Contested cases, ch 7
ARC 7517C
Notice of Intended Action
Proposing rulemaking related to contested cases
and providing an opportunity for public comment
The Professional Licensing and Regulation Bureau hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 7, "Contested Cases," Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title.
Legal Authority for Rulemaking
This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code chapters 17A, 272C, and 546.
State or Federal Law Implemented
This rulemaking implements, in whole or in part, Iowa Code chapters 17A, 272C, and 546.
Purpose and Summary
This proposed rulemaking provides procedures for contested case hearings, including time requirements for taking action on a contested case; direction on the service of the statement of charges and notice of hearing, as well as the required contents of the statement of charges and notice of hearing; and the discovery process, including issuance of subpoenas, the handling of pretrial motions, and conferences and procedures for the hearings. The purpose of this rulemaking is to provide the licensee an outline of how a contested case proceeding is initiated and the rights and responsibilities of the licensee during that process. Contested cases help ensure that the public is protected and outlines due process for alleged bad actors.
Fiscal Impact
This rulemaking has no fiscal impact to the State of Iowa.
Jobs Impact
After analysis and review of this rulemaking, no impact on jobs has been found.
Any person who believes that the application of the discretionary provisions of this rulemaking would result in hardship or injustice to that person may petition the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing for a waiver of the discretionary provisions, if any, pursuant to 481—Chapter 6.
Public Comment
Any interested person may submit written or oral comments concerning this proposed rulemaking. Written or oral comments in response to this rulemaking must be received by the Department no later than 4:30 p.m.on February 14, 2024. Comments should be directed to:
Lori SchraderBachar Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing 6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100 Des Moines, Iowa 50321 Phone: 515.725.9030 |
Public Hearing
Public hearings at which persons may present their views orally or in writing will be held as follows:
February 13, 2024 11:30 a.m. |
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100 Des Moines, Iowa Video call link: |
February 14, 2024 11:30 a.m. |
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100 Des Moines, Iowa Video call link: |
Persons who wish to make oral comments at a public hearing may be asked to state their names for the record and to confine their remarks to the subject of this proposed rulemaking.
Any persons who intend to attend a public hearing and have special requirements, such as those related to hearing or mobility impairments, should contact the Department and advise of specific needs.
Review by Administrative Rules Review Committee
The Administrative Rules Review Committee, a bipartisan legislative committee which oversees rulemaking by executive branch agencies, may, on its own motion or on written request by any individual or group, review this rulemaking at its regular monthly meeting or at a special meeting. The Committee's meetings are open to the public, and interested persons may be heard as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.8(6).
The following rulemaking action is proposed:
Item 1. Rescind 193—Chapter 7 and adopt the following new chapter in lieu thereof:
193—7.1(17A,542,542B,543B,543D,544A,544B,544C) Definitions. Except where otherwise specifically defined by law:
"Board" includes the professional licensing boards as defined in 191—Chapter 1.
"Contested case" means any adversary proceeding before a board to determine whether disciplinary action should be taken against a licensee under Iowa Code chapter 542, 542B, 543B, 543D, 544A, 544B, or 544C; an adversary proceeding against a nonlicensee pursuant to Iowa Code section 542.14, 542B.27, 543B.34, 543D.21, or 544A.15; or any other proceeding designated a contested case by any provision of law, including but not limited to adversary proceedings involving license applicants and the reinstatement of a suspended, revoked or voluntarily surrendered license.
"Issuance" means the date of mailing of a decision or order, or date of delivery if service is by other means unless another date is specified by rule or in the order.
"License" means a license, registration, certificate, permit or other form of practice permission required or authorized by Iowa Code chapter 542, 542B, 543B, 543D, 544A, 544B, or 544C.
"Party" means the state, as represented by the assistant attorney general assigned to prosecute the case on behalf of the public interest, the respondent or applicant, or an intervenor.
"Presiding officer" means the board and, when applicable, a panel of board members or an administrative law judge assigned to render a proposed decision in a nondisciplinary contested case.
"Probable cause" means a reasonable ground for belief in the existence of facts that would support a specified proceeding under applicable law and rules.
"Quorum" means a majority of the members of the board. Action may generally be taken upon a majority vote of board members present at a meeting who are not disqualified, although discipline may only be imposed by a majority vote of the members of the board who are not disqualified and, for the engineering and land surveying examining board, only upon an affirmative vote of at least five members of the board.
193—7.2(17A,542,542B,543B,543D,544A,544B,544C,546) Scope and applicability of the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure. This chapter applies to contested cases conducted by all boards in the bureau. Except as expressly provided in Iowa Code chapter 17A and these rules, the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply to contested case proceedings. However, upon application by a party, the board may permit the use of procedures provided for in the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure unless doing so would unreasonably complicate the proceedings or impose an undue hardship on a party.
193—7.3(17A,272C) Commencement of a contested case and probable cause. A contested case in a disciplinary proceeding is commenced by the filing and service of a statement of charges and notice of hearing. A contested case in a nondisciplinary proceeding is commenced by the filing and service of a notice of hearing. A contested case may only be commenced by the board upon a finding of probable cause to do so by a quorum of the board.
193—7.4(17A,272C) Informal settlement. The board, board staff or a board committee may attempt to informally settle a disciplinary case before filing a statement of charges and notice of hearing. If the board and the licensee agree to a settlement of the case, a statement of charges will be filed simultaneously with a consent order. The statement of charges and consent order may be separate documents or may be combined in one document. By electing to sign a consent order, the licensee waives all rights to a hearing and all attendant rights. The consent order will have the force and effect of a final disciplinary order entered in a contested case and will be published as provided in rule 193—7.30(17A,272C). Matters not involving licensee discipline that may culminate in a contested case may also be settled through consent order. Procedures governing settlement after notice of hearing is served are described in rule 193—7.42(546,272C).
193—7.5(17A) Statement of charges. The statement of charges will set forth the acts or omissions with which the respondent is charged including the statute(s) and rule(s) that are alleged to have been violated and will be in sufficient detail to enable the preparation of the respondent's defense. The statement of charges will be incorporated within or attached to the notice of hearing. The statement of charges and notice of hearing are public records open for public inspection under Iowa Code chapter 22.
193—7.6(17A,272C) Notice of hearing.
7.6(1) Contents of notice of hearing. Unless the hearing is waived, all contested cases will commence with the service of a notice of hearing fixing the time and place for hearing. The notice, including any incorporated or attached statement of charges, will contain those items specified in Iowa Code section 17A.12(2) and, if applicable, Iowa Code section 17A.18(3), and the following:
a. A statement of the time, place, and nature of the hearing;
b. A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
c. A reference to the particular sections of the statutes and rules involved;
d. A short and plain statement of the matters asserted;
e. Identification of all parties including the name, address and telephone number of the assistant attorney general designated as prosecutor for the state and the respondent's counsel where known;
f. Reference to the procedural rules governing conduct of the contested case proceeding;
g. Reference to the procedural rules governing informal settlement after charges are filed;
h. Identification of the board or a panel of board members as the presiding officer, or statement that the presiding officer will be an administrative law judge from the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing;
i. If applicable, notification of the time period in which a party may request, pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.11 and rule 193—7.10(17A,272C), that the presiding officer be an administrative law judge from the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing; and
j. A statement requiring or authorizing the respondent to submit an answer of the type specified in rule 193—7.9(17A,272C) within 20 days after service of the notice of hearing.
k. If applicable, notification of the licensee's right to request a closed hearing in a licensee disciplinary proceeding.
l. Information on who to contact if, because of a disability, auxiliary aids or services are needed for a party to participate in the matter.
m. If applicable, the date, time, and manner of conduct of a prehearing conference under rule 193—7.21(17A,272C).
n. The mailing address and email address for filing with the board and notice of the option of email service as provided in subrule 7.17(6).
7.6(2) Service of notice of hearing. Service of notice of hearing on a licensee to begin a contested case that may affect the licensee's continued licensure, such as a licensee disciplinary case or challenge to the renewal of a license, will be made by personal service as in civil actions, by restricted certified mail, return receipt requested, or by the acceptance of service by the licensee or the licensee's duly authorized legal representative. Service of the notice of hearing to begin all other contested cases may additionally be made by certified mail, return receipt requested.
193—7.7(13,272C) Legal representation.
7.7(1) Every statement of charges and notice of hearing prepared by the board will be reviewed and approved by the office of the attorney general, which will be responsible for the legal representation of the public interest in all proceedings before the board. The assistant attorney general assigned to prosecute a contested case before the board will not represent the board in that case but will represent the public interest.
7.7(2) The respondent or applicant may be represented by an attorney. The attorney will file an appearance in the contested case. If the attorney is not licensed to practice law in Iowa, the attorney will comply with Iowa Court Rule 31.14. Business entities may be represented in a contested case by a nonlawyer partner, officer, director, shareholder, member, director, or other owner or manager.
193—7.8(17A) Requests for contested case proceeding. Any person claiming an entitlement to a contested case proceeding will file a written request for such a proceeding within the time specified by the particular rules or statutes governing the subject matter or, in the absence of such law, the time specified in the board action in question.
The request for a contested case proceeding will state the name and address of the requester; identify the specific disputed board action; describe issues of material fact in dispute; and, where the requester is represented by a lawyer, identify the provisions of law or precedent requiring or authorizing the holding of a contested case proceeding in the particular circumstances involved. If the board grants the request, the board will issue a notice of hearing. If the board denies the request, the board will issue a written order specifying the basis for the denial.
193—7.9(17A,272C) Form of answer.
7.9(1) Unless otherwise provided in the notice of hearing, the answer will contain the following information:
7.9(2) The answer may include any additional facts or information that the respondent deems relevant to the issues and that may be of assistance in the ultimate determination of the case, including explanations, remarks or statements of mitigating circumstances.
193—7.10(17A,272C) Presiding officer.
7.10(1) The presiding officer in all licensee disciplinary contested cases will be the board, a panel of board members, or a panel of nonboard member specialists as provided in Iowa Code sections 272C.6(1) and 272C.6(2). When board members act as presiding officer, they will conduct the hearing and issue either a final decision or, if a quorum of the board is not present, a proposed decision. As provided in subrule 7.10(4), the board may be assisted by an administrative law judge when the board acts as presiding officer.
7.10(2) In cases that do not pertain to licensee discipline, the board may act as presiding officer or may notify the parties that an administrative law judge will act as presiding officer at hearing and issue a proposed decision. The use of an administrative law judge as presiding officer is only an option in cases that do not pertain to licensee discipline because only the board may conduct licensee discipline hearings pursuant to Iowa Code section 272C.6. Any party to a nondisciplinary case who wishes to request that the presiding officer assigned to render a proposed decision be an administrative law judge employed by the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing will need to file a written request within 20 days after service of a notice of hearing that identifies the presiding officer as the board. The board may deny the request only upon a finding that one or more of the following apply:
a. Neither the board nor any officer of the board under whose authority the contested case is to take place is a named party to the proceeding or a real party in interest to that proceeding.
b. There is a compelling need to expedite issuance of a final decision in order to protect the public health, safety, or welfare.
c. The case involves a disciplinary hearing to be held by the board pursuant to Iowa Code section 272C.6.
d. The case involves significant policy issues of first impression that are inextricably intertwined with the factual issues presented.
e. The demeanor of the witnesses is likely to be dispositive in resolving the disputed factual issues.
f. Funds are unavailable to pay the costs of an administrative law judge and an interboard appeal.
g. The request was not timely filed.
h. The request is not consistent with a specified statute.
7.10(3) The board will issue a written ruling specifying the grounds for its decision within 20 days after a request for an administrative law judge is filed. If the ruling is granted, the administrative law judge assigned to act as presiding officer and issue a proposed decision in a nondisciplinary contested case will have a J.D. degree unless waived by the board.
7.10(4) The board or a panel of board members when acting as presiding officer may request that an administrative law judge perform certain functions as an aid to the board or board panel, such as ruling on prehearing motions, conducting the prehearing conference, ruling on evidentiary objections at hearing, assisting in deliberations, or drafting the written decision for review by the board or board panel.
7.10(5) All rulings by an administrative law judge who acts either as presiding officer or assistant to the board are subject to appeal to the board pursuant to rules 193—7.31(17A) and 193—7.32(17A). A party will need to timely seek intra-agency appeal of prehearing rulings or proposed decisions in order to exhaust adequate administrative remedies. While a party may seek immediate board or board panel review of rulings made by an administrative law judge when sitting with and acting as an aid to the board or board panel during a hearing, such immediate review is not required to preserve error for judicial review.
7.10(6) Unless otherwise provided by law, board members have the powers of and will comply with the provisions of this chapter that apply to presiding officers when reviewing a proposed decision of a panel of the board or an administrative law judge.
193—7.11(17A) Time requirements.
7.11(1) Time will be computed as provided in Iowa Code section 4.1(34).
7.11(2) For good cause, the presiding officer may extend or shorten the time to take any action, except as precluded by statute. Except for good cause stated in the record, before extending or shortening the time to take any action, the presiding officer will afford all parties an opportunity to be heard or to file written arguments.
193—7.12(17A) Waiver of procedures. Unless otherwise precluded by law, the parties in a contested case proceeding may waive any provision of this chapter. However, the board in its discretion may refuse to give effect to such a waiver when it deems the waiver to be inconsistent with the public interest.
193—7.13(17A,272C) Telephone and electronic proceedings. The presiding officer may, on the officer's own motion or as requested by a party, order hearings or argument to be held by telephone conference or other electronic means in which all parties have an opportunity to participate. The presiding officer will determine the location of the parties and witnesses for telephone or other electronic hearings. The convenience of the witnesses or parties, as well as the nature of the case, will be considered when location is chosen. Disciplinary hearings will generally not be held by telephone or electronic means in the absence of consent by all parties, but the presiding officer may permit any witness to testify by telephone or other electronic means. Parties will disclose at or before the prehearing conference if any witness will be testifying by telephone or other electronic means. Objections, if any, will be filed with the board and served on all parties at least three business days in advance of hearing.
193—7.14(17A) Disqualification.
7.14(1) A presiding officer or other person will withdraw from participation in the making of any proposed or final decision in a contested case if that person:
a. Has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a representative of a party;
b. Has personally investigated, prosecuted or advocated in connection with that case, the specific controversy underlying that case, another pending factually related contested case, or a pending factually related controversy that may culminate in a contested case involving the same parties;
c. Is subject to the authority, direction or discretion of any person who has personally investigated, prosecuted or advocated, in connection with that contested case, the specific controversy underlying that contested case, or a pending factually related contested case or controversy involving the same parties;
d. Has acted as counsel to any person who is a private party to that proceeding within the past two years;
e. Has a personal financial interest in the outcome of the case or any other significant personal interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the case;
f. Has a spouse or relative within the third degree of relationship that (1) is a party to the case, or an officer, director or trustee of a party; (2) is a lawyer in the case; (3) is known to have an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the case; or (4) is likely to be a material witness in the case; or
g. Has any other legally sufficient cause to withdraw from participation in the decision making in that case.
7.14(2) The term "personally investigated" means taking affirmative steps to interview witnesses directly or to obtain documents or other information directly. The term "personally investigated" does not include general direction and supervision of assigned investigators, unsolicited receipt of information that is relayed to assigned investigators, review of another person's investigative work product in the course of determining whether there is probable cause to initiate a proceeding, or exposure to factual information while performing other board functions, including fact gathering for purposes other than investigation of the matter that culminates in a contested case. A person voluntarily appearing before the board or a committee of the board waives any objection to a board member or board staff both participating in the appearance and later participating as a decision maker or aid to the decision maker in a contested case. Factual information relevant to the merits of a contested case received by a person who later serves as presiding officer in that case will be disclosed if required by Iowa Code section 17A.17(3) and subrule 7.28(9).
7.14(3) In a situation where a presiding officer or other person knows of information that might reasonably be deemed to be a basis for disqualification and decides voluntary withdrawal is unnecessary, that person will submit the relevant information for the record by affidavit and provide for the record a statement of the reasons for the determination that withdrawal is unnecessary.
7.14(4) If a party asserts disqualification on any appropriate ground, including those listed in subrule 7.14(1), the party will file a motion supported by an affidavit pursuant to Iowa Code sections 17A.11(3) and 17A.17(7). The motion will need to be filed as soon as practicable after the reason alleged in the motion becomes known to the party.
7.14(5) If, during the course of the hearing, a party first becomes aware of evidence of bias or other grounds for disqualification, the party may move for disqualification but will need to establish the grounds by the introduction of evidence into the record.
7.14(6) A motion to disqualify a board member or other person will first be directed to the affected board member or other person for determination. If the board member or other person determines that disqualification is appropriate, the board member or other person will withdraw from further participation in the case. If the board member or other person determines that withdrawal is not required, the presiding officer will promptly review that determination, provided that, if the person at issue is an administrative law judge, the review will be by the board. If the presiding officer determines that disqualification is appropriate, the board member or other person will withdraw. If the presiding officer determines that withdrawal is not required, the presiding officer will enter an order to that effect. A party asserting disqualification may seek an interlocutory appeal under rule 193—7.31(17A), if applicable, and seek a stay under rule 193—7.34(17A).
193—7.15(17A) Consolidation—severance.
7.15(1) Consolidation. The presiding officer may consolidate any or all matters at issue in two or more contested case proceedings where (a) the matters at issue involve common parties or common questions of fact or law; (b) consolidation would expedite and simplify consideration of the issues involved; and (c) consolidation would not adversely affect the rights of any of the parties to those proceedings.
7.15(2) Severance. The presiding officer may, for good cause shown, order any contested case proceedings or portions thereof severed.
193—7.16(17A) Amendments. Any notice of hearing or statement of charges may be amended before a responsive pleading has been filed. Amendments to pleadings after a responsive pleading has been filed and to an answer may be allowed with the consent of the other parties or in the discretion of the presiding officer who may impose terms or grant a continuance.
193—7.17(17A) Service and filing of pleadings and other papers.
7.17(1) When service required. Except where otherwise provided by law, every pleading, motion, document, or other paper filed in a contested case proceeding and every paper relating to discovery in such a proceeding will be served upon each of the parties of record to the proceeding, including the person designated as prosecutor for the state, simultaneously with their filing. Except for the original notice of hearing and statement of charges, and an application for rehearing as provided in Iowa Code section 17A.16(2), the party filing a document is responsible for service on all parties. A notice of hearing and statement of charges will be served by the board as provided in subrule 7.6(2). Once a specific administrative law judge has been assigned to a case, copies of all prehearing motions will also be served on the administrative law judge.
7.17(2) Service—how made. Service upon a party represented by an attorney will be made upon the attorney unless otherwise ordered. Service is made by delivery or by mailing a copy to the person's last-known address. Service by mail is complete upon mailing, except where otherwise specifically provided by statute, rule, or order.
7.17(3) Filing—when required. After the notice of hearing, all pleadings, motions, documents or other papers in a contested case proceeding will be filed with the board. All pleadings, motions, documents or other papers that are required to be served upon a party will be filed simultaneously with the board.
7.17(4) Filing—how and when made. Except where otherwise provided by law, a document is deemed filed at the time it is received by the board. Parties may file documents with the board by hand delivery or mail or by electronic transmission to the email address specified in the notice of hearing. If a document required to be filed within a prescribed period or on or before a particular date is received by the board after such period or such date, the document will be deemed filed on the date it is mailed by first-class mail or state interoffice mail, so long as there is proof of mailing. Filing by electronic transmission is complete upon transmission unless the party making the filing learns that the attempted filing did not reach the board. The board will not provide a mailed file-stamped copy of documents filed by email or other approved electronic means.
7.17(5) Proof of mailing. Proof of mailing includes either a legible United States Postal Service nonmetered postmark on the envelope, a certificate of service, a notarized affidavit, or a certification in substantially the following form:
I certify under penalty of perjury and pursuant to the laws of Iowa that, on (date of mailing), I mailed copies of (describe document) addressed to the (insert board title) and to the names and addresses of the parties listed below by depositing the same in (a United States post office mailbox with correct postage properly affixed or state interoffice mail). |
(Date) |
(Signature) |
7.17(6) Electronic service. The presiding officer may by order or a party or a party's attorney may by consent permit service of particular documents by email or similar electronic means, unless precluded by a provision of law. In the absence of such an order or consent, electronic transmission will not satisfy service requirements, but may be used to supplement service when rapid notice is desirable. Consent to electronic service by a party or a party's attorney will be in writing, may be accomplished through electronic transmission to the board and other parties, and will specify the email address for such service. Service by electronic transmission is complete upon transmission unless the board or party making service learns that the attempted service did not reach the party to be served.
193—7.18(17A) Discovery.
7.18(1) The scope of discovery described in Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.503 applies to contested case proceedings.
7.18(2) The following discovery procedures available in the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure are available to the parties in a contested case proceeding: depositions upon oral examination or written questions; written interrogatories; production of documents, electronically stored information, and things; and requests for admission. Unless lengthened or shortened by the presiding officer, the time frames for discovery in the specific Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure govern those specific procedures.
a. Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure 1.701 through 1.717 regarding depositions applies to any depositions taken in a contested case proceeding. Any party taking a deposition in a contested case will be responsible for any deposition costs, unless otherwise specified or allocated in an order. Deposition costs include, but are not limited to, reimbursement for mileage of the deponent, costs of a certified shorthand reporter, and expert witness fees, as applicable.
b. Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.509 applies to any interrogatories propounded in a contested case proceeding.
c. Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.512 applies to any requests for production of documents, electronically stored information, and things in a contested case proceeding.
d. Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.510 applies to any requests for admission in a contested case proceeding. Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.511 regarding the effect of an admission applies in a contested case proceeding.
7.18(3) The mandatory disclosure and discovery conference requirements in Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure 1.500 and 1.507 do not apply to a contested case proceeding. However, upon application by a party, the board may order the parties to comply with these procedures unless doing so would unreasonably complicate the proceeding or impose an undue hardship. As a practical matter, the purpose of the disclosure requirements and discovery conference is served by the board's obligation to supply the information described in Iowa Code section 17A.13(2) upon request while a contested case is pending and the mutual exchange of information required in a prehearing conference under rule 193—7.22(17A).
7.18(4) Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.508 applies to discovery of any experts identified by a party to a contested case proceeding.
7.18(5) Discovery will be served on all parties to the contested case proceeding, but not be filed with the board.
7.18(6) A party may file a motion to compel or other motion related to discovery in accordance with this subrule. Any motion filed with the board relating to discovery will allege that the moving party has previously made a good-faith attempt to resolve with the opposing party the discovery issues involved. Motions in regard to discovery will be ruled upon by the presiding officer. Opposing parties will be afforded the opportunity to respond within ten days of the filing of the motion unless the time is lengthened or shortened by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may rule on the basis of the written motion and any response or may order argument on the motion.
7.18(7) Evidence obtained in discovery may be used in the contested case proceeding if that evidence would otherwise be admissible in that proceeding.
193—7.19(17A,272C) Issuance of subpoenas in a contested case.
7.19(1) Subpoenas issued in a contested case may compel the attendance of witnesses at deposition or hearing, and may compel the production of books, papers, records, and other real evidence. A command to produce evidence or to permit inspection may be joined with a command to appear at deposition or hearing, or each command may be issued separately. Subpoenas will be issued by the executive officer or designee upon a written request that complies with this rule. In the case of a request for a subpoena of mental health records, the request will need to confirm compliance with the following conditions prior to the issuance of the subpoena:
a. The nature of the issues in the case reasonably justifies the issuance of the requested subpoena;
b. Adequate safeguards have been established to prevent unauthorized disclosure;
c. An express statutory mandate, articulated public policy, or other recognizable public interest favors access; and
d. An attempt was made to notify the patient and to secure an authorization from the patient for the release of the records at issue.
7.19(2) A request for a subpoena will include the following information, as applicable:
a. The name, address, email address, and telephone number of the person requesting the subpoena;
b. The name and address of the person to whom the subpoena is directed;
c. The date, time, and location at which the person is commanded to attend and give testimony;
d. Whether the testimony is requested in connection with a deposition or hearing;
e. A description of the books, papers, records or other real evidence requested;
f. The date, time and location for production, or inspection and copying; and
g. In the case of a subpoena request for mental health records, confirmation that the conditions described in subrule 7.19(1) have been satisfied.
7.19(3) Each subpoena will contain, as applicable:
a. The caption of the case;
b. The name, address and telephone number of the person who requested the subpoena;
c. The name and address of the person to whom the subpoena is directed;
d. The date, time, and location at which the person is commanded to appear;
e. Whether the testimony is commanded in connection with a deposition or hearing;
f. A description of the books, papers, records or other real evidence the person is commanded to produce;
g. The date, time and location for production, or inspection and copying;
h. The time within which a motion to quash or modify the subpoena will need to be filed;
i. The signature, address and telephone number of the executive officer or designee;
j. The date of issuance;
k. A return of service.
7.19(4) The executive officer or designee will mail copies of all subpoenas to the parties to the contested case. The person who requested the subpoena is responsible for serving the subpoena upon the subject of the subpoena. If a subpoena is requested to compel testimony or documents for rebuttal or impeachment at hearing, the person requesting the subpoena will so state in the request and may ask that copies of the subpoena not be mailed to the parties in the contested case.
7.19(5) Any person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by compliance with the subpoena, or any party to the contested case who desires to challenge the subpoena, will need to file with the board a motion to quash or modify the subpoena within 14 days after service of the subpoena, or before the time specified for compliance if such time is less than 14 days. The motion will describe the legal reasons why the subpoena should be quashed or modified, and may be accompanied by legal briefs or factual affidavits. However, if a subpoena solely requests the production of books, papers, records, or other real evidence and does not also seek to compel testimony, the person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by compliance with the subpoena may alternatively serve written objection on the requesting party before the earlier of the date specified for compliance or 14 days after the subpoena is served. The serving party may then file a motion asking the presiding officer to issue an order compelling production.
7.19(6) Upon receipt of a timely motion to quash or modify a subpoena or motion to compel production, the board may issue a decision or may request an administrative law judge to issue a decision. The administrative law judge or the board may quash or modify the subpoena, deny or grant the motion, or issue an appropriate protective order. Prior to ruling on the motion, the board or administrative law judge may schedule oral argument or hearing by telephone or in person.
7.19(7) A person aggrieved by a ruling of an administrative law judge who desires to challenge the ruling will need to appeal the ruling to the board in accordance with the procedure applicable to intra-agency appeals of proposed decisions set forth in rules 193—7.31(17A) and 193—7.32(17A), provided that all of the time frames are reduced by one-half.
7.19(8) If the person contesting the subpoena is not a party to the contested case proceeding, the board's decision is final for purposes of judicial review. If the person contesting the subpoena is a party to the contested case proceeding, the board's decision is not final for purposes of judicial review until there is a final decision in the contested case.
193—7.20(17A) Motions.
7.20(1) No technical form for motions is required. However, prehearing motions need to be in writing, state the grounds for relief, and state the relief sought.
7.20(2) Any party may file a written response to a motion within ten days after the motion is served, unless the time period is extended or shortened by rules of the board or the presiding officer. The presiding officer may consider a failure to respond within the required time period in ruling on a motion.
7.20(3) The presiding officer may schedule oral argument on any motion. If the board requests that an administrative law judge issue a ruling on a prehearing motion, the ruling is subject to interlocutory appeal pursuant to rule 193—7.31(17A).
7.20(4) Motions pertaining to the hearing, except motions for summary judgment, will need to be filed and served at least seven days prior to the date of hearing unless there is good cause for permitting later action or the time for such action is lengthened or shortened by rule of the board or an order of the presiding officer.
7.20(5) Motions for summary judgment will comply with the requirements of Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.981 and are subject to disposition according to the requirements of that rule to the extent such requirements are not inconsistent with the provisions of this rule or any other provision of law governing the procedure in contested cases.
7.20(6) Motions for summary judgment will need to be filed and served at least 20 days prior to the scheduled hearing date, or other time period determined by the presiding officer. Any party resisting the motion will need to file and serve a resistance within ten days from the date a copy of the motion was served unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer. The time fixed for hearing or nonoral submission will be not less than 15 days after the filing of the motion, unless a shorter time is ordered by the presiding officer. A summary judgment order rendered on all issues in a contested case is subject to rehearing pursuant to rule 193—7.33(17A) and appeal pursuant to rule 193—7.32(17A).
193—7.21(17A,272C) Prehearing conference and disclosures.
7.21(1) Any party may request a prehearing conference. A written request for prehearing conference or an order for prehearing conference on the presiding officer's own motion will be filed not less than ten days prior to the hearing date. A prehearing conference will be scheduled not less than five business days prior to the hearing date. The board will set a prehearing conference in all licensee disciplinary cases and provide notice of the date and time in the notice of hearing. Written notice of the prehearing conference will be given by the board to all parties. For good cause, the presiding officer may permit variances from this rule.
7.21(2) Each party will disclose at or prior to the prehearing conference:
a. A final list of the witnesses who the party anticipates will testify at hearing. Witnesses not listed may be excluded from testifying unless there was good cause for the failure to include their names; and
b. A final list of exhibits that the party anticipates will be introduced at hearing. Exhibits other than rebuttal exhibits that are not listed may be excluded from admission into evidence unless there was good cause for the failure to include them.
c. Witness or exhibit lists may be amended subsequent to the prehearing conference within the time limits established by the presiding officer at the prehearing conference. Any such amendments need to be served on all parties.
7.21(3) In addition to the requirements of subrule 7.21(2), the parties at a prehearing conference may:
a. Enter into stipulations of law or fact;
b. Enter into stipulations on the admissibility of exhibits;
c. Identify matters that the parties intend to request be officially noticed;
d. Enter into stipulations for waiver of any provision of law; and
e. Consider any additional matters that will expedite the hearing.
7.21(4) Prehearing conferences will be conducted by telephone unless otherwise ordered. Parties will exchange and receive witness and exhibit lists in advance of a telephone prehearing conference. Unless otherwise provided in the order setting a prehearing conference, the prehearing conference will be conducted by an administrative law judge.
7.21(5) The parties will exchange copies of all exhibits marked for introduction at hearing in the manner provided in subrule 7.26(4) no later than three business days in advance of hearing, or as ordered by the presiding officer at the prehearing conference.
193—7.22(17A) Continuances. Unless otherwise provided, applications for continuances will be made to the presiding officer.
7.22(1) A written application for a continuance will:
a. Be made at the earliest possible time and no less than seven days before the hearing except in case of unanticipated emergencies;
b. State the specific reasons for the request; and
c. Be signed by the requesting party or the party's representative.
An oral application for a continuance may be made if the presiding officer waives the requirement for a written motion. However, a party making such an oral application for a continuance will need to confirm that request by written application within five days after the oral request unless that requirement is waived by the presiding officer. No application for continuance will be made or granted without notice to all parties except in an emergency where notice is not feasible. The board may waive notice of such requests for a particular case or an entire class of cases.
7.22(2) In determining whether to grant a continuance, the presiding officer may require documentation of any grounds for continuance and may consider:
a. Prior continuances;
b. The interests of all parties;
c. The likelihood of informal settlement;
d. The existence of an emergency;
e. Any objection;
f. Any applicable time requirements;
g. The existence of a conflict in the schedules of counsel, parties, or witnesses;
h. The timeliness of the request; and
i. Other relevant factors.
7.22(3) The board's executive officer or an administrative law judge may enter an order granting an uncontested application for a continuance. Upon consultation with the board chair or chair's designee, the board's executive officer or an administrative law judge may deny an uncontested application for a continuance, or rule on a contested application for continuance.
193—7.23(17A) Withdrawals. A party requesting a contested case proceeding may withdraw that request prior to the hearing upon written notice filed with the board and served on all parties. Unless otherwise ordered by the board, a withdrawal will be with prejudice.
193—7.24(17A) Intervention.
7.24(1) Motion. A motion for leave to intervene in a contested case proceeding will state the grounds for the proposed intervention, the position and interest of the proposed intervenor, and the possible impact of intervention on the proceeding. A proposed answer or petition in intervention will be attached to the motion. Any party may file a response within 14 days of service of the motion to intervene unless the time period is extended or shortened by the presiding officer.
7.24(2) When filed. Motion for leave to intervene will be filed as early in the proceeding as possible to avoid adverse impact on existing parties or the conduct of the proceeding. Unless otherwise ordered, a motion for leave to intervene will be filed before the prehearing conference, if any, or at least 20 days before the date scheduled for hearing. Any later motion will contain a statement of good cause for the failure to file in a timely manner. Unless inequitable or unjust, an intervenor will be bound by any agreement, arrangement, or other matter previously raised in the case. Requests by untimely intervenors for continuances that would delay the proceeding will ordinarily be denied.
7.24(3) Grounds for intervention. The movant will demonstrate that (a) intervention would not unduly prolong the proceedings or otherwise prejudice the rights of existing parties; (b) the movant is likely to be aggrieved or adversely affected by a final order in the proceeding; and (c) the interests of the movant are not adequately represented by existing parties.
7.24(4) Effect of intervention. If appropriate, the presiding officer may order consolidation of the petitions and briefs of different parties whose interests are aligned with each other and limit the number of representatives allowed to participate actively in the proceedings. A person granted leave to intervene is a party to the proceeding. The order granting intervention may restrict the issues that may be raised by the intervenor or otherwise condition the intervenor's participation in the proceeding.
193—7.25(17A,272C) Hearings. The presiding officer will be in control of the proceedings and have the authority to administer oaths and to admit or exclude testimony or other evidence and rule on all motions and objections. The board may request that an administrative law judge assist the board by performing any of these functions. Parties have the right to participate or to be represented in all hearings. Any party may be represented by an attorney at the party's expense.
7.25(1) Examination of witnesses. All witnesses will be sworn or affirmed by the presiding officer or the court reporter, and be subject to cross-examination. Board members and the administrative law judge have the right to examine witnesses at any stage of a witness's testimony. The presiding officer may limit questioning in a manner consistent with law.
7.25(2) Public hearing. The hearing will be open to the public unless a licensee or licensee's attorney requests in writing that a licensee disciplinary hearing be closed to the public. At the request of a party or on the presiding officer's own motion, the presiding officer may issue a protective order to protect all or a part of a record or information that is privileged or confidential by law.
7.25(3) Record of proceedings. Oral proceedings will be recorded either by mechanical or electronic means or by certified shorthand reporters. Oral proceedings or any part thereof will be transcribed at the request of any party with the expense of the transcription charged to the requesting party. The recording or stenographic notes of oral proceedings or the transcription will be filed with and maintained by the board for at least five years from the date of decision.
7.25(4) Order of proceedings. Before testimony is presented, the record will show the identities of any board members present, the identity of the administrative law judge, the identities of the primary parties and their representatives, and the fact that all testimony is being recorded. In contested cases initiated by the board, such as licensee discipline, hearings will generally be conducted in the following order, subject to modification at the discretion of the board:
a. The presiding officer or designated person may read a summary of the charges and answers thereto and other responsive pleadings filed by the respondent prior to the hearing.
b. The assistant attorney general representing the state interest before the board will make a brief opening statement that may include a summary of charges and the names of any witnesses and documents to support such charges.
c. Each respondent will be offered the opportunity to make an opening statement, including the names of any witnesses the respondent(s) desires to call in defense. A respondent may elect to make the opening statement just prior to the presentation of evidence by the respondent(s).
d. The presentation of evidence on behalf of the state.
e. The presentation of evidence on behalf of the respondent(s).
f. Rebuttal evidence on behalf of the state, if any.
g. Rebuttal evidence on behalf of the respondent(s), if any.
h. Closing arguments first on behalf of the state, then on behalf of the respondent(s), and then on behalf of the state, if any.
The order of proceedings will be tailored to the nature of the contested case. In license reinstatement hearings, for example, the respondent will generally present evidence first because the respondent is obligated to present evidence in support of the respondent's application for reinstatement pursuant to rule 193—7.38(17A,272C). In license denial hearings, the state will generally first establish the basis for the board's denial of licensure, but thereafter the applicant has the burden of establishing the conditions for licensure pursuant to rule 193—7.39(546,272C).
7.25(5) Decorum. The presiding officer will maintain the decorum of the hearing and may refuse to admit or may expel anyone whose conduct is disorderly.
7.25(6) Immunity. The presiding officer will have authority to grant immunity from disciplinary action to a witness, as provided by Iowa Code section 272C.6(3), but only upon the unanimous vote of all members of the board hearing the case. The official record of the hearing will include the reasons for granting the immunity.
7.25(7) Sequestering witnesses. The presiding officer, on the officer's own motion or upon the request of a party, may sequester witnesses.
7.25(8) Witness representation. Witnesses are entitled to be represented by an attorney at their own expense. In a closed hearing, the attorney may be present only when the client testifies. The attorney may assert legal privileges personal to the client, but may not make other objections. The attorney may only ask questions of the client to prevent a misstatement from entering the record.
7.25(9) Depositions. Depositions may be used at hearing to the extent permitted by Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.704.
7.25(10) Witness fees. The parties in a contested case will be responsible for any witness fees and expenses incurred by witnesses appearing at the contested case hearing, unless otherwise specified or allocated in an order. The costs for lay witnesses will be determined in accordance with Iowa Code section 622.69. The costs for expert witnesses will be determined in accordance with Iowa Code section 622.72. Witnesses are entitled to reimbursement for mileage and may be entitled to reimbursement for meals and lodging, as incurred.
193—7.26(17A) Evidence.
7.26(1) The presiding officer will rule on admissibility of evidence and may, where appropriate, take official notice of facts in accordance with all applicable requirements of law.
7.26(2) Stipulation of facts is encouraged. The presiding officer may make a decision based on stipulated facts.
7.26(3) Evidence in the proceeding will be confined to the issues as to which the parties received notice prior to the hearing unless the parties waive their right to such notice or the presiding officer determines that good cause justifies expansion of the issues. If the presiding officer decides to admit evidence on issues outside the scope of the notice over the objection of a party who did not have actual notice of those issues, that party, upon timely request, will receive a continuance sufficient to amend pleadings and to prepare on the additional issue.
7.26(4) The party seeking admission of an exhibit will provide opposing parties with an opportunity to examine the exhibit prior to the ruling on its admissibility. Copies of documents will be provided to opposing parties. Copies will also be furnished to members of the board. All exhibits admitted into evidence will be appropriately marked and be made part of the record. The state's exhibits will be marked numerically, and the applicant's or respondent's exhibits will be marked alphabetically.
7.26(5) Any party may object to specific evidence or may request limits on the scope of any examination or cross-examination. Such an objection needs to be timely and be accompanied by a brief statement of the grounds upon which it is based. The objection, the ruling on the objection, and the reasons for the ruling will be noted in the record. The presiding officer may rule on the objection at the time it is made or may reserve a ruling until the written decision.
7.26(6) Whenever evidence is ruled inadmissible, the party offering that evidence may submit an offer of proof on the record. The party making the offer of proof for excluded oral testimony will briefly summarize the testimony or, with permission of the presiding officer, present the testimony. If the excluded evidence consists of a document or exhibit, it will be marked as part of an offer of proof and inserted in the record.
7.26(7) Irrelevant, immaterial and unduly repetitious evidence should be excluded. A finding will be based upon the kind of evidence upon which reasonably prudent persons are accustomed to rely for the conduct of their serious affairs, and may be based on hearsay or other types of evidence that may or would be inadmissible in a jury trial.
193—7.27(17A) Default.
7.27(1) If a party fails to appear or participate in a contested case proceeding after proper service of notice, the presiding officer may, if no adjournment is granted, enter a default decision or proceed with the hearing and render a decision in the absence of the party.
7.27(2) Where appropriate and not contrary to law, any party may move for default against a party who has requested the contested case proceeding and has failed to file a required pleading or has failed to appear after proper service.
7.27(3) Default decisions or decisions rendered on the merits after a party has failed to appear or participate in a contested case proceeding become final board action unless, within 15 days after the date of notification or mailing of the decision, a motion to vacate is filed and served on all parties or an appeal of a decision on the merits is timely initiated within the time provided by rule 193—7.32(17A). A motion to vacate will state all facts relied upon by the moving party that establish that good cause existed for that party's failure to appear or participate at the contested case proceeding. Each fact so stated will be substantiated by at least one sworn affidavit of a person with personal knowledge of each such fact, which affidavit(s) must be attached to the motion.
7.27(4) The time for further appeal of a decision for which a timely motion to vacate has been filed is stayed pending a decision on the motion to vacate.
7.27(5) Properly substantiated and timely filed motions to vacate will be granted only for good cause shown. The burden of proof as to good cause is on the moving party. Adverse parties will have ten days to respond to a motion to vacate. Adverse parties are allowed to conduct discovery as to the issue of good cause and to present evidence on the issue prior to a decision on the motion, if a request to do so is included in that party's response.
7.27(6) "Good cause" for purposes of this rule has the same meaning as "good cause" for setting aside a default judgment under Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.977.
7.27(7) A decision denying a motion to vacate is subject to further appeal within the time limit allowed for further appeal of a decision on the merits in the contested case proceeding. A decision granting a motion to vacate is subject to interlocutory appeal by the adverse party pursuant to rule 193—7.31(17A).
7.27(8) If a motion to vacate is granted and no timely interlocutory appeal has been taken, the presiding officer will issue another notice of hearing and the contested case will proceed accordingly.
7.27(9) A default decision may award any relief consistent with the request for relief made in the petition and embraced in its issues.
7.27(10) A default decision may provide either that the default decision is to be stayed pending a timely motion to vacate or that the default decision is to take effect immediately, subject to a request for stay under rule 193—7.34(17A).
193—7.28(17A) Ex parte communication.
7.28(1) Prohibited communications. Unless required for the disposition of ex parte matters specifically authorized by statute, following issuance of the notice of hearing, there will be no communication, directly or indirectly, between the presiding officer and any party or representative of any party or any other person with a direct or indirect interest in such case in connection with any issue of fact or law in the case except upon notice and opportunity for all parties to participate. This does not prohibit persons jointly assigned such tasks from communicating with each other. Nothing in this provision is intended to preclude the presiding officer from communicating with members of the board or seeking the advice or help of persons other than those with a personal interest in, or those engaged in personally investigating as defined in subrule 7.14(2), prosecuting, or advocating in, either the case under consideration or a pending factually related case involving the same parties as long as those persons do not directly or indirectly communicate to the presiding officer any ex parte communications they have received of a type that the presiding officer would be prohibited from receiving or that furnish, augment, diminish, or modify the evidence in the record.
7.28(2) Prohibitions on ex parte communications commence with the issuance of the notice of hearing in a contested case and continue for as long as the case is pending.
7.28(3) Written, oral or other forms of communication are ex parte if made without notice and opportunity for all parties to participate.
7.28(4) To avoid prohibited ex parte communications, notice needs to be given in a manner reasonably calculated to give all parties a fair opportunity to participate. Notice of written communications will be provided in compliance with rule 193—7.17(17A) and may be supplemented by telephone, facsimile, electronic mail or other means of notification. Where permitted, oral communications may be initiated through conference telephone call including all parties or their representatives.
7.28(5) Persons who jointly act as presiding officers in a pending contested case may communicate with each other without notice or opportunity for parties to participate.
7.28(6) The executive officer or other persons may be present in deliberations or otherwise advise the presiding officer without notice or opportunity for parties to participate as long as the executive officer or other persons are not disqualified from participating in the making of a proposed or final decision under any provision of law and the executive officer or other persons comply with subrule 7.28(1).
7.28(7) Communications with the presiding officer involving uncontested scheduling or procedural matters do not require notice or opportunity for parties to participate. Parties should notify other parties prior to initiating such contact with the presiding officer when feasible, and will notify other parties when seeking to continue hearings or other deadlines pursuant to rule 193—7.22(17A).
7.28(8) Disclosure of prohibited communications. A presiding officer who receives a prohibited ex parte communication during the pendency of a contested case will initially determine if the effect of the communication is so prejudicial that the presiding officer should be disqualified. If the presiding officer determines that disqualification is warranted, a copy of any prohibited written communication, all written responses to the communication, a written summary stating the substance of any prohibited oral or other communication not available in written form for disclosure, all responses made, and the identity of each person from whom the presiding officer received a prohibited ex parte communication will be submitted for inclusion in the record under seal by protective order. If the presiding officer determines that disqualification is not warranted, such documents will be submitted for inclusion in the record and served on all parties. Any party desiring to rebut the prohibited communication will be allowed the opportunity to do so upon written request filed within ten days after notice of the communication.
7.28(9) Promptly after being assigned to serve as presiding officer at any stage in a contested case proceeding, a presiding officer will disclose to all parties material factual information received through ex parte communication prior to such assignment unless the factual information has already been or shortly will be disclosed pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.13(2) or through discovery. Factual information contained in an investigative report or similar document need not be separately disclosed by the presiding officer as long as such documents have been or will shortly be provided to the parties.
7.28(10) The presiding officer may render a proposed or final decision imposing appropriate sanctions for violations of this rule including default, a decision against the offending party, censure, or suspension or revocation of the privilege to practice before the board. Violation of ex parte communication prohibitions by board personnel will be reported to the administrator for possible sanctions including censure, suspension, dismissal, or other disciplinary action.
193—7.29(17A) Recording costs. Upon request, the board will provide a copy of the whole record or any portion of the record at cost. The cost of preparing a copy of the record or of transcribing the hearing record will be paid by the requesting party.
193—7.30(17A,272C) Final decisions, publication and client notification.
7.30(1) Final decision. When a quorum of the board presides over the reception of evidence at the hearing, the decision is a final decision. The final decision of the board will be filed with the executive officer. A copy of the final decision and order will immediately be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the licensee's or other respondent's last-known U.S. Postal Service address or may be served as in the manner of original notices. A party's attorney may waive formal service and accept service in writing for the party. Copies will be mailed by interoffice mail or first-class mail to the prosecutor and counsel of record.
7.30(2) Publication of decisions. Final decisions of the board, including consent agreements and consent orders, are public documents, are available to the public and may be disseminated as provided in Iowa Code chapter 22 by the board or others. Final decisions relating to licensee discipline will be published in the professional licensing and regulation bureau's newsletter, may be published on the bureau's website, and may be transmitted to the appropriate professional association(s), national associations, other states, and news media, or otherwise disseminated. The board may, in its discretion, issue a formal press release.
7.30(3) Notification of clients. Within 15 days (or such other time period specifically ordered by the board) of the licensee's receipt of a final decision of the board, whether entered by consent or following hearing, which suspends or revokes a license or accepts a voluntary surrender of a license to resolve a disciplinary case, the licensee will notify in writing all current clients of the fact that the license has been suspended, revoked or voluntarily surrendered. Such notice will advise clients to obtain alternative professional services. Within 30 days of receipt of the board's final order, the licensee will file with the board copies of the notices sent. Compliance with this requirement will be a condition for an application for reinstatement.
193—7.31(17A) Interlocutory appeals. Upon written request of a party or on its own motion, the board may review an interlocutory order of the administrative law judge, such as a ruling on a motion to quash a subpoena or other prehearing motion. In determining whether to do so, the board will weigh the extent to which its granting the interlocutory appeal would expedite final resolution of the case and the extent to which review of the interlocutory order at the time of the issuance of a final decision would provide an adequate remedy. Any request for interlocutory review will need to be filed within 14 days of issuance of the challenged order, but no later than the date for compliance with the order or the date of hearing, whichever is earlier.
193—7.32(17A) Appeals and review.
7.32(1) Proposed decision. Decisions issued by a panel of less than a quorum of the board or by an administrative law judge are proposed decisions. All licensee disciplinary decisions are obligated to be issued by the board. A proposed disciplinary decision issued by a panel of the board will need to be acted upon by the full board in order to become a final decision. In nondisciplinary cases, a proposed decision issued by a panel of the board or an administrative law judge becomes a final decision if not timely appealed by any party or reviewed by the board.
7.32(2) Appeal by party. Any adversely affected party may appeal a proposed decision to the board within 30 days after issuance of the proposed decision. Such an appeal is required to exhaust administrative remedies and is a jurisdictional prerequisite to seeking judicial review.
7.32(3) Review. The board may initiate review of a proposed decision on its own motion at any time within 30 days following the issuance of such a decision.
7.32(4) Notice of appeal. An appeal of a proposed decision is initiated by filing a timely notice of appeal with the board. The notice of appeal needs to be signed by the appealing party or a representative of that party and contain a certificate of service. The notice will specify:
a. The parties initiating the appeal;
b. The proposed decision or order that is being appealed;
c. The specific findings or conclusions to which exception is taken and any other exceptions to the decision or order;
d. The relief sought;
e. The grounds for relief.
7.32(5) Requests to present additional evidence. A party may request the taking of additional evidence only by establishing that the evidence is material, that good cause existed for the failure to present the evidence at the hearing, and that the party has not waived the right to present the evidence. A written request to present additional evidence will need to be filed with the notice of appeal or, by a nonappealing party, within 14 days of service of the notice of appeal. The board may remand a case to the presiding officer for further hearing or may itself preside at the taking of additional evidence.
7.32(6) Scheduling. The board will issue a schedule for consideration of the appeal.
7.32(7) Briefs and arguments. Unless otherwise ordered, within 20 days of the notice of appeal or order for review, each appealing party may file exceptions and briefs. Within 20 days thereafter, any party may file a responsive brief. Briefs will cite any applicable legal authority and specify relevant portions of the record in that proceeding. Written requests to present oral argument will be filed with the briefs. The board may resolve the appeal on the briefs or provide an opportunity for oral argument. The board may shorten or extend the briefing period as appropriate.
7.32(8) Record. The record on appeal or review will be the entire record made before the hearing panel or administrative law judge.
193—7.33(17A) Applications for rehearing.
7.33(1) By whom filed. Any party to a contested case proceeding may file an application for rehearing from a final order.
7.33(2) Content of application. The application for rehearing will state on whose behalf it is filed, the specific grounds for rehearing, and the relief sought. In addition, the application will state whether the applicant desires reconsideration of all or part of the board decision on the existing record and whether, on the basis of the grounds enumerated in subrule 7.33(3), the applicant requests an opportunity to submit additional evidence.
7.33(3) Additional evidence. A party may request the taking of additional evidence only by establishing that (a) the facts or other evidence arose after the original proceeding, or (b) the party offering such evidence could not reasonably have provided such evidence at the original proceeding, or (c) the party offering the additional evidence was misled by any party as to the necessity for offering such evidence at the original proceeding.
7.33(4) Time of filing. The application will be filed with the board within 20 days after issuance of the final decision. The board's final decision is deemed issued on the date it is mailed or the date of delivery if service is by other means, unless another date is specified in the order. The application for rehearing is deemed filed on the date it is received by the board unless the provisions of subrule 7.17(4) apply.
7.33(5) Notice to other parties. A copy of the application will be timely mailed by the applicant to all parties of record not joining therein. If the application does not contain a certificate of service, the board will serve copies of the application on all parties.
7.33(6) Disposition. An application for rehearing will be deemed denied unless the board grants the application within 20 days after its filing. An order granting or denying an application for rehearing is deemed issued on the date it is filed with the board.
7.33(7) Proceedings. If the board grants an application for rehearing, the board may set the application for oral argument or for hearing if additional evidence will be received. If additional evidence will not be received, the board may issue a ruling without oral argument or hearing. The board may, on the request of a party or on its own motion, order or permit the parties to provide written argument on one or more designated issues. The board may be assisted by an administrative law judge in all proceedings related to an application for rehearing.
193—7.34(17A) Stays of board actions.
7.34(1) When available.
a. Any party to a contested case proceeding may petition the board for a stay of an order issued in that proceeding or for other temporary remedies, pending review by the board. The petition will be filed with the notice of appeal and will state the reasons justifying a stay or other temporary remedy. The board may rule on the stay or authorize the administrative law judge to do so.
b. Any party to a contested case proceeding may petition the board for a stay or other temporary remedies, pending judicial review of all or part of that proceeding. The petition will state the reasons justifying a stay or other temporary remedy. Seeking a stay from the board is required to exhaust administrative remedies before a stay may be sought from the district court.
7.34(2) When granted. In determining whether to grant a stay, the presiding officer or board will consider the factors listed in Iowa Code section 17A.19(5)"c."
7.34(3) Vacation. A stay may be vacated by the issuing authority upon application of the board or any other party.
193—7.35(17A) No factual dispute contested cases. If the parties agree that no dispute of material fact exists as to a matter that would be a contested case if such a dispute of fact existed, the parties may present all relevant admissible evidence either by stipulation or otherwise as agreed by the parties, without necessity for the production of evidence at an evidentiary hearing. If such agreement is reached, a jointly submitted schedule detailing the method and timetable for submission of the record, briefs and oral argument should be submitted to the presiding officer for approval as soon as practicable. If the parties cannot agree, any party may file and serve a motion for summary judgment pursuant to the rules governing such motions.
193—7.36(17A) Emergency adjudicative proceedings.
7.36(1) Necessary emergency action. To the extent necessary to prevent or avoid immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare, and consistent with the United States Constitution and Iowa Constitution and other provisions of law, the board may issue a written order in compliance with Iowa Code section 17A.18A to suspend a license in whole or in part, order the cessation of any continuing activity, order affirmative action, or take other action within the jurisdiction of the board by emergency adjudicative order. Before issuing an emergency adjudicative order, the board will consider factors including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Whether there has been a sufficient factual investigation to ensure that the board is proceeding on the basis of reliable information;
b. Whether the specific circumstances that pose immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare have been identified and determined to be continuing;
c. Whether the person required to comply with the emergency adjudicative order may continue to engage in other activities without posing immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare;
d. Whether imposition of monitoring requirements or other interim safeguards would be sufficient to protect the public health, safety or welfare; and
e. Whether the specific action contemplated by the board is necessary to avoid the immediate danger.
7.36(2) Issuance of order.
a. An emergency adjudicative order will contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, and policy reasons to justify the determination of an immediate danger in the board's decision to take immediate action.
b. The written emergency adjudicative order will be immediately delivered to persons who are required to comply with the order by utilizing one or more of the following procedures:
(1)Personal delivery;
(2)Certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last address on file with the board;
(3)Certified mail to the last address on file with the board;
(4)First-class mail to the last address on file with the board; or
(5)Electronic service. Fax or email notification may be used as the sole method of delivery if the person required to comply with the order has filed a written request that board orders be sent by fax or email and has provided a fax number or email address for that purpose.
c. To the degree practicable, the board will select the procedure for providing written notice that best ensures prompt, reliable delivery.
7.36(3) Oral notice. Unless the written emergency adjudicative order is provided by personal delivery on the same day that the order issues, the board will make reasonable immediate efforts to contact by telephone the persons who are required to comply with the order.
7.36(4) Completion of proceedings. After the issuance of an emergency adjudicative order, the board will proceed as quickly as feasible to complete any proceedings that would be required if the matter did not involve an immediate danger.
Issuance of a written emergency adjudicative order will include notification of the date on which board proceedings are scheduled for completion. After issuance of an emergency adjudicative order, continuance of further board proceedings to a later date will be granted only in compelling circumstances upon application in writing.
193—7.37(17A,272C) Judicial review. Judicial review of the board's decision may be sought in accordance with the terms of Iowa Code chapter 17A.
7.37(1) Consistent with Iowa Code section 17A.19(3), if a party does not file a timely application for rehearing, a judicial review petition will need to be filed with the district court within 30 days after the issuance of the board's final decision. The board's final decision is deemed issued on the date it is mailed or the date of delivery if service is by other means, unless another date is specified in the order.
7.37(2) If a party does file a timely application for rehearing, a judicial review petition will need to be filed with the district court within 30 days after the application for rehearing is denied or deemed denied. An application for rehearing is denied or deemed denied as provided in subrule 7.33(6).
193—7.38(17A,272C) Reinstatement.
7.38(1) The term "reinstatement" as used in this rule will include both the reinstatement of a suspended license and the issuance of a new license following the revocation or voluntary surrender of a license. Reinstating a license to active status under this rule is a two-step process:
a. First, the board will need to determine whether the suspended, revoked, or surrendered license may be reinstated under the terms of the order revoking or suspending the license or accepting the surrender of the license and under the two-part test described in subrule 7.38(5).
b. Second, if the board grants the application to reinstate, the licensee will need to complete and submit an application to demonstrate satisfaction of all administrative preconditions for reinstatement of the license to active status, including verification of completion of all continuing education and payment of reinstatement and renewal fees.
7.38(2) Any person whose license has been revoked or suspended by the board, or who voluntarily surrendered a license in a disciplinary proceeding, may apply to the board for reinstatement in accordance with the terms of the order of revocation or suspension, or order accepting the voluntary surrender.
7.38(3) Unless otherwise provided by law, if the order of revocation or suspension did not establish terms upon which reinstatement might occur, or if the license was voluntarily surrendered, an initial application for reinstatement may not be made until at least one year has elapsed from the date of the order or the date the board accepted the voluntary surrender of a license.
7.38(4) All proceedings for reinstatement will be initiated by the respondent, who will file with the board an application for reinstatement of the respondent's license. Such application will be docketed in the original case in which the license was revoked, suspended, or relinquished. All proceedings upon the petition for reinstatement, including the matters preliminary and ancillary thereto, will be subject to the same rules of procedure as other cases before the board. In addition, the board may grant an applicant's request to appear informally before the board prior to the issuance of a notice of hearing on the application if the applicant requests an informal appearance in the application and agrees not to seek to disqualify on the ground of personal investigation the board members or staff before whom the applicant appears.
7.38(5) An application for reinstatement will allege facts that, if established, will be sufficient to enable the board to determine that the basis of revocation, suspension or voluntary surrender of the respondent's license no longer exists and that it will be in the public interest for the license to be reinstated. Compliance with subrule 7.30(3) needs to also be established. The burden of proof to establish such facts will be on the respondent. An order of reinstatement may include such conditions as the board deems reasonable under the circumstances. The board may grant the application without hearing, but may not deny the application in whole or part without setting the matter for hearing or providing the applicant the opportunity to request a contested case hearing if aggrieved by a term of the reinstatement order.
7.38(6) An order of reinstatement will be based upon a decision that incorporates findings of fact and conclusions of law and needs to be based upon the affirmative vote of not fewer than a majority of the board. This order will be published as provided for in subrule 7.30(2).
193—7.39(546,272C) Hearing on license denial. If the board denies an application for an initial, reciprocal or comity license, the executive officer will send written notice to the applicant by regular first-class mail identifying the factual and legal basis for denying the application. If the board denies an application to renew an existing license, the provisions of rule 193—7.40(546,272C) will apply.
7.39(1) An applicant who is aggrieved by the denial of an application for licensure and who desires to contest the denial will need to request a hearing before the board within 30 calendar days of the date the notice of denial is mailed. A request for a hearing needs to be in writing and is deemed made on the date of the United States Postal Service nonmetered postmark or the date of personal service to the board office. The request for hearing will specify the factual or legal errors that the applicant contends were made by the board, needs to identify any factual disputes upon which the applicant desires an evidentiary hearing, and may provide additional written information or documents in support of licensure. If a request for hearing is timely made, the board will promptly issue a notice of contested case hearing on the grounds asserted by the applicant.
7.39(2) The board, in its discretion, may act as presiding officer at the contested case hearing, may hold the hearing before a panel of three board members, or may request that an administrative law judge act as presiding officer. The applicant may request that an administrative law judge act as presiding officer and render a proposed decision pursuant to rule 193—7.10(17A,272C). A proposed decision by a panel of board members or an administrative law judge is subject to appeal or review by the board pursuant to rule 193—7.32(17A).
7.39(3) License denial hearings are contested cases open to the public. Evidence supporting the denial of the license may be presented by an assistant attorney general. While each party will have the burden of establishing the affirmative of matters asserted, the applicant will have the ultimate burden of persuasion as to the applicant's qualification for licensure.
7.39(4) The board, after a hearing on license denial, may grant or deny the application for licensure. If denied, the board will state the reasons for denial of the license and may state conditions under which the application for licensure might be granted, if applicable.
7.39(5) The notice of license denial, request for hearing, notice of hearing, record at hearing and order are open records available for inspection and copying in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 22. Copies may be provided to the media, collateral organizations and other persons or entities.
7.39(6) Judicial review of a final order of the board denying licensure may be sought in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code section 17A.19, which are applicable to judicial review of any agency's final decision in a contested case.
193—7.40(546,272C) Denial of application to renew license. If the board denies a timely and sufficient application to renew a license, a notice of hearing will be issued to commence a contested case proceeding.
7.40(1) Hearings on denial of an application to renew a license will be conducted according to the procedural rules applicable to contested cases. Evidence supporting the denial of the license may be presented by an assistant attorney general. The provisions of subrules 7.39(2) and 7.39(4) to 7.39(6) will generally apply, although license denial hearings that are in the nature of disciplinary actions will be subject to all laws and rules applicable to such hearings.
7.40(2) Pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.18(2), an existing license will not terminate or expire if the licensee has made timely and sufficient application for renewal until the last day for seeking judicial review of the board's final order denying the application, or a later date fixed by order of the board or the reviewing court.
7.40(3) Within the meaning of Iowa Code section 17A.18(2), a timely and sufficient renewal application will be:
a. Received by the board in paper or electronic form, or postmarked with a nonmetered United States Postal Service postmark on or before the date the license is set to expire or lapse;
b. Signed by the licensee if submitted in paper form or certified as accurate if submitted electronically;
c. Fully completed; and
d. Accompanied with the proper fee. The fee will be deemed improper if, for instance, the amount is incorrect, the fee was not included with the application, the credit card number provided by the applicant is incorrect, the date of expiration of a credit card is omitted or incorrect, the attempted credit card transaction is rejected, or the applicant's check is returned for insufficient funds.
7.40(4) The administrative processing of an application to renew an existing license will not prevent the board from subsequently commencing a contested case to challenge the licensee's qualifications for continued licensure if grounds exist to do so.
193—7.41(546,272C) Recovery of hearing fees and expenses. The board may assess the licensee certain fees and expenses relating to a disciplinary hearing only if the board finds that the licensee has violated a statute or rule enforced by the board. Payment will be made directly to the professional licensing and regulation bureau of the banking division of the department of commerce pursuant to rule 193—2.1(272C).
7.41(1) The board may assess the following costs under this rule:
a. For conducting a disciplinary hearing, an amount not to exceed $75.
b. All applicable costs involved in the transcript of the hearing or other proceedings in the contested case including, but not limited to, the services of the court reporter at the hearing, transcription, duplication, and postage or delivery costs. In the event of an appeal to the full board from a proposed panel decision, the appealing party will timely request and pay for the transcript necessary for use in the board appeal process. The board may assess the transcript cost against the licensee pursuant to Iowa Code section 272C.6(6) or against the requesting party pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.12(7), as the board deems equitable in the circumstances.
c. All normally accepted witness expenses and fees for a hearing or the taking of depositions, as incurred by the state of Iowa. These costs will include, but not be limited to, the cost of an expert witness and the cost involved in telephone testimony. The costs for lay witnesses will be guided by Iowa Code section 622.69. The cost for expert witnesses will be guided by Iowa Code section 622.72. Mileage costs will not be governed by Iowa Code section 625.2. The provisions of Iowa Code section 622.74 regarding advance payment of witness fees and the consequences of failure to make such payment are applicable with regard to any witness who is subpoenaed by either party to testify at hearing. Additionally, the board may assess travel and lodging expenses for witnesses at a rate not to exceed the rate applicable to state employees on the date the expense is incurred.
d. All normally applicable costs incurred by the state of Iowa involved in depositions including, but not limited to, the services of the court reporter who records the deposition, transcription, duplication, and postage or delivery costs. When a deposition of an expert witness is taken, the deposition cost will include a reasonable expert witness fee. The expert witness fee will not exceed the expert's customary hourly or daily rate, and will include the time spent in travel to and from the deposition but exclude time spent in preparation for the deposition.
7.41(2) When imposed in the board's discretion, hearing fees (not exceeding $75) will be assessed in the final disciplinary order. Costs and expenses assessed pursuant to this rule will be calculated and, when possible, entered into the final disciplinary order specifying the amount to be reimbursed and the time period in which the amount assessed will need to be paid by the licensee.
a. When it is impractical or not possible to include in the disciplinary order the exact amount of the assessment and time period in which to pay in a timely manner, or if the expenditures occur after the disciplinary order is issued, the board, by a majority vote of the members present, may assess through separate order the amount to be reimbursed and the time period in which payment is to be made by the licensee.
b. If the assessment and the time period are not included in the disciplinary order, the board will have to the end of the sixth month after the date the state of Iowa paid the expenditures to assess the licensee for such expenditure. In order to rely on this provision, however, the final disciplinary order will need to notify the licensee that fees and expenses will be assessed once known.
7.41(3) Any party may object to the fees, costs or expenses assessed by the board by filing a written objection within 20 days of the issuance of the final disciplinary decision, or within 10 days of any subsequent order establishing the amount of the assessment. A party's failure to timely object will be deemed a failure to exhaust administrative remedies. Orders that impose fees, costs or expenses will notify the licensee of the time frame in which objections will need to be filed in order to exhaust administrative remedies.
7.41(4) Fees, costs, and expenses assessed by the board pursuant to this rule will be allocated to the expenditure category in which the disciplinary procedure of hearing was incurred. The fees, costs, and expenses will be considered repayment receipts as defined in Iowa Code section 8.2.
7.41(5) The failure to comply with payment of the assessed costs, fees, and expenses within the time specified by the board will constitute a violation of an order of the board, be grounds for discipline, and be considered prima facie evidence of a violation of Iowa Code section 272C.3(2)"a." However, no action may be taken against the licensee without the opportunity for hearing as provided in this chapter.
193—7.42(546,272C) Settlement after notice of hearing.
7.42(1) Settlement negotiations after the notice of hearing is served may be initiated by the licensee or other respondent, the prosecuting assistant attorney general, the board's executive officer, or the board chair or chair's designee.
7.42(2) The board chair or chair's designee has authority to negotiate on behalf of the board but does not have the authority to bind the board to particular terms of settlement.
7.42(3) The respondent is not obligated to participate in settlement negotiations. The respondent's initiation of or consent to settlement negotiation constitutes a waiver of notice and opportunity to be heard during settlement negotiation pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.17 and rule 193—7.28(17A). Thereafter, the prosecuting attorney is authorized to discuss informal settlement with the board chair or chair's designee, and the designated board member is not disqualified from participating in the adjudication of the contested case.
7.42(4) Unless designated to negotiate, no member of the board will be involved in settlement negotiation until a written consent order is submitted to the full board for approval. No informal settlement will be submitted to the full board unless it is in final written form executed by the respondent. By signing the proposed consent order, the respondent authorizes the prosecuting attorney or executive officer to have ex parte communications with the board related to the terms of settlement. If the board fails to approve the consent order, it will be of no force and effect to either party and will not be admissible at hearing. Upon rejecting a proposed consent order, the board may suggest alternative terms of settlement that the respondent is free to accept or reject.
7.42(5) If the board and respondent agree to a consent order, the consent order will constitute the final decision of the board. By electing to resolve a contested case through consent order, the respondent waives all rights to a hearing and all attendant rights. A consent order in a licensee disciplinary case will have the force and effect of a final disciplinary order entered in a contested case and will be published as provided in rule 193—7.30(17A,272C).
These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 17A, 252J, 272C, 272D, 542, 542B, 543B, 543D, 544A, 544B, and 544C and sections 261.126, 261.127 and 546.10.
This notice is now closed for comments. Collection of comments closed on 2/14/2024.
The official published PDF of this document is available from the Iowa General Assembly’s Administrative Rules page.
View the Iowa Administrative Bulletin for 1/24/2024.
The following administrative rule references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Rule 193-2.1 Rule 193-7.1 Rule 193-7.10 Rule 193-7.10(4) Rule 193-7.11 Rule 193-7.12 Rule 193-7.13 Rule 193-7.14 Rule 193-7.14(1) Rule 193-7.14(2) Rule 193-7.15 Rule 193-7.16 Rule 193-7.17 Rule 193-7.17(4) Rule 193-7.18 Rule 193-7.19 Rule 193-7.19(1) Rule 193-7.2 Rule 193-7.20 Rule 193-7.21 Rule 193-7.21(2) Rule 193-7.22 Rule 193-7.23 Rule 193-7.24 Rule 193-7.25 Rule 193-7.26 Rule 193-7.26(4) Rule 193-7.27 Rule 193-7.28 Rule 193-7.28(1) Rule 193-7.28(9) Rule 193-7.29 Rule 193-7.3 Rule 193-7.30 Rule 193-7.30(2) Rule 193-7.30(3) Rule 193-7.31 Rule 193-7.32 Rule 193-7.33 Rule 193-7.33(3) Rule 193-7.33(6) Rule 193-7.34 Rule 193-7.35 Rule 193-7.36 Rule 193-7.37 Rule 193-7.38 Rule 193-7.39 Rule 193-7.39(2) Rule 193-7.39(4) Rule 193-7.39(6) Rule 193-7.4 Rule 193-7.40 Rule 193-7.41 Rule 193-7.42 Rule 193-7.5 Rule 193-7.6 Rule 193-7.6(2) Rule 193-7.7 Rule 193-7.8 Rule 193-7.9 Rule -7.17(6) Rule -7.38(5)The following Iowa code references were added to this document. You may click a reference to view related notices.
Iowa Code 17A Iowa Code 17A.11 Iowa Code 17A.11(3) Iowa Code 17A.12(2) Iowa Code 17A.12(7) Iowa Code 17A.13(2) Iowa Code 17A.16(2) Iowa Code 17A.17 Iowa Code 17A.17(3) Iowa Code 17A.17(7) Iowa Code 17A.18(2) Iowa Code 17A.18(3) Iowa Code 17A.18A Iowa Code 17A.19 Iowa Code 17A.19(3) Iowa Code 17A.19(5)“c.” Iowa Code 22 Iowa Code 252J Iowa Code 261.126 Iowa Code 261.127 Iowa Code 272C Iowa Code 272C.3(2)“a.” Iowa Code 272C.6 Iowa Code 272C.6(1) Iowa Code 272C.6(2) Iowa Code 272C.6(3) Iowa Code 272C.6(6) Iowa Code 272D Iowa Code 4.1(34) Iowa Code 542 Iowa Code 542.14 Iowa Code 542B Iowa Code 542B.27 Iowa Code 543B Iowa Code 543B.34 Iowa Code 543D Iowa Code 543D.21 Iowa Code 544A Iowa Code 544A.15 Iowa Code 544B Iowa Code 544C Iowa Code 546.10 Iowa Code 622.69 Iowa Code 622.72 Iowa Code 622.74 Iowa Code 625.2 Iowa Code 8.2The following keywords and tags were added to this document. You may click a keyword to view related notices.
Additional evidence Amendments Appeal by party Appeals and review Applications for rehearing Briefs and arguments By whom filed Commencement of a contested case and probable cause Completion of proceedings Consolidation Consolidation—severance Content of application Contents of notice of hearing Continuances Decorum Default Definitions Denial of application to renew license Depositions Discovery Disposition Disqualification Effect of intervention Electronic service Emergency adjudicative proceedings Evidence Ex parte communication Examination of witnesses Filing—how and when made Filing—when required Final decision Final decisions, publication and client notification Form of answer Grounds for intervention Hearing on license denial Hearings Immunity Informal settlement Interlocutory appeals Intervention Issuance of order Issuance of subpoenas in a contested case Judicial review Legal representation Motion Motions Necessary emergency action No factual dispute contested cases Notice of appeal Notice of hearing Notice to other parties Notification of clients Oral notice Order of proceedings Prehearing conference and disclosures Presiding officer Proceedings Proof of mailing Proposed decision Public hearing Publication of decisions Record Record of proceedings Recording costs Recovery of hearing fees and expenses Reinstatement Requests for contested case proceeding Requests to present additional evidence Review Scheduling Scope and applicability of the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure Sequestering witnesses Service and filing of pleadings and other papers Service of notice of hearing Service—how made Settlement after notice of hearing Severance Statement of charges Stays of board actions Telephone and electronic proceedings Time of filing Time requirements Vacation Waiver of procedures When available When filed When granted When service required Withdrawals Witness fees Witness representation© 2025 State of Iowa | Privacy Policy