Adopted and Filed

Contribution rates; retirement benefits; disability; death benefits and beneficiaries; recognition of agents, amendments to chs 4, 11 to 14, 20

Untitled document

ARC 5027C


Adopted and Filed

Rule making related to five-year review of rules

The Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System (IPERS) hereby amends Chapter 4, "Employers," Chapter 11, "Application for, Modification of, and Termination of Benefits," Chapter 12, "Calculation of Monthly Retirement Benefits," Chapter 13, "Disability for Regular and Special Service Members," Chapter 14, "Death Benefits and Beneficiaries," and Chapter 20, "Recognition of Agents," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rule Making

This rule making is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 97B.4 and 97B.15.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapter 97B.

Purpose and Summary

This rule making is intended to conform rules with other rules and statutes or rescind rules that are outdated, redundant or inconsistent, or no longer in effect to meet the requirements of the statutory five-year review of rules for Chapters 11 to 15; to implement contribution rates for employers and regular and special service members beginning July 1, 2020; to reflect an Internal Revenue Service requirement verifying citizenship status; to add further clarity as to when a member's first month of entitlement begins; to indicate that subrule 12.1(6) (renumbered as 12.1(4) herein) applies only to regular class members; to change the yearly multiplier to a quarterly multiplier as is current IPERS practice; to remove outdated language regarding average covered wages and clarify the way in which a computed year of wages is calculated; to strike obsolete language and add necessary language regarding vesting by service; to clarify that annual certifications of disability benefits are not necessary after a member meets IPERS normal retirement age; to provide for the trial work period as allowed by federal disability benefits; to acknowledge and reflect the reality that multiple medical appointments may not be able to be scheduled consecutively the same day and written notice will be the primary communication of appointment notification; to amend language to reflect current practice regarding precertification of medical eligibility for disability; to further delineate the continued requirements for qualification for special service disability benefits; to emphasize that IPERS designation of beneficiary forms may be filed online through the IPERS website; and to preserve and clearly state that the member receives the higher of two preretirement death benefit calculations. In addition, this rule making is intended to clarify that when there is no proper or valid beneficiary to whom a death benefit is to be paid, beneficiaries will be paid via the intestacy law of the State of Iowa; and to address the proper role of social security representative payees.

Public Comment and Changes to Rule Making

Notice of Intended Action for this rule making was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on February 12, 2020, as ARC 4925C. A public hearing was held on March 5, 2020, at 9 a.m. at IPERS, 7401 Register Drive, Des Moines, Iowa. No one attended the public hearing. No public comments were received. Changes from the Notice have been made to correct cross references to reflect the restructuring of rules herein.

Adoption of Rule Making

This rule making was adopted by IPERS on March 20, 2020.

Fiscal Impact

IPERS' enabling legislation requires employer and employee contribution rates for each member class to be updated every fiscal year.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rule making, IPERS believes the changes providing for the trial work period, as allowed by federal disability benefits, will positively impact disabled IPERS members returning to the workforce.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition IPERS for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rule making will become effective on May 13, 2020.

The following rule-making actions are adopted:

Item 1. Amend subrule 4.6(1) as follows:

4.6(1) Contribution rates for regular class members.

a. No change.

b. Effective July 1, 2012, and every year thereafter, the contribution rates for regular members shall be publicly declared by IPERS staff no later than the preceding December as determined by the annual valuation of the preceding fiscal year. The public declaration of contribution rates will be followed by rule making that will include a notice and comment period and that will become effective July 1 of the next fiscal year. Contribution rates for regular members are as follows.


July 1, 2015


July 1, 2016


July 1, 2017


July 1, 2018


July 1, 2019


July 1, 2020

Combined rate





















Item 2. Amend subrule 4.6(2) as follows:

4.6(2) Contribution rates for sheriffs and deputy sheriffs are as follows.

Effective July 1, 2015

Effective July 1, 2016

Effective July 1, 2017


July 1, 2018


July 1, 2019


July 1, 2020

Combined rate





















Item 3. Amend subrule 4.6(3) as follows:

4.6(3) Contribution rates for protection occupations are as follows.

Effective July 1, 2015

Effective July 1, 2016

Effective July 1, 2017


July 1, 2018


July 1, 2019


July 1, 2020

Combined rate





















Item 4. Adopt the following new paragraph 11.1(1)"g":

g. An indication whether the member is a U.S. citizen, resident alien, or non-U.S. citizen.

Item 5. Amend paragraph 11.2(4)"a" as follows:

a. Notwithstanding the foregoing, IPERS shall commence payment of a member's retirement benefit under Iowa Code sections 97B.49A to 97B.49I (under Option 2) no later than the "required beginning date" specified under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9), even if the member has not submitted the application for benefits. If the lump sum actuarial equivalent could have been elected by the member, payments shall be made in such a lump sum rather than as a monthly allowance. The "required beginning date" is defined as the later of: (1) April 1 of the year following the year that the member attains the age of 70½ 72, or (2) April 1 of the year following the year that the member actually terminates all employment with employers covered under Iowa Code chapter 97B.

Item 6. Amend subrule 11.3(1) as follows:

11.3(1) General. A member shall submit a written application to IPERS setting forth the retirement date, provided the member has attained at least age 55 by the retirement date and the retirement date is after the member's last day of service. A member's first month of entitlement shall be no earlier than the first day of the first month after the member's last day of service date of termination from employment or, if later, the month provided for under subrule 11.3(2). No payment shall be made for any month prior to the month the completed application for benefits is received by IPERS.

If a member files a retirement application but fails to select a valid first month of entitlement, IPERS will select by default the earliest month possible. A member may appeal this default selection by sending written notice of the appeal postmarked on or before 30 days after a notice of the default selection was mailed to the member. Notice of the default selection is deemed sufficient if sent to the member at the member's address.

Item 7. Amend subrule 11.3(2) as follows:

11.3(2) Additional FME provisions.

a. Effective through December 31, 1992, the first month of entitlement of a member who qualifies for retirement benefits is the first month following the member's date of termination or last day of leave, with or without pay, whichever is later.

b. Effective January 1, 1993, the first month of entitlement of an employee who qualifies for retirement benefits shall be the first month after the employee is paid the last paycheck, if paid more than one calendar month after termination. If the final paycheck is paid within the month after termination, the first month of entitlement shall be the month following termination.

c. Effective January 1, 2001, employees of a school corporation who are permitted by the terms of their employment contracts to receive their annual salaries in monthly installments over periods ranging from 9 to 12 months may retire at the end of a school year and receive trailing wages through the end of the contract year if they have completely fulfilled their contract obligations at the time of retirement. For purposes of this paragraph, "school corporation" means body politic described in Iowa Code sections 260C.16 (community colleges), 273.2 (area education agencies) and 273.1 (K-12 public schools). For purposes of this paragraph, "trailing wages" means previously earned wage payments made to such employees of a school corporation after the first month of entitlement. This exception does not apply to hourly employees, including those who make arrangements with their employers to hold back hourly wages for payment at a later date, to employees who are placed on sick or disability leave or leave of absence, or to employees who receive lump sum leave, vacation leave, early retirement incentive pay or any other lump sum payments in installments.

For all employees of all IPERS-covered employers who terminate employment in January 2003, or later, if the final paycheck is paid within the same quarter or within one quarter after termination and wages are reported under the normal pay schedule, the first month of entitlement shall be the month following termination. However, if the last paycheck is paid more than one quarter after the termination, the first month of entitlement shall be the first month after the employee is paid the last paycheck. Under no circumstances shall such trailing wages result in more than one quarter of service credit being added to retiring members' earning records.

Item 8. Amend subrule 11.5(1) as follows:

11.5(1) Bona fide retirement—general. To receive retirement benefits, a member under the age of 70 must officially leave employment with all IPERS-covered employers, give up all rights as an employee, and complete a period of bona fide retirement. A period of bona fide retirement means four or more consecutive calendar months for which the member qualifies for monthly retirement benefit payments. The qualification period begins with the member's first month of entitlement for retirement benefits as approved by IPERS. A member may not return to covered employment before filing a completed application for benefits. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the continuation of group insurance coverage at employee rates for the remainder of the school year for a school employee who retires following completion of services by that individual shall not cause that person to be in violation of IPERS' bona fide retirement requirements.

A member will not be considered to have a bona fide retirement if the member is a school or university employee and returns to work with the employer after the normal summer vacation. In other positions, temporary or seasonal interruption of service which does not terminate the period of employment does not constitute a bona fide retirement. A member also will not be considered to have a bona fide retirement if the member has, prior to or during the member's first month of entitlement, entered into verbal or written arrangements with the employer member's former employer(s) to return to employment after the expiration of the four-month bona fide retirement period.

Effective July 1, 1990, a school employee will not be considered terminated if, while performing the normal duties, the employee performs for the same employer additional duties which take the employee beyond the expected termination date for the normal duties. Only when all the employee's compensated duties cease for that employer will that employee be considered terminated.

The bona fide retirement period shall be waived for an elected official covered under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(8)"a"(1), and for a member of the general assembly covered under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(8)"a"(2), when the elected official or legislator notifies IPERS of the intent to terminate IPERS coverage for the elective office and, at the same time, terminates all other IPERS-covered employment prior to the issuance of the retirement benefit. Such an elected official or legislator may remain in the elective office and receive an IPERS retirement without violating IPERS' bona fide retirement rules. If such elected official or legislator terminates coverage for the elective office and also terminates all other IPERS-covered employment but is then reemployed in covered employment, and has not received a retirement as of the date of hire, the retirement shall not be made. Furthermore, if such elected official or legislator is reemployed in covered employment, the election to revoke IPERS coverage for the elective position shall remain in effect, and the elected official or legislator shall not be eligible for new IPERS coverage for such elected position. The prior election to revoke IPERS coverage for the elected position shall also remain in effect if such elected official or legislator is reelected to the same position without an intervening term out of office.

The bona fide retirement period will be waived if the member has been elected to public office which term begins during the normal four-month bona fide retirement period. This includes elected officials who shall be covered under this chapter as defined in Iowa Code section 97B.1A. This waiver does not apply if the member was an elected official who was reelected to the same position for another term.

Effective July 1, 2000, a member does not have a bona fide retirement until all employment with covered employers, including employment which is not covered under this chapter, is terminated for at least one month, and the member does not return to covered employment for an additional three months. In order to receive retirement benefits, the member must file a completed application for benefits before returning to any employment with a covered employer.

Effective July 1, 2018, a member will not have a bona fide retirement if the member enters into a verbal or written arrangement to perform duties for the member's former employer(s) as an independent contractor prior to or during the member's first month of entitlement or performs any duties for the member's former employer(s) as an independent contractor prior to receiving four months of retirement benefits.

Item 9. Rescind subrule 11.5(2).

Item 10. Renumber subrules 11.5(3) to 11.5(5) as 11.5(2) to 11.5(4).

Item 11. Amend renumbered subrule 11.5(2) as follows:

11.5(2) Bona fide refund. For a member to be eligible for a lump sum refund, the member must terminate the member's covered employment and incur a bona fide separation from service and remain out of employment for at least 30 days with all covered employers. The 30-day bona fide refund period shall be waived for an elected official covered under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(8)"a"(1), and for a member of the general assembly covered under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(8)"a"(2), when the elected official or legislator notifies IPERS of the intent to terminate IPERS coverage for the elective office and, at the same time, terminates all other IPERS-covered employment prior to the issuance of the refund. Such an official may remain in the elective office and receive an IPERS refund without violating IPERS' bona fide refund rules. If such elected official terminates coverage for the elective office and also terminates all other IPERS-covered employment but is then reemployed in covered employment, and has not received a refund as of the date of hire, the refund shall not be made. Furthermore, if such elected official is reemployed in covered employment, the election to revoke IPERS coverage for the elective position shall remain in effect, and the public official shall not be eligible for new IPERS coverage for such elected position.

The prior election to revoke IPERS coverage for the elected position shall also remain in effect if such elected official is reelected to the same position without an intervening term out of office. The waiver granted in this subrule shall be applicable to such elected officials who were in violation of the prior bona fide refund rules on and after November 1, 2002, when such individuals have not repaid the previously invalid refund.

If a member takes a refund in violation of the bona fide refund requirements of Iowa Code section 97B.53(4), the member may return the refund during the bona fide retirement period and restore the member's account. If the repayment is not made, the member shall receive no credit for the period covered by the refund. At retirement, the member may purchase, at actuarial cost, the service credit covered by the refund.

Item 12. Amend rule 495—11.7(97B) as follows:

495—11.7(97B) Overpayment of IPERS benefits.

11.7(1) and 11.7(2) No change.

11.7(3) Overpayment made to a person other than a retired member. A recipient other than a retired member, except a recipient listed in subrule 11.7(4) 11.5(2), shall receive written notice of overpayment, including the reason for the overpayment, the amount of the overpayment, and the opportunity to repay the overpayment in full without interest. If such a recipient repays an overpayment in full within 30 days after the date of the notice, there will be no interest charge. If such a recipient cannot repay an overpayment in full within 30 days after the date of the notice, interest shall be charged. If repayment in full cannot be made within 30 days, such a recipient shall make repayment arrangements subject to IPERS' approval within 30 days of the written notice and request for repayment.

If the overpayment recipient cannot be located to receive notice of the overpayment at the recipient's last-known address, IPERS shall, after trying to locate the person, consider the recipient to have waived entitlement to the quarters covered by the refund.

11.7(4) Overpayment made to a person who violates a bona fide severance period. If a recipient takes a refund and does not complete the required period of severance, the recipient shall receive a written notice of overpayment, including the reason for the overpayment, the amount of the overpayment, and the opportunity to repay the overpayment in full without interest. The recipient shall have 30 days after the date of notice to repay the full amount of the refund without interest. If the repayment is not made within 30 days after the date of notice, the person shall receive no credit for the period of employment covered by the refund and shall be required to buy back the refund at its actuarial cost if the member later decides that the member wants service credit for any portion of the period of employment covered by the refund.

11.7(5) 11.7(4) Interest charges.

a. Overpayment not fraudulent. If the overpayment of benefits, other than an overpayment that results from a violation described in subrule 11.7(4) 11.5(2), was not the result of wrongdoing, negligence, misrepresentation, or omission of the recipient, the recipient is liable to pay interest charges at the rate of 5 percent, or the rate IPERS determines, on the outstanding balance, beginning 30 days after the date of notice of the overpayment(s) is provided by IPERS.

b. Overpayments in violation of Iowa Code section 97B.40 or 715A.8. If the overpayment of benefits, other than an overpayment that results from a violation described in subrule 11.7(4) 11.5(2), was the result of wrongdoing, negligence, misrepresentation, or omission of the recipient, the recipient is liable to pay interest charges at the rate of 7 percent on the outstanding balance, beginning on the date of the overpayment(s).

c. Overpayments that result in a judgment. In addition to other remedies, IPERS may file a civil action to recover overpayments, and the interest rate may be set by the court.

11.7(6) 11.7(5) Recovery of overpayment from a deceased recipient. If a recipient dies prior to the full repayment of an erroneous overpayment of benefits, IPERS shall be entitled to apply to the estate of the deceased to recover the remaining balance.

11.7(7) 11.7(6) Offsets against amounts payable. IPERS may, in addition to other remedies and after notice to the recipient, request an offset against amounts owing to the recipient by the state according to the offset procedures pursuant to Iowa Code sections 8A.504 and 421.17.

11.7(8) 11.7(7) Rights of appeal. A recipient who is notified of an overpayment and required to make repayments under this rule may appeal IPERS' determination in writing to the CEO or CEO's designee. The written request must explain the basis of the appeal and must be received by IPERS' office within 30 days of overpayment notice pursuant to 495—Chapter 26.

11.7(9) 11.7(8) Release of overpayment. IPERS may release a recipient from liability to repay an overpayment, in whole or in part, if IPERS determines that the receipt of overpayment is not the fault of the recipient, and that it would be contrary to equity and good conscience to collect the overpayment. No release of an individual recipient's obligation to repay an overpayment shall stand as precedent for release of another recipient's obligation to repay an overpayment.

Item 13. Amend subrule 12.1(2), catchwords, as follows:

12.1(2) Reduction for early retirement for regular class members.

Item 14. Amend subrule 12.1(3), catchwords, as follows:

12.1(3) Early retirement date for regular class members.

Item 15. Rescind subrules 12.1(4) and 12.1(5).

Item 16. Renumber subrules 12.1(6) and 12.1(7) as 12.1(4) and 12.1(5).

Item 17. Amend renumbered subrule 12.1(4) as follows:

12.1(4) Benefit formulas for members retiring on or after July 1, 1994 2012.

a. For each active member retiring on or after July 1, 1994 2012, with four or more complete years of who is vested by service, the monthly benefit will be equal to one-twelfth of an amount equal to 60 percent of the three-year final average covered wage multiplied by a fraction of years of service.

b. For all active and inactive vested members, the monthly retirement allowance shall be determined on the basis of the formula in effect on the date of the member's retirement. If the member takes early retirement, the benefit shall be adjusted as provided in subrule 12.1(2).

c. Effective July 1, 1996, through June 30, 1998, in In addition to the 60 percent multiplier identified above, regular class members who retire with years of service in excess of their "applicable years" 30 years shall have the percentage multiplier increased by 1.25 percent for each quarter of a year in excess of their "applicable years," 30, not to exceed an increase of 5 percent. For regular members, "applicable years" means 30 years; for protection occupation members, "applicable years" means 25 years; for sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and airport firefighters, "applicable years" means 22 years.

d. In addition to the 60 percent multiplier identified above, protection occupation members, sheriffs, and deputy sheriffs who retire with years of service in excess of 22 years shall have the percentage multiplier increased by .375 percent for each quarter of a year in excess of 22, not to exceed an increase of 12 percent.

d. Effective July 1, 1998, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and airport firefighters who retire with years of service in excess of their applicable years shall have their percentage multiplier increased by 1.5 percent for each year in excess of their applicable years, not to exceed an increase of 12 percent.

e. Effective July 1, 2000, the "applicable years" and increases in the percentage multiplier for years in excess of the applicable years for protection occupation members shall be determined under Iowa Code section 97B.49B(1), as set forth in paragraph "f" below.

f. For special service members covered under Iowa Code section 97B.49B, the applicable percentage and applicable years for members retiring on or after July 1, 2000, shall be determined as follows:

(1)For each member retiring on or after July 1, 2000, and before July 1, 2001, 60 percent plus, if applicable, an additional .25 percent for each additional quarter of eligible service beyond 24 years of service (the "applicable years"), not to exceed 6 additional percentage points;

(2)For each member retiring on or after July 1, 2001, and before July 1, 2002, 60 percent plus, if applicable, .25 percent for each additional quarter of eligible service beyond 23 years of service (the "applicable years"), not to exceed a total of 7 additional percentage points;

(3)For each member retiring on or after July 1, 2002, and before July 1, 2003, 60 percent plus, if applicable, .25 percent for each additional quarter of eligible service beyond 22 years of service (the "applicable years"), not to exceed a total of 8 additional percentage points;

(4)For each member retiring on or after July 1, 2003, 60 percent plus, if applicable, an additional .375 percent for each additional quarter of eligible service beyond 22 years of service (the "applicable years"), not to exceed a total of 12 additional percentage points.

(5) e.Regular service does not count as "eligible service" in determining a special service member's applicable percentage.

Item 18. Amend renumbered subrule 12.1(5) as follows:

12.1(5) Average covered wages for special service members and for wages of regular class members prior to July 2012.

a. "Three-year average covered wage" means a member's covered calendar year wages averaged for the highest three years of the member's service. However, if a member's final quarter of a year of employment does not occur at the end of a calendar year, for the member's final year of wages, IPERS may determine the wages for the third year by computing the final quarter or quarters of wages to complete the year. The computed year will be created when the final quarter or quarters reported are combined with a computed average quarter to complete the last year. The value of this average quarter will be computed by selecting the highest covered wage year not used in the computation of the three high years and dividing the covered salary by four quarters. This value will be combined with the final quarter or quarters to complete a full calendar year. If the member's final quarter of wages will reduce the three-year average covered wage, it can be dropped from the computation. However, if the covered wages for that quarter are dropped, the service credit for that quarter will be forfeited as well. If the final quarter is the first quarter of a calendar year, those wages must be used in order to give the member a computed year. The computed year wages shall not exceed the Internal Revenue Service maximum covered wage in effect for that calendar year. Furthermore, for members whose first month of entitlement is January of 1999 or later, the computed year shall not exceed the member's highest actual calendar year of covered wages by more than 3 percent. Effective July 1, 2007, a member's high three-year average wage shall be the greater of (1) the member's high three-year average covered wage based on covered wages reported through June 30, 2007; or (2) the member's high three-year average covered wage after application of the antispiking control as described in paragraph "c" 12.1(5)"b" below.

For members whose first month of entitlement is January 1995 or later, a full third year will be created when the final quarter or quarters reported are combined with a computed average quarter to complete the last year. The value of this average quarter will be computed by selecting the highest covered wage year not used in the computation of the three high years and dividing the covered salary by four quarters. This value will be combined with the final quarter or quarters to complete a full calendar year. If the member's final quarter of wages will reduce the three-year average covered wage, it can be dropped from the computation. However, if the covered wages for that quarter are dropped, the service credit for that quarter will be forfeited as well. If the final quarter is the first quarter of a calendar year, those wages must be used in order to give the member a computed year. The three-year average covered wage cannot exceed the highest maximum covered wages in effect during the member's service.

If the three-year average covered wage of a member who retires on or after January 1, 1997, and before January 1, 2002, exceeds the limits set forth in paragraph "b" below, the longer period specified in paragraph "b" shall be substituted for the three-year averaging period described above. No quarters from the longer averaging period described in paragraph "b" shall be combined with the final quarter or quarters to complete the last year.

b. For the persons retiring during the period beginning January 1, 1997, and ending December 31, 2001, the three-year average covered wage shall be computed as follows:

(1)For a member who retires during the calendar year beginning January 1, 1997, and whose three-year average covered wage at the time of retirement exceeds $48,000, the member's covered wages averaged for the highest four years of the member's service or $48,000, whichever is greater.

(2)For a member who retires during the calendar year beginning January 1, 1998, and whose three-year average covered wage at the time of retirement exceeds $52,000, the member's covered wages averaged for the highest five years of the member's service or $52,000, whichever is greater.

(3)For a member who retires during the calendar year beginning January 1, 1999, and whose three-year average covered wage at the time of retirement exceeds $55,000, the member's covered wages averaged for the highest six years of the member's service or $55,000, whichever is greater.

(4)For a member who retires on or after January 1, 2000, but before January 1, 2001, and whose three-year average covered wage at the time of retirement exceeds $65,000, the member's covered wages averaged for the highest six years of the member's service or $65,000, whichever is greater. For the calendar year beginning January 1, 2001, the six-year wage averaging trigger shall be increased to $75,000.

(5)Effective January 1, 2002, the computation of average covered wages shall be as provided in paragraph 12.1(7)"a."

For purposes of paragraph 12.1(7)"b," the highest years of the member's service shall be determined using calendar years and may be determined using one computed year. The computed year shall be calculated in the manner and subject to the restrictions provided in paragraph 12.1(7)"a."

c. b.Antispiking limit on the growth of a member's high three-year average.

(1) to (6) No change.

d. c.Effective July 1, 2012, a nonvested regular class member's average covered wage shall be the member's five-year average covered wage calculated as provided in Iowa Code section 97B.1A(10A)"a."

e. d.Effective July 1, 2012, for regular class members vested as of June 30, 2012, the member's average covered wage shall be the greater of the member's three-year average covered wage calculated as provided under paragraphs 12.1(7)"a" through "c," 12.1(5)"a" and "b," or the member's five-year average covered wage calculated as provided in Iowa Code section 97B.1A(10A) "a." The "five-year average covered wage" means a member's covered calendar year wages averaged for the highest five years of the member's service. However, in the member's final year of wages, IPERS may determine the wages for the fifth year by computing the final quarter or quarters of wages to complete the year. The computed year wages shall not exceed the Internal Revenue Service maximum covered wage in effect for that calendar year. Furthermore, the computed year shall not exceed the member's highest actual calendar year of covered wages by more than 3 percent. A full fifth year will be created when the final quarter or quarters reported are combined with a computed average quarter to complete the last year. The value of this average quarter will be computed by selecting the highest covered wage year not used in the computation of the five high years and dividing the covered salary by four quarters. This value will be combined with the final quarter or quarters of wages to complete a full calendar year. If the member's final quarter of wages will reduce the five-year average covered wage, it can be dropped from the computation. However, if the covered wages for that quarter are dropped, the service credit for that quarter will be forfeited as well. If the final quarter is the first quarter of a calendar year, those wages must be used in order to give the member a computed year. The five-year average covered wage cannot exceed the highest Internal Revenue Service maximum covered wages in effect during the member's service. In addition, the average five-year salary is restricted to an antispiking limit of 134 percent of the highest sixth year of wages.

Item 19. Amend subrule 12.2(1) as follows:

12.2(1) The initial monthly benefit for the retired member will be calculated utilizing the wages that have been reported as of the member's retirement and subject to the requirements of subrule 12.1(7) 12.1(5). When the final quarter(s) of wages is reported for the retired member, a recalculation of benefits will be performed by IPERS to redetermine the member's benefit amount. In cases where the recalculation determines that the benefit will be changed, the adjustment in benefits will be made retroactive to the first month of entitlement. The wages for the "computed year" shall not exceed the highest covered wage ceiling in effect during the member's period of employment.

Item 20. Rescind rule 495—12.3(97B).

Item 21. Renumber rules 495—12.4(97B) to 495—12.10(97B) as 495—12.3(97B) to 495—12.9(97B).

Item 22. Amend renumbered paragraph 12.3(5)"c" as follows:

c. If the sum of the percentages obtained exceeds the applicable percentage multiplier for that member, the percentage obtained above for each class of service shall be subject to reduction so that the total shall not exceed the member's applicable percentage multiplier in the order specified in paragraph 12.4(3)"c." 12.3(3)"c."

Item 23. Amend renumbered subrule 12.4(1) as follows:

12.4(1) For each member who is vested prior to July 1, 2012, and is retiring prior to July 1, 2012, with less than four complete years of service, not vested by service as defined in Iowa Code section 97B.1A(25)"d," a monthly annuity shall be determined by applying the total reserve member and employer's accumulated contributions as of the effective retirement date (plus any retirement dividends standing to the member's credit on December 31, 1966) to the annuity tables in use by the system according to the member's age (or member's and contingent annuitant's ages, if applicable). If the member's retirement occurs before January 1, 1995, IPERS' revised 6.50 percent tables shall be used. If the member's retirement occurs after December 31, 1994, IPERS' 6.75 percent tables shall be used. If the member's retirement occurs after December 31, 2009, IPERS' 7.50 percent tables shall be used. If the member's retirement occurs after December 31, 2019, IPERS' 7.00 percent tables shall be used.

Item 24. Amend renumbered subrule 12.4(2) as follows:

12.4(2) For each vested member for whom the present value of future benefits under Option 2 is less than the member reserve as of the effective retirement date, a monthly annuity shall be determined by applying the member reserve to the annuity tables in use by the system according to the member's age (or member's and contingent annuitant's ages, if applicable). If the member's retirement occurs before January 1, 1995, IPERS' revised 6.50 percent tables shall be used. If the member's retirement occurs after December 31, 1994, IPERS' 6.75 percent tables shall be used.

Item 25. Rescind renumbered subrule 12.4(3).

Item 26. Renumber subrules 12.4(4) and 12.4(5) as 12.4(3) and 12.4(4).

Item 27. Amend renumbered subrule 12.4(3) as follows:

12.4(3) For calculations under subrule 12.5(1) 12.4(1), Options 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be calculated by dividing the member's total reserve by the applicable Option 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 annuity factor taken from the system's tables to determine the monthly amount. For calculations under subrule 12.5(2) 12.4(2), Options 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be calculated by dividing the member reserve by the applicable Option 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 annuity factor taken from the system's tables to determine the monthly amount.

Item 28. Rescind renumbered subrule 12.4(6).

Item 29. Renumber subrule 12.4(7) as 12.4(5).

Item 30. Rescind renumbered subrule 12.6(1).

Item 31. Renumber subrules 12.6(2) to 12.6(7) as 12.6(1) to 12.6(6).

Item 32. Amend renumbered subrule 12.6(5) as follows:

12.6(5) Limit on reductions. For a member who has substantial noncovered employment, the application of the The level payment choice factors shall not reduce the monthly amount payable to a member at age 62 to less than 50 percent of the monthly amount that would have been payable under IPERS Option 2. Accordingly, payments before age 62 to such members shall be reduced in the same manner, with the corresponding adjustments made to death benefits.

Item 33. Amend renumbered subrule 12.7(1) as follows:

12.7(1) Effective July 1, 1998, the monthly benefit payments for a member under the age of 65 who has a bona fide retirement and is then reemployed in covered employment shall be reduced by 50 cents for each dollar the member earns in excess of the annual limit. Effective July 1, 2002, this reduction is not required until the member earns the amount of remuneration permitted for a calendar year for a person under the age of 65 before a reduction in federal social security retirement benefits is required, or earns $30,000, whichever is greater. The foregoing reduction shall apply only to IPERS benefits payable for the applicable year that the member has reemployment earnings and after the earnings limit has been reached. Said reductions shall be applied as provided in subrule 12.8(2) 12.7(2).

Effective January 1, 1991, this earnings limitation does not apply to covered employment as an elected official. A member aged 65 or older who has completed at least four full calendar months of bona fide retirement and is later reemployed in covered employment shall not be subject to any wage-earning disqualification.

Item 34. Amend renumbered subrule 12.7(2), introductory paragraph, as follows:

12.7(2) Beginning on or after July 1, 1996, the retirement allowance of a member subject to reduction pursuant to subrule 12.8(1) 12.7(1) shall be reduced as follows:

Item 35. Amend renumbered subrule 12.7(4) as follows:

12.7(4) In recomputing a retired member's monthly benefit, IPERS shall use the following assumptions.

a. The member cannot change the option or beneficiary with respect to the reemployment period.

b. If the member would only qualify for a money purchase benefit under rule 495—12.5(97B) 495—12.4(97B) based solely on the period of reemployment, then the money purchase formula shall be used to compute the additional benefit amount due to the reemployment.

c. If the member would qualify for a non-money purchase retirement allowance based solely on the period of reemployment, the benefit formula in effect as of the first month of entitlement (FME) for the reemployment period shall be used. If the FME is July 1998 or later, and the member has more than 30 years of service, including both original and reemployment service, the percentage multiplier for the reemployment period only will be at the applicable percentage (up to 65 percent) for the total years of service.

d. If a period of reemployment would increase the monthly benefit a member is entitled to receive, the member may elect between the increase and a refund of the employee and employer contributions without regard to reemployment FME.

e. If a member previously elected IPERS Option 1, is eligible for an increase in the Option 1 monthly benefits, and elects to receive the increase in the member's monthly benefits, the member's Option 1 death benefit shall also be increased if the investment is at least $1,000. The amount of the increase shall be at least the same percentage of the maximum death benefit permitted with respect to the reemployment as the percentage of the maximum death benefit elected at the member's original retirement. In determining the increase in Option 1 death benefits, IPERS shall round up to the nearest $1,000. For example, if a member's investment for a period of reemployment is $1,900 and the member elected at the member's original retirement to receive 50 percent of the Option 1 maximum death benefit, the death benefit attributable to the reemployment shall be $1,000 (50 percent times $1,900, rounded up to the nearest $1,000). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the member's investment for the period of reemployment is less than $1,000, the benefit formula for a member who originally elected new IPERS Option 1 shall be calculated under IPERS Option 3.

f. A retired reemployed member whose reemployment FME precedes July 1998 shall not be eligible to receive the employer contributions made available to retired reemployed members under Iowa Code section 97B.48A(4) effective July 1, 1998.

g. f.A retired reemployed member who requests a return of the employee and employer contributions made during a period of reemployment cannot repay the distribution and have the service credit for the period of reemployment restored.

h. g.If a retired reemployed member selected IPERS Option 5 at retirement, and after the period of reemployment requests an increase in the member's monthly allowance, at death all remaining guaranteed payments with respect to both periods of employment shall be paid in a commuted lump sum.

i. h.If a retired reemployed member selected IPERS Option 2 (or old IPERS Option 1) at retirement, and after the period of reemployment requests an increase in the member's monthly allowance, at death the member's monthly payments following the increase shall be prorated between the member's two annuities to determine the amount of the member's remaining accumulated contributions that may be paid as a death benefit.

j. i.A retired reemployed member who has attained the age of 70 may take an actuarial equivalent (AE) payment. However, such a member must terminate covered employment for at least 30 days before taking an additional AE payment.

Item 36. Amend renumbered subrule 12.8(3) as follows:

12.8(3) An AE payment under this rule shall be equal to the sum of the member's and employer's accumulated contributions and the retirement dividends standing to the member's credit before December 31, 1966.

Item 37. Amend subrule 13.1(1) as follows:

13.1(1) For IPERS regular class members retiring because of a disability:

a. The member must be awarded federal social security benefits due to a disability which existed on or before the member's first month of entitlement.

b. Effective July 1, 1990, the member may also qualify for the IPERS disability provision by being awarded, and commencing to receive, disability benefits through the federal Railroad Retirement Act, 45 U.S.C. Section 231 et seq., due to a disability which existed at the time of retirement.

c. The period for which up to 36 months of retroactive payments under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2) shall be paid is for up to 36 months preceding the month in which such completed application for IPERS disability is received by IPERS. In no event shall retroactive disability benefits payments under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2) precede the month the member actually receives the member's first social security or railroad retirement disability payment. The member shall provide IPERS with a copy of the Social Security Administration or railroad retirement award letter showing dates of eligibility.

d. Continued qualification monitoring.

(1)For a member retiring due to a disability under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2), on or after July 1, 2009, the member shall provide IPERS with proof of continuing eligibility for federal social security disability benefits or railroad retirement disability benefits by June 30 of each calendar year, in order to continue qualification for IPERS disability benefits.

(2) For a member retiring due to a disability under Iowa Code section 97B.50A, the member shall provide IPERS complete copies of the member's state and federal income tax returns, including all supporting schedules, by June 30 of each calendar year, in order to continue qualification for IPERS disability benefits.

IPERS shall suspend the disability benefits of any member if the records required under these subparagraphs are not timely provided.

(2)The annual certification of continued eligibility for federal social security disability benefits or railroad retirement disability benefits is not required as of the calendar year the member reaches normal retirement age as defined by Iowa Code section 97B.45, or for special service members aged 55, or sheriffs and deputies aged 50 with 22 years of service.

Item 38. Amend subrule 13.1(2) as follows:

13.1(2) If a member returns to covered employment after achieving a bona fide retirement, and is no longer eligible for social security or railroad disability benefits, the benefits being provided to the member under Iowa Code section 97B.50(2)"a" or "b" shall be suspended or reduced as follows. If the member has not attained the age of 55 upon reemployment, benefit payments shall be suspended in their entirety until the member subsequently terminates employment, applies for, and is approved to receive benefits under the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 97B. If the member has attained the age of 55 or older upon reemployment, the member shall continue to receive monthly benefits adjusted as follows. Monthly benefits shall be calculated under the same benefit option that was first selected, based on the member's age, years of service, and the applicable reductions for early retirement as of the month that the member returns to covered employment. The suspension or reduction of benefits for returning to covered employment no longer applies as of the calendar year the member reaches normal retirement age, as defined by Iowa Code section 97B.45, or for special service members aged 55, or sheriffs and deputies aged 50 with 22 years of service. The member's benefit shall also be subject to the applicable provisions of Iowa Code section 97B.48A pertaining to reemployed retired members.

Item 39. Amend subrule 13.2(3) as follows:

13.2(3) Scheduling of appointments. Upon receipt and forwarding of the application and sufficient medical records to the medical board, the disability retirement benefits officer shall establish an appointment for the applicant to be seen by the medical board in Iowa City. The member shall be notified by telephone and in writing of the appointment, and shall be given general instructions about where to go for the examinations. The appointment for the examinations shall be no later than 60 days after the completed application, including sufficient medical records, is provided. All examinations must be scheduled and completed on the same date. The member shall also be notified about the procedures to follow for reimbursement of travel expenses and lodging. Fees for physical examinations and medical records costs shall be paid directly by IPERS pursuant to its contractual arrangements with the medical providers required to implement Iowa Code section 97B.50A.

Item 40. Amend subrule 13.2(8) as follows:

13.2(8) General benefits provisions. Effective July 1, 2000, if an initial disability determination is favorable, benefits shall begin as of the date of the initial disability determination or, if earlier, the member's last day on the payroll, but no more than six months of retroactive benefits are payable, subject to Iowa Code section 97B.50A(13). "Last day on the payroll" shall include any form of authorized leave time, whether paid or unpaid. If a member receives short-term disability benefits from the employer while awaiting a disability determination hereunder, disability benefits will accrue from the date the member's short-term disability payments are discontinued. If an initial favorable determination is appealed, the member shall continue to receive payments pending the outcome of the appeal.

Any member who is awarded disability benefits under Iowa Code section 97B.50A and this rule shall be eligible to elect any of the benefit options available under Iowa Code section 97B.51. All such options shall be the actuarial equivalent of the lifetime monthly benefit provided in Iowa Code section 97B.50A(2) and (3).

The disability benefits established under this subrule shall be eligible for the favorable experience dividends payable under Iowa Code section 97B.49F(2).

If the award of disability benefits is overturned upon appeal, the member may be required to repay the amount already received or, upon retirement, have payments suspended or reduced until the appropriate amount is recovered.

IPERS shall, at the member's written request, precertify a member's medical eligibility through the procedures set forth in subrules 13.2(3) and 13.2(4), provided that IPERS shall have full discretion to request additional medical information and to redetermine the member's medical eligibility if the member chooses not to apply for disability benefits at the time of the precertification. IPERS shall not pay for the costs of more than one such precertification per 12-month period.

Item 41. Amend subrule 13.2(13) as follows:

13.2(13) Reemployment/income monitoring. A member who retires under Iowa Code section 97B.50A and this rule shall be required to supply a copy of a complete set of the member's state and federal income tax returns, including all supporting schedules, by June 30 of each calendar year , in order to continue qualification for IPERS special service disability benefits. IPERS may suspend the benefits of any such member if such records are not timely provided. This subrule does not apply to a member who is at least 55 years of age and would have completed 22 years of service if the member had remained in active special service employment.

Only wages and self-employment income shall be counted in determining a member's reemployment comparison amount, as adjusted for health care coverage for the member and member's dependents.

Item 42. Amend rule 495—14.1(97B) as follows:

495—14.1(97B) Internal Revenue Code limitations. The death benefits payable under Iowa Code sections 97B.51 and 97B.52 shall not exceed the maximum amount possible under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9).

To ensure that the limit is not exceeded, a member's combined lump sum death benefit under Iowa Code sections 97B.52(1) and 97B.52(2) shall not exceed 100 times the Option 2 amount that would have been payable to the member at the member's earliest normal retirement age. If a beneficiary of a special service member is eligible for an in-the-line-of-duty death benefit, any reduction required under this rule shall be taken first from a death benefit payable under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1). The "100 times" limit shall apply to active and inactive members. The death benefits payable under this chapter for a period of reemployment for a retired reemployed member who dies during the period of reemployment shall also be subject to the limits described in this rule.

The maximum claims period for IPERS lump sum death benefits shall not exceed the period required under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9), which may be less than five years for a member who dies after the member's required beginning date, unless the beneficiary is a spouse. The claims period for all cases in which the member's death occurs during the same calendar year in which a claim must be filed under this rule shall end April 1 of the year following the year of the member's death.

A member's beneficiary or heir may file a claim for previously forfeited death benefits. Interest, if any, for periods prior to the date of the claim will only be credited through the quarter that the death benefit was required to be forfeited by law. Interest for periods following the quarter of forfeiture will accrue beginning with the quarter that the claim for reinstatement is received by IPERS. For death benefits required to be forfeited in order to satisfy Section 401(a)(9) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, in no event will the forfeiture date precede January 1, 1988. IPERS shall not be liable for any excise taxes imposed by the Internal Revenue Service on reinstated death benefits.

Effective January 14, 2004, all claims for a previously forfeited death benefit shall be processed under the procedure set forth at rule 495—14.13(97B) 495—14.6(97B).

The system recognizes the validity of same gender marriages executed in Iowa on or after April 27, 2009, if the domestic relations order or other assignment otherwise meets the system's minimum requirements for such orders; the system shall modify the tax treatment of distributions under such orders as required by the federal laws governing such distributions. IPERS shall adopt such rules and procedures as are deemed necessary to fully implement the provisions of this rule. The Iowa Supreme Court decision recognizing same gender marriages in Iowa specifically states that this recognition does not extend to same gender marriages of other states. The system recognizes the validity of same gender marriages based on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in United States v.Windsor, 133 S.Ct.2675 (2013) and the direction of Rev.Rul.2013-17 and IRS Notice 2014-19. IPERS shall recognize the federal tax treatment of distributions as required by the sources listed in this paragraph.

Item 43. Amend subrule 14.3(1) as follows:

14.3(1) Designation of beneficiaries. To designate a beneficiary, the member must complete an IPERS designation of beneficiary form, which must be filed with IPERS. Members may also designate their beneficiary through the IPERS website. The designation of a beneficiary by a retiring member on the application for monthly benefits revokes all prior designation of beneficiary forms. IPERS may consider as valid a designation of beneficiary form filed with the member's employer prior to the death of the member, even if that form was not forwarded to IPERS prior to the member's death. If a retired member is reemployed in covered employment, the most recently filed beneficiary form shall govern the payment of all death benefits for all periods of employment. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, a reemployed IPERS Option 4 or 6 retired member may name someone other than the member's contingent annuitant as beneficiary, but only for lump sum death benefits accrued during the period of reemployment and only if the contingent annuitant has died or has been divorced from the member before or during the period of reemployment unless a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) directs otherwise. If a reemployed IPERS Option 4 or 6 retired member dies without filing a new beneficiary form, the death benefits accrued for the period of reemployment shall be paid to the member's contingent annuitant, unless the contingent annuitant has died or been divorced from the member. If the contingent annuitant has been divorced from the member, any portion of the lump sum death benefits awarded in a QDRO shall be paid to the contingent annuitant as alternate payee, and the remainder of the lump sum death benefits shall be paid to the member's estate or, if applicable, to the member's heirs if no estate is probated.

Item 44. Amend subrule 14.3(3) as follows:

14.3(3) Change of beneficiary. The beneficiary may be changed by the member by filing a new designation of beneficiary form with IPERS. Members may also change their beneficiary through the IPERS website. The latest dated designation of beneficiary form on file shall determine the identity of the beneficiary. Payment of a refund to a terminated member cancels the designation of beneficiary on file with IPERS.

Item 45. Amend rule 495—14.4(97B) as follows:

495—14.4(97B) Applications for death benefits. Before death benefit payments can be made, application in writing must be submitted to IPERS with a copy of the member's death certificate, or if a death certificate cannot be obtained, IPERS may rely on such resources as it has available, including but not limited to records from the Social Security Administration, bureau of health statistics, IPERS' own internal records, or reports derived from other public records, and other departmental or governmental records to which IPERS may have access together with information establishing the claimant's right to payment. A named beneficiary must complete an IPERS application for death benefits based on the deceased member's account. If the claimant's claim is based on dissolution of marriage that revoked the IPERS beneficiary designation, the claim must be processed pursuant to rule 495—14.17(97B) 495—14.16(97B).

Item 46. Amend rule 495—14.6(97B) as follows:

495—14.6(97B) Payment of the death benefit when no designation of beneficiary or an invalid designation of beneficiary form is on file. When no designation of beneficiary or an invalid designation of beneficiary form is on file with IPERS, payment shall be made in one of the following ways.

14.6(1) Where the estate is open, payment shall be made to the administrator or executor where said executor or administrator shall be duly appointed and serving under Iowa Code chapter 633 or 635.

14.6(2) Where no estate is probated or the estate is closed prior to the filing with IPERS of an application for death benefits, payment will be made to the surviving spouse. The following documents shall be presented as supporting evidence: in accordance with the intestacy laws of the state of Iowa. If someone other than those identified pursuant to the intestacy laws of the state of Iowa claims entitlement to a death benefit, an estate must be opened and the death benefit shall be payable to the administrator or executor of the estate.

a. Copy of the will, if any;

b. Copy of any letters of appointment; and

c. Copy of the court order closing the estate and discharging the executor or administrator.

14.6(3) Where no estate is probated or the estate is closed prior to the filing with IPERS of an application for death benefits and there is no surviving spouse, payment will be made to the heirs-at-law as determined by the intestacy laws of the state of Iowa.

14.6(4) Where a trustee has been named as designated beneficiary and is not willing to accept the death benefit or otherwise serve as trustee, IPERS may apply but is not required to apply to the applicable district court for an order to distribute the funds to the clerk of court on behalf of the beneficiaries of the member's trust. Upon the issuance of an order and the giving of such notice as the court prescribes, IPERS may deposit the death benefit with the clerk of court for distribution. IPERS shall be discharged from all liability upon deposit with the clerk of court.

Item 47. Rescind rule 495—14.12(97B) and adopt the following new rule in lieu thereof:

495—14.12(97B) Preretirement death benefits.

14.12(1) Death prior to first month of entitlement. Where an active member, or an inactive member vested by service, dies prior to the first month of entitlement, the lump sum death benefit shall be the greater of the amount provided in subrule 14.12(3) or 14.12(4). Sole beneficiaries may elect, in lieu of the lump sum amount, to receive a single life annuity that is the actuarial equivalent of such lump sum amount. Where an inactive member, not vested by service, dies prior to the first month of entitlement, the lump sum death benefit shall be as provided in subrule 14.12(7).

14.12(2) Death benefits under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1).

a. Definitions.

"Accrued benefit" means the monthly amount that would have been payable to the deceased member under IPERS Option 2 at the member's earliest normal retirement age, based on the member's covered wages and service credits at the date of death. If a deceased member's wage record consists of a combination of regular and special service credits, the monthly amount that would have been payable to the deceased member under Option 2 at the member's earliest normal retirement age shall be determined separately for regular and special service credits, and then combined.

"Nearest age" means a member's or beneficiary's age expressed in whole years, after rounding for partial years of age. Ages shall be rounded down to the nearest whole year if less than six complete months have passed following the month of the member's or beneficiary's last birthday, and shall be rounded up if six complete months or more have passed following the month of the member's or beneficiary's last birthday.

b. Process for applying.

(1)A claim for a single life annuity under this subrule must be filed as follows:

1.A nonspouse beneficiary must file a claim for a single life annuity within 12 months of the member's death.

2.A beneficiary who is a surviving spouse must file a claim for a single life annuity within 12 months of the member's death, or by the date that the member would have attained the age of 72, whichever period is later.

(2)Elections to receive the lump sum amount or single life annuity shall be irrevocable once the first payment is made.

(3)No further benefits will be payable following the death of any beneficiary who qualifies and elects to receive the single life annuity provided under this subrule.

(4)The provisions of this subrule shall not apply to members who died before January 1, 2001.

14.12(3) Accumulated contributions lump sum benefit. An accumulated contribution lump sum death benefit is equal to the accumulated contributions of the member plus the product of an amount equal to the highest year of covered wages of the deceased member and the number of years of membership service divided by the "applicable denominator," as provided in Iowa Code section 97B.52(1)"a." The calculation of the highest year of covered wages shall use the highest calendar year of covered wages reported to IPERS.

14.12(4) Present value lump sum. A lump sum death benefit equal to the present value of the member's accrued benefit is calculated as follows:

a. IPERS shall calculate a member's retirement benefit at earliest normal retirement age under IPERS Option 2, based on the member's covered wages and service credits at the date of death and the retirement benefit formula in effect in the month following the date of death.

b. For purposes of determining the "member date of death annuity factor" under the conversion tables supplied by IPERS' actuary, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the member's nearest age at the member's date of death.

c. For purposes of determining the "member unreduced retirement annuity factor" under the conversion tables supplied by IPERS' actuary, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the member's nearest age at the member's earliest normal retirement date. If a member had already attained the member's earliest normal retirement date, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the member's nearest age at the date of death.

14.12(5) Single life annuity benefit. Procedures and assumptions for converting the actuarial equivalent of a lump sum death benefit to a single life annuity are as follows:

a. For purposes of determining the "age of beneficiary annuity factor" under the conversion tables supplied by IPERS' actuary, IPERS shall assume that "age" means the beneficiary's nearest age as of the beneficiary's first month of entitlement.

b. A beneficiary's first month of entitlement is the month after the date of the member's death.

c. Effective for claims filed after June 30, 2004, no retroactive payments of the single life annuity shall be made under this subrule.

d. Effective for claims filed after June 30, 2004, the beneficiary whose single life annuity is less than $600 per year shall be able to receive only the lump sum payment under this rule.

e. Any sole beneficiary who is eligible for and elects to receive a single life annuity under this subrule shall also qualify for the favorable experience dividend (FED) payments authorized under rule 495—15.2(97B), subject to the requirements of that rule.

14.12(6) Retired reemployed members and aged 70 members who retire without terminating employment. Preretirement death benefits for retired reemployed members and aged 70 members who retire without terminating employment shall be calculated as follows:

a. For beneficiaries of such members who elect IPERS Option 4 or 6 at retirement, IPERS shall recompute (for retired reemployed members) or recalculate/recompute (for aged 70 members who retired without terminating employment) the member's monthly benefits as though the member had elected to terminate employment as of the date of death, to have the member's benefits adjusted for postretirement wages, and then lived into the recomputation or recalculation/recomputation (as applicable) first month of entitlement.

b. The recomputation provided under paragraph 14.12(6)"a" shall apply only to beneficiaries of members who elected IPERS Option 4 or 6, where the member's monthly benefit would have been increased by the period of reemployment, and is subject to the limitations of Iowa Code sections 97B.48A, 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, and 97B.49G. The recalculation/recomputations provided under paragraph 14.12(6)"a" shall apply only to beneficiaries of members who elected IPERS Option 4 or 6, where the member's monthly benefit would have been increased by the period of employment after the initial retirement, and is subject to the limitations of Iowa Code sections 97B.49A, 97B.49B, 97B.49C, 97B.49D, and 97B.49G. In all other cases, including cases where members previously received a lump sum payment under Iowa Code section 97B.48(1) in lieu of a monthly retirement allowance, preretirement death benefits under this paragraph shall be the lump sum amount equal to the accumulated employee and accumulated employer contributions.

c. Beneficiaries of members who had elected IPERS Option 4 or 6 may also elect to receive the accumulated employer and accumulated employee contributions described in paragraph 14.12(6)"b" in lieu of the increased monthly annuity amount. Notwithstanding paragraph 14.12(6)"b" above, if the member elected IPERS Option 5 at retirement, the lump sum amount payable under this paragraph shall be the greater of the applicable commuted lump sum or the accumulated employee and accumulated employer contributions.

14.12(7) Inactive member, not vested by service death benefit.

a. For deaths occurring after June 30, 2004, and before July 1, 2012, for inactive members who have less than 16 quarters of service credit, preretirement death benefits shall be provided solely under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1)"a," and shall only be payable in lump sum amounts. For purposes of this paragraph, an inactive member is a member as defined under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(12).

b. For deaths occurring after June 30, 2012, preretirement death benefits shall be provided solely under Iowa Code section 97B.52(1)"a" and shall only be payable in lump sum amounts for inactive members who are not vested by service. For purposes of this paragraph, an inactive member is a member as defined under Iowa Code section 97B.1A(12).

Item 48. Rescind rule 495—14.13(97B).

Item 49. Renumber rules 495—14.14(97B) to 495—14.17(97B) as 495—14.13(97B) to 495—14.16(97B).

Item 50. Amend renumbered rule 495—14.16(97B) as follows:

495—14.16(97B) Beneficiary revocation pursuant to Iowa Code section 598.20B, dissolution of marriage. IPERS is not liable for the payment of death benefits to a beneficiary pursuant to a beneficiary designation that has been revoked or reinstated by a divorce, annulment, or remarriage before IPERS receives the written notice set forth in subrule 14.17(1) 14.16(1). Furthermore, IPERS shall only be liable for payments made after receipt of such written notice if the written notice is received at least ten calendar days prior to the payment.

14.16(1) and 14.16(2) No change.

14.16(3) Administration. Upon receipt of written notice that meets the requirements of subrules 14.17(1) 14.16(1) and 14.17(2) 14.16(2):

a. to d. No change.

14.16(4) No change.

Item 51. Amend rule 495—20.1(97B) as follows:

495—20.1(97B) Recognition of agents.

20.1(1) Recognition of agents in general. When a member or beneficiary desires to be represented by an agent before the system, the member or beneficiary shall designate in writing, using a power of attorney form or other acceptable legal form, the name of a representative and the nature of the business the representative is authorized to transact. Other acceptable legal form can be a guardianship, conservatorship, other similar court order that appoints an agent to act upon behalf of a member or beneficiary, or social security representative payee documents for the individual so designated. An agent can be an institution or facility acting upon the member's or beneficiary's behalf. Such designation on the part of the member or beneficiary shall constitute for IPERS sufficient proof of the acceptability of the individual to serve as the member's or beneficiary's agent.

20.1(2) Payment to members or beneficiaries with a recognized agent. When it appears that the interest of a member or beneficiary would be served, IPERS may recognize an agent to represent the member or beneficiary in the transaction of the affairs with IPERS. Recognition may be obtained through the filing with IPERS of a copy of the guardianship, trusteeship, power of attorney, conservatorship, other similar court order which appoints an agent to act upon behalf of a member or beneficiary, or social security representative payee documents by the individual so designated. Such persons agents have all the rights and obligations of the member or beneficiary unless the document creating the agency relationship limits this authority as it pertains to the system. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the foregoing representatives no agent shall have the right to name the representative agent as the member's or beneficiary's beneficiary unless approved to do so by a court having jurisdiction of the matter, or unless expressly authorized to do so in a power of attorney executed by the member or beneficiary.

20.1(3) Revocation or suspension of power of attorney. Any person serving as an agent by power of attorney under this rule can have the agency relationship rescinded by the member or beneficiary by notifying IPERS verbally or in writing. A power of attorney shall be suspended and given no effect when the system receives written proof of the appointment of a guardian, conservator, or court order that appoints an agent to act upon behalf of the member or beneficiary. The power of attorney shall be reinstated when the system receives written proof that a guardianship, conservatorship, or court order appointing an agent no longer exists, has expired, or is invalid.

20.1(4) Revocation of other representative agents. Any person , institution, or facility serving as a representative an agent under a guardianship , or conservatorship , or social security representative payee may not be have its agency relationship revoked unless by court order or notice from the social security administration in writing.

20.1(5) Social security representative payees. The system shall accept the federal social security administration's appointment of a person, facility, or institution to act upon a member's or beneficiary's behalf only with regard to the deposit of system benefits. The appointment of a person, facility, or institution by the federal social security administration shall be suspended and given no effect when the system receives written proof of the appointment of a guardian, conservator, or court order that appoints an agent to act upon behalf of the member or beneficiary. A power of attorney or court order will take precedence over the federal social security administration's appointment of a person, facility, or institution to act upon a member's or beneficiary's behalf.

20.1(6) Agent standards. A person, facility, or institution serving in the capacity of an agent shall act in the best interests of the member or beneficiary. Payments made to the agent on behalf of the member or beneficiary will be used for the direct benefit of the member or beneficiary. The failure to serve in the best interests of the member or beneficiary will cause discontinuance of the agency relationship and may serve as the basis for legal action by IPERS, the member, or the beneficiary.

Item 52. Rescind and reserve rule 495—20.2(97B).

[Filed 3/20/20, effective 5/13/20]

[Published 4/8/20]

Editor's Note: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 4/8/20.

Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System

Providing retirement security to Iowans who dedicate their careers to public service.

Official Document

  • Contribution rates; retirement benefits; disability; death benefits and beneficiaries; recognition of agents, amendments to chs 4, 11 to 14, 20
  • Published on 4/8/2020
  • Adopted and Filed

The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.

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View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 4/8/2020.

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Accumulated contributions lump sum benefit Additional FME provisions Administration Agent standards Applications for death benefits Average covered wages Benefit formulas for members retiring on or after July 1, 1994 Benefit formulas for members retiring on or after July 1, 2012 Bona fide refund Bona fide retirement—general Change of beneficiary Death benefits under Iowa Code section 97B52(1) Death prior to first month of entitlement Definitions Delivery of notice Designation of beneficiaries Early retirement date Early retirement datefor regular class members Form of notice General General benefits provisions Inactive member, not vested by service death benefit Interest charges Internal Revenue Code limitations Limit on reductions Offsets against amounts payable Overpayment made to a person other than a retired member Overpayment made to a retired member Overpayment not fraudulent Overpayment of IPERS benefits Overpayments in violation of Iowa Code section 97B40 or 715A8 Overpayments that result in a judgment Overpayments—general Payment to members or beneficiaries with a recognized agent Preretirement death benefits Present value lump sum Process for applying Recognition of agents Recognition of agents in general Recovery of overpayment from a deceased recipient Reduction for early retirement Reduction for early retirementfor regular class members Reemployment/income monitoring Release of claims Release of overpayment Revocation of other representative agents Revocation of power of attorney Revocationor suspension of power of attorney Rights of appeal Scheduling of appointments Single life annuity benefit Social security representative payees
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