Limited authorizations, ch 22
ARC 8820C
Adopted and Filed
Rulemaking related to limited authorizations
The Educational Examiners Board hereby rescinds Chapter 22, “Authorizations,” and adopts a new Chapter 22, “Limited Authorizations,” Iowa Administrative Code.
Legal Authority for Rulemaking
This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iowa Code section 256.146.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code section 256.146.
Purpose and Summary
This chapter provides procedures for the issuance of authorizations. The Board is removing duplicative statutory language.
Public Comment and Changes to Rulemaking
Notice of Intended Action for this rulemaking was published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin on October 30, 2024, as ARC 8299C. A public hearing was held on the following date(s):
●November 20, 2024
●December 2, 2024
No one attended the public hearings. No public comments were received. No changes from the Notice have been made.
Adoption of Rulemaking
This rulemaking was adopted by the Board on December 13, 2024.
Fiscal Impact
This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Board for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 282—Chapter 6.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee’s meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
Effective Date
This rulemaking will become effective on February 26, 2025.
The following rulemaking action is adopted:
ITEM 1.Rescind 282—Chapter 22 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:
282—22.1(256) Coaching authorization. A coaching authorization allows an individual to coach any sport in a middle school, junior high school, or high school.
22.1(1) Requirements. Applicants for the coaching authorization will have completed the following requirements:
a.Content requirements.
(1)Successful completion of the required coursework pursuant to Iowa Code section 256.165.
(2)Current certificate of concussion training approved by the Iowa high school athletic association or Iowa girls high school athletic union.
(3)Current certificate of CPR training from an approved provider.
b.Minimum age or diploma. Applicants will have attained a minimum age of 18 years. Applicants will also possess a high school diploma or equivalent, home school completion as verified by the executive director, or be 20 years of age or older.
22.1(2) Validity. The coaching authorization is valid for five years.
22.1(3) Transitional coaching authorization. Applicants for the transitional coaching authorization will meet the requirements pursuant to Iowa Code section 256.165.
282—22.2(256) Substitute authorization.
22.2(1) Requirements. Applicants for the substitute authorization will meet the requirements pursuant to Iowa Code section 256.165 and complete an approved substitute authorization workshop consisting of the following components and totaling a minimum of 15 clock hours:
a.Classroom management. This component includes an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
b.Strategies for learning. This component includes understanding and using a variety of learning strategies to encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
c.Diversity. This component includes understanding how students differ in their approaches to learning and creating learning opportunities that are equitable and are adaptable to diverse learners.
d.Ethics. This component includes fostering relationships with parents, school colleagues, and organizations in the larger community to support students’ learning and development and to be aware of the board’s rules of professional practice and competent performance.
22.2(2) Validity. The substitute authorization is valid for five years.
282—22.3(256) Career and technical authorization.
22.3(1) Requirements for the initial career and technical authorization.
a.Applicants will meet one of the following qualifications:
(1)Have 6,000 hours of recent and relevant experience;
(2)Have 4,000 hours of recent and relevant experience if the applicant holds a baccalaureate degree;
(3)Have 3,000 hours of recent and relevant experience if the applicant holds an associate’s degree in the teaching endorsement area sought, if such a degree is considered terminal for that field of instruction;
(4)Hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree or closely related degree in the teaching endorsement area sought; or
(5)Hold a baccalaureate degree in any area of study if at least 18 of the credit hours were completed in the teaching endorsement area sought.
For a career and technical cluster endorsement, an applicant will meet one of the above qualifications and have at least 2,000 hours of recent and relevant experience or nine semester hours each in two additional areas within the cluster endorsement. Combinations of experience and education may be approved by the executive director.
b.Recent and relevant experience will have been accrued within the ten years prior to the date of application. Experience that does not meet these criteria may be considered at the discretion of the executive director. In subjects for which state registration, certification or licensure is required, the applicant will hold the appropriate license, registration or certificate before the initial career and technical secondary authorization or the career and technical secondary authorization will be issued.
c.During the term of the initial authorization, the applicant will complete board-approved training in the following:
(1)Coursework in the methods and techniques of career and technical education.
(2)Coursework in course and curriculum development.
(3)Coursework in the measurement and evaluation of programs and students.
(4)An approved human relations course.
(5)Coursework in the instruction of exceptional learners to include the education of individuals with disabilities and the gifted and talented.
(6)Ethics training.
d.The applicant will be assigned a mentor by the hiring school district.
22.3(2) Validity—initial authorization. The initial authorization is valid for three years.
22.3(3) Requirements for the career and technical authorization. The initial career and technical authorization may be converted to the career and technical authorization if the applicant completes the required coursework set forth in paragraph 22.3(1)“c.” This authorization is valid for five years.
282—22.4(256) Native language teacher authorization.
22.4(1) Requirements for an initial native language teacher authorization.
a.The applicant will have completed a baccalaureate degree or higher.
b.The applicant will provide a recommendation from a school administrator verifying that the school wishes to hire the applicant. Before the applicant is hired, the school administrator will verify that a diligent search was completed to hire a fully licensed teacher for the position.
c.The applicant will provide verification of successfully passing an approved language assessment by meeting the minimum score set by the department of education.
d.During the term of the initial authorization, the applicant will complete board-approved training in the following:
(1)Methods of teaching a world language.
(2)Coursework in human relations.
(3)Coursework in the instruction of exceptional learners to include the education of individuals with disabilities and the gifted and talented.
(4)Ethics training.
e.The applicant will be assigned a mentor by the hiring school district.
22.4(2) Validity—initial authorization. The initial authorization is valid for three years.
22.4(3) Requirements for the native language teacher authorization. The initial native language teaching authorization may be converted to the native language teaching authorization if the applicant completes the required coursework set forth in paragraph 22.4(1)“d.” This authorization is valid for five years.
282—22.5(256) Content specialist authorization.
22.5(1) Requirements for the initial content specialist authorization.
a.The applicant will have completed a master’s degree or higher in an endorsement area.
b.The applicant will provide a recommendation from a school administrator verifying that the school wishes to hire the applicant. Before the applicant is hired, the school administrator will verify that a diligent search was completed to hire a fully licensed teacher for the position.
c.During the term of the initial authorization, the applicant will complete board-approved training in the following:
(1)Methods of teaching in the endorsement content area or areas.
(2)Coursework in human relations.
(3)Coursework in the instruction of exceptional learners to include the education of individuals with disabilities and the gifted and talented.
(4)Ethics training.
d.The applicant will be assigned a mentor by the hiring school district.
22.5(2) Validity—initial authorization. The initial authorization is valid for three years.
22.5(3) Requirements for the content specialist authorization. The initial content specialist authorization may be converted to the content specialist authorization if the applicant has completed the required coursework set forth in paragraph 22.5(1)“c.”
282—22.6(256) School business official authorization.
22.6(1) Requirements for an initial school business official authorization. Applicants for an initial school business official authorization will have completed the following requirements:
a.Education. Applicants will have a minimum of an associate’s degree in business or accounting or 60 semester hours of coursework in business or accounting, of which nine semester hours will be in accounting.
b.Temporary school business official authorization. If the applicant has not completed nine semester hours in accounting but has completed six or more semester hours in accounting, the applicant may be issued a temporary school business official authorization valid for one year, and an administrator will file a written request for an exception to the minimum content requirements on the basis of documented need and benefit to the district.
(1)If the nine semester hours of accounting are not completed within the time allowed, the applicant will not be eligible for the initial school business official authorization.
(2)If the applicant received a temporary school business official authorization, then the initial school business official authorization will not exceed one year.
22.6(2) Requirements for a standard school business official authorization.
a.Applicants will complete 9 semester hours or the equivalent (1 semester hour is equivalent to 15 contact hours) in an approved program in the following areas/competencies:
(1)Generally accepted accounting principle concepts: fund accounting, account codes, Uniform Financial Accounting.
(2)Accounting cycles: budgets, payroll/benefits, purchasing/inventory, cash, receipts, disbursements, financial reporting, investments.
(3)Technology: management of accounting systems, proficiency in understanding and use of systems technology and related programs.
(4)Regulatory: Uniform Administrative Procedures Manual, school policies and procedures, administrative procedures, public records law, records management, school law, employment law, construction and bidding law.
(5)Personal skills: effective communication and interpersonal skills, ethical conduct, information management, ability to analyze and evaluate, ability to recognize and safeguard confidential information, accurate and timely performance.
b.Applicants will demonstrate completion of or competency in the following:
(1)A board of educational examiners ethics program.
(2)A mentoring program as described in 281—Chapter 81.
(3)The promotion of the value of the school business official’s fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayer.
22.6(3) Validity. The initial school business official authorization is valid for two years. The standard school business official authorization is valid for three years.
282—22.7(256) School administration manager authorization.
22.7(1) Application for authorization. The following persons will obtain an authorization:
a.A Model 1 school administration manager (SAM): a person who is hired to be a full-time SAM and who is authorized to assume the responsibilities of a SAM;
b.A Model 2 SAM: a person whose position in the school is reconfigured to include the responsibilities of being a SAM and is authorized as a SAM; and
c.A Model 3 SAM: a person who is a secretary/administrative assistant and is also authorized as a SAM.
22.7(2) Responsibilities. A SAM authorization allows an individual to assist a school administrator in performing noninstructional, administrative-type duties.
22.7(3) Requirements for an initial SAM authorization. Applicants will hold a high school degree or general equivalency diploma. The application will also include verification of employment from a school administrator.
22.7(4) Requirements for a standard SAM authorization. The initial SAM authorization will be converted to the standard SAM authorization, provided the following requirements are met:
a.Training. A SAM will attend an approved training program at the onset of the individual’s hire as a SAM. The training for SAMs is set forth in 281—subrule 82.7(2).
b.Experience. An applicant will complete one year of experience as a SAM in an Iowa school. The supervising administrator will verify this experience and the applicant’s completion of the required competencies.
c.Competencies. Applicants will demonstrate completion of or competency in the following:
(1)Each SAM will demonstrate competence in technology appropriate to the SAM position. The SAM will:
1.Become proficient in the use of the approved time-tracking software tool;
2.Schedule the administrator’s time using the approved software, update and reconcile the calendar daily, and attempt to pre-calendar the administrator at or above the administrator’s goal; and
3.Regularly schedule, review, and reflect with the administrator on the graphs and data provided through the software.
(2)Each SAM will demonstrate appropriate personal skills. The SAM:
1.Is an effective communicator with all stakeholders, including but not limited to colleagues, community members, parents, and students;
2.Works effectively with employees, students, and stakeholders;
3.Maintains confidentiality when dealing with student, parent, and staff issues;
4.Clearly understands the administrator’s philosophy of behavior expectations and consequences; and
5.Maintains an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness.
22.7(5) Validity. The initial SAM authorization is valid for three years. The standard SAM authorization is valid for five years.
282—22.8(256) Activities administration authorization. An activities administration authorization allows an individual to administer any student activity program in a K-12 school setting.
22.8(1) Requirements. Applicants for the activities administration authorization will meet the following requirements:
a.Degree. A baccalaureate degree or higher related to athletics, physical education or a related field is required. Additional degree areas may be considered at the discretion of the executive director.
b.Credit hours. Applicants will complete credit hours or courses offered by the Leadership Training Institute (LTI) from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association in the following areas:
(1)Successful completion of 1 semester credit hour or LTI course relating to knowledge and understanding of risk management, Title IX, sexual harassment, hazing, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and employment law as they pertain to the role of the activities administrator.
(2)Successful completion of 1 semester credit hour or LTI course relating to knowledge and understanding of activities administration foundations including philosophy, leadership, professional programs and activities administration principles, strategies and methods.
(3)Successful completion of 1 semester credit hour or LTI course relating to knowledge and understanding of the role of the activities director in supporting and developing sports medicine programs, management of athletic player equipment, concussion assessment and proper fitting of athletic protective equipment, and sports field safety.
(4)Successful completion of 1 semester credit hour or LTI course relating to knowledge and understanding of the techniques and theory of coaching concepts and strategies for interscholastic budget and concepts and strategies for interscholastic fundraising.
(5)Successful completion of 1 semester credit hour or LTI course, approved by the board, relating to the assessment and evaluation of interscholastic athletic programs and personnel, dealing with challenging personalities, and administration of professional growth programs for interscholastic personnel.
(6)Successful completion of concussion training approved by the Iowa high school athletic association or Iowa girls high school athletic union.
22.8(2) Validity. The activities administration authorization is valid for five years.
282—22.9(256) Charter school administrator authorization. The charter school administrator authorization is only valid for service or employment as a charter school administrator.
22.9(1) Requirements for the initial charter school administrator authorization.
a.The applicant will provide a recommendation from an Iowa charter school governing board verifying that the organization wishes to hire the applicant as a charter school administrator.
b.The applicant will provide verification of completion of child abuse training as stated in 282—subrule 20.1(2).
22.9(2) Validity—initial authorization. The initial charter school administrator authorization is valid for one year. No additional endorsement areas may be added to the initial charter school administrator authorization, with the exception of evaluator approval.
22.9(3) Renewal. The initial charter school administrator authorization may be renewed once.
22.9(4) Conversion. The initial charter school administrator authorization may be converted to a charter school administrator authorization if the applicant has met the following:
a.Completion of an approved code of professional conduct and ethics training. The training will be completed after the issuance of the initial authorization and no more than three years prior to the date of application.
b.Completion of an approved evaluator course.
c.Recommendation from an Iowa charter school governing board verifying that the organization wishes to retain the applicant as a charter school administrator.
22.9(5) Requirements for the charter school administrator authorization.
a.The charter school administrator authorization is valid for five years. No additional endorsement areas may be added to the charter school administrator authorization, with the exception of evaluator approval.
b.An applicant for this authorization will first meet the requirements for the initial charter school administrator authorization.
282—22.10(256) Iowa jobs for America’s graduates (iJAG) authorization. The iJAG authorization allows individuals to teach iJAG coursework in grades 7-12.
22.10(1) Requirements.
a.The applicant will have completed a baccalaureate degree.
b.The applicant will have completed a board of educational examiners-approved iJAG training program consisting of the following components and totaling a minimum of 40 clock hours annually:
(1)Instructional methods. Develop skills to effectively deliver project-based instruction in the iJAG core competencies.
(2)Curriculum. Develop skills to effectively develop curriculum, projects and other educational opportunities consistent with the goals of iJAG.
(3)Measurement and evaluation of programs and students. Analyze student data, administer testing, and monitor the following: basic skills, individualized development plans, attendance, graduation requirements, and course enrollment.
(4)Code of ethics. Develop an understanding of how to foster relationships with parents, students, school colleagues, and organizations in the larger community to support students’ learning and development and become aware of the board’s rules of professional practice and code of ethics.
(5)Diversity training for educators. Develop an understanding of and sensitivity to the values, beliefs, lifestyles and attitudes of individuals and the diverse groups found in a pluralistic society, including preparation that contributes to the education of individuals with disabilities and the gifted and talented.
c.The applicant will provide a recommendation from an iJAG administrator verifying that the organization wishes to hire the applicant.
d.The applicant will be assigned a mentor by the hiring school district.
22.10(2) Validity. This authorization is valid for five years.
282—22.11(256) Work-based learning program supervisor authorization. The work-based learning program supervisor authorization is only valid for service or employment as a work-based learning program supervisor in grades 9-12.
22.11(1) Requirements for the work-based learning program supervisor authorization.
a.The applicant will provide verification of completion of the approved work-based learning program supervisor course pursuant to Iowa Code section 256.161.
b.The applicant will provide verification of completion of child abuse training as stated in 282—subrule 20.1(2).
22.11(2) Validity. The work-based learning program supervisor authorization is valid for five years.
22.11(3) Temporary authorization. A one-year temporary work-based learning program supervisor authorization may be issued to applicants who have met all other requirements with the exception of the work-based learning program supervisor course. This temporary authorization is nonrenewable and cannot be extended.
282—22.12(256) Orientation and mobility authorization. The holder of this authorization may teach pupils with a visual impairment, including those pupils who are deaf-blind.
22.12(1) Initial orientation and mobility authorization. An applicant will:
a.Hold a baccalaureate or master’s degree from an approved state program in orientation and mobility or equivalent coursework.
b.Have completed an approved human relations component.
c.Have completed the exceptional learner program, which will include preparation that contributes to the education of students with disabilities and students who are gifted and talented.
d.Have completed a minimum of 21 semester credit hours in the following areas:
(1)Medical aspects of blindness and visual impairment, including sensory motor.
(2)Psychosocial aspects of blindness and visual impairment.
(3)Child development.
(4)Concept development.
(5)History of orientation and mobility.
(6)Foundations of orientation and mobility.
(7)Orientation and mobility instructional methods and assessments.
(8)Techniques of orientation and mobility.
(9)Research or evidence-based practices in orientation and mobility.
(10)Professional issues in orientation and mobility, including legal issues.
e.Have completed at least 350 hours of fieldwork and training under the supervision of the university program.
22.12(2) Validity—initial authorization. The initial authorization is valid for three years.
22.12(3) Standard orientation and mobility license. An applicant will:
a.Complete the requirements set forth in subrule 22.12(1).
b.Verify successful completion of a three-year probationary period.
22.12(4) Exception. An orientation and mobility specialist is not eligible for any administrator license in either general education or special education.
282—22.13(256) Approval of courses. Each institution of higher education, accredited Iowa school, or area education agency wishing to offer the semester credit or contact hours for the issuance or renewal of authorizations in this chapter will submit course descriptions for each offering to the board of educational examiners for approval. After initial approval, any changes by agencies or institutions in course offerings will be filed with the board of educational examiners.
282—22.14(256) Limited authorizations. Authorizations are limited in scope and do not equate to full teaching or administrator licensure. Conditional licenses may not be added to authorizations. Additional endorsement areas may not be added unless otherwise stated.
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapter 256.
[Filed 12/24/24, effective 2/26/25]
[Published 1/22/25]
EDITOR’S NOTE: For replacement pages for IAC, see IAC Supplement 1/22/25.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 1/22/2025.
The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule -22.12(1) Rule -22.3(1) Rule -22.4(1) Rule -22.5(1) Rule 281-82.7(2) Rule 282-20.1(2) Rule 282-22.1 Rule 282-22.10 Rule 282-22.11 Rule 282-22.12 Rule 282-22.13 Rule 282-22.14 Rule 282-22.2 Rule 282-22.3 Rule 282-22.4 Rule 282-22.5 Rule 282-22.6 Rule 282-22.7 Rule 282-22.8 Rule 282-22.9The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 256 Iowa Code 256.161 Iowa Code 256.165The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Activities administration authorization Application for authorization Approval of courses Career and technical authorization Charter school administrator authorization Coaching authorization Competencies Content requirements Content specialist authorization Conversion Credit hours Degree Education Exception Experience Initial orientation and mobility authorization Iowa jobs for America’s graduates (iJAG) authorization Limited authorizations Minimum age or diploma Native language teacher authorization Orientation and mobility authorization Renewal Requirements Requirements for a standard SAM authorization Requirements for an initial SAM authorization Requirements for the career and technical authorization Requirements for the charter school administrator authorization Requirements for the content specialist authorization Requirements for the initial career and technical authorization Requirements for the initial content specialist authorization Requirements for the native language teacher authorization Responsibilities School administration manager authorization School business official authorization Standard orientation and mobility license Substitute authorization Temporary authorization Temporary school business official authorization Training Transitional coaching authorization Validity Validity—initial authorization Work-based learning program supervisor authorization© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy