Adopted and Filed

Adjustment and modification of support, ch 101

Untitled document

ARC 8967C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to adjustment and modification of support

The Department of Health and Human Services hereby adopts new Chapter 101, “Adjustment and Modification of Support,” Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code chapters 252B and 252H.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapters 252B and 252H.

Purpose and Summary

This rulemaking is in response to Executive Order 10. This chapter sets process standards, some of which are not found in the Iowa Code, for child support services when reviewing and adjusting child support obligations. This is a new chapter that was previously Divisions IV and V of 441—Chapter 99 (additional divisions, beyond Divisions IV and V, have been restructured into new chapters).

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on December 25, 2024, as ARC 8556C. A public hearing was held on the following date(s):

●January 16, 2025

●January 21, 2025

No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Department on January 31, 2025.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 441—Chapter 6.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on April 1, 2025.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

ITEM 1.Adopt the following new441—Chapter 101:



441—101.1(252B,252H) Definitions.

“Additional child” means a child to be added to an existing support order covering another child of the same parents.

“Born of a marriage” means a child was born of a woman who was married at the time of conception, birth, or at any time during the period between conception and birth of the child pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 252A and section 144.13.

“Cost-of-living alteration” means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 252H.2.

“Guidelines” means the most current guidelines and criteria prescribed by the Iowa Supreme Court for determining the amount of child support to be awarded.

“Parent” means a person who is a responsible person or a caretaker, as those terms are defined in rule 441—95.1(252B).

“Recipient of service” means a person receiving foster care services, or a recipient of family investment program assistance or Medicaid benefits whose child support or medical support is assigned, or a person who is not receiving public assistance but who is entitled to child support enforcement services pursuant to Iowa Code section 252B.4.

“Substantial change of circumstances,” means:

1.There has been a change of 50 percent or more in the net income of a parent, as determined by comparing the new net income with the net income upon which the current child support obligation was based, and

2.The change is due to financial circumstances that have existed for a minimum period of three months and can reasonably be expected to exist for an additional three months, pursuant to Iowa Code section 252H.18A.

441—101.2(252H) Confidentiality of financial information. Financial information provided to child support services by either parent for the purpose of facilitating the modification or review and adjustment processes may be disclosed to the other parties to the case, or the district court, as follows:

101.2(1) Financial statements. The financial statement or affidavit may be disclosed to either party.

101.2(2) Other documentation. Supporting financial documentation such as state and federal income tax returns, paycheck stubs, IRS Form W-2, bank statements, and other written evidence of financial status may be disclosed to the court unless otherwise prohibited by state or federal law.

441—101.3(252H) Payment of fees.

101.3(1) Payment of service of process and other costs associated with the modification or review and adjustment processes is the responsibility of the party requesting the action unless the court orders otherwise or the requesting party, as a condition of eligibility for receiving public assistance benefits, has assigned the rights to child or medical support for the order to be modified.

101.3(2) A requesting party who is indigent or receiving public assistance may request deferral of fees and costs. For the purposes of this chapter, “indigent” means that the requesting party’s income is 200 percent or less than the poverty level for one person as defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget and revised annually in accordance with Section 673(2) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 as amended to August 1, 2024.

441—101.4(252B,252H) Review of permanent child support obligations. Permanent child support obligations that are ongoing and being enforced by child support services or the child support agency of another state will be reviewed by child support services to determine whether or not to adjust the obligation. Child support services will determine the appropriate obligation amount using the child support guidelines. Iowa must have continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify the order under Iowa Code chapter 252K.

101.4(1) Periodic review. A permanent child support obligation being enforced by child support services and meeting the conditions in Iowa Code section 252H.12 may be reviewed upon the initiative of child support services if:

a.The right to any ongoing child support obligation is currently assigned to the state due to the receipt of public assistance.

b.The support order does not already contain medical support provisions.

c.A review is otherwise necessary to comply with state or federal law.

101.4(2) Review by request. A review will be conducted upon the request of the child support agency of another state or upon the written request of either parent subject to the order submitted on a form prescribed by the department. One review may be conducted every two years when the review is being conducted at the request of either parent. The request for review may be no earlier than two years from the filing date of the support order or most recent modification or the last completed review, whichever is later.

101.4(3) Review outcome.

a.Procedures to adjust the support obligation will be initiated only when the financial and other information available to child support services indicates that the:

(1)Present child support obligation varies from the Iowa Supreme Court mandatory child support guidelines by more than 20 percent, and

(2)Variation is due to a change in financial circumstances that has lasted at least three months and can reasonably be expected to last for an additional three months.

b.Procedures to modify a support order may be initiated when the order does not include provisions for medical support.

441—101.5(252B,252H) Notice requirements—review and adjustment. Child support services will provide written notification to each parent affected by a permanent child support obligation being enforced by child support services as follows:

101.5(1) Notice of right to request review. Child support services will notify each parent of the right to request review of the order and the appropriate place and manner in which the request should be made. Notification will be provided on forms prescribed by the department or through another printed or electronic format.

101.5(2) Notice of review. One of the following will apply:

a.At least 15 days before the review is conducted, child support services will serve notice of its intent to review the order on each parent affected by the child support obligation. This notice will include a request that the parties complete a financial statement and provide verification of income. The notice will be served in accordance with Iowa Code section 252B.26 or 252H.15.

b.If the conditions of Iowa Code section 252H.14A(1) are met, child support services may conduct a review using information accessible to child support services without:

(1)Issuing a notice under paragraph 101.5(2)“a,” or

(2)Requesting additional information from the parent.

101.5(3) Notice of decision. After child support services completes the review of the child support obligation in accordance with rule 441—101.4(252B,252H), child support services will issue a notice of decision in accordance with Iowa Code section 252H.14A or 252H.16 stating whether or not an adjustment is appropriate and, if so, child support services’ intent to enter an administrative order for adjustment.

101.5(4) Challenges to outcome of review. Each parent will be allowed to request a second review challenging the determination of child support services. The procedure for challenging the determination is as follows:

a.The parent challenging the determination must submit the request for a second review in writing to child support services stating the reasons for the request and providing written evidence necessary to support the challenge. The request must be submitted:

(1)Within 10 days from the date of a notice of decision issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 252H.16, or

(2)Within 30 days from service of a notice of decision issued pursuant to Iowa Code section 252H.14A.

b.Child support services will review the written evidence submitted with the request and all financial information available to child support services and make a determination of one of the following:

(1)To enter an administrative order for adjustment of the obligation.

(2)That adjustment of the child support obligation is inappropriate.

c.Child support services will send written notice of the outcome of the second review to each parent affected by the child support obligation at the parent’s last-known mailing address.

d.For a review initiated under Iowa Code section 252H.15, if either parent disputes the second decision, the objecting parent may request a court hearing within 15 days from the date the notice of decision is issued or within 10 days of the date the second notice of decision is issued, whichever is later.

e.For a review initiated under Iowa Code section 252H.14A, either parent may request a court hearing within 10 days of the issuance of the second notice of decision.

f.If child support services receives a timely written request or child support services determines that a court hearing is necessary, child support services will certify the matter to the district court. An objecting parent may seek recourse by filing a private petition for modification through the district court.

441—101.6(252B,252H) Financial information—review and adjustment. Child support services will attempt to obtain and verify information concerning the financial circumstances of the parents subject to the order to be reviewed necessary to conduct the review.

101.6(1) Financial statements. Except for a review initiated under Iowa Code section 252H.14A, both parents subject to the order to be reviewed must provide a financial statement and verification of income within ten days of service of the notice of child support services’ intent to review the obligation. If a review is initiated under Iowa Code section 252H.14A and the first notice of decision is challenged as described in subrule 101.5(4), both parents will be requested to provide a financial statement and verification of income within ten days of child support services’ request.

a.Verification of income will include but not be limited to the following: copies of state and federal income tax returns, W-2 statements, pay stubs, or a signed statement from an employer or other source of income.

b.Child support services may also request that the parent requesting review provide an affidavit regarding the financial circumstances of the nonrequesting parent when child support services is otherwise unable to obtain financial information concerning the nonrequesting parent. The requesting parent must complete the affidavit if the parent possesses sufficient information to do so.

101.6(2) Independent sources. Child support services may utilize other resources to obtain or confirm information concerning the financial circumstances of the parents subject to the order to be reviewed.

a.These resources include but are not limited to the following: the Iowa workforce development department, the Iowa department of revenue, the Internal Revenue Service, the employment, revenue, and child support recovery agencies of other states, and the Social Security Administration.

b.In the absence of other verification of income and deductions allowed under the mandatory support guidelines, child support services may estimate the net earned income of a parent for the purpose of determining the amount of support that would be due under the guidelines by deducting 20 percent from the gross earned income confirmed by an independent source. A parent may challenge this estimate by providing verification of actual earned income deductions.

101.6(3) Availability of medical insurance. Both parents subject to the order to be reviewed must provide documentation regarding the availability of health insurance coverage for the children covered under the order, and the cost of the coverage, within ten days of a written request by child support services. Verification may include but not be limited to: a copy of the health benefit plan including the effective date of the plan, a letter from the employer detailing the availability of health insurance, or any other source that will serve to verify health insurance information and the cost of the coverage.

441—101.7(252B,252H) Review and adjustment of a child support obligation.

101.7(1) Conducting the review. Child support services or its attorney will review the case for administrative adjustment of a child support obligation unless it is determined that any of the following exist:

a.The location of one or both of the parents is unknown.

b.The variation from the Iowa Supreme Court mandatory child support guidelines is based on any material misrepresentation of fact concerning any financial information submitted to child support services.

c.The criteria of rule 441—101.4(252B,252H) are not met.

d.The end date of the order is less than 12 months in the future or the youngest child is 17½ years of age.

101.7(2) Civil action. The review and adjustment action that is certified to court for hearing will proceed as an ordinary civil action in equity, and child support services attorney will represent the state of Iowa in those proceedings.

101.7(3) Private counsel. After the notice has been issued as described in subrule 101.5(2) or 101.5(3), any party may choose to be represented personally by private counsel. Any party who retains private counsel must notify child support services of this fact in writing.

441—101.8(252B,252H) Medical support—review and adjustment. Child support services, or its attorney, will review the medical support provisions contained in any permanent child support order that is subject to review under rule 441—101.7(252B,252H) and will include in any adjustment order a provision for medical support as defined in Iowa Code chapter 252E, and as set forth in 441—Chapter 98, or other appropriate provisions pertaining to medical support for all children affected directly by the child support order under review.

441—101.9(252B,252H) Denying requests—review and adjustment. A request for review by a parent subject to the order may be denied for the following reasons:

101.9(1) It has been less than two years since the support order was filed with the court, last modified, or last reviewed for the purpose of adjustment.

101.9(2) Child support services or a child support agency of another state is not providing enforcement services for an ongoing support obligation under the order for which the review has been requested.

101.9(3) The request is based entirely on issues such as custody, visitation, or parenting time rights, which are not directly related to child support.

101.9(4) The request is for the sole purpose of modifying the amount of delinquent support that has accrued under a support order.

101.9(5) The request is for the review of a temporary support order.

441—101.10(252B,252H) Withdrawing requests — review and adjustment. If the requesting party contacts child support services to withdraw the request, child support services will proceed as follows:

101.10(1) Consent of both parties. Child support services will notify the nonrequesting party of the requesting party’s desire to withdraw the request.

a.If the nonrequesting party indicates a desire to continue the review, child support services will proceed with the review and adjust the obligation, if appropriate.

b.If the nonrequestor indicates a desire to stop the process or fails to respond within ten days to the notification of the request to withdraw, child support services will notify all parties that the review and adjustment process has been terminated.

101.10(2) Effect of withdrawal. If a request is successfully withdrawn pursuant to subrule 101.10(1), a later request by either party will be subject to the limitations of subrule 101.4(2).

441—101.11(252H) Effective date of review and adjustment. Unless subject to court action or reconciliation of multiple Iowa orders, the new obligation amount will be effective on the first date that the periodic payment is due under the order being modified after child support services files the adjustment order with the court.

441—101.12(252H) Availability of service—administrative modification. Child support services will provide administrative modification services for a support order originally entered or a foreign order registered in the state of Iowa. The order must be one that:

101.12(1) Involves at least one child born of a marriage or one child for whom paternity has been legally established.

101.12(2) Is being enforced by child support services in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 252B.

101.12(3) Is subject to the jurisdiction of this state for the purposes of modification.

101.12(4) Is not subject to or is not appropriate for review and adjustment.

101.12(5) Provides for support of at least one child under the age of 18 or a child between the ages of 18 and 19 years who is engaged full-time in completing high school graduation or equivalency requirements in a manner that is reasonably expected to result in completion of the requirements prior to the person’s reaching 19 years of age.

101.12(6) Has an obligation ending more than 12 months in the future.

101.12(7) Involves parents for whom the location of both parents is known.

441—101.13(252H) Modification of child support obligations. Permanent child support obligations meeting the criteria set forth in rule 441—101.12(252H) may be modified at the initiative of child support services, or upon written request of either parent subject to the order submitted on a form prescribed by the department. Any action will be limited to adjustment, modification, or alteration of the child support or medical provisions of the support order. The duration of the underlying order will not be modified. The procedures used by child support services to determine if a modification is appropriate are as follows:

101.13(1) Substantial change of circumstances. Procedures to modify the support obligation may be initiated outside the minimum time frame described in subrule 101.4(2) if a request is received from either parent and if the parent has submitted verified documentation of a substantial change in circumstances that indicates both of the following:

a.A change of at least 50 percent in the net income of a parent as defined by guidelines. The new net income will be compared to the net income upon which the current child support obligation was based.

b.The change is due to financial circumstances that have existed for a minimum period of three months and can reasonably be expected to exist for an additional three months.

Child support services will review the request and documentation and, if appropriate, issue a notice of intent to modify as described in subrule 101.14(1).

101.13(2) Adding provisions for additional children. Procedures to modify the support obligation may be initiated if:

a.A parent requests, in writing, or child support services determines that it is appropriate to add an additional child to the support order and modify the obligation amount according to the guidelines pursuant to Iowa Code sections 598.21B and 252B.7A; and

b.Paternity has been legally established.

When adding a child to an order through administrative modification, medical support provisions will apply to the additional child.

101.13(3) Reserved, zero-dollar-amount, or medical-provisions-only orders. Procedures to modify the support obligation may be initiated if:

a.A parent requests a modification in writing or child support services determines that it is appropriate to include a support amount based on the guidelines; and

b.The original order:

(1)Reserved establishment of an ongoing, dollar-amount support obligation giving a specific reason other than lack of personal jurisdiction over the obligor, or

(2)Set the amount at zero, or

(3)Was for medical provisions only.

101.13(4) Corrections. Procedures to modify the support obligation may be initiated if:

a.An error or omission pertaining to child support or medical provisions was made during preparation or filing of a support order; and

b.A necessary party requests a modification or child support services determines that a modification to correct an error or omission is appropriate.

101.13(5) Noncompliance by minor obligors. The unit may initiate procedures to modify a support order if a parent requests modification in writing or the unit determines that it is appropriate when:

a.An obligor who is under 18 years of age fails to comply with the requirement to attend parenting classes pursuant to Iowa Code section 598.21G; or

b.An obligor who is 19 years of age or younger fails to provide proof of compliance with education requirements described in Iowa Code section 598.21B(2)“e”; or

c.The obligor no longer meets the age requirements as defined in Iowa Code section 598.21B(2)“e” or 598.21G.

101.13(6) Cost-of-living alteration. A support order may be modified to provide a cost-of-living alteration if all the following criteria are met:

a.Those criteria established in Iowa Code section 252H.23.

b.At least two years have passed since the order was filed with the court or last reviewed, modified, or altered.

c.The current support order addresses medical support for the children.

d.A copy of each affected order is provided, if child support services does not already have copies in its files.

441—101.14(252H) Notice requirements—administrative modification. Child support services will provide written notification to parents affected by a permanent child support obligation being enforced by child support services as follows:

101.14(1) Notice of intent to modify. When a request for administrative modification is received or child support services initiates an administrative modification, child support services will provide written notice to each parent of its intent to modify.

a.The notice will include the legal basis and purpose for the action; a request for income or other information necessary for the application of guidelines (if applicable); an explanation of the legal rights and responsibilities of the affected parties, including time frames; and procedures for contesting the action.

b.Child support services will take the following actions to notify parents:

(1)If the modification is based on subrules 101.13(1) through 101.13(5), notice will be provided to each parent. The notice will be served in accordance with the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure or Iowa Code section 252B.26 or 252H.19.

(2)If the modification is based on provision of a cost-of-living alteration as established at subrule 101.13(6) and the required documentation is included, child support services will notify each parent of the amount of the cost-of-living alteration by regular mail to the last-known address of each parent or, if applicable, each parent’s attorney. The notice will include:

1.The method of determining the amount of the alteration pursuant to Iowa Code section 252H.21.

2.The procedure for contesting a cost-of-living alteration by making a request for review of a support order as provided in Iowa Code section 252H.24.

3.A statement that either parent may waive the 30-day notice waiting period. If both parents waive the notice waiting period, child support services may prepare an administrative order altering the support obligation.

101.14(2) Notice of decision to modify. Child support services will issue a notice of its decision to modify the support order to each parent affected by the support obligation at each parent’s (or attorney’s) last-known address. The notice will contain information about whether child support services will continue or terminate the action and the procedures and time frames for contesting the action by requesting a court hearing pursuant to subrule 101.16(2).

441—101.15(252H) Financial information—administrative modification. Child support services may attempt to obtain and verify information concerning the financial circumstances of the parents subject to the order to be modified that is necessary to conduct an analysis and determine support. Child support services does not require financial information if the request is for a cost-of-living alteration.

101.15(1) Financial statements. Parents subject to the order must provide a financial statement and verification of income within ten days of a written request by child support services.

a.If the modification action is based on a substantial change of circumstances:

(1)The requesting party must provide a form prescribed by the department, and documentation that proves the amount of change in net income and the date the change took place, such as:

1.Copies of state and federal income tax returns, W-2 statements, or pay stubs, or

2.A signed statement from an employer or other source of income.

(2)Child support services will review the request and documentation. If appropriate, child support services will issue to each parent a notice of intent to modify the order as stated in subrule 101.14(1) and a financial statement. Each parent must complete and sign the financial statement and return it to child support services with verification of income and deductions as described in subrule 99.1(3).

b.Child support services may require a completed and signed financial statement and verification of income from each parent as described in subrule 99.1(3) if the modification is based on:

(1)Addition of a child;

(2)Changing a reserved or zero-dollar-amount obligation;

(3)Changing a medical-provisions-only obligation;

(4)Making a correction (if financial information is needed); or

(5)Noncompliance by a minor obligor as defined in Iowa Code section 598.21B(2)“e” or 598.21G.

c.Child support services may also request that a parent requesting a modification provide an affidavit regarding the financial circumstances of the nonrequesting parent when child support services is otherwise unable to obtain financial information concerning the nonrequesting parent. The requesting parent must complete the affidavit if the parent possesses sufficient information to do so.

d.Child support services may also use occupational wage rate information or the median income for parents on child support services’ caseload to determine the gross income of a parent when a parent has failed to return a completed financial statement when requested and complete and accurate information is not readily available from other sources.

e.Self-employment income will be determined as described in subrule 99.1(5).

101.15(2) Independent sources. Child support services may use other resources to obtain or confirm information concerning the financial circumstances of the parents subject to the order to be modified as described in rule 441—99.1(234,252B,252H).

101.15(3) Guidelines calculations. Child support services will determine:

a.The appropriate amount of the child support obligation (excluding cost-of-living alteration amounts) as described in rules 441—99.1(234,252B,252H) through 441—99.5(234,252B), and

b.Medical support provisions as described in Iowa Code chapter 252E and rules 441—98.2(252E) through 441—98.5(252E) and 441—75.14(249A).

441—101.16(252H) Challenges to the proposed modification action. For modification actions based on subrules 101.13(1) through 101.13(5), each parent will have the right to request a conference to contest the proposed modification. Either parent, or child support services, may also request a court hearing. For requests made based on subrule 101.13(6), either parent may contest the cost-of-living alteration by making a request for a review and adjustment of the support order.

101.16(1) Conference. Either parent may contest the proposed modification based on subrules 101.13(1) through 101.13(5) by means of a conference with the office of child support services that issued the notice of intent to modify.

a.Only one conference will be held per parent.

b.The request must be made within ten days of the date of service of the notice of intent to modify.

c.The office that issued the notice of intent to modify will schedule a conference with the parent and advise the parent of the date, time, place, and procedural aspects of the conference.

d.Reasons for contesting the modification include but are not limited to mistake of fact regarding the identity of one of the parties or the amount or terms of the modification.

e.Child support services may conduct the conference in person or by telephone.

f.If the party who requested the conference fails to attend the conference, only one alternative time will be scheduled by child support services.

g.The results of a conference will in no way affect the right of either party to request a court hearing pursuant to subrule 101.16(2).

h.Upon completion of the conference, child support services will issue a notice of decision to modify as described in subrule 101.14(2).

101.16(2) Court hearing.

a.Either parent, or child support services, may contest the proposed modification, based on subrules 101.13(1) through 101.13(5), by requesting a court hearing within the latest of any of the following time periods:

(1)Twenty days from the date of successful service of the notice of intent to modify,

(2)Ten days from the date scheduled for a conference, or

(3)Ten days from the date of issuance of a notice of decision to modify.

b.If child support services receives a timely written request, child support services will certify the matter to the district court as described in Iowa Code section 252H.8.

c.If a timely request is not received, if waiting periods have been waived, or if the notice periods have expired, child support services will prepare an administrative order as provided in Iowa Code section 252H.9.

101.16(3) Contesting a proposed cost-of-living alteration. Either parent may contest a cost-of-living alteration within 30 days of the date of the notice of intent to modify by making a request for a review of the support order as provided in Iowa Code section 252H.13.

a.If child support services receives a timely written request for review, child support services will terminate the cost-of-living alteration process and proceed with the review and adjustment process.

b.If a timely request is not made, or the notice waiting period has been waived by both parties, or the notice period has expired, child support services will prepare an administrative order as provided in Iowa Code section 252H.24.

441—101.17(252H) Misrepresentation of fact—administrative modification.

101.17(1) Child support services will not modify the support order based on a substantial change of circumstances if a change in income is due to any material misrepresentation of fact concerning any financial information submitted to child support services.

101.17(2) Child support services may request verification that all facts concerning financial information are true. Verification may include but is not limited to a statement from the employer, a doctor, or other person with knowledge of the situation.

441—101.18(252H) Effective date of modification. Unless subject to court action or reconciliation of multiple Iowa orders, the new obligation will be effective on the first date that the periodic payment is due under the order being modified after child support services files the modification order with the court. If the modification is based on a reserved, zero-dollar-amount, or medical-provisions-only obligation, the new obligation will be effective 20 days after generation of the administrative modification order.

441—101.19(252H) Denying requests—administrative modification. A request for modification by a parent subject to the order may be denied if the criteria in rule 441—101.12(252H) are not met or the following conditions exist:

101.19(1) Nonsupport issues. The request is based entirely on issues such as custody, visitation, or parenting time rights.

101.19(2) Request only for delinquent support. The request is for the sole purpose of modifying the amount of delinquent support that has accrued under a support order.

101.19(3) Temporary order. The request is for the modification of a temporary support order.

101.19(4) Two-year time frame. The request is for a cost-of-living alteration and it has been less than two years since the order was filed with the court or last reviewed, modified, or altered.

101.19(5) Change of circumstances. The request is based on a substantial change in circumstances and:

a.The requestor’s net income has not changed by at least 50 percent, as required in paragraph 101.13(1)“a,” or

b.The requestor has not provided adequate documentation of the change in income, as required in subrule 101.15(1), or

c.The change in income has not yet lasted for three months, as required in paragraph 101.13(1)“b,” or

d.The change in income is not expected to last another three months, as required in paragraph 101.13(1)“b,” or

e.The change in income is due to material misrepresentation of fact, as explained in rule 441—101.17(252H).

441—101.20(252H) Withdrawing requests—administrative modification. If the requesting party contacts child support services to withdraw the request, child support services will notify the nonrequesting party of the requesting party’s desire to withdraw the modification request. If the nonrequesting party indicates, in writing, a desire to continue with the modification process, child support services will proceed, and if appropriate, modify the support order. If there is no response from the nonrequesting party or if the nonrequesting party also wants the process to end, child support services will end the modification process. If child support services initiated the modification action, child support services may terminate the process if, after notifying both parents, neither parent indicates a desire to continue with the modification.

441—101.21(17A) Right of appeal. Department actions under this chapter are not subject to administrative appeal under 441—Chapter 7.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 252H and sections 252B.5, 252B.7, and 598.21C(2).

[Filed 1/31/25, effective 4/1/25]

[Published 2/19/25]

EDITOR’S NOTE: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 2/19/25.

Human Services Department

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  • Adjustment and modification of support, ch 101
  • Published on 2/19/2025
  • Adopted and Filed

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Adding provisions for additional children Availability of medical insurance Availability of service—administrative modification Challenges to outcome of review Challenges to the proposed modification action Change of circumstances Civil action Conducting the review Conference Confidentiality of financial information Consent of both parties Contesting a proposed cost-of-living alteration Corrections Cost-of-living alteration Court hearing Definitions Denying requests—administrative modification Denying requests—review and adjustment Effect of withdrawal Effective date of modification Effective date of review and adjustment Financial information—administrative modification Financial information—review and adjustment Financial statements Guidelines calculations Independent sources Medical support—review and adjustment Misrepresentation of fact—administrative modification Modification of child support obligations Noncompliance by minor obligors Nonsupport issues Notice of decision Notice of decision to modify Notice of intent to modify Notice of review Notice of right to request review Notice requirements—administrative modification Notice requirements—review and adjustment Other documentation Payment of fees Periodic review Private counsel Request only for delinquent support Reserved, zero-dollar-amount, or medical-provisions-only orders Review and adjustment of a child support obligation Review by request Review of permanent child support obligations Review outcome Right of appeal Substantial change of circumstances Temporary order Two-year time frame Withdrawing requests — review and adjustment Withdrawing requests—administrative modification
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