROMISE JOBS FIA content FIA-responsible persons FIP applicants FIP participants Full-time employment Full-time or part-time employment Goals Hours of participation Inappropriate use of funds Inclusion in FIA Individual job search Informal resolution process Initial appointment Initial assessment Initial meeting Issuance of payments Job readiness Job readiness and job search activities Job readiness skills training Job search plan LBP Length of assignment and weekly hours Locating the work site Medical documentation Medical examination Misuse of payments Nonapprovable training activities Notice of decision Notice of meetings, assignments, and issues Notification of participation issue On-the-job training Orientation Other adults Other documentation Other expenses Other FIA activities Other job readiness activities Other problems Parenting skills training Parents Participant performance evaluations Participant requirements Participant selection Participants with FaDSS services only Participation Participation issues Participation requirements Part-time employment Payments directly to facility Physical threats Placing a participant on academic probation Plan Positions Postsecondary educational evaluation Probation outcomes Problems leading to less than full participation Problems that may provide good cause for participation issues Program administration Progress reviews Progress toward self-sufficiency Provider requirements Rate of payment Receipts Recovery of assistance when a new LBP is established Recovery of PROMISE JOBS expense payments Referral Registration and referral Registration for PROMISE JOBS Rehabilitation assessments Reinstatement Renegotiation Required documentation and verification Requiring other FIA activities Resolution of an LBP Resolution of participation issues Resolution process for a first LBP Resolution process for a subsequent LBP Resources for examination Retroactive payments Review of participation Right of appeal Self-employment Special transportation needs Sponsors Structured job search Substituting assessment information Substituting or supplementing an assessment Supplementing assessment information Supplies purchased with PROMISE JOBS funds Supportive payments Supportive payments allowed Supportive payments for work experience placements Supportive payments not allowed Tardiness Teens Time and attendance Training and education expenses Training expenses Training plan content Transportation Treatment determination Type of provider Unavailability of funding Unpaid community service Unplanned job opportunity Unsatisfactory performance or participation Use of key historical information Verification of employment hours Verification of participation and progress Verification of problems or barriers Vocational goal Waiting lists Work activities Work experience interviews Work experience program Work sites Worker displacement grievance procedure Workforce development registration Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Written notification to participants© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy