Notice of Intended Action

Licensure, amendments to chs 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27

Untitled document

ARC 5665C


Notice of Intended Action

Proposing rule making related to teacher and administrator licensure and providing an opportunity for public comment

The Educational Examiners Board hereby proposes to amend Chapter 13, "Issuance of Teacher Licenses and Endorsements," Chapter 15, "Special Education Support Personnel Authorizations," Chapter 16, "Statements of Professional Recognition (SPR)," Chapter 18, "Issuance of Administrator Licenses and Endorsements," Chapter 20, "Renewals," Chapter 22, "Authorizations," Chapter 24, "Paraeducator Certificates," and Chapter 27, "Issuance of Professional Service Licenses," Iowa Administrative Code.

Legal Authority for Rule Making

This rule making is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 272.2.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rule making implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 272.2.

Purpose and Summary

The United States Department of Education has recently changed accreditation language to include a broader scope, and these proposed amendments reflect the changes.

Fiscal Impact

This rule making has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rule making, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rule making would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 282—Chapter 6.

Public Comment

Any interested person may submit written comments concerning this proposed rule making. Written comments in response to this rule making must be received by the Board no later than 4:30 p.m. on June 23, 2021. Comments should be directed to:

Kimberly Cunningham

Board of Educational Examiners

701 East Court Avenue, Suite A

Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0147

Fax: 515.281.7669


Public Hearing

A public hearing at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows:

June 23, 2021

1 p.m.

Board Room

701 East Court Avenue, Suite A

Des Moines, Iowa

Persons who wish to make oral comments at the public hearing may be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rule making.

Any persons who intend to attend the public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Board and advise of specific needs.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rule making by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rule making at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

The following rule-making actions are proposed:

Item 1. Amend rule 282—13.1(272) as follows:

282—13.1(272) All applicants desiring Iowa licensure.

13.1(1) Definitions.

"Coursework" means requirements completed for semester hour credit through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Degree" means a specific qualification earned by a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Nontraditional" means any method of teacher preparation that falls outside the traditional method of preparing teachers.

"Proficiency," for the purposes of paragraph 13.5(2)"e," means that an applicant has passed all parts of the standard.

"Recognized non-Iowa teacher preparation institution" means an institution that is state-approved and accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

"State-approved" means a program for teacher preparation approved for state licensure.

"Traditional" means a one- or two-year sequenced teacher preparation program of instruction taught at a state-approved college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education that includes commonly recognized pedagogy classes coursework and requires a student teaching component.

13.1(1) 13.1(2) Licenses, authorizations, certificates, and statements of professional recognition. Licenses, authorizations, certificates, and statements of professional recognition are issued upon application filed on a form provided by the board of educational examiners and upon completion of the following:

a. National criminal history background check. An initial applicant will be required to submit a completed fingerprint packet that accompanies the application to facilitate a national criminal history background check. The fee for the evaluation of the fingerprint packet will be assessed to the applicant.

b. Iowa division of criminal investigation background check. An Iowa division of criminal investigation (DCI) background check will be conducted on initial applicants. The fee for the evaluation of the DCI background check will be assessed to the applicant.

c. Registries and records check. A check of the following registries and records will be conducted on initial applicants: the sex offender registry under Iowa Code section 692A.121, the central registry for child abuse information established under Iowa Code chapter 235A, the central registry for dependent adult abuse information maintained under Iowa Code chapter 235B, and the information in the Iowa court information system available to the general public. The fee for checks of these registries and records will be assessed to the applicant.

13.1(2) 13.1(3) Temporary permits. The executive director may issue a temporary permit to an applicant for any type of license, certification, or authorization issued by the board, after receipt of a fully completed application; determination that the applicant meets all applicable prerequisites for issuance of the license, certification, or authorization; and satisfactory evaluation of the Iowa criminal history background check and registries and records check set forth in paragraphs 13.1(1)"b" and "c." The temporary permit shall serve as evidence of the applicant's authorization to hold a position in Iowa schools, pending the satisfactory completion of the national criminal history background check. The temporary permit shall expire upon issuance of the requested license, certification, or authorization or 90 days from the date of issuance of the permit, whichever occurs first, unless the temporary permit is extended upon a finding of good cause by the executive director.

Item 2. Amend paragraph 13.5(1)"a" as follows:

a. Have a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Item 3. Amend subrule 13.5(2) as follows:

13.5(2) Applicants from non-Iowa institutions.

a. Definitions Original application.

"Nontraditional" means any method of teacher preparation that falls outside the traditional method of preparing teachers, that provides at least a one- or two-year sequenced program of instruction taught at regionally accredited and state-approved colleges or universities, that includes commonly recognized pedagogy classes being taught for course credit, and that requires a student teaching component.

"Proficiency," for the purposes of paragraph 13.5(2)"e," means that an applicant has passed all parts of the standard.

"Recognized non-Iowa teacher preparation institution" means an institution that is state-approved and is accredited by the regional accrediting agency for the territory in which the institution is located. Applicants under this subrule have completed a teacher preparation program outside the state of Iowa and are applying for their first Iowa teaching license.

b. and c. No change.

d. If the teacher preparation program was considered nontraditional, candidates will be asked to verify the following:

(1)That the program was for secondary education;

(2)A baccalaureate degree with a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale from a regionally accredited institution; and

(3)The completion of a student teaching or internship experience or three years of teaching experience.

e. to g. No change.

Item 4. Amend rule 282—13.8(272) as follows:

282—13.8(272) Specific requirements for a master educator's license. A master educator's license is valid for five years and may be issued to an applicant who:

1.Is the holder of or is eligible for a standard license as set out in rule 282—13.7(272), and

2.Verifies five years of successful teaching experience, and

3.Completes one of the following options:

Master's degree from a regionally accredited college or university in a recognized endorsement area, or

Master's degree from a regionally accredited college or university in curriculum, effective teaching, or a similar degree program which has a focus on school curriculum or instruction.

Item 5. Amend subparagraph 13.17(1)"a"(1) as follows:

(1)The applicant has met the minimum coursework requirements for licensure but has some coursework deficiencies. Any coursework deficiencies must be completed for college credit through a regionally accredited institution, with the exception of human relations which may be taken for licensure renewal credit through an approved provider.

Item 6. Amend subparagraph 13.17(3)"b"(1) as follows:

(1)The applicant has completed a baccalaureate degree and a traditional state-approved teacher preparation program at a regionally accredited and state-approved two- or four-year college.

Item 7. Amend subparagraph 13.28(32)"c"(2) as follows:

(2)Program requirements.

1.The applicant must have met the requirements for a standard Iowa teaching license and a teaching endorsement in mathematics, science, engineering, industrial technology, or agriculture.

2.The applicant must hold a master's degree from a regionally accredited institution. The master's degree must be in math, science, engineering or technology or another area with at least 12 hours of college-level science and at least 12 hours of college-level math (or completion of Calculus I) to include coursework in computer programming.

Item 8. Amend subrule 15.1(2) as follows:

15.1(2) The orientation and mobility specialist license is based on school-centered preparation, but the sequence of coursework does not permit service as a teacher. Licensure procedures, requirements, and definitions are set out in 282—Chapter 13.

Item 9. Adopt the following new subrule 16.1(3):

16.1(3) Degrees. Degrees must be from a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 10. Amend rule 282—18.1(272) as follows:

282—18.1(272) All applicants desiring an Iowa administrator license.

18.1(1) Definitions.

"Coursework" means requirements completed for semester hour credit through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Degree" means a specific qualification earned through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Recognized non-Iowa institution" means an institution that is state-approved and is accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

"State-approved" means a program for administrator preparation approved for state licensure.

18.1(1) 18.1(2) Administrator licenses. Administrator licenses are issued upon application filed on a form provided by the board of educational examiners and upon completion of the background check requirements set forth in rule 282—13.1(272).

18.1(2) 18.1(3) Temporary permits. The executive director may issue a temporary permit to an applicant for any type of license, certification, or authorization issued by the board, after receipt of a fully completed application; determination that the applicant meets all applicable prerequisites for issuance of the license, certification, or authorization; and satisfactory evaluation of the Iowa criminal history background check and registries and records check set forth in 282—paragraphs 13.1(1)"b" and "c." The temporary permit shall serve as evidence of the applicant's authorization to hold a position in Iowa schools, pending the satisfactory completion of the national criminal history background check. The temporary permit shall expire upon issuance of the requested license, certification, or authorization or 90 days from the date of issuance of the permit, whichever occurs first, unless the temporary permit is extended upon a finding of good cause by the executive director.

Item 11. Amend rule 282—18.6(272) as follows:

282—18.6(272) Specific requirements for an administrator prepared out of state. An applicant seeking Iowa licensure who completes an administrator preparation program from a recognized non-Iowa institution shall verify the requirements of rules 282—18.1(272) and 282—18.4(272) through traditional course-based preparation program and a transcript review. A recognized non-Iowa administrator preparation institution is one that is state-approved and is accredited by the regional accrediting agency for the territory in which the institution is located. Applicants must hold and submit a copy of a valid or expired regular administrator certificate or license in another state, exclusive of a temporary, emergency or substitute license or certificate.

18.6(1) Administrator exchange license. A one-year nonrenewable administrator exchange license may be issued to an individual who has not met any of the following requirements:

a. Endorsement requirements. The applicant has not completed a minimum of 75 percent of the coursework for the PK-12 principal and PK-12 supervisor of special education endorsement, and any additional administrator endorsements desired Has met a minimum of 75 percent of the coursework requirements for administrative licensure but has some coursework deficiencies.

b. Regular administrator certificate or license in the state in which the preparation was completed. The applicant is Is eligible for and has applied for a regular valid and current out-of-state administrator certificate or license in the state in which the preparation was completed but has not yet received the certificate or license and is waiting for the processing of the license.

c. Approved evaluator training requirement. The applicant has Has not completed the approved evaluator training requirement.

18.6(2) Conversion. Each applicant who receives the one-year administrator exchange license must complete any identified licensure coursework deficiencies in order to be eligible for an initial administrator license or a professional administrator license in Iowa. Any coursework deficiencies must be completed for college credit through a regionally accredited institution, with the exception of the human relations component which may be taken for licensure renewal credit through an approved provider.

18.6(3) and 18.6(4) No change.

Item 12. Amend rule 282—20.1(272) as follows:

282—20.1(272) General renewal information. This chapter contains renewal requirements for those individuals desiring to renew the initial, standard, master educator, professional administrator, area education agency administrator, or substitute license or a statement of professional recognition (SPR). Individuals desiring to renew a license issued under some other title are referred to 282—Chapters 22, 23, and 24.

Item 13. Adopt the following new subrule 20.3(7):

20.3(7) College or university degrees and credit. Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 14. Amend subrule 20.5(2) as follows:

20.5(2) Six units are needed for renewal. These units may be earned in any combination listed as follows:

a. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which leads toward the completion of a planned master's, specialist's, or doctor's degree program.

b. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate or undergraduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which adds greater depth/breadth to present endorsements held.

c. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which leads to completion of requirements for an endorsement not currently held.

d. to f. No change.

Item 15. Amend subrule 20.6(2) as follows:

20.6(2) Four units are needed for renewal. For an applicant who also holds a specialist's or doctor's degree, two units are needed for renewal. These units may be earned in any combination listed below:

a. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which leads toward the completion of a planned master's, specialist's, or doctor's degree program.

b. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate or undergraduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which adds greater depth/breadth to present endorsements held.

c. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which leads to completion of requirements for an endorsement not currently held.

d. to f. No change.

Item 16. Amend rule 282—20.7(272) as follows:

282—20.7(272) Specific renewal requirements for a substitute license. In addition to the provisions set forth in this rule, an applicant must meet the general requirements set forth under rule 282—20.3(272). An applicant for renewal of a substitute license shall meet one of the requirements listed below:

1.Verification of at least 30 days of substitute teaching during the term of the license or one year of teaching experience within the last five years completed during the term of a valid Iowa teaching license.

2.Completion of a local education agency or area education agency course one licensure renewal credit approved through licensure renewal guidelines established by the board of educational examiners.

3.Completion of one semester hour of credit taken from a community college, college, or university.

Item 17. Amend subrule 20.9(2) as follows:

20.9(2) Four units are needed for renewal. For an applicant who also holds a specialist's or doctor's degree, two units are needed for renewal. These units may be earned in any combination listed below:

a. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which leads toward the completion of a planned specialist's or doctor's degree program.

b. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate or undergraduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which adds greater depth/breadth to present endorsements held.

c. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which leads to completion of requirements for an administrator endorsement not currently held.

d. and e. No change.

Item 18. Amend paragraph 22.1(2)"a," introductory paragraph, as follows:

a. Credit hours Content requirements. Requirements completed for semester hour credit must be through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Applicants must complete credit hours in the following areas content requirements:

Item 19. Amend subrule 22.2(1) as follows:

22.2(1) Application process. Any person interested in the substitute authorization shall submit records of credit to the board of educational examiners for an evaluation in terms of the required courses or contact hours. Application materials are available from the office of the board of educational examiners, online at or from institutions or agencies offering approved courses or contact hours. Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

a. Requirements. Applicants for the substitute authorization shall meet the following requirements:

(1)No change.

(2)Degree or certificate. Applicants must have achieved a minimum of an associate's degree or 60 semester hours of college coursework from a regionally accredited institution.

(3) and (4) No change.

b. to d. No change.

Item 20. Amend subrule 22.3(3) as follows:

22.3(3) Application process. Any person interested in the school business official authorization shall submit records of credit to the board of educational examiners for an evaluation in terms of the required courses or contact hours. Application materials are available from the office of the board of educational examiners, online at, or from institutions or agencies offering approved courses or contact hours. Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 21. Amend paragraph 22.5(3)"a" as follows:

a. The applicant must have completed a baccalaureate degree through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 22. Amend subrule 22.9(2) as follows:

22.9(2) Application process. Any person interested in the career and technical secondary authorization shall submit the application to the board of educational examiners for an evaluation. Application materials are available from the office of the board of educational examiners online at Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 23. Amend subparagraph 22.9(3)"e"(1) as follows:

(1)Applicants must commit to complete the following requirements within the term of the initial authorization. Coursework must be completed for college semester hour credit from a regionally accredited institution.

1.Coursework in the methods and techniques of career and technical education.

2.Coursework in course and curriculum development.

3.Coursework in the measurement and evaluation of programs and students.

4.An approved human relations course.

5.Coursework in the instruction of exceptional learners to include the education of individuals with disabilities and the gifted and talented.

Item 24. Amend subrule 22.10(1) as follows:

22.10(1) Application process. Any person interested in the activities administration authorization shall submit an application and records of credit to the board of educational examiners for an evaluation of the required courses or contact hours. Application materials are available from the office of the board of educational examiners online at Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

a. Requirements. Applicants for the activities administration authorization shall meet the following requirements:

(1)Degree. A baccalaureate degree or higher in athletic administration or related field from a regionally accredited institution is required.

(2)No change.

b. and c. No change.

Item 25. Amend subrule 22.10(3) as follows:

22.10(3) Renewal.

a. The authorization may be renewed upon application and verification of successful completion of the following renewal activities:

(1)Applicants for renewal of an activities administration authorization must complete one of the following professional development options:

1.Document attendance at one state IHSADA convention and one LTI course relating to the knowledge and understanding of professional ethics and legal responsibilities of activities administrators.

2.Complete three LTI courses.

3.Complete 2 semester hours of college credit from a regionally accredited institution.

4.Complete 2 licensure renewal credits from an approved provider.

(2)Applicants for renewal of an activities authorization must complete child and dependent adult abuse training as stated in 282—subrule 20.3(4).

b. No change.

Item 26. Amend subrule 22.12(2) as follows:

22.12(2) Initial orientation and mobility authorization. The initial authorization is valid for three years. Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. An applicant must:

a. Hold a baccalaureate or master's degree from an approved state and regionally accredited program in orientation and mobility or equivalent coursework.

b. to f. No change.

Item 27. Amend subrule 22.12(4) as follows:

22.12(4) Renewal of orientation and mobility license. Renewal requirements for the career and technical secondary authorization. Applicants must meet the renewal requirements set forth in rule 282—20.3(272) and 282—subrule 20.5(2).

Item 28. Amend subrule 24.5(2) as follows:

24.5(2) Possess an associate's degree or have earned 62 semester hours of college coursework from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Degrees and semester hour credits shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 29. Amend rule 282—27.1(272) as follows:

282—27.1(272) Professional service license. A professional service licensee is an individual prepared to provide professional services in Iowa schools but whose preparation has not required completion of the teacher preparation coursework set forth in rule 281—79.15(256). Degrees and coursework shall be completed through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The professional service license may be issued in the following areas but does not permit service as a teacher:

1.School counselor.

2.School psychologist.

3.Speech-language pathologist.

4.Supervisor of special education (support).

5.Director of special education of an area education agency.

6.School social worker.

7.School audiologist.

Item 30. Amend subrule 27.2(1) as follows:

27.2(1) Initial professional service license. An initial professional service license valid for a minimum of two years with an expiration date of June 30 may be issued to an applicant for licensure to serve as a school audiologist, school psychologist, school social worker, speech-language pathologist, supervisor of special education (support), director of special education of an area education agency, or school counselor who:

a. Has a master's degree in a recognized professional educational service area from a regionally accredited institution.

b. to e. No change.

Item 31. Amend subrule 27.2(5) as follows:

27.2(5) Class G license. A nonrenewable Class G license valid for one year may be issued to an individual who must complete a school counseling practicum or internship in an approved program in preparation for the professional school counselor endorsement. The Class G license may be issued under the following limited conditions:

a. Verification of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution.

b. Verification from the institution that the individual is admitted and enrolled in a school counseling program.

c. Verification that the individual has completed the coursework and competencies required prior to the practicum or internship.

d. Written documentation of the requirements listed in paragraphs 27.2(5)"a" to "c," provided by the official at the institution where the individual is completing the approved school counseling program and forwarded to the Iowa board of educational examiners with the application form for licensure.

Item 32. Amend subrule 27.5(2) as follows:

27.5(2) Four units are needed for renewal. For an applicant who also holds a specialist's or doctor's degree, two units are needed for renewal. These units may be earned in any combination listed below:

a. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which leads toward the completion of a planned master's, specialist's, or doctor's degree program.

b. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of graduate or undergraduate credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which adds greater depth/breadth to present endorsements held.

c. One unit may be earned for each semester hour of credit, completed from a regionally accredited institution, which may not lead to a degree but which leads to completion of requirements for an endorsement not currently held.

d. No change.

Educational Examiners Board

This Organization is a part of the Education Department

Closed For Comments

This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 6/23/2021.

Official Document

  • Licensure, amendments to chs 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27
  • Published on 6/2/2021
  • 642 Views , 0 Comments
  • Notice of Intended Action

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Iowa Code References

The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.

Iowa Code 235A Iowa Code 235B Iowa Code 692A.121
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