Background checks and issuance, ch 9
ARC 8808C
Adopted and Filed
Rulemaking related to background checks and issuance
The Educational Examiners Board hereby adopts new Chapter 9, “Background Checks and Issuance,” Iowa Administrative Code.
Legal Authority for Rulemaking
This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code sections 256.146, 256.152 and 272C.12.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code sections 256.146, 256.152 and 272C.12.
Purpose and Summary
This chapter provides procedures for background checks and the issuance of licenses. The Board is centralizing this language into one chapter to eliminate redundancies.
Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking
Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on October 30, 2024, as ARC 8295C. A public hearing was held on the following date(s):
●November 20, 2024
●December 2, 2024
No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.
Adoption of Rulemaking
This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on December 13, 2024.
Fiscal Impact
This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 282—Chapter 6.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
Effective Date
This rulemaking will become effective on February 26, 2025.
The following rulemaking action is adopted:
ITEM 1.Adopt the following new282—Chapter 9:
282—9.1(256) Background checks. Licenses, authorizations, certificates, and statements of professional recognition are issued upon the filing of an application with the board of educational examiners and upon completion of the following:
9.1(1) National criminal history background check. An initial applicant will be required to complete fingerprinting for a national criminal history background check.
9.1(2) Division of criminal investigation background check. A division of criminal investigation (DCI) background check will be conducted on initial applicants.
9.1(3) Registries and records check. A check of the following registries and records will be conducted on initial applicants: the sex offender registry under Iowa Code section 692A.121, the central registry for child abuse information established under Iowa Code chapter 235A, the central registry for dependent adult abuse information maintained under Iowa Code chapter 235B, and the information in the Iowa court information system available to the general public.
282—9.2(256) Renewals. Every applicant for renewal or conversion is required to submit a completed application with the applicant’s signature to facilitate a check of the sex offender registry information under Iowa Code section 692A.121, the central registry for child abuse information established under Iowa Code chapter 235A, the central registry for dependent adult abuse information maintained under Iowa Code chapter 235B, and the Iowa court information system.
282—9.3(256) Fees. Fees for all background check processes will be assessed to the applicant.
282—9.4(256) Temporary permits. The executive director may issue a temporary permit to an applicant after receipt of a fully completed application; determination that the applicant meets all applicable prerequisites for issuance of the license, certification, or authorization; and satisfactory evaluation of the Iowa criminal history background check and registries and records check set forth in subrules 9.1(2) and 9.1(3). The temporary permit will expire upon issuance of the requested license, certification, or authorization or 90 days from the date of issuance of the permit, whichever occurs first, unless the temporary permit is extended upon a finding of good cause by the executive director.
282—9.5(256) Issue and expiration dates, corrections, and fraud.
9.5(1) Issue and expiration dates on original license. A license is valid only from and after the date of issuance. Licenses, authorizations, certificates, and statements of professional recognition will expire on the last day of the practitioner’s birth month after the term of the license unless otherwise specified. If the expiration date is changed by rule, the change may be retroactive.
9.5(2) Correcting licenses. If a licensee notifies board staff of a typographical or clerical error on the license within 30 days of the date of the board’s issuance of a license, a corrected license will be issued without charge to the licensee.
9.5(3) Fraud in procurement or renewal of licenses. Fraud in procurement or renewal of a license or falsifying records for licensure purposes will constitute grounds for filing a complaint with the board.
282—9.6(256) Degrees and coursework. Required degrees and college semester hour coursework will be earned through a college or university accredited by an institutional accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Licenses require the completion of a program that is approved for state licensure.
282—9.7(256) Reciprocity. Reciprocity will be granted pursuant to Iowa Code sections 256.152 and 272C.12. Endorsements will be granted based on comparable Iowa endorsements, and endorsement requirements may be waived in order to grant the most comparable endorsement.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 256.
[Filed 12/24/24, effective 2/26/25]
[Published 1/22/25]
EDITOR’S NOTE: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 1/22/25.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 1/22/2025.
The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule 282-9.1 Rule 282-9.2 Rule 282-9.3 Rule 282-9.4 Rule 282-9.5 Rule 282-9.6 Rule 282-9.7 Rule -9.1(2) Rule -9.1(3)The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 235A Iowa Code 235B Iowa Code 256 Iowa Code 256.152 Iowa Code 272C.12 Iowa Code 692A.121The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Background checks Correcting licenses Degrees and coursework Division of criminal investigation background check Fees Fraud in procurement or renewal of licenses Issue and expiration dates on original license Issue and expiration dates, corrections, and fraud National criminal history background check Reciprocity Registries and records check Renewals Temporary permits© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy