Notice of Intended Action

Community colleges—technical specialty component of diploma and certificate programs, residency determinations, tuition rates, 21.2

Untitled document

ARC 1879C


Notice of Intended Action

Twenty-five interested persons, a governmental subdivision, an agency or association of 25 or more persons may demand an oral presentation hereon as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.4(1)"b."

Notice is also given to the public that the Administrative Rules Review Committee may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this proposed action under section 17A.8(6) at a regular or special meeting where the public or interested persons may be heard.

Pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code section 256.7(5), the State Board of Education hereby proposes to amend Chapter 21, "Community Colleges," Iowa Administrative Code.

These proposed amendments clarify protocol for community college residency determinations for students, including veterans, and clarify permissible tuition rates. The proposed amendments move the State Board of Education's Uniform Policy on Residency Status into administrative rule. The proposed amendments also clarify the technical specialty component of diploma and certificate programs.

An agencywide waiver provision is provided in 281—Chapter 4.

Interested individuals may make written comments on the proposed amendments on or before March 10, 2015, at 4:30 p.m.Comments on the proposed amendments should be directed to Jeremy Varner, Iowa Department of Education, Second Floor, Grimes State Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa, 50319-0146; telephone (515)281-8260; or e-mail

A public hearing will be held on March 10, 2015, from 9 to 10 the State Board Room, Second Floor, Grimes State Office Building, East 14th Street and Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa, at which time persons may present their views either orally or in writing. Any persons who intend to attend the public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should advise the Department of Education of their specific needs by calling (515)281-5295.

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.

These amendments are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 260C.

The following amendments are proposed.

Item 1. Amend paragraphs 21.2(9)"g" and "h" as follows:

g. Diploma. The diploma is awarded upon completion of a state-approved program of study that is a coherent sequence of courses consisting of a minimum of 15 semester (22.5 quarter) credit hours and a maximum of 48 semester (72 quarter) credit hours including at least 3 semester (4.5 quarter) credit hours of general education. The general education component shall be from any of the following areas: communications, social science or humanities, and mathematics or science. A diploma may be a component of and apply toward subsequent completion of an associate of applied science or associate of applied arts degree. The technical specialty component of the diploma shall constitute a minimum of 75 percent of the course credits.

h. Certificate. The certificate is awarded upon completion of a state-approved program of study that is designed for entry-level employment and shall consist of a maximum of 48 semester (72 quarter) credit hours. A certificate may be a component of and apply toward subsequent completion of a diploma or associate of applied science or associate of applied arts degree and may be developed in rapid response to the needs of business and industry. A certificate may consist of only career and technical courses and no general education course requirements. Certificate programs are not intended to have a general education component and may include general education coursework only if demonstrated to be necessary; however, general education coursework shall not exceed a four-credit requirement.

Item 2. Rescind subrule 21.2(11) and adopt the following new subrule in lieu thereof:

21.2(11) Residency status and tuition. A student who has been admitted to an Iowa community college shall be classified as a resident or as a nonresident for admission, tuition, and fee purposes. A student classified as a resident shall pay resident tuition costs. A student classified as a nonresident shall pay nonresident tuition costs. Tuition rates are established by a community college's board of trustees pursuant to Iowa Code section 260C.14(2).

a. Tuition rates. Tuition rates adopted by a community college's board of trustees shall be consistent with the following requirements.

(1)Resident tuition.

1.Tuition for residents shall not exceed the lowest tuition rate per semester, or the equivalent, for a full-time student charged by an institution of higher education under the state board of regents.

2.For students of high school age enrolled in a course through a contractual agreement with a school district, the limit on resident tuition shall not apply, and the amount of tuition shall be determined by the community college's board of trustees with the consent of the school board.

3.Resident tuition rates shall not require department approval.

(2)Nonresident tuition. Tuition for nonresidents shall be not less than the marginal cost of instruction of a student attending the college. The establishment of nonresident tuition rates shall not require department approval, with the exception of rates established pursuant to paragraphs 21.2(11)"a"(2)"2" and "3" and 21.2(11)"a"(3).

1.International student tuition rates. A separate nonresident rate for international students shall be permissible, provided the rate is reasonable and reflects the cost of appropriate services.

2.Reciprocal agreements. A lower tuition rate for nonresidents is permitted under a reciprocal tuition agreement between a community college and an educational institution in another state, if the rate established in the agreement is approved by the department.

3.Other nonresident rates. Other nonresident tuition rates may be established for specific purposes provided the tuition rate is greater than the resident tuition rate, the tuition rate is not less than the marginal cost of instruction, and the arrangement is approved by the department.

(3)Consortia. A separate tuition rate for residents and nonresidents is permitted for courses delivered through a consortia agreement for online, distance education, or other coursework between Iowa community colleges, if the rate established in the agreement is approved by the department. Tuition shall not be less than the lowest resident rate or higher than the highest nonresident rate of institutions within the consortium.

(4)Noncredit course tuition. Tuition for noncredit continuing education courses shall be determined based on course costs and market demand. Tuition rates for courses that are not credit-bearing shall not require department approval.

(5)Department approval. For tuition rates requiring department approval, the department shall approve rates which comply with the requirements set forth in this chapter. Before a rate is adopted by a community college's board of trustees and charged to students, the community college shall request and receive approval for a tuition rate.

(6)Reporting. A community college shall annually report all tuition rates and mandatory fees in a manner prescribed by the department.

(7)Notification. A community college shall inform all students about residency status determinations, the appeal process, and tuition policies. Information shall be included in appropriate publications such as the college's catalog, registration materials, Web site, and student handbook.

b. Determination of residency status. In determining a community college resident or nonresident classification, the primary determinant shall be the reason the student is in the state of Iowa. The second determinant shall be the length of time a student has resided in Iowa. If a student is in the state primarily for educational purposes, that student shall be considered a nonresident. The burden of establishing the reason a student is in Iowa for other than educational purposes rests with the student.

(1)Procedure. The registrar or officially designated community college office shall require written documents, affidavits, or other related evidence deemed necessary to determine why a student is in Iowa. A student shall be required to file at least two documents from different sources to determine residency status. Examples of acceptable documentation include: written and notarized documentation from an employer that the student is employed in Iowa or a signed and notarized statement from the student describing employment and sources of support; an Iowa state income tax return; an Iowa driver's license; an Iowa vehicle registration card; an Iowa voter registration card; or proof of Iowa Homestead credit on property taxes. In all events, to be determined a resident of Iowa, the student must document residing in the state of Iowa for at least 90 days prior to the beginning of the term for which the student is enrolling.

1.If a student gives misleading or incorrect information for the purpose of evading payment of nonresident tuition, the student must pay the nonresident tuition for each term the student was not officially classified as a nonresident.

2.The procedures described in paragraph 21.2(11)"b" shall be administered by the registrar or staff designated by the community college.

(2)Residency of minor students. The domicile of a minor shall follow that of the parent with whom the minor resides, except where emancipation of said minor can be proven. The word "parent" herein shall include legal guardian or others in cases where the lawful custody of a minor has been awarded to persons other than the minor's actual parents. A minor living with a resident of Iowa who is legally responsible for the minor shall be granted resident status if the minor has lived with the Iowa resident for at least 90 days immediately prior to enrollment. The residency status of an emancipated minor shall be based upon the same qualifications established for a student having attained majority.

(3)Residency of students who are not citizens of the United States. The residency status of students who are not citizens of the United States shall be determined consistent with the following procedures.

1.A student who is a refugee or who is granted asylum by an appropriate agency of the United States must provide proof of certification of refugee or asylum grantee status. A student may be accorded resident status for admission and tuition purposes when the student comes directly, or within a reasonable time, to the state of Iowa from a refugee facility or port of debarkation and has not established domicile in another state.

2.A student who has immigrant status, and the student's spouse or dependents, may establish Iowa residency in the same manner as a United States citizen.

3.A student who has nonimmigrant status and who holds a nonstudent visa, and the student's spouse or dependents, may establish residency in the same manner as a United States citizen. An alien who has nonimmigrant status and whose primary purpose for being in Iowa is educational is classified as nonresident.

4.A student who is a resident of an Iowa sister state may be classified as a resident or nonresident, in accordance with rules adopted by the college's board of directors.

(4)Residency of federal personnel and dependents. A student, or the student's spouse or dependent child, who has moved into the state of Iowa as the result of military or civil orders from the federal government, and the minor children of such student, is immediately an Iowa resident.

(5)Residency of veterans and family members and individuals covered under Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014. A veteran of a uniformed service or national guard or the veteran's spouse or dependent child shall be classified as an Iowa resident student and be eligible for resident tuition and fee amounts, if the veteran meets the requirements of paragraph 21.2(11)"b"(5)"1," "2," or "3."

1.The veteran has separated from a uniformed service with an honorable or general discharge, is eligible for benefits, or has exhausted benefits under the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any other federal authorizing veteran educational benefits program.

2.The individual is an active duty military person or activated or temporarily mobilized National Guard member.

3.The individual is a covered person under Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 or subsequent legislation.

(6)Reclassification of residency status. It is the responsibility of a student to request a reclassification of residency status. If a student is reclassified as a resident for tuition purposes, such classification shall be effective beginning with the next term for which the student enrolls. In no case shall reclassification to residency status be made retroactive for tuition and fee purposes, even though the student could have previously qualified for residency status had the student applied.

(7)Appeal. The decision on the residency status of a student for admission, tuition, and fee purposes may be appealed to a review committee established by the community college. The findings of the review committee may be appealed to the community college's board of trustees, whose decision shall be a final administrative decision.

Closed For Comments

This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 3/10/2015.

Official Document

  • Community colleges—technical specialty component of diploma and certificate programs, residency determinations, tuition rates, 21.2
  • Published on 2/18/2015
  • 742 Views , 0 Comments
  • Notice of Intended Action

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Administrative Rule References

The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Rule 281-21.2(11) Rule 281-21.2(9)"g" Rule 281-21.2(9)"h"


The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.

Certificate Determination of residency status Diploma Residency status and tuition Tuition rates
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