Adopted and Filed

Special education endorsements, ch 14

Untitled document

ARC 8813C


Adopted and Filed

Rulemaking related to special education endorsements

The Educational Examiners Board hereby rescinds Chapter 14, “Special Education Endorsements,” Iowa Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same title.

Legal Authority for Rulemaking

This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 256.146.

State or Federal Law Implemented

This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 256.146.

Purpose and Summary

This chapter provides procedures for the issuance of special education endorsements. The Board is removing duplicative statutory language.

Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking

Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on October 30, 2024, as ARC 8292C. A public hearing was held on the following date(s):

●November 20, 2024

●December 2, 2024

No one attended the public hearings.

Nineteen public comments were received suggesting to add dyslexia and structured literacy requirements to special education endorsements. Based on these public comments, one change from the Notice has been made in rule 282—14.1(256) to incorporate this language.

Adoption of Rulemaking

This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on December 13, 2024.

Fiscal Impact

This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.

Jobs Impact

After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.


Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 282—Chapter 6.

Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee

The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).

Effective Date

This rulemaking will become effective on February 26, 2025.

The following rulemaking action is adopted:

ITEM 1.Rescind 282—Chapter 14 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:



282—14.1(256) Special education instructional endorsements. Twenty-four semester hours in special education are required for each endorsement in this rule unless otherwise stated, includingevidence-based reading instruction;direct and explicit literacy strategies; systematic and sequential approaches to teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and text comprehension; and effective strategies for dyslexia.

14.1(1) Early childhood—special education.

a.Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, exceptional child, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

b.Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes an overview of current trends in educational programming and theories of child development, both typical and atypical; the identification of pre-, peri-, and postnatal development and factors that affect children’s development and learning. Identification of specific disabilities, including the etiology, characteristics, and classification of common disabilities in young children. Application of the knowledge of cultural and linguistic diversity and the significant sociocultural context for the development of and learning in young children.

c.Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions. Assess children’s cognitive, social-emotional, communication, motor, adaptive, and aesthetic development; select, adapt, and administer assessment instruments and procedures for specific sensory and motor disabilities.

d.Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models to plan and implement appropriate curricular and instructional practices based on knowledge of individual children, the family, the community, and curricular goals and content. Select intervention curricula and methods for children with specific disabilities including motor, sensory, health, communication, social-emotional and cognitive disabilities. Implement developmentally and functionally appropriate individual and group activities using a variety of formats; develop and implement an integrated curriculum that focuses on special education children from birth to age six, and incorporate information and strategies from multiple disciplines in the design of intervention strategies. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction.

e.Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management; behavioral change strategies; and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

f.Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

g.Student teaching. Student teaching in a PK-K special education program.

14.1(2) Teacher—birth through grade three, inclusive settings.

a.Authorization. The holder of this endorsement is authorized to teach children from birth through grade three in inclusive settings.


(1)Promoting child development and learning and individual learning differences.

1.Understand the nature of child growth and development for infants and toddlers (birth through age two), preprimary (age three through age five) and primary school children (age six through age eight), both typical and atypical, in areas of cognition, language development, physical motor, social-emotional, mental health, aesthetics, and adaptive behavior and how these impact development and learning in the first years of life, including the etiology, characteristics, and classifications of common disabilities in infants and young children and specific implications for development and learning.

2.Recognize that children are best understood in the contexts of family, culture and society and that cultural and linguistic diversity, stress, risk factors, biological and environmental factors, family strengths, and trauma influence development and learning at all stages, including pre-, peri-, and postnatal development and learning. Communicate the importance of responsive care to a child’s development of identity and sense of self.

3.Use developmental knowledge to create learning environments and classroom procedures that promote positive social interaction, active engagement, high expectations for learning, mutual respect, and self-regulation through individually appropriate expectations and positive guidance techniques for each child to meet the child’s optimum potential regardless of proficiency. Implement and evaluate preventative and reductive strategies to address challenging behaviors. Use motivational and instructional interventions to teach individuals with exceptionalities how to adapt to different environments. Know how to intervene safely and appropriately with individuals in crisis.

4.Use both child-initiated and teacher-facilitated instructional methods, including strategies such as small- and large-group projects, play, systematic instruction, group discussion and cooperative decision making. Organize space, time, materials, peers, and adults to maximize progress in natural and structured environments. Embed learning opportunities in everyday routines, relationships, activities, and places. Understand the impact of social and physical environments on development and learning.

5.Engage in intentional practices and implement learning experiences that value diversity and demonstrate understanding that bias and discrimination impact development. Understand how language, culture, and family background influence and support the learning of each child.

(2)Building family and community relationships.

1.Build family and community relationships to include understanding that successful early childhood education depends upon reciprocal and respectful partnerships with families, communities, and agencies; that these partnerships have complex and diverse characteristics; and that all families should be involved in their children’s development and learning.

2.Understand diverse family and community characteristics and how language, culture, and family background influence and support children’s learning, and apply that knowledge to develop, implement, and evaluate learning experience and strategies that respect and reflect the diversity of children and their families.

3.Understand how to apply theories and knowledge of dynamic roles and relationships within and between families, schools, and communities. Recognize how to adapt consistently to the expressed and observed strengths and needs of the family, including two-way communication, and how to support families’ choices and priorities in the development of goals and intervention strategies.

4.Understand how to coordinate with all (caregivers, professionals, and agencies) who provide care and learning opportunities for each child by developing a community of support for children and families through interagency collaboration to include agreements, referrals, and consultation.

(3)Observing, documenting, and assessing to support young children and families.

1.Use technically sound formal and informal assessments that minimize bias and evaluation results to adapt and guide instruction. Demonstrate a range of appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies (e.g., family interview, observation, documentation, assessment instrument) to support individual strengths, interests, and needs.

2.Design curricula, assessments, and teaching and intervention strategies that align with learner and program goals, including the development of individualized family service plans (IFSPs) and individualized education plans (IEPs). Assist families in identifying resources, priorities, and concerns in relation to the child’s development. Understand and utilize assessment partnerships with families and with professional colleagues to build effective learning environments. Understand the role of the families in the assessment process and support the choices they make (e.g., observer, participant). Participate as a team member to integrate assessment results in the development and implementation of individualized plans.

3.Understand and utilize observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches, including the use of technology in documentation, assessment and data collection. Implement authentic assessment based on observation of spontaneous play. Demonstrate knowledge of alignment of assessment with curriculum, content standards, and local, state, and federal requirements. Assess progress in the developmental domains, play, and temperament.

4.Understand and utilize responsible assessments to promote positive outcomes for each child, including the use of assistive technology for children with disabilities. Use a variety of materials and contexts to maintain the interest of infants and young children in the assessment process.

5.Implement current educational, legal, and ethical guidelines when using assessment practices to support children’s individual strengths, interests, and needs (e.g., cultural, linguistic, ability diversity).

(4)Using developmentally and individually effective approaches to connect with children and families.

1.Understand positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of the teacher’s work with young children. Reflect on the teacher’s own practice to promote positive outcomes for each child and family.

2.Develop, implement, and evaluate individualized plans, including IFSPs and IEPs, as a team leader with families and other professionals. Demonstrate appropriate and effective supports for children and families transitioning into and out of programs or classrooms. Seek and use additional resources and agencies outside the program/school when needed to effectively facilitate the learning and social/emotional development of each child.

3.Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate integrated learning experiences for home-, center- and school-based environments for infants, toddlers, preprimary and primary children, their families, and other care providers based on knowledge of individual children, the family, and the community. Select, develop, and evaluate developmentally and functionally appropriate materials, equipment, and environments. Develop adaptations and accommodations for infants, toddlers, preprimary children, and primary children to meet their individual needs. Use a broad repertoire of developmentally and individually appropriate teaching/learning approaches and effective strategies and tools for early education, including appropriate uses of technology. Facilitate child-initiated development and learning.

4.Consider an individual’s abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities. Use teacher-scaffolded and -initiated instruction to complement child-initiated learning. Link development, learning experiences, and instruction to promote educational transitions. Use individual and group guidance and problem-solving techniques to develop supportive relationships with and among children. Use strategies to teach social skills and conflict resolution.

5.Implement basic health, nutrition, and safety management procedures, including the design of physically and psychologically safe and healthy indoor and outdoor environments to promote development and learning. Recognize signs of emotional distress, physical and mental abuse and neglect in young children and understand mandatory reporting procedures. Demonstrate proficiency in infant-child cardiopulmonary resuscitation, emergency procedures and first aid.

6.Understand principles of administration, organization, and operation of programs for children from birth to age eight and their families, including staff and program development, supervision, evaluation of staff, and continuing improvement of programs and services. Employ adult learning principles in consulting with and training family members and service providers.

7.Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with general educators and other colleagues to create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments to engage individuals with exceptionalities and diverse abilities in meaningful learning activities and social interactions.

(5)Using content knowledge to build a meaningful curriculum.

1.Develop and implement appropriate current research-supported learning experiences with a focus on the developmental domains, play, temperament, language and literacy to include first (home) and second language acquisition, mathematics, science, the arts (music, visual art, and drama), physical activity, health and safety, social studies, social skills, higher-thinking skills, and developmentally and individually appropriate methodology. Methods courses for teaching students in kindergarten through grade three are required for the following areas: literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, physical education and wellness, and visual and performing arts.

2.Use the Iowa Early Learning Standards and the Iowa core with information from ongoing child observations and assessments to plan, implement, and evaluate appropriate instruction that improves academic and developmental progress of each child, including those with IFSPs/IEPs.

3.Understand the central concepts, structures of the discipline, and tools of inquiry of content areas taught, and demonstrate the ability to organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop meaningful learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities (diverse abilities).

4.Modify general and specialized curricula to make them accessible to individuals with exceptionalities (diverse abilities). Develop adaptations and accommodations for infants, toddlers, preprimary children, and primary children to meet their individual needs.

(6)Professional responsibilities.

1.Demonstrate awareness of early childhood program criteria, including the following: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Iowa Early Learning Standards, Head Start Performance Standards, and Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards (IQPPS).

2.Collaborate with supervisors, mentors, and colleagues to enhance professional growth within and across disciplines to inform practice, including the use of data for decision making, and understand how to design and implement a professional development plan based on student achievement; self, peer, and supervisory evaluations; and recommended practices.

3.Understand the significance of lifelong learning and participate in professional activities and learning communities. Participate in activities of professional organizations relevant to early childhood regular education, special education, and early intervention.

4.Use relevant national and state professional guidelines (national, state, or local), state curriculum standards, and current trends for content and outcomes and to inform and improve practices for young children and their families.

5.Adhere to state and national professional and ethical principles, practices, and codes.

6.Advocate for developmentally and individually appropriate practice, demonstrate awareness of issues that affect the lives of each child, and demonstrate necessary communication skills.

7.Understand historical, philosophical and foundational knowledge and how current issues and the legal bases of services influence professional practice in early childhood, early intervention, early childhood special education, and general and regular education in the K-3 age groups. Understand trends and issues in early childhood education, early childhood special education, and early intervention.

8.Provide guidance and direction to paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers.

(7)Early childhood field experiences.

1.Pre-student teaching field experiences, which will comprise a minimum of 100 clock hours, to include at least 20 hours of working with each age group (infants and toddlers, preprimary, and primary).

2.Experiences working in at least three settings that offer early childhood education, such as approved child care centers and registered child development homes, school-based preschool, community agencies, or home visiting programs.

3.Experiences working with children who have a range of abilities and disabilities and who reflect diverse family systems and other differentiating factors, such as urban and rural, socioeconomic status, and cultural and linguistic diversity.

4.Completion of supervised student teaching experience in at least two different settings including registered child development homes, home visiting programs, state-accredited child care centers, or classrooms that include children both with and without disabilities in two of three age levels: infant and toddler, preprimary, and primary.

14.1(3) Instructional strategist I: mild and moderate.


(1)Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, exceptional child, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

(2)Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of mild and moderate disabilities, an overview of current trends in educational programming for mild and moderate disabilities, educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming, and includes the general developmental, academic, social, career and functional characteristics of individuals with mild and moderate disabilities as the characteristics relate to levels of instructional support required, and the psychological and social-emotional characteristics of individuals with mild and moderate disabilities.

(3)Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions.

(4)Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of the mildly and moderately disabled, and sources of curriculum materials for individuals with disabilities. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. The focus of these experiences is for students at the K-8 level. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction. Elementary curriculum methods and materials to include strategies and remediation in literacy, language arts, and mathematics.

(5)Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

(6)Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

(7)Student teaching. Student teaching in a K-8 mild and moderate special education program.


(1)Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, exceptional child, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

(2)Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of mild and moderate disabilities, an overview of current trends in educational programming for mild and moderate disabilities, educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming, and includes the general developmental, academic, social, career and functional characteristics of individuals with mild and moderate disabilities as the characteristics relate to levels of instructional support required, and the psychological and social-emotional characteristics of individuals with mild and moderate disabilities.

(3)Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions.

(4)Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of the mildly and moderately disabled, and sources of curriculum materials for individuals with disabilities. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction. Secondary curriculum methods and material to include strategies and remediation in literacy, language arts, and mathematics.

(5)Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

(6)Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

(7)Transitional collaboration. Sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with mild and moderate disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to postschool settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community.

(8)Student teaching. Student teaching in a 5-12 mild and moderate special education program.

14.1(4) Instructional strategist II: behavior disorders/learning disabilities. The applicant will complete the following requirements:

a.Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, exceptional child, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

b.Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of behavior disorders and learning disabilities, an overview of current trends in educational programming for students with behavior disorders and learning disabilities, educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming from age 5 to age 21. Preparation in the social, emotional and behavioral characteristics of individuals with behavior disorders and learning disabilities including the impact of such characteristics on classroom learning as well as associated domains such as social functioning and at-risk behaviors that may lead to involvement with the juvenile justice or mental health system. Preparation in the psychological and social-emotional characteristics of individuals with behavior disorders and learning disabilities will include the major social characteristics of individuals with behavior disorders and the effects of dysfunctional behavior on learning, and the social and emotional aspects of individuals with learning disabilities including social imperceptiveness and juvenile delinquency. Physical development, physical disability and health impairments as they relate to the development and behavior of students with behavior disorders and the medical factors influencing individuals with learning disabilities, including intelligence, perception, memory and language development.

c.Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions.

d.Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of behavior and learning disabled students, and sources of curriculum materials for individuals with disabilities. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction.

e.Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

f.Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

g.Transitional collaboration. Sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with behavior and learning disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to postschool settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community.

h.Student teaching. Student teaching in programs across the age levels of this endorsement. If the student teaching program has a unique age-level emphasis (e.g., K-8 or 5-12), there will be planned activities that incorporate interactive experiences at the other age level.

14.1(5) Instructional strategist II: intellectual disabilities. The applicant will complete the following requirements:

a.Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, exceptional child, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

b.Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of intellectual disabilities, an overview of current trends in educational programming for students with intellectual disabilities, educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming from age 5 to age 21. Preparation will also provide for an overview of the general developmental, academic, social, career and functional characteristics of individuals with intellectual disabilities as the characteristics relate to levels of instructional support required. This preparation will include the causes and theories of intellectual disabilities and implications and preventions; the psychological characteristics of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including cognition, perception, memory, and language development; medical complications and implications for student support needs, including seizure management, tube feeding, catheterization and CPR; and the medical aspects of intellectual disabilities and their implications for learning. The social-emotional aspects of intellectual disabilities, including adaptive behavior, social competence, social isolation and learned helplessness.

c.Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions.

d.Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of intellectually disabled students, and sources of curriculum materials for individuals with disabilities. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques. The focus of these experiences is for students at all levels from age 5 to age 21. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction. Proficiency in adapting age-appropriate curriculum to facilitate instruction within the general education setting, to include partial participation of students in tasks, skills facilitation, collaboration, and support from peers with and without disabilities; the ability to select and use augmentative and alternative communications methods and systems. An understanding of the impact of speech-language development on behavior and social interactions. Approaches to create positive learning environments for individuals with special needs and approaches to utilize assistive devices for individuals with special needs. The design and implementation of age-appropriate instruction based on the adaptive skills of students with intellectual disabilities; integrate selected related services into the instructional day of students with intellectual disabilities. Knowledge of culturally responsive functional life skills relevant to independence in the community, personal living, and employment. Use of appropriate physical management techniques including positioning, handling, lifting, relaxation, and range of motion and the use and maintenance of orthotic, prosthetic, and adaptive equipment effectively.

e.Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with intellectual disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

f.Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

g.Transitional collaboration. Sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with intellectual disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to postschool settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community.

h.Student teaching. Student teaching in programs across the age levels of this endorsement. If the student teaching program has a unique age-level emphasis (e.g., K-8 or 5-12), there will be planned activities that incorporate interactive experiences at the other age level.

14.1(6) K-12 instructional strategist I and II: all. This endorsement authorizes instruction for students in K-12 mild and moderate instructional special education programs, students with behavior disorders and learning disabilities, and students with intellectual disabilities, from age 5 to age 21. The applicant will complete the following requirements:

a.Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, exceptional child, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. A review of special education law, including progress monitoring, data collection, and individualized education plans.

b.Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of disabilities, an overview of current trends in educational programming for students with disabilities, educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming from age 5 to age 21. This preparation will include the psychological characteristics of students with disabilities, including classroom learning, cognition, perception, memory, and language development; medical complications including seizure management, tube feeding, catheterization and CPR; the social-emotional aspects of disabilities including adaptive behavior, social competence, social isolation, and learned helplessness; and the social and emotional aspects including dysfunctional behaviors, mental health issues, at-risk behaviors, social imperceptiveness, and juvenile justice.

c.Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions. A review of special education law, including progress monitoring, data collection, and individualized education plans.

d.Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of individuals with disabilities. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with exceptional learning needs, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. The focus of these experiences is for students at all levels from age 5 to age 21. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction. Proficiency in adapting age-appropriate curriculum to facilitate instruction within the general education setting, to include partial participation of students in tasks, skills facilitation, collaboration, and support from peers with and without disabilities; the ability to select and use augmentative and alternative communications methods and systems. An understanding of the impact of speech-language development on behavior and social interactions. Approaches to create positive learning environments for individuals with special needs and approaches to utilize assistive devices for individuals with special needs. The design and implementation of age-appropriate instruction based on the adaptive skills of students with disabilities; integrate selected related services into the instructional day of students with disabilities. Knowledge of culturally responsive functional life skills relevant to independence in the community, personal living, and employment. Use of appropriate physical management techniques including positioning, handling, lifting, relaxation, and range of motion and the use and maintenance of orthotic, prosthetic, and adaptive equipment effectively. Elementary and secondary curriculum methods and material to include strategies and remediation in literacy, language arts, and mathematics.

e.Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with intellectual disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

f.Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

g.Transitional collaboration. Sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with all disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to postschool settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community.

h.Student teaching. Student teaching in special education programs across the age levels of this endorsement.

14.1(7) Deaf or hard of hearing endorsement. The applicant will complete the following requirements:

a.Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

b.Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of hearing loss, an overview of current trends in educational programming for students with hearing loss and educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming from birth to age 21. Preparation in the social, emotional and behavioral characteristics of individuals with hearing loss, including the impact of such characteristics on classroom learning. Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the hearing mechanism and knowledge of the development of secondary senses when a hearing disorder is present, effect of hearing loss on learning experiences, psychological aspects of hearing loss, and effects of medications on the hearing system. Preparation in the psychological and social-emotional characteristics of individuals with hearing loss to include the major social characteristics of individuals with hearing loss and the effects of this disability on learning, and the social and emotional aspects of individuals with hearing loss. Physical development and potential health implications as they relate to the development and behavior of students with hearing loss. Components of linguistic and nonlinguistic communication used by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and communication modes used by and with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, including current theories of language development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

c.Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities, including necessary alternative assessment techniques arising out of the nature of the disability and medical reports and other related diagnostic information. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions.

d.Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and sources of specialized materials for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. These strategies will include knowledge of teaching academic subjects and language and speech to students who are deaf or hard of hearing and have knowledge of American Sign Language. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. The focus of these experiences is for students at all levels from birth to age 21. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing who differ in degree and nature of disability and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction. Strategies for teaching technology skills and other instructional aids for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

e.Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

f.Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities, including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

g.Transitional collaboration. Sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, including career, vocational and transitional support to postschool settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community.

h.Student teaching. Student teaching in programs across the age levels of this endorsement. If the student teaching program has a unique age-level emphasis (e.g., K-8 or 5-12), there will be planned activities that incorporate interactive experiences at the other age level.

14.1(8) Visually disabled endorsement. The applicant will complete the following requirements:

a.Foundations of special education. The philosophical, historical and legal bases for special education, including the definitions and etiologies of individuals with disabilities, and including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

b.Characteristics of learners. Preparation that includes various etiologies of visual impairment, an overview of current trends in educational programming for students with visual disabilities and educational alternatives and related services, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in providing more appropriate educational programming from birth to age 21. Preparation in the social, emotional and behavioral characteristics of individuals with visual disabilities, including the impact of such characteristics on classroom learning. Development of the human visual system, development of secondary senses when vision is impaired, effect of visual disability on development, impact of visual disability on learning and experiences, psychological aspects of visual disability, and effects of medications on the visual system. Preparation in the psychological and social-emotional characteristics of individuals with visual disabilities to include the major social characteristics of individuals with visual disabilities and the effects of this disability on learning, and the social and emotional aspects of individuals with visual disabilities. Physical development and potential health impairments as they relate to the development and behavior of students with visual disabilities.

c.Assessment, diagnosis and evaluation. Legal provisions, regulations and guidelines regarding unbiased assessment and use of psychometric instruments and instructional assessment measures with individuals with disabilities, including necessary alternative assessment techniques arising out of the nature of the disability and medical reports and other related diagnostic information. Application of assessment results to individualized program development and management, and the relationship between assessment and placement decisions. Knowledge of any specialized strategies such as functional behavioral assessment and any specialized terminology used in the assessment of various disabling conditions.

d.Methods and strategies. Methods and strategies that include numerous models for providing curricular and instructional methodologies utilized in the education of visually disabled students and sources of curriculum materials for individuals with disabilities. These strategies will include knowledge of teaching Braille reading and writing, the skill in teaching handwriting and signature writing to individuals with low vision or who are blind, listening and compensatory auditory skills and typing and keyboarding skills. Curricula for the development of cognitive, academic, social, language and functional life skills for individuals with visual disabilities, and related instructional and remedial methods and techniques, including appropriate assistive technology. The focus of these experiences is for students at all levels from birth to age 21. This preparation will include alternatives for teaching skills and strategies to individuals with visual disabilities who differ in degree and nature of disability, and the integration of appropriate age- and ability-level academic instruction. Strategies for teaching technology skills, other instructional aids for visually disabled students, strategies for teaching organization and study skills, tactual and perceptual skills, adapted physical and recreational skills and strategies for promoting self-advocacy in individuals with visual disabilities and for structured pre-cane orientation and mobility assessment and instruction.

e.Managing student behavior and social interaction skills. Preparation in individual behavioral management, behavioral change strategies, and classroom management theories, methods, and techniques for individuals with exceptional learning needs. Theories of behavior problems in individuals with disabilities and the use of nonaversive techniques for the purpose of controlling targeted behavior and maintaining attention of individuals with disabilities. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs that enhance an individual’s social participation in family, school, and community activities.

f.Communication and collaborative partnerships. Awareness of the sources of unique services, networks, and organizations for individuals with disabilities, including transitional support. Knowledge of family systems, family dynamics, parent rights, advocacy, multicultural issues, and communication to invite and appreciate many different forms of parent involvement. Strategies for working with regular classroom teachers, support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and other individuals involved in the educational program. Knowledge of the collaborative and consultative roles of special education teachers in the integration of individuals with disabilities into the general curriculum and classroom.

g.Transitional collaboration. Sources of services, organizations, and networks for individuals with visual disabilities, including career, vocational and transitional support to postschool settings with maximum opportunities for decision making and full participation in the community.

h.Student teaching. Student teaching in programs across the age levels of this endorsement. If the student teaching program has a unique age-level emphasis (e.g., K-8 or 5-12), there will be planned activities that incorporate interactive experiences at the other age level.

282—14.2(256) Special education support personnel.

14.2(1) Special education consultant. Applicants who desire to serve as consultants serving deaf or hard-of-hearing or visually disabled students will hold the respective special education instructional endorsement. Applicants will meet the following requirements:

a.Master’s degree and an Iowa teaching license with an endorsement in at least one special education instructional area.

b.A minimum of eight graduate semester hours to include the following:

(1)Curriculum development design.

(2)Consultation process in special or regular education:

1.Examination, analysis, and application of a methodological model for consulting with teachers and other adults involved in the educational program.

2.Interpersonal relations, interaction patterns, interpersonal influence, and communication skills.

(3)Skills required for conducting a needs assessment, delivering staff in-service needs, and evaluating in-service sessions.

c.Four years of successful teaching experience, two of which will be in special education.

14.2(2) Supervisor of special education—instructional. The early childhood—special education supervisor endorsement allows the individual to provide services to programs with pupils below the age of seven. The supervisor of special education—instructional endorsement (K-12) allows the individual to provide services to programs with pupils from age 5 to age 21. Applicants will meet the following requirements:

a.An applicant will hold a master’s degree.

(1)Option 1. Master’s in special education.

(2)Option 2. Master’s in another area of education plus 30 graduate semester hours in special education (instructional). These hours may have been part of, or in addition to, the degree requirements.

b.An applicant will meet the requirements for or hold the consultant endorsement.

c.A minimum of 16 graduate semester hours to include the following:

(1)Coursework requirements specified for special education consultant.

(2)Current issues in special education administration including school law/special education law.

(3)School personnel administration.

(4)Program evaluation.

(5)Educational leadership.

(6)Administration and supervision of special education.

(7)Practicum: special education administration. This requirement may be waived based on two years of experience as a special education administrator.

(8)Evaluator approval component.

d.An applicant will have two years of consultant/supervisor/coordinator/head teacher or equivalent experience in special education.

e.The supervisor for early childhood—special education will meet the requirements for that endorsement. The K-12 supervisor will meet the requirements for one special education teaching endorsement to include instructional grade levels K-8 and 5-12.

14.2(3) Work experience coordinator. The holder of this endorsement is authorized to provide support service as a work experience coordinator to secondary school programs, grades 5-12. Applicants will meet the following requirements:

a.Coursework to include the following:

(1)A course in career-vocational programming for special education students (if not included in the program for 5-12 endorsement).

(2)A course in coordination of cooperative occupational education programs.

(3)A course in career-vocational assessment and guidance for those with disabilities.

b.An applicant will hold a special education endorsement—grades 5-12.

These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 256.

[Filed 12/24/24, effective 2/26/25]

[Published 1/22/25]

EDITOR’S NOTE: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 1/22/25.

Educational Examiners Board

This Organization is a part of the Education Department

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  • Special education endorsements, ch 14
  • Published on 1/22/2025
  • Adopted and Filed

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Iowa Code 256
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